Chapter Two – One More Day Here
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Narrated by the protagonist

I had woken up a few minutes ago with back pain, it wasn't like the floor but something was something. Luckily I knew how to fix these pains, with some good stretching, when I was ready I went to get some water, as it was the only thing I could find so far.

If you're wondering I woke up before dawn, and as I could see the sun rising, it was obvious that I couldn't sleep, this was all new to me, anyway.

When I arrived I washed my face again and drank some water, I couldn't last long if I continued like this but it was the best thing to do for now. I was thinking for a long time about what to do as I still had doubts about how I got here but I couldn't ask anyone and if I did layers would look at me like I was crazy.

I had read a lot of anime, so I knew that if this world wasn't current I had to be careful, no one was good unless they were the main character... Well, it depends on the anime.

As I said I had to be careful and more than anything for me the priority was food and where to sleep, because if I found people I would have to see if they were good, if they would help me, if they would believe me, if they wouldn't kill me, I didn't know anything.

And as I knew that everything was complicated I chose not to separate from the river, I found houses nearby. Or maybe animals that I just hope are not carnivores, if they were not that maybe I could find something edible I would have to be careful.


I narrate

While she was looking for a way to survive, something was happening somewhere else.

X - "Hokage sama, someone wants to see you."

??? - Hello sensei it's been a while - At the window.

Hokage smoking his pipe - "It's been a while Jiraiya, why are you here?"

Jiraiya - "I've come to bring you a new prophecy from Toad Mountain"

Hokage - Another prophecy - Serious.

Jiraiya - Yes.

Hokage - And what did it say?

Jiraiya - Well... - Starts to remember.

The great toad - "That child, who will be your pupil - Looking at Jiraiya - From his early loneliness will arise a light, which will teach him the life between good and evil, will take care of his torments to lead him to his greatest longing but if she disappears everything will be a torment. Only she can show him what happiness is, so she will call him son and he will call her MOTHER."

Jiraiya - "But you haven't found it?"

Toad - "No... Remember what I said, you have to take care of her, take care of the treasure of the one who will be your pupil because if he is happy, the future will be prosperous."

Coming out of the memories.

Hokage looking through the sale - "She's tied to the future now"

Jiraiya - "Yeah" - Serious.

Hokage - "Better hope for the best, you haven't found your apprentice yet but it looks like you will soon, it will be better to leave things as they are, keep on with your research, the future will bring us the answers soon."

Jiraiya - "As you say third" - Leaves.


Meanwhile the main character.

She was still going about her business but it had already been a few hours but she had finally found a house but when she went to see it she was disappointed, it was abandoned but she preferred not to be discouraged, something was something, so she went inside to have a better look.

She could see what had been there for years but it looked like it could be fixed, even though there were a few plants inside that could be cut down. The problem was that she had nothing to fix it with, the only good thing was that it was a house and it had some broken furniture but hey there was a chimney, 'but what the hell was she going to do with a chimney if she didn't have a way to light a fire,' said the protagonist to herself.

She decided to go outside and go near the river again since she only walked near the river, and the house was only a few steps away.

With a big sigh, she rested for a second while looking at the water, grabbed a stick, and started drawing out of boredom, she wanted to use her mobile phone but it was better to use it as a torch for now.

After a few minutes, a bit of frustration came to the surface.

Lucia - "Damn it! Why is this happening to me, I'm in a strange world, on top of anime which I'm not complaining about since I love anime but aaaah I don't know what to do, I barely have water, I found a bed but it's in bad shape" - Looks at her stick - "If only you were a hammer I could use, a HAMMER" - Shouts frustrated - "At least the one in my house." - Imagining It.

But as if it were witchcraft, the stick began to transform into a hammer. Lucia, who was looking like a fart, threw the hammer to the ground and walked away as if she had seen the devil.

Lucia - Looking at the hammer - "What the fuck! If my mother could see me, she would think that this time I've gone too far with the anime, so much so that I'm already practicing Satanism."

Already coming out of her delirium she started to approach the hammer, first, she touched it with only one finger but in the end, she also touched it.

Lucia - "Could it be that it's like that anime where the main character suddenly has some kind of tricked-out powers? Since this looks like a normal hammer but for some very familiar reason? Well never mind, as I was saying"

So with that in mind, she picks up another stick and looks at it for a while thinking about what she had done to make the hammer until she realizes that it just said hammer but screaming.

So praying to the one above she shouts knife and if nothing happened frustrated she starts to sigh in disappointment at such a failure but she just imagines what the knife would have looked like if it had come out, imagining a hunting knife.

And just like the first time she begins to watch in amazement as the twig begins to transform into a hunting knife just like the one she imagined, thus finally realizing how her new power worked, which she could not quite believe. But as she knew that she couldn't just sit still and think, as that would take up her time, she started to create things.

After a few hours she had started to create everything she needed as if her power was like the internet, limited and free, but she didn't realize that it was taking up her energy.

After creating about 20 things she got tired, which seemed strange to her, but as she was not so stupid when she got serious about things, she now realized that it was happening.

Luckily she had created what she wanted, a table, chairs, a bed, a window which amazed her, a new door, nails, balls, and an old cooker that worked with fire, or so she thought, since that is how she imagined an old cooker to be, in short, she created many more things. Everything she created was as she imagined it, the only limit she found so far was that she could not transform what she had already transformed or so she thought.

So far she had about three invented things that were wrong because she started to imagine things without wanting to. She discovered that she could transform anything into anything she wanted, it seemed that the only limit was her imagination.

But there was still something she hadn't tried, transforming something into food, it would be a lot but she wanted to try it, it was getting dark and she didn't know what to do, without food she couldn't survive, she was a person who eats often, so it would be bad for her if she didn't eat.

With all the hope in the world that it would work, she went to get some water, why yes, she was afraid that it would taste weird if she did it with a stick. So she hoped that with water it would work "her power" It was still unreal to her but she didn't want to think about it.

So, touching the water, she started to imagine an apple... And so she stood still with her eyes closed waiting for it to work, after a few seconds she felt that the water had disappeared, so with nerves she opened her eyes and as if it was the obvious wonder of the world, she joyfully waved the apple.

After she expressed all her happiness by jumping up and down as if she was a child who had been given a Christmas present, she looked at the apple now with doubt, would it taste good?

And so with all the resolve in the world, she ate the apple with a sparkle in her eyes, because if it was delicious, there was nothing strange about it.

So after a new day, which she found surprising, she went to bed to sleep.