The Capital (Pt 1)
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≪Y/n's Pov   ≫

Two days have passed since I was traveling with the old goblin lady. I narrow my eyes seeing a large line in front of a huge gate. A wall was surrounding the place, it seemed like the wall around what I presume to be the capital went on for miles. I let out a small grunt. Catching the old- I mean Glirx's attention. I point at the line and make a circle motion

"Ah! Savior! Are you trying to tell me why the line is so long?" Glirx the old goblin lady asks. I swiftly nod my head. "Well it takes a while to search through there things, they also have to identify your Monster race, but don't worry! They Don't say it out loud, they write it down on a piece of paper and gives it to headquarters, And if you are, well know to the capital they'll let out go without recognization, or searching!" Glirx gushed out. I nodded my head under my cloak understanding. I gently scratch the side of my hood.

"Hah! Look it's the old weak hag, She Brought a friend!" A snarky voice blurted out. I pop my head out of the wagon, looking at a Creature, with a pig nose, they were also a weak race known for picking on goblins. Most people called them pig men, they rarely counted as a type of monster, but somehow bypassed the system. The Pig-man Walked to the back of the wagon about to grab one of the apples, his other pig-men friends followed after him.

I jumped out of the wagon on all fours letting out a small growl. My sword dragging along with me as I crawl over to them. They look at me with a curious and snobby look, "Look here bud! If ya don't want to get hurt I'd advise you to leave!" He said throwing one of Glirx's apples at me. I glared while raising my sword high before slicing the big man in half, his blood splattering on my cloak. The two sides of his body fall to the floor. His other pig man friends, let out a snorted scream, "M-MERCY! PLEASE WERE SORRY!" They both yelled in sync.  They both got on their knees and began to bow at an extreme pace.

I looked at Glirx to see her nodding her head with a bewildered look. I shrugged my shoulders while jumping on top of the wagon.

≪No one's Pov   ≫

Glirx stunned, trudged along while fear dwelled inside her. Glirx climbed onto her wagon, Her heart beating at a fast paste, What kind of creature was her Savior? She or he didn't even flinch when killing someone.

Glirx slowly turned her head to look at her Savior, before swiftly turning back to look at the horses gripping onto the rope. "Calm...Calm...This happens all the time out in the world." Glirx mumbled to herself trying to calm down. Her heart began to slow down at a normal pace.

Y/n looked at Glirx trying to calm herself about what happened, Y/n wasn't necessarily surprised. Glirx seemed like a goblin who lived in a small quiet village. 

Some of the people in line screamed and ran off. Some others were just ignored it most likely because they've seen death before and know how to ignore it.



The Wagon came to a halt, as they were now first in line, Glirx hopped off her wagon, And entered through the large stone gates of the capital, Glirx looked ahead and seen a person wearing a fancy outfit looking down at her. The person in front of Glirx had a large dragon tail and a handsome face. The dragon humanoid gave Glirx a judging look, "A goblin...Trying to enter the capital?" The Dragon humanoid gave a chuckle.

Glirx looked down and shame as the dragon humanoid male insulted her, over and over. The dragon humanoid looked at her wagon and looked at Y/n on top of it, "Race of your friend?" Asked the Dragon humanoid, "U-Unknown s-sir." Mumbled Glirx.

"Speak up...Goblin, I couldn't quite hear you." The dragon humanoid spoke with disgust, "U-Unknown Sir!" Glirx spoke up much louder causing some heads to turn.

The dragon humanoid spoke up, "You may pass, but leave your little...Friend here so I may speak to him or her." Glirx gave her savior a worried look, before slowly nodding.

Y/n sighed while jumping off of the top of the wagon. She watched as Glirx took her wagon and entered the capital. Y/n tried to straighten her back, to seem a little more...professional. The dragon humanoid, put his hands on top of Y/n cloak slightly lifting it up.

He let out a gasp. "S-Such beauty." The Male dragon humanoid stared in awe at Y/n. He even forgot to ask her race, "Y-You may advance." He stuttered slightly at lost for words.

Y/n fixed her cloak, while going on all fours and running inside the Capital.


A dragon humanoid is a person who is half human and half dragon