Chapter 24: Road Trip and Meeting
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[Kim POV]

I woke up in the morning feeling very nervous about today. Since Lily and I had to leave early, we ate breakfast alone. My nerves made it so I ate twice the amount that I would normally. Even I wondered where it all went. After eating, Lily walked me to the transport, and we set out. Since we had time, I decided to ask how things would go because I had no information on how much my family knew or how they were living.

"Lily. How much does my family know about me?"(Kim)

"They knew you were alive inside the cocoon. And now that you are out, your appearance has changed dramatically. I didn't tell them specifics because that would be considered classified."(Lily)

I started to rub my eyes when she told me that, and after some time, I stopped to continue asking questions.

"So all they know is that I look different."(Kim)

"Correct. I bet you can't wait to surprise them."(Lily)

"While I can't wait to see them. How will I explain to them that I'm me?"(Kim)

"I can do the explaining if you want, and if they don't believe you, just tell them something only you would know."(Lily)

"I guess that is better than nothing. Where are they living? I saw my hometown, so I can't imagine them staying in our house."(Kim)

"They've been living in the housing settlement a distance from the base. Initially, it was made just after the Shifts appeared as a temporary settlement, but now it's a full-blown community."(Lily)

"You know. Now that I think about it, I haven't asked how things work after the Shifts emerged. I mean. I know about mutants and some of the devastation, but nothing about everyday life."(Kim)

"I planned on telling you things like that when we return. For today, don't worry about them. Just enjoy your time with your family."(Lily)

"Alright. How much longer till we get there?"(Kim)

"It is 30 minutes away."(Lily)

"I wonder if Jill can still hear me?"(Kim)

"How far is the range on your connection?"(Lily)

"It's pretty far. But telepathy can only be used at closer range, and I can't turn my end off so Jill can hear my thoughts even if I don't want her to."(Kim)

"How close do you have to be? Is it based on intent or just range? Maybe some other variables play a part? Does your connection have other benefits that only show themselves when you two are closer?"(Lily)

Lily started to go full scientist mode. Luckily, she was still focused on the road, so I didn't have to pull her off me.

"Lily, slow down one question at a time."(Kim)

She took a deep breath before she continued.

"Ok, Do you know how far your telepathy is?"(Lily)

"Sorry, I don't know. We haven't been that far from each other, but I feel the range is getting broader than it was at the start. I don't know how, but I'm certain. I hope I don't have to regulate my thoughts around Jill forever. Not that I have anything to hide. I don't want her to hear every random thought I have, is all."(Kim)

"I see, instinct maybe, or you have to control it like your ice. Anyway, there'll be more time for that later. Are there any other benefits from the connection?"(Lily)

"Let me check."(Kim)

I thought for a moment. Then, I tried to use my transformation, which was easier after meeting Jill. Intensely focusing on my hand, I saw that my nails grew slightly. When I was near Jill, transforming was as easy as breathing.

"It seems I have a harder time transforming the further away I am from Jill."(Kim)

"You can't use your transformation. We are going to a safe place anyway, so we don't need to worry about that. You can still use cryomancy. Right?"(Lily)

I held out my hand to check. After a moment, a small piece of ice formed.


"Good, I'll have more tests to run when we get back to the lab. Put the ice away. We are about to reach a checkpoint."(Lily)

We approached a gate with a small toll booth. Lily pulled up to the toll booth, and we waited for the man to reach the car. The man had a smile on his face. He was about 5'7, wearing a blue button-up shirt, black hat, and black pants. The badge on his shirt indicated that he was the security guard for this checkpoint.

"Hello, what business do you have here?"(Guard)

"We are here to visit family. We just got permission to leave the base."(Lily)

Lily handed the guard a letter. He read it before nodding and returning the letter to Lily.

"Alright, everything checks out, have a nice day."(Guard)

"Thank you. I hope you do as well."(Lily)

He returned to his booth, a buzzer sounded off, and the gate opened. After passing the gate, I looked around. It seemed we had entered a small town. Some places were still under construction, but you could tell that it was coming together quickly. I noticed that none of the buildings seemed to have any wear. Lily told me this was a temporary settlement that became a community, but I wasn't expecting it to be this developed. While I was admiring the surroundings, Lily spoke up.

"Impressive, isn't it?"(Lily)

"Yeah, it is."(Kim)

A little while later, we arrived at a small house in the middle of a neighborhood. The house was light blue, with a white door and a grey tile roof. There was a large window to the right of the door and a smaller one to the left. To the left side of the house was a garage with a driveway leading up to it. The larger window had the blinds closed, but you could see someone peeking out of it. Lily got out of the car and moved to the door. After knocking, someone I recognized opened the door. It was my brother Alex. He was 6 foot, had messy brown hair, wearing a grey hoodie and blue jeans. They talked for a bit. Then Lily waved for me to get out of the car. I opened the door and walked over to them, my worries playing in my head. I stopped and stood next to Lily. Alex looked me up and down before a smile appeared on his face. Then he started to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. Keven, Why do you look like you just got out of character creation?"(Alex)

He only had enough time to ask his question before continuing to laugh.

"Stop laughing! It's not that funny!"(Kim)

Hearing me shout at him only made him laugh harder. Looking at him, I realized I didn't have to worry about him not seeing me as Keven. It took him some time to stop laughing, but he could invite us inside after he finished.

"Where is Mom and Dad?"(Kim)

"Out getting food and cake, since they knew you were going to be here today."(Alex)

"That makes sense, and they decided to do it last minute as usual."(Kim)

"Yup, Anyways. How are you, and why do you look like that?"(Alex)

"Alex, I would only like to explain this once. So let's wait for Mom and Dad, but I will say I am fine. How have you been?"(Kim)

"As you could guess, it's been an adjustment. After the evacuation, things were chaotic, but after some hardships, we now have some normalcy."(Alex)

"That's good."(Kim)

I heard a car pulling up and turned to the window. Lily also noticed it and turned as well.

"I should give you all some privacy."(Lily)

Lily left while I got ready for the bombardment of questions.


The next chapter might be seeing what Jill is up to, or I'll continue the visit. We'll see how I feel. PS Alex and Keven played a lot of games together. So they know each other's preferred custom characters. That is one of the reasons Alex was able to recognize him.