Chapter 11: The Other Matches (4)
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As a dedicated reader and fan of the novel, The Spear of the Savior, watching the main character fight is supposed to be a fun thing to do. You know, because he’s the main character.

However, when an event that didn’t happen in the novel is happening right now, that’s a bit of a cause for concern. Mainly because this might not be the only change that could happen.

Hell, the next change could be a lot worse than my current situation. And that was Luke Hope and his future best friend and major character, Beiste Jones, were about to fight one another.

In the novel, neither character fought one another in the sparring match. Luke went against Jacob and Beiste was against some other extra.

But, because of [Absolute Misfortune], this situation happened. Now the two best friends of the novel are going toe-to-toe against one another.

While I don’t think this will cause any major issues in the future, the idea of things changing in the novel is not a good thing. Because that means more scenes will change...and they will because of my cursed talent!

Godammit, this is giving me the biggest headache in the world. There is so much chaos happening in my head that I can't process it all.

Should I try and stop the match? I failed to stop mine and screwed things up, but I might be able to do it with them. But how?

Maybe...I can use the fire alarm or something. Everyone's distracted by the upcoming match, so I think I can do it. Slowly backing out of the crowd, I looked around the gym to find the fire alarm.

Thankfully, it was right behind everyone, so no one would be able to see me mess with it. And since I have [Arsenal], I can actually put this thing to good use.

I might destroy the alarm...but I can't think of anything else to try and stop this match from happening.

"Let's do it!" I pumped myself up while summoning a sword.


Conditions have been met: [Absolute Misfortune] has been activated.

Oh, goddammit. Give me a break already!

"Mr. Monroe!" I heard the instructor call out to me.

"Y-yes, sir?" I turned to face him as he was approaching me with a suspicious gaze.

"Why are you in the back of the group? Shouldn't you be up at the front like before?"

"U-um, well...I was feeling a bit tired and just thought I could sit the wall." Once again, I couldn't lie for the life of me and just did whatever I could to try and get to the fire alarm.

"Tired? You're an Agoge student! The only way you can be tired is if you're near death!"

I'm pretty close to that, considering what was happening right now...

"Come along, Mr. Monroe!" The instructor said while pushing me along. "Get back to your spot and watch the fight! It even has Mr. Hope that you wanted to participate in the fight before, so you should be happy that he's finally giving us a show."

A show...yeah, right.

"Move it!"


In the end, I couldn't get to the alarm since my focus was distracted. So, I was forced to go back to my spot in the group.

Dammit, why can't I catch a break? I'm doing my best here to keep the story from breaking apart but this just isn't working, you know?

I thought about sneaking off again while the match was going...but I tossed the idea because my Cursed Talent would just screw me over again. Stupid Talent...That and the instructor kept a close eye on me.

While I contemplated this, I decided to watch the match before me. Luke and Beiste squared off against one another, waiting for their match to start.

Just before it did, I looked at Beiste’s status.

Name Beiste Jones
Age 16
Gender Male
Attributes STR: 25.21
AGI: 24.11
END: 25.05
MANA: 22.17
SENSE: 24.1
WILL: 25.6
LUCK: 20.06
CHAR: 18.52
INTEL: 15.43
Talents [Beast Shift] (C-Rank)

Well, at least his stats were the same. His strength rivals that of both Min and Luke.

In fact, in the novel, the three characters were considered the strongest fighters when they became Saviors. And for good reason, since they’re already this powerful when they’re just first years.

Beiste cracked his knuckles while smiling at Luke.

“Let’s have a good match, yeah?”

“Likewise,” Luke said while returning a smile, though I could tell that he didn’t mean it.

As the two characters faced one another, the match soon started as soon as the instructor gave the word.

“And begin!”

Luke wasted no time and thrust his spear toward Beiste. He did it with such precision, that his blade was locked onto his opponent’s chest, dead center.

Just as Luke got close enough, he put all of his power into his attack to finish the match quickly. But, just as he was mere inches from piecing his opponent, Beiste suddenly grabbed the handle of his spear, stopping the attack like it was nothing.

Luke was confused at first, but his eyes soon laid on Beiste’s hand that grabbed his spear. It looked mutated and animal-like. There was yellow fur poking off his hand while large claws protruded from his nails.

Luke then looked up and noticed Beiste’s eyes and face looked more animal-like. In this case, lion-like.

“That was a pretty good attack,” Beiste grinned, revealing large canines.

He then raised his other hand, which also had claws, and tried to slash Luke. Mr. Protagonist barely had enough time to back away before getting cut by those claws.

Although he was able to avoid the attack, he had to let go of his spear, which was now in Beiste’s hands. A troubled expression appeared on his face, as he looked at his spear and Beiste.

He knew he needed his spear to stand a chance against Beiste. Fighting without it was pretty much a losing battle.

He needed a way to get his spear from his opponent…that is until Beiste suddenly tossed the spear over to Luke.

“Here,” Beiste tossing the weapon.

