Chapter 29: Mistake and Date part 1
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[Kim POV]

I awoke earlier than usual. Feeling refreshed, I figured I'd fulfill my promise to Jill by making bacon for breakfast. As I went to get the countertop stove, I saw a note from Lily. The note said she had some work to catch up on, so she had to leave early, and Gale was with her. I put the note aside and got the bacon from the mini-fridge. As the food is cooking, I realize that I feel more relaxed after confirming with my eyes that my family is safe. I finished the bacon and turned off the stove. I set all the bacon on a plate and started to think to myself.

Why is it so hard to plan a date Jill and I could enjoy? (Kim)

After that thought crossed my mind, I realized I made a mistake. The sounds coming from Jill's room seemed impossible for anywhere that wasn't a construction zone. Her door burst open. She wore a blue t-shirt, biker shorts that clipped around her tails, and black boots. She pulled me outside the room before I could realize it.

"Wait, Jill. What about breakfast?!"(Kim)

I tried to slow her down with food, but it seemed she wasn't listening. She just kept saying date over and over. After being pulled out of the lab, I spotted Ivan and shouted at him.

"Ivan, can you put the food away and lock the lab? Jill had my hand in a vice grip."(Kim)

He shouted back with a big grin on his face. He probably heard what Jill was saying.

"Don't worry, I got it. You two have fun."(Ivan)

Jill expertly weaved us through everyone in the hall. It wasn't too long till I realized where she was taking me. She burst open the doors to the cafeteria and pulled me to the chef. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Well, if it isn't my biggest eater. How have you been? I haven't seen you here since you showed up with Gale and the Doctor."(Chef)

"I'm doing good."(Kim)

"We're on a date!"(Jill)

"Would you quit shouting that?"(Kim)

I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment.

"Don't you want to be on a date with me? You were thinking about it a lot this morning."(Jill)

"I do, but it's embarrassing for everyone to know."(Kim)

"But I want to let everyone know you are mine as I am yours!"(Jill)

If my face could get hotter, it would be in flames by now. As I was trying to calm down, someone spoke up.

"Well, then I better get a special meal prepared for your date."(Chef)

"Really! Thanks!"(Jill)

You could hear the excitement in her voice.

"The Doctor's usual table is open if you want some privacy. No one likes to go over there. They're afraid of what she does while eating there."(Chef)

"Thanks, but you don't have to do that."(Kim)

"You're right. I don't, but I want to. Now go sit, I'll have someone bring it out for you."(Chef)

Before I could continue, Jill pulled me away, asking me which table was ours. I relented and pointed it out to her.

The chef seemed to work on anime logic because the food came out as we sat at the table. I could feel my mouth begin to water, and Jill wasn't doing any better. You could see the drool forming on the sides of her mouth. I don't know how, but the chef made all my favorite food without telling him. There was pizza, pancakes, burgers, eggs, and even Jill had a plate full of bacon. She started to devour her food like a wild animal, then looked up at me and realized I was watching. Instead of getting embarrassed like most people, she tilted her head before asking me a question.

"Did you want some?"(Jill)

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"No. I was just happy to see you enjoy your food."(Kim)

She tilted he head again like she was thinking about something. After a short moment, she nodded like she confirmed something. Jill then grabbed a piece of bacon and leaned over to me.

"Say aw."(Jill)

I mindlessly opened my mouth as she fed me some of her food. I instantly realized what I had just done, and my face turned crimson for the second time today. Jill, for her part, looked happy.

"Why did you do that?!"(Kim)

"I saw it in the movie Ivan showed me, and I wanted to try it."(Jill)

I then began to whisper to myself.

"Note to self. Find Ivan and talk with him about the movies he shows Jill."(Kim)

I said as I continued my meal at a surprisingly fast rate.

"Why do you need to talk with him about that?"(Jill)

"I forgot about your enhanced hearing. As for why I need to talk with him, I don't want to be caught off guard by what you see in movies."(Kim)

"But Ivan said that surprising you would be the best part."(Jill)

"I will talk with him after this."(Kim)

We finished our food a few minutes later, and the chef came to the table to check on us.

"How was everything?"(Chef)

He had a big smile on his face when he spoke.

"It was great! I even got to try something I saw in a movie. Even though it wasn't bacon in the movie."(Jill)

Jill talked so fast that it was hard to hear what she said, but the chef seemed to understand what she said.

"That's what every chef wants to hear. I'm glad you enjoyed it."(Chef)

"Thank you for the food. How did you know our favorite food though?"(Kim)

"I'm a chef. It's my job to know, and it helps that the Doctor has someone get food from here."(Chef)

"I see. Thank you again."(Kim)

"No problem. Have a nice rest of your date."(Chef)

"We will!"(Jill)

When he said date, Jill got excited again. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I could tell this was to be an exciting day, whether I liked it or not.