Chapter Five – Opening the Scrolls
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Complaining is useless. Someone wise will take the opportunity to solve the problems and at the same time will be able to learn from what happened.




The years for the girls within the Vulturi family were the most loving and incredible for both of them, and without realizing it, two years had already passed, and with these, unique moments for the clan, the first steps of the girls were quite an odyssey, everyone was happy to see them take their first steps.

Sulpicia was euphoric and took pictures of everything her daughters did so that in the future she would have a picture of each of them made to put in the entire castle and thus show everyone who saw how proud she was of her little ones, her daughters, Aro and his brothers were too, ____ decided to see what reaction they would have if she said mom and dad, and as she thought it was unforgettable.

She waited for them to be in the throne room as usual while they were in the center playing and being cared for by everyone when she "unintentionally" let the word Dad escape, when she said it everything was completely silent, and it was only broken by Hermione who also didn't stay behind and imitated the words said by her older sister, and so they both said Dada together again.

At that moment Aro excitedly got up and went to the girls and hugged them happily, no one expected that reaction, and then he asked them to say it again and they did.

______ had a lot of fun seeing him like that and in order not to leave her mother behind, she also said the word Mom loud and clear, and as Hermione did too.

Little and nothing was missing for Sulpicia to jump with happiness when listening to her daughters tell her mom, the feeling of happiness overflowed everywhere in her and her husband that day, they received congratulations from everyone.

It was fun to see Caius trying to get them to say uncle, until seeing that there were no results, resigned, he stopped trying, but he argued that he would not give up and that one day they would, and so the year passed between surprises from the girls with their words and on the other hand, the vampires, as they had planned, studied Japanese and once the girls began to speak they taught them what they could so that their learning would be easier.

Today was the expected day for both the vampires and ____, today was the long-awaited 3 years which means that their training would finally begin, I would be lying if I said that both parties were not excited about the time to open those scrolls.

Like every morning Sulpicia went to the girls' room and woke them up to take them to the bathroom and shower them, between laughter and games she was finally able to bathe both, she dressed them as she always liked, only this time the colors were different to be able to differentiate them more easily.

She dressed ____ in a dark purple dress with black on top, left her hair down, and put a matching tiara on it, the same went for Hermione only her dress was pink and red with a matching tiara.


Slowly she went to the kitchen while listening to the girls talk, reaching the kitchen she prepared breakfast so that they could go with their father once they finished.

The truth is that she was also anxious to see what was in those scrolls, although she did not like the idea that her girls had to train, she understood that her daughters were ninjas and possessed great power that they had to learn to control, after a while, trying to keep the girls from throwing food at each other and for them to eat it, they headed to the throne room.

Once there they could see that everyone was waiting for them, first, they congratulated them on their birthday, and laughing at the actions of the girls they gave their gifts Sulpicia was in charge of putting them away and then taking them to their room.

The long-awaited moment has arrived.

Between Alec, Felix, and Dimitri they fetched the parchments, as there were many they started with the smallest ones.


Aro and Sulpicia carefully took some of the girls' blood and the smell of blood filled the room, everyone was static because the smell, although it was sweet, was not eager, they did not feel like drinking it.

Atheodora - "There... blood has a sweet smell, but I don't feel like drinking it" - She commented out loud, everyone affirmed what she said showing that they didn't feel that desire either.

Caio - "Maybe it's because they are witches? Her magical blood makes us not want to drink from it?" - Asking no one specifically.

Marcus - "It may be that theory brother, but whatever it is, we should be thankful that it avoids the worst mistake some neophyte who enters the Guard wants to drink from it and cause a disaster."

The mere thought of someone hurting them angered everyone in that room, but they let it go the moment Aro put drops of the girls' blood on the first scroll. This in turn lit up with a blue aura and opened in a ball of smoke, something that left them surprised, a note appeared on top of it.

Sulpicia took it and began to read once she realized that it was in that letter that only they could understand.

Sulpicia - "If you can read this, it means that my girls are already 3 years old, I want to wish you a happy birthday, princesses, I want you to know that wherever we are, we will always be proud of you, keep up the pace of happiness, I hope with this new family that now you have been taking good care of you and guiding you to be great women of worthy respect."

- "This scroll is from the Uzumaki clan, here you will see how to train channeling the chakra within the girls, how to refine it through meditation, given their abysmal chakra dams for being an Uzumaki they must be in constant meditation from the beginning for this be able to control it, you will see the methods written step by step, such as climbing a tree to be able to have chakra control, then walking through water to give it more stability, exercises that increase as they grow, weights that should be put on, this is to increase their resistance and agility, if they can run at high speeds with them when they are removed they will be unreachable."

- "It is also how to make Justus of shadow clones, these are real clones of themselves, but they disappear once they are hit with a lot of force, these are also used to gain experience, once all their memories and experience are dispersed, they will go to the original, use these to when they have to read all the books, learning will be faster and also to climb trees or other things, with them everything will be easier the only thing they don't acquire is physical strength that will depend on the girls."

- "You will find many papers with exact instructions on how to do everything like hand positions, everything, in the other scrolls with the symbol of this same scroll are the weapons of my clan, unique swords that only an Uzumaki can wield, the same goes for the other rolls, it has indications of what to do and how to do it, each clan has its fighting style, I hope my little ones learn everything and proudly show how strong they will be." - Att: Hiro Senju and Kansaki Senju" - Finish reading Sulpicia.