Luke was so surprised by this, that he barely managed to catch his weapon as he fumbled to keep it in his hands. Once his spear was firmly in his grasp, the protagonist looked over at Beiste with a confused expression.

“Why did you do that?” Luke asked. “You could’ve easily tossed my spear aside and just attacked me while I was weaponless.”

Luke was right to question Beiste’s actions. In a match like this, you need to take advantage of whatever is thrown at you. Whether it’s attacking someone while they’re down or using poisons and such to incapacitate them.

Whatever goes in these matches, because they are to teach students to both take advantage of such situations and to avoid them if they're on the receiving end of one.

Of course, there are people like Beiste that have a more…honorable approach to things.

“Fighting you without a weapon would be meaningless. I want to take advantage of this match and have us fight with all we have. That’s how a real fight should be!”

Beiste pounded his chest with his fist while declaring this. This shocks not only the audience, who looked a bit dumbfounded by his declaration but also Luke, who couldn’t help but look at Beiste like he has a few marbles missing in that skull of his.

Meanwhile, all I could do was smile at this. Beiste was one of my favorite characters in the novel, and it was because of his very noble and honorable personality.

He isn’t crooked or sleazy to where he would use underhanded techniques to win in a fight. In fact, the bulky bastard hated that kind of thing.

His motto was “If you fight, fight righteously”. This was his family motto that stems from the founding of his family Clan.

Beiste was part of a warrior Clan or tribe known as The Royal Beasts. They had territory in some of the fragmented parts of Eastern Europe. They were considered protectors of those territories and have been since after The World Fragmentation ended.

The Royal Beasts are all about honor when it comes to fighting. They despise underhanded fighting like using poison or whatnot. For that reason, they aren’t fans of assassins or hitmen. Which is why Beiste was never really fond of Seo Soo-Yun.

“Now then,” Beiste took a fighting stance. “Let’s try this again, then.”

Luke got the message and got into position as well. This time, Beiste was the first to attack as he instantly got close to the main protagonist and launched a punch toward his face.

Luke managed to dodge while spinning his spear and tried to slash at his neck. And he actually made contact…except something seemed to be protecting it.

“The hell?!” Luke grunted while seeing his spear do little damage to his opponent.

Getting a closer look, he noticed that there were scales on his neck now. This was from Beiste’s Talent, [Beast Shift]. It allows him to use any ability from an animal like Wolf or Lion claws or scales from snakes to use as armor.

Before Luke could react, the Royal Beast threw a gut punch at Luke.

Mr. Protagonist quickly brought his spear in front of him, blocking the punch with the shaft. However, as he did, he lost his balance and fell backward.

He soon got back up and rushed forward doing a multi-thrust combo, to which the guy easily deflected the spear jabs with his hands. Luke wasn’t even scratching his opponent with his attacks.

Not only that but Beiste’s hands were covered in yellow fur with claws once more. After deflecting another of Luke’s attacks, Beiste then raises his fist and punches his spear again.

This time though, Luke stood his ground and stayed in place. The amount of force from the attack and block caused the floor below them to break, sending debris all over the place.

“Hah! Now this is more like it!” Beiste started to get fired up.

He then brought both of his fists together and got on the offensive now, continuously striking Luke. Mr. Protagonist did his best and blocked most of Beiste’s attack, but was starting to slowly get worn down.

When Beiste was about to charge up one of his punches, Luke took the chance and backed away, trying to gain some distance. However, his opponent wasn’t going to let that slide as he charged right at the blond savior.

But, just before things got dire for him, Luke’s spear started glowing yellow. Beiste noticed this, and stopped in his tracks, as if his instincts were telling him that attacking was a bad move. And he was right.

Once the spear was coated in a yellow light, Luke spun his spear around and then charged at Beiste once more. This time though, Luke had the advantage as he kept swinging his spear at Beiste, managing to damage him bit by bit.

Normally, Beiste should be worried, but his daring smile only got bigger as he realized that his opponent wasn’t holding back. So…he shouldn’t either.

Suddenly, his body started to get bigger and brown fur started coating his body. His hands then gave off a more bear claw shape than a lion.

Luke noticed the transformation and panicked when one of Beiste’s bear claws swung down on him. However, Luke stayed in place and took the attack head-on.

There was a bit of a power struggle, but Luke managed to push Beiste’s claw away and then did another charge up on his spear. He kept charging his spear with light to the point where it was humming now and blindingly bright.

Beiste looked startled by Luke’s spear but didn’t back away as he once again tries to attack his opponent. Meanwhile, Luke decided to put an end to the fight and finish off his opponent.

He did this by performing a special spear technique. The moment I saw him make certain motions with his spear; I knew what was happening.

Beiste wasn’t going to win this fight…

Just as Beiste got close enough to strike Luke, the blond protagonist pulled his spear back and in a split moment, thrust it with all his might, a yellow trail appearing behind it.

Just as the spear made contact with Beiste’