Chapter 23: Movies and a Past
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[Gale POV]

Jill and Kim had left for the pool. I knew Lily and Jill had a plan for the outing, so I decided to stay out of the way. As for what I would be doing, Ivan asked me about a film yesterday. But when I told him I'd seen very few movies, he looked at me with disbelief. So today, he will be showing me a few classics. I told him I had no interest in watching, but Ivan would not let that slide.

"You ready for the movie marathon!"(Ivan)

"No. But I don't have a choice, do I?"(Gale)


Ivan flips through a few cases before selecting one with blood on the cover. A mischievous glint was in Ivan's eyes when he picked out the movie. 

I wonder what kind of movie is that? Ivan seemed happy with the selection. It has a lot of blood on the cover. Maybe it has to do with a hospital or a blood drive. (Gale)

After the movie started, I noticed something was off. Some kids were going to a camp in the woods for some reason. As they settled in, one went to see if they could get the power for the cabin on. Just before he could turn on the generator, he was swallowed by a red pool. By the film's end, two people were left, and when they got away. A small puddle of blood moved in the getaway car. While the credits rolled, Ivan seemed confused for some reason.

"Is something wrong Ivan?"(Gale)

"We just watched a horror movie, but you didn't seem fazed at all."(Ivan)

"Why would I be? We fight mutants with our abilities all the time, and Lily's power is to control blood. So a movie where the monster is using blood doesn't bother me."(Gale)

"That makes sense. How about we take a break from movies? There is something I wanted to ask you."(Ivan)

"Sure. What do you want to know?"(Gale)

"Everyone in this place is scared of the Doctor but you. Why is that?"(Ivan)

I got an award expression after hearing his question. After debating if I should tell him, I started to speak.

"You know how we took steps when Kim unlocked her power."(Gale)

"Yes, you did that so her powers wouldn't cause problems or damage."(Ivan)

"Correct. But, when the Shifts first appeared, some people were awakened to espers. So a bunch of people got powers they had no control over appeared. For some, the damage wasn't bad, like the telepaths that only got headaches and passed out. As for others, you can imagine there was some collateral."(Gale)

"So Lily belonged to the second group."(Ivan)

"Correct. When the Shift appeared, and the wave of energy hit her, she was working in a hospital."(Gale)

Ivan's eyes widened after hearing where she was.

"It was worse than you are imagining. Lily can control blood outside the body, as you know, but she can do the same with it inside as well. Before she got control, some patients burst from the inside out. Luckily, sudden awakenings are only that strong when they obtain them. So she doesn't have to worry about that anymore. Unfortunately, when she transferred here, some people heard that she caused some of her patients to explode."(Gale)

"That explains why everyone is scared of her, but that doesn't tell me why you aren't."(Ivan)

"Well, when I was transferred here, I met Lily before I heard the rumors. It also helped that I got lost around the base, and there was no one to ask for directions. As it turns out, no one was around because Lily was in the area. When I found her, she was surprised I wasn't scared of her, but when I told her I was transferred, she understood why I wasn't. She looked lonely, and I could barely talk to people outside of training. But I somehow asked if we could have lunch together. The rest is history."(Gale)

Ivan pondered for a bit before speaking.

"Gale, you understand you could have told me the second act by itself?"(Ivan)

"Lily told me if you asked to reveal everything from the start."(Gale)

"And why would the good doctor want that? Wasn't she worried I would try to vanish every time I saw her?"(Ivan)

"Are you?"(Gale)

Ivan replied immediately after I asked my question.

"Of course not! You guys are my friends, including her."(Ivan)

I started to smirk after his response.

"Exactly, we are your friends. It may not have been for a long, but we trust you."(Gale)

"Fine, you win. Does Kim know about this story?"(Ivan)

"Not yet, Lily plans to tell her after their trip."(Gale)

"With my question answered, let's get back to the movie marathon!"(Ivan)

"Do I have a choice?"(Gale)


The movie marathon continued until Jill and Kim returned from the pool. Jill was in a good mood, but Kim seemed like something was on her mind. I took the opportunity to ask her what was on her mind.

"Kim, is something wrong?"(Gale)

"Did you know about Lily's plan?"(Kim)

"I only knew that they were planning something. I didn't know what it was if that is what you are asking."(Gale)

"Why didn't you warn me?"(Kim)

"Because Lily said this was something you needed, and you wouldn't go without an excuse."(Gale)

"I hate that she was right. You're off the hook for now."(Kim)

Kim looked at the first movie we watched.

"Ivan, were you trying to scare Gale with a horror movie?"(Kim)

"Yes. But alas, he didn't even flinch. It's my fault I overlooked that sentient blood would not affect him. Seeing how he acts with the good doctor."(Ivan)

After a bit more small talk, Lily arrived and tried to sneak by, only to trip and fall. Kim immediately turned to investigate the noise. Kim saw Lily and pulled her over to the rest of us.

"So Lily, please tell me. How was your day?"(Kim)

Kim was speaking in a polite tone, but you could hear some irritation.

"It was productive. Did you have a nice time at the pool?"(Lily)

Lily looked like someone who got caught after a prank, which was probably the case.

"Yes, I did, but it took me some time to get the right swimsuit. Do you know why that is?"(Kim)

"I'm sorry! But it was the only way I could think of delaying you."(Lily)

"Where did you even find some of those? Some were no better than string."(Kim)

"I just happen upon them, even I don't know how I found them."(Lily)

"My annoyance aside, thank you."(Kim)

"No problem, we should start winding down. We have an early morning tomorrow."(Lily)
