Chapter 22: Rest and Relaxation
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[Kim POV]

I got up full of energy today, excited that the visit to my family was approved. Lily said we could take the day off, but I had nothing to do. So, I decided to try and continue my control training. I got to the lab to see everyone eating. Jill gestured for me to sit beside her, to which I obliged.

"Kim, I will be busy preparing for our trip. While I'm doing that, what are your plans for today?"(Lily)

"Well, I know it's my day off, but since I don't have anything else to do, I'll continue to practice my control."(Kim)

After I told Lily my plan, she looked to Jill, who nodded.

"Kim, you should relax. Too much training won't be good for you, I suggest you hold off on practice."(Lily)

"Fine, but what should I do then?"(Kim)

Jill, who looked like she was about to jump out of her chair, spoke up suddenly.

"Well, if you have nothing to do, you can hang out with me."(Jill)

"Well, since I will be away for a bit, sure. Do you have anything you want to do?"(Kim)

"I heard from Lily there is a pool that they use for training that no one is using today."(Jill)

"I don't have a swimsuit though."(Kim)

"You don't need to worry about that since it is a training area. You can use the swimsuits they have there."(Lily)

"Ok, then me and Jill will go to the pool."(Kim)


Jill fist-pumped after I accepted. I turned over to Gale.

"What will you and Ivan doing today?"(Kim)

"Ivan and I are going to watch some movies."(Gale)

"Gale has not seen that many movies, so I've taken it upon myself to enlighten him on what he is missing."(Ivan)

"Well, I have to get going, unfortunately. Before I forget, here are the directions to the pool. See you all later and have fun."(Lily)

After writing down the directions on a piece of paper, Lily left the room. Soon, Jill and I finish our food and head to the pool. On the way to the swimming pool, I noticed Jill had a bag with her, so I asked about it.

"What's in the bag?"(Kim)

"A swimsuit that Lily gave me because she said that my tails won't fit in the ones at the pool."(Jill)

"Wait, when did she have time to get you a swimsuit? We just decided to go to the pool today."(Kim)

Jill looked like she was caught in the act.

"Well, we kinda had this planned for three days."(Jill)

"So that's why it looked like you were up to something."(Kim)

"I asked Lily if she could help me get some time alone with you, and she suggested swimming."(Jill)

"Do you know why she suggested swimming?"(Kim)

"It was the first thing she said, so that's what we went with."(Jill)

"You are as carefree as usual about what we do, I see."(Kim)

We finally arrived at the pool, but the receptionist looked nervous when we entered. She only got more nervous as I approached the counter.

"Hello, I was hoping we could use the pool today."(Kim)

"Yes! A-are y-you the p-people The Doctor said would be here today?"(receptionist)

The poor girl could barely speak with how much she was stuttering. I couldn't tell if it was because of us or that she was afraid of Lily.

"Yes, we are. I was told there were swimsuits I could use. Do you know where they are?"(Kim)

I tried my best to keep a genial tone. Unfortunately, the receptionist was still shaking like a leaf.

"W-well, t-the D-doctor said you don't know your size. but she prepared some for you to try."(receptionist)

She pulled out a big box from under the desk labeled "Kim." The receptionist handed it to me like she thought there was a bomb inside, which reminded me how little people think of Lily again.

"Thank you. Where is the changing room, by the way?"(Kim)

She quickly pointed to the door at the end of the room with shaky hands. Jill and I walked into the room, and I quickly noticed the changing booths for the more modest people. I got inside the booth to see what Lily had prepared for me. After opening it up, I finally realized something that was bugging me for a bit. Something that should have been obvious to everyone. I have to wear a female swimsuit!

I could only despair seeing the first few swimsuits Lily had got me. They were barely better than strings! The first one looked like you cut the letter V and made it a swimsuit, and the second one wasn't that much better with straps holding the two sides together! Luckily, after the fourth one, they started to be decently modest. After some time and a lot of agonizing, I managed to pick a simple blue one-piece swimsuit. Jill was already done changing before I was. So she went ahead of me and was already outside. After opening the door to the pool, I couldn't see Jill, but just as I was about to call her name. I felt someone grab me from the side and whisper into my ear.

"I caught you."(Jill)

I turned over to see Jill as she pulled me to the pool. She was wearing a red and blue two-piece bikini. It seemed to fit perfectly. The strap that looped around the top of her tails made her butt more pronounced. I could feel a nosebleed coming on after seeing what Jill was wearing. My heart was beating so loud I could hear it in my ears. We stopped at the end of the pool, where she did a little twirl before asking me the question that would cause the dam to burst.

"How do I look?"(Jill)

I quickly grabbed my nose to stop the stream of blood that was sure to flow. Unfortunately, while my mouth didn't respond, my mind sure did.

Incredible. (Kim)

I could see Jill's cheeks getting red as soon as I realized what I had just done.

"You look incredible as well."(Jill)

Jill flashed me a seductive smile after telling me that. Usually, Jill is assertive and direct, but now she's flirtatious and mature. I've never had a relationship, so I have a hard time with her. But now that she is changing it up on me, I can't help having a stray thought or two.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are we going to swim?"(Jill)

"Sorry, let's start swimming."(Kim)


After getting in the water, I hoped to clear my head. Luckily for me, the water did. I remember I told Jill that I would give her my answer after seeing my family. With my thoughts now in order, I looked at Jill to see something I couldn't believe. She was doggy paddling! Seeing her swim like that relaxed me, and I realized I liked her goofy and straightforward self more than the act she was giving me.

"Jill, do you not know how to swim?"(Kim)

She froze up and lost all semblance of maturity she still had.

"What are you talking about? I'm swimming right now."(Jill)

"What you are doing right now is called doggy paddling. It's what kids use, so they don't sink."(Kim)

"But this is what I saw in your memories of the pool!"(Jill)

"He-He-He. I'm going to guess they were my first memories of the pool. Ha-ha-ha"(Kim)

"Stop making fun of me!"(Jill)

Jill had got to the edge of the pool to hang on it.

"Sorry, I'm not. I just realized I prefer you like this than how you were acting earlier."(Kim)

"If that's true, then what was the point of practicing with Lily so I could act like that?"(Jill)

She quickly put her hand over her mouth, realizing she let the cat out of the bag. I decided not to call her out for it and instead answer her question.

"To make me realize how much I like the normal you."(Kim)

"Fine, but you will teach me how people normally swim so I don't embarrass myself to anyone else."(Jill)

"Alright, but you will tell me how much of this was planned by Lily."(Kim)


For the next hour, I taught Jill how to swim. And she told me Lily's plan. Jill's lines were rehearsed, and the skimpy swimsuits were to delay me so Jill could surprise me when I exited the changing room. After Jill learned to swim, we spent the rest of the time in the pool. After getting out, I promised Jill we would do this again.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I know I did because I didn't want it to end.