Chapter 28: Dinner and the Sore Muscles
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[Kim POV]

Lily and I arrived in the lab to see Jill and Gale eating dinner. Both of them turned when they noticed us. Jill was the first to react and jumped at me. I was barely able to keep myself from falling over by sheer effort. Jill seemed undeterred by my struggle and excitedly asked me a question.

"Did you have fun with your family?"(Jill)

"Yes, and they wanted to meet you after I told them about you."(Kim)

"I will prove myself to them when I meet them!"(Jill)

"I don't think that will be necessary."(Kim)

"Why? I thought all wives had to prove themselves to their in-laws."(Jill)

Lily, who sat next to Gale, tried to hold back a snicker as they watched us.

"Where did you hear that?"(Kim)

I asked, hoping it wasn't from our connection, and it seemed someone had heard my wish.

"It was in a movie Ivan showed us."(Jill)

"I see."(Kim)

"So, do I have to prove myself?"(Jill)

"No, I'm sure they will accept you with open arms."(Kim)

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to give you your pay."(Lily)

Lily pulled out an envelope from her desk and handed it to me.

"My pay?"(Kim)

"Yes, since you were invaluable to my research, I petitioned operation to give you a check. The reason you are getting it now is that it finally got approved. Plus, it could be helpful for your plans."(Lily)

Lily whispered the last part, but I didn't think it mattered because Jill could still hear it with her enhanced hearing.

"What plans?"(Jill)

She tilted her head and looked at me after asking the question. Seeing this caused me to blush slightly.

"I'm still working on them, but I'll tell you when I have the plans set."(Kim)

"But I could help."(Jill)

"I want to surprise you, so I can't tell you right now."(Kim)

"Fine, but I want bacon for breakfast."(Jill)


"Now that that is settled, I'm starving. Kim, do you want some food?"(Lily)

"Of course."(Kim)

"Let me make you guys a plate."(Gale)

Gale started to stand up, but it looked like he was having trouble. After using his arms to help, he got out of the chair. Lily had tried to help, but he said he was fine, just sore from training. After making our plates, Gale sat back down.

"It is unusual for you to be sore after training, what happened?"(Lily)

"Between Jill and the recruits, I forgot to pace myself."(Gale)

"I see. Did you put an ice pack on your muscles?"(Lily)

Gale looked away sheepishly before answering.


Lily let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well, if you don't want to use an ice pack, I have an experimental muscle relaxer that could help."(Lily)

Gale started to panic when Lily brought out a syringe.

"NO! I mean, you don't have to do that. I'll put one on later."(Gale)

Lily slowly inched closer to Gale while still holding the needle.

"I'll put one on now!"(Gale)

Suddenly, Lily replaced the needle with an ice pack and handed it to him.

"Here you go. And after you finish with that, make sure to use a heating pad."(Lily)


Jill and I watched with grins on our faces.

"That was nice."(Kim)

Lily looked over at us and decided to tease me.

"Oh. Are you saying that you're volunteering for the muscle relaxer?"(Lily)

I immediately reacted the same as Gale when Lily brought up the syringe.

"No! I mean, I don't even get sore muscles anymore because of my healing factor."(Kim)

"So unfair."(Gale)

The rest of the dinner was small talk, and afterward, I went to bed. As I was headed to my room, Jill looked like she wanted to say something. But after seeing me with my eyes barely open, she said she could wait for tomorrow and went to her room. I was more tired than I thought because I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.

[Lily POV]

Gale and I watched as Kim and Jill left to sleep. Gale looked surprised when Jill went into her room.

"What's up?"(Lily)

"I'm just surprised Jill has some self-restraint."(Gale)

Seeing me confused, he continued to elaborate.

"She saw Kim was exhausted and decided to let her sleep alone."(Gale)

"I thought she had to wait till after she beat you in a sparing session."(Lily)

"Yes, and she did."(Gale)

I looked over to Gale in shock. At first, I thought he was joking, but the look on his face told me otherwise.


"She took my advice and fought with her claws and just let her instinct take over."(Gale)

"And you didn't warn Kim about this."(Lily)

"Jill asked me to keep it a secret so she could surprise her."(Gale)

"And what are you going to do when she finds out you didn't warn her?"(Lily)

"It'll be fine, Jill said she would handle it."(Gale)

"Ok, just don't say I didn't warn you."(Lily)

"By the way, what is it that Kim's planning?"(Gale)

"She is trying to plan a date with Jill."(Lily)

"What has she thought of?"(Gale)

"Camping and a barbeque, but we put those on hold because she can't leave the base yet."(Lily)

"Well, if Jill doesn't hop in her bed soon, she will after the date."(Gale)

I nod my head in agreement.

"Did anything happen other than Jill winning the bet?"(Lily)

"The Chief wanted a report on Jill and Kim."(Gale)

I scoffed when the Chief was mentioned. I didn't like the man. He only looked at people as resources, and those he didn't see as valuable were trash in his eye. The only good part was he saw Jill and Kim as resources if for nothing else but data on mutants and the Shifts. He is better than those who think non-espers are useless, but he still gets under my skin.

"So, how did it go?"(Lily)

"It went well enough. Other than his insisting on calling Jill "fox," nothing happened."(Gale)

I grimaced. We may not have known Jill for that long, but she is hard to hate with how earnest she can be. So, the thought of someone deeming her an animal didn't sit well with me.

"That's good, but I fear when he calls Kim to his office. Can you imagine him calling Jill "fox" right in front of her?"(Lily)

"Hopefully, one of us will be there to hold her back when that happens."(Gale)

"Speak for yourself, I might just let her hit him."(Lily)

"Can I not be the voice of reason for once? It sucks."(Gale)

A smile formed before I responded.

"You could always let Ivan do it for you."(Lily)

"Only if he doesn't join you in causing mayhem."(Gale)

"True. I'll head to bed now. I'm exhausted."(Lily)

"Good night."(Gale)

I stood up and waved to Gale as I went to my room.

Well, this took longer than I thought it would. December wasn't my best month, and family visiting meant I didn't have time to write. I have a plan for the next chapter, and Kim might slip up, resulting in something amusing.