Chapter 30: Mistake and Date part 2
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[Kim POV]

After leaving the cafeteria, Jill is weaving us through the halls again. I look around to see it getting more crowded the further we go.

"Jill, where are we going?"(Kim)

I asked, not expecting to get an answer.

"Someone said there was something bizarre outside, and I thought it must be cool if everyone is going to see it."(Jill)

"I wonder what could be so strange in a world with espers and mutants that everyone wants to see it?"(Kim)

We finally got outside, and I looked to see what everyone had come for. There were a bunch of stands lined up in rows. Each stand was selling a variety of items. I glanced at Jill, who didn't realize what we were looking at.

"Where is the strange thing? All I see is a bunch of shops."(Jill)

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at Jill's misunderstanding.

"Pfft. Jill, this is it. It's called a bazaar."(Kim)

"But everything looks normal."(Jill)

"A bazaar is a place where people set up shops, not something unusual."(Kim)

Jill looked a little disappointed.

"Come on, don't be sad. How about we look around? Maybe we can find something bizarre in one of the stalls. I did just get paid."(Kim)


She was still down, so I thought of a way to cheer her up.

"We might find a brush I could get for your tails here."(Kim)

Her ears perked up immediately, and she looked at me excitedly. Despite being a little wild, Jill liked maintaining her tails. When I asked Jill why, she said that it was so she could trap me in their fluff forever.

"And will you help me brush my tails?"(Jill)

she looked into my eyes when she asked for that. Her eyes pierced my soul as I was trying to form my response. There was only one answer I could give when faced with them.

"Yes! Of course, I'll help, but I may not be good at it."(Kim)

I started confident, but the more I spoke, the more nervous I got. Jill's tails are sensitive near the roots, and I didn't want to hurt her.

"Yay! Now let's go find the best brush here!"(Jill)

Jill dragged me to the first of many stalls we would visit today. The stall sold necklaces. I looked around the display and soon found one with a blue and red scale that seemed to come apart and form two necklaces.

"Oh, you have a good eye, we just got that one in."(stall owner)

I couldn't help but be curious. It looked like the perfect gift for Jill, and I found it hard to believe I had just stumbled upon it. My instincts told me there was more to this, and I learned to trust them. Ever since I transformed, they haven't let me down. 

"Where did you get it?"(Kim)

"I got it from a famous new artist. All of their stuff sells quickly."(stall owner)

"Really. When you say that, I'm worried I might be unable to afford this."(Kim)

Jill, who noticed what I was holding, was a little disappointed. The seller shook his head before speaking.

"I don't think that is a problem. The artist makes items based on visions she gets from her precognition. They sell well because they are created for the customer beforehand."(stall owner)

Jill couldn't keep up in this conversation, but I was somewhat following along.

"So you're saying they made this for a predetermined customer and that it could be me."(Kim)

"Not could be. It is you. When I bought it, she told me the first person who showed interest would be the buyer."(stall owner)

My skepticism kept nagging me in the back of my mind, but the price he offered wasn't too bad. So, I ended up getting the necklace anyway. Jill's reaction when she put on one-half certainly helped me ease my worries.

"Now back to our search for the ultimate brush!"(Jill)

Jill shouted as she pulled me along.

"I don't think it has to be ultimate, but yeah."(Kim)

Jill dragged me the next few hours from stall to stall. My cheeks started to hurt from my unconscious smile. Near the end, we found what Jill considered the ultimate brush. When Jill was about to drag me away again, my stomach growled.

I should find a place for us to eat. (Kim)

"That sounds great! How about we go there?"(Jill)

Jill pointed at an ice cream stand near the end of the line of shops.

"Sigh*. I let that one through."(Kim)

"Don't worry about it. Relax and have fun like I know you are. No need to hold back around me, I might even like it."(Jill)

"Don't say it like that!"(Kim)

If she didn't have an innocent face right now, I would think she is doing this on purpose. Before this could get out of hand, Jill's stomach growled this time.

"That sounds like our cue."(Kim)

Jill and I made our way to the ice cream stand to order. Jill got a chocolate Sunday covered in toppings, and I got a strawberry triple scoop. After finishing our ice cream, Jill pulled me around the base, and we somehow ended up in some unbelievable scenarios. Like, how did we end up chasing horses around anyway? I decided not to question it further when a weird woman came and took them away. We are heading to the lab because the sun has long since set. When We arrived, smug smiles formed on the faces of Gale, Ivan, and Lily. They were setting up for dinner, so Jill and I sat down at the two open spots at the table.

"So, how did your day go?"(Lily)

"It was great! We went to a bazaar, Kim got me a necklace, and we found the ultimate brush!"(Jill)

"Oh, could I gaze at this ultimate brush?"(Ivan)

"No. It is only to be brought out when I brush my tails."(Jill)

"I see that's a shame. I assume that means Kim will be the only other one to see it."(Ivan)


for the rest of the meal, Lily complained about work and teased me a few times. Gale calmed her down when she got too heated a few times. I was exhausted from the day. After eating, Jill helped me to bed because I could hardly keep my eyes open. My body flopped onto the bed and drifted off to dreamland. Suddenly, I felt something warm on my back and instinctively turned over and pulled it closer to me. As I pulled it closer, a smile grew on my face, and I could hear a faint giggle from the warmth.


Welcome back. I managed to finish this chapter before the end of the month. Yay! In this one, I've talked about a new esper power and teased another. As for the "ultimate brush." I couldn't think of how it would look, so I left out a description and was wondering how you would describe one.