237. Awake Once More III
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As Jonghak and Yeonha stroll through the gleaming streets of Cube City, marveling at the artificial skyline mimicking that of Earth, Jonghak can't help but express his frustration. "It's such a shame, Yeonha," he sighs, shaking his head. "This city is a masterpiece of technology, a utopia beyond imagination. But Sinful's insistence on secrecy keeps it hidden from the world."

Yeonha nods in agreement, her expression mirroring Jonghak's disappointment. "I know," she replies softly. "We could be sharing this incredible achievement with Earth, showing them what humanity is capable of. Instead, we remain concealed, operating in the shadows despite the fact we currently have so much power. Not that I see anything wrong with it. I just don’t see the full picture with me asleep for two decades straight within the cryo-chamber… I’d love to see Mom or Dad, but I’d rather take this tour of yours."

Jonghak's gaze sweeps over the bustling streets, filled with people going about their daily lives, people who have adjusted to the city. "Sinful believes in preserving our way of life, protecting our society from the interference of outsiders," he explains. "But at what cost? We're isolating ourselves from the rest of humanity, denying them the chance to witness the marvels we've created."

665 timelines have died on their backs, and that means iterations over iterations of lives, possibilities, and all kinds of technology have all been destroyed by Lancaster’s madness…

"I understand your frustration, Jonghak," she says gently. "But for now, let's appreciate what we have here. Cube City may be hidden from the world, but it's still a place of beauty and wonder. And who knows? Maybe one day, things will change, and Sinful will embrace a new way of thinking."

While Yeonha as she openly admitted doesn't get the full picture, she isn't shy about expressing her opinions. Moreover, Yeonha has an idea of the status quo judging by the short amount of observation she is doing.

Jonghak returns Yeonha's smile, grateful for her understanding. "You're right," he agrees, looking at Planet Earth hanging in space with melancholy.

As Jonghak navigates the sleek streets of Cube City in his small cab, Yeonha gazes out at the perpetually nocturnal skyline, its artificial glow casting an otherworldly ambiance over the city. The buildings tower like sentinels, their surfaces gleaming under the soft lunar light.

Curiosity tugs at Yeonha's thoughts, and she turns to Jonghak with a furrowed brow. "Jonghak, what exactly happened with Suho being exiled to Earth?" she inquires, her voice laced with intrigue.

Jonghak's expression tightens slightly at the mention of Suho, the name carrying a weight of tension and unresolved conflict. "There were differences in opinion," he begins carefully, choosing his words wisely. "Suho believed in a more open approach, advocating for greater interaction with Earth. But Sinful disagreed, viewing it as a potential risk to our society's stability."

Yeonha nods thoughtfully, sensing the underlying currents of politics and power at play. "So, it was essentially a power struggle," she muses, connecting the dots. "And Suho lost."

Jonghak's jaw clenches briefly before he nods, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Yes, unfortunately. It was deemed that Suho's ideas posed too great a risk to our way of life here in Cube City. And so, he was exiled to Earth as a consequence."

Yeonha's frown deepens as she absorbs Jonghak's explanation. "So, there's this divide between those who want to maintain a hands-off approach to Earth and those who want to actively interfere?" she clarifies, trying to grasp the complexity of the situation.

Jonghak nods, his expression grave. "Exactly. Suho's faction believed in intervening and sharing our technology and knowledge with Earth. They thought it would benefit both worlds. But the Council vehemently opposed any such actions. They believe in keeping Earth isolated, letting it develop on its own without our influence."

"It's like a philosophical clash," Yeonha muses, piecing together the puzzle. "One side wants to focus on protecting Earth from external threats, while the other wants to help it thrive and get internally involved. And Suho got caught in the middle."

"Unfortunately, yes," Jonghak agrees with a sigh. "Suho's intentions were noble, but Sinful’s primary function is not to rule, but to guard like we always did when it was just us. The Council saw Suho as a threat to the stability of the organization and what little was left of the society we now have. In the end, the Council’s influence won out. Suho was exiled, and the divide between the factions only deepened."

Yeonha gazes out at the glowing cityscape, contemplating the implications of the conflict. "It's a shame," she murmurs. "But I suppose Sinful has its reasons for wanting to maintain secrecy and isolation."

"Indeed," Jonghak agrees, his tone somber. "But who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day, the divide will be bridged, and Earth and Cube City can coexist openly. We’ve been sending people for the past few years who didn’t want to live here in Cube City anymore back to Earth, though we had to wipe out their memories, they were cooperative and were even willing."

Yeonha's curiosity pushes her further. "Who exactly sits on the Council, Jonghak?" she inquires, her voice betraying her eagerness to understand the power dynamics at play.

Jonghak's gaze flickers briefly before he answers, his tone measured. "Orden the Evolved King, Aileen the Human Dragon, Chae Jinyoon the Visionary Archer, Jin Sahyuk the Blue Death, Oh Jaejin the Magic King, Kim Hosup the All-Seeing, and the Berserk Lightning Yoo Jinhyung," he lists, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

There were seven members of the Council, and it seemed they were seated with the intent to replace the original Seven of Sinful.

At the mention of Yoo Jinhyung, Yeonha notices Jonghak's subtle shift in demeanor, a fleeting expression of annoyance crossing his features before he quickly masks it.

“My dad," Yeonha repeats, sensing the significance behind Jonghak's reaction. "What happened to him for you to look so disgruntled?"

Jonghak yawns slightly, resisting the sleepiness, but he nods in acknowledgment. "Yes, he is annoying," he confirms, his tone guarded. "He is a slave-driver… Always make me go in runs back and forth, saying I was the only Transcendence around."

Jonghak parks his small wacky cab by a relatively opulent residence, its architecture sleek and modern, a sharp contrast to the utilitarian design of the surrounding buildings. He turns to Yeonha with a faint smile. "Well, this is where I drop you off," he says, gesturing towards the imposing structure.

Yeonha's expression pales slightly as the reality of the situation sinks in. It has been twenty long years since she last saw her parents, her memories of them fading with each passing day spent in cryostasis. "I-I can't believe it," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm finally going to see them again."

Jonghak's smile softens, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and sympathy. "It's going to be alright, Yeonha," he reassures her, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand. "I'll wait for you here. Take all the time you need."

Something you will never see in Shin Jonghak when he is young is being such a gentleman… Old age has done a lot of things to Jonghak, and the wisdom that comes with age is nothing to look down on.

With a heavy sigh, Jonghak exits the cab and walks around to Yeonha's side, opening the door for her. He offers her a supportive hand, helping her out of the vehicle as she gathers her nerves for the emotional reunion that awaits her.

Once Yeonha is on her feet, Jonghak presses the buzzer by the entrance, the sound echoing in the quiet street. He steps back, giving Yeonha the space she needs.

As the door swings open, Yeonha finds herself frozen, her heart pounding in her chest as she locks eyes with her mother. Jin Yeojung stands in the doorway, her expression mirroring Yeonha's shock, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Y-Yeonha?" Jin Yeojung's voice trembles with emotion as she takes in the sight before her. "Is that really you? My daughter?"

Yeonha manages a meek nod, her voice barely above a whisper as she confirms, "Yes, Mom. I'm back."

Tears well up in Jin Yeojung's eyes as she rushes forward, enveloping Yeonha in a tight embrace. "Oh, my baby," she cries, her voice choked with emotion. "I can't believe you're here. I've missed you so much."

Yeonha buries her face in her mother's shoulder, the weight of two decades apart crashing down on her. She clings to Jin Yeojung, feeling the warmth and familiarity of her embrace washing over her like a soothing balm.

Meanwhile, Jonghak watches the heartfelt reunion from a distance, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. With a sense of fulfillment and duty fulfilled, he silently slips away, leaving the mother and daughter to their long-awaited embrace.

As he climbs back into his cab, Jonghak's thoughts linger on the scene he's just witnessed, a poignant reminder of the power of love and the bonds that withstand the test of time. With a heavy heart and a sense of longing, he drives away, leaving behind the happiness of the reunion, but knowing he played a small part in making it possible.