It was a lot of information to digest, it seems that those scrolls were very important.

Aro set out to open the scroll under the watchful eye of everyone and found notebooks with everything indicated on how to start Uzumaki training, weights, and more interesting things, then he decided to continue with the same clan and opened one of the many scrolls with the symbol that seemed to be the Uzumaki clan a red whirlpool, with the same shape that opened the previous one, this one revealed many incredible swords for everyone to see.

Heidi - "Those swords are beautiful" - She commented with astonishment when seeing them closer.

Alec - "Yes they are, and our little sisters are the only ones who can wield them, but they can't train with real ones or can they?" - He asked Aro and he in turn refused to change, the good reason that with a real one it would not be an idea to train.

Didime - "I think the best thing, for now, would be to buy those wooden swords that they use for when you want to learn to use swords" - She commented thoughtfully to no one specifically.

Marco - "That's a good idea, dear, so they will learn to wield a sword and at the same time they won't get hurt."

Once they agreed on how they would learn, they continued to admire the swords, many emanated brightness, and others were so beautiful and dangerous at the same time.


With those and many more swords, Aro saw a box and approached to open it and found two identical necklaces with the Uzumaki symbol on it also came a note.

Aro - "This is my birthday present for my daughters, please, I hope they wear it, it is what they will have to show that they are from our clan and thus show that they are the princesses of Uzu."

The necklace was beautiful and was also accompanied by two identical dresses that carried the symbol of that clan on their back.

Sulpicia, granting Hiro's request, placed the necklace on the girls who looked at it intrigued and then smiled and showed it to each other, that scene was kind of fun to watch.

'There would be time for them to wear those beautiful dresses' - She thought.


And so they continued opening the scrolls with the Uzumaki symbol and found several things among hundreds of interesting books and more clan stuff. Then they moved on to a huge scroll, but this one had no symbol but a rare symbol of an eye, they proceeded to open it and inside it, there were more fighting artifacts and a note.

Aro - "In this scroll are the weapons that the ninjas use daily, kunai, shurikens, paper bombs, chakra papers, smoke shurikens, and especially something that I wish they would give it to them when they turn 12 years old is when they become ninjas in our world, is the bandana of Konoha which in time of battle shows what village you are from and that you are a ninja, and several ninja clothes for my little ones" - The handwriting was finer than the first scroll which gave to think that it belonged to the mother of the girls, they continued to look at what was there and they were very curious things.


Sulpicia and her sisters-in-law were delighted with those clothes and already wanted to see them wearing all of them.

There were some larger scrolls that they couldn't open until there was a puff of smoke that dropped a note, and Sulpicia quickly began to read.

Sulpicia - "These scrolls will be opened when the girls are 12 years old, they are our summoning scrolls, they will soon know what they are for, meanwhile take good care of these scrolls."

Still full of doubt, they decided to keep them safe, as the note indicated.

Sulpicia looked at a scroll that had a symbol of a red and white fan, her husband looked out too and knew that it was the Uchiha because that symbol was in Hiro's diary.

Aro - "Those are from the Kansaki clan dear, I know because that symbol was in the diary, and it said who it belonged to" - He commented when he saw his wife's questioning face 'when he learned that,' She nodded, and luckily she still had blood from which they took the girls and there was no need to take out a second time.

It opened revealing several brightly colored weapons and swords, various styles of black gloves, and two somewhat strange instruments they were huge and looked like the shape of a violin the support was huge and went through it entirely but on the tip of the handle it had a chain and at the end of this one huge and fine ounce you could see at a glance that its edge was lethal.

In this came a note apart from the one that had already appeared, Sulpicia dedicated herself to reading that one, and her husband passed her the second one as well.

Sulpicia - "This weapon is called gunbai, it is something that only Uchiha can use, the first to use it was the former leader of the clan, Madara Uchiha himself, he used it skillfully in wars and I had the privilege and pride of being able to use one now to give them to my little ones they will also find out how they can learn medical ninjutsu, so they can heal from any wound including death ones this ninjutsu needs the greatest chakra precision possible therefore it can only be learned when they can be on the water without falling by that point they can stabilize the chakra a little better, on the parchment it will be indicated how to use all the weapons of my clan including the gunbai, as well as my husband I also leave a birthday present for my little warriors. Att: With much love, Kansaki Uchiha Senju"

Didime - "The ninjas have some weird weapons there to admit, but their clothes are beautiful" - Didime said, admiring the dresses of the Uchiha clan. - "It also has two necklaces like the one from the Uzumaki clan" - She commented out loud.

Sulpicia took them and admired them for a moment, passing them to her husband while admiring the clothes with her sisters-in-law.


After opening all those of that clan they continued to those of the Senju, and they were more weapons, books, and other things for the girls, based on all that.

Aro and his brothers decided to start with the Uzumaki training, they read the whole book concluding, and seeing how to do everything to teach the girls to look for their chakra and how to meditate and refine it, and they saw that it would take some time, but it was possible, they were surprised seeing that the girls did well and understood what they said, they thought it was their ninja blood activating.