Chapter 27 – The Coming Storm. 
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"And that concludes my report, your Majesty." Albert bowed as he finished explaining his findings to Emperor Johan Issac Asquith. "I've already compiled and delivered a full breakdown to the Prime Minister's office, and one will be delivered to you later today." He'd pulled several all-nighters to get this done as quickly as possible, since it was so important. The continued infiltration by the Ruby Kingdom was worrying, and it was beginning to look like conflict between the two nations was inevitable.

"Good work, Albert. But you didn't need to work yourself half to death to get that to me so fast." Johan gave a small laugh. He was in his late thirties but still had quite a youthful appearance owing to his Elven ancestry, and his blond hair and green eyes were the signature trait of those with Royal blood. "I could've waited for this report, so please don't overwork yourself too much. As old as you are, I still need your counsel, so don't go wearing yourself out just yet." He'd worked alongside Albert since his days as Crown Prince, and the two had become good friends over the years.

"Well, my apologies for being so old, your majesty." Albert chuckled. "Not all of us are blessed with Elven blood that keeps us young and fresh like yourself." He'd known Johan since he was born and was good friends with his mother, the previous Empress. When she died unexpectedly, he took it upon himself to aid the young Prince in maturing into a man good enough to run the Empire, and the two had developed a rather close relationship, with Albert being a mentor of sorts.

"I must say, this whole situation has left me at a loss." Johan shook his head. "I've dealt with Spirit Hosts, but the fact that we have one that has lived an entirely different life in another world... "He sighed. "I honestly didn't think anything could surprise me at this point, and better yet this Emile is Amanda's son! Of all the people he could've been born to!" He continued to laugh. "That woman is truly something else. No matter where she goes or what she does, it's never simple with her, is it? It seems that she cannot even have children without something strange happening, and I've heard her older son and daughter are capable as well." He'd known Amanda since she was young, and had a great respect for her. Though there was much more at play between the two than most understood.

"I don't know much about either of her other children, but from what she's told me they are both shaping up to be excellent Knights." Albert nodded. “Her oldest son's attitude has caused a bit of a shakeup in succession within the family, but he seems to be on course to be an acceptable heir. While her daughter is another thing in entirely.” He paused for a moment. “I haven't spoken to her much, but she strikes me as strange. I can't quite put my finger on it, but its as if she has a bit too much maturity for someone her age.” He'd found Millela's maturity and intellect to be something worth celebrating, but it also disturbed him internally.

{That girl... Is it possible that she like Emile has memories of another life? Amanda told me that she tested both her other children, and that it seemed Emile was the only one to be born so uniquely, but...} (Albert)

"I suppose I should be happy to have such a capable family within the Empire, but since this is Amanda's family we're talking about..." Johan stopped for a moment, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"Yes, while she is loyal to the Empire and the Crown, her attitude means she's the kind of woman who places her own family above her duty to either. I don't think we have much to worry about, but we must always be careful, especially as she is quite formidable on the battlefield." Albert didn't like doubting one of his friends, but he knew better than to make assumptions about anyone's actions in the future. Amanda's loyalty was not directly in question, but both he and Johan were fully aware that she did not view the Empire as the most important thing in her life. She once threatened to flee the country when Johan joked about arranging a marriage with her, and he knew her threat was serious.

{If only she'd taken me up on my offer back then. While I have no real desire for a second wife, Amanda is simply too tempting with her power and skill. At least tying her to me that way would make it much less likely she'd turn against us if things ever came to it. Not to mention, she holds something dangerous, far too dangerous, and she knows it.} (Johan)

"I don't think we'll have to worry about her, your Majesty." Albert coughed to break up the darker mood. "She's loyal to the Empire as long as her family is safe, so I think it should be simple to meet that condition." He didn't want to linger on this topic any longer, since it was unproductive.

"Yes." Johan nodded. "Putting aside Amanda for a moment, this child of hers, do you think he'll cooperate with us? What is your general assessment of him and his capabilities." His eyes sharpened. "Your report detailed what he was and could do for us, but I want to know your own personal feelings and thoughts on the matter."

{There is much to be gained from working with him, but I need to know what is actually possible before I make any decisions.} (Johan)

"Based on my experience, and what I've seen of the boy's attitude, I believe that cooperation may be possible. However, there are a few hurdles we will likely have to overcome." Albert sighed.

"Hurdles? Do you mean Amanda, or..." Johan asked for clarification.

"His Spirit Partner, Cher, is likely to be our biggest impediment to cooperation." Albert answered. "She is very protective of Emile and is resistant to anything which would disrupt his life. When I spoke to her, I got the sense that she wanted him to live a quiet life without our interference. Not to mention, she is anything but weak, and it would be difficult to subdue her if it came down to it." He recalled the grip she put on his arm, and how strange it felt to be at a physical disadvantage by such a small woman.

{She might be even more dangerous than Amanda. Not only does she share that woman's fire, but her magical ability likely makes her even more tricky as an opponent. She apparently blasted through Ernest's barrier with one single shot, and its well know that he was a barrier master. I'm not confident that I could take one of her hits and come out unscathed, which is not a good sign.} (Albert)

"From what you told me, this Cher was with him during his previous life. So I guess it's natural that she's wary of us." Johan nodded. "However, you did indicate that Emile himself was open to cooperation with us. I believe you said something about him being willing to share medical information."

{That alone would be massive if we can adapt it to this world. It would mean the Empire can grow stronger and allow for more rapid urbanization. Not to mention it would lower casualties on and off the battlefield from disease.} (Johan)

"Yes, that was something he was ready and willing to provide us. In fact, I believe he is already teaching his medical knowledge at the Laplace manor. If I recall correctly, he and the Elven apothecary Denise, have decided to swap knowledge." Albert knew a bit about Denise, but not much. Elves didn't exist in large numbers within the Empire, and the few villages that did exist were basically independent of Imperial control.

{I know that Amanda was friends with an Elven healer, but I'm surprised to hear she's taken an interest in the boy. We'll need to tread carefully here lest we start opening old wounds that are best left closed. Not to mention, Elven blood is always going to be a tricky thing were Amanda and I are concerned. I just hope this isn't the prelude to a worst case scenario.} (Johan)

"Then for now, let's get a feeling for how much information he's willing to share. If his medical knowledge is truly as advanced as he claims, then I'd like to ask you to provide support to aid him." Johan figured starting where Emile was comfortable would be for the best.

"Would that entail funding potential research?" Albert asked about how far Johan would go.

"Yes, start out by inquiring about his needs and then have a team sit down and figure out what's possible. You mentioned something about a drug that saved a boy who was practically dead from an infection. If we can mass produce something like that ourselves, it would prove to be invaluable to our people." Johan knew just how dangerous disease was, as several different plagues had struck the Empire throughout its history, and each was extremely deadly.

"I'll get my staff on it immediately." Albert nodded. "Once they make an assessment, I'll deliver a report to you and the Prime Minster. If my hunch is correct, this boy will be invaluable to the Empire." His hope was that Emile's knowledge would prove key in any future conflict with the Ruby Kingdom, something he knew would come sooner rather than later.

"Let us just hope that the members of Parliament agree with your assessment. It's always so frustrating when those fools bicker, but that's just the way things are." Johan shrugged. He generally didn't mind their debates, but sometimes grew frustrated when they argued over stupid things. "I'll speak to some of the prominent party leaders in the House of Nobles, and I'll instruct Cassandra to brief their counterparts in the Assembly. Hopefully we can form a coherent plan within the Assembly, and get things moving."

"I can already tell she's going to be angry with us for dumping more work on her desk." Albert chuckled.

"Hey, she wanted the job of Prime Minister. This just comes with the role." Johan shrugged. He and his Prime Minister Cassandra fought like siblings, but they were good friends at heart. "But despite her complaining, I'm sure she'd want to be directly involved with something like this. Especially considering the current diplomatic situation.

"Yes." Albert's face got tense. "The Ruby Kingdom's actions are getting to the point that we can no longer ignore them, I'm afraid. Their continued support for members of the Church that oppose our reformed vision of its role is growing more brazen with each passing day."

{I'm starting to fear they might be even deeper within our nation's Church than we know. If they could convince a man as high-ranked as Ernest to defect, then they may have their claws in our Nobles as well. I don't want to start doubting people's loyalty, but with the way things are going...}

"It's coming to the point that we may have no choice but to strip the Church of what little power and autonomy we've allowed it." Johan sighed. Imperial Policy was to officially separate Church and state. However, due to the need for compromise during the rebellion, the Church was allowed to retain a small amount of power within the government. This was mostly ceremonial and advisory, with the most important task they performed being to identify Spirit Partners.

{The Assembly has always been against the Church's authority within the Government, so it won't be hard to get them on board with reforms. However, the Noble families tend to have deeper ties to the Church, and that's going to risk internal issues if we try to make substantial changes without getting the major players on board. I know Duke Helbrone would be happy to see the Church crushed entirely, but many of the other families would oppose it on principle.} Johan sighed as he imagined the shouting matches that were bound to erupt over this issue.

"If only we could be rid of Nobles entirely..." Johan said quietly to himself as Albert continued explaining the situation regarding the Ruby Kingdom's latest infiltration attempts.





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Next Chapter: Chapter 27 - The Coming Storm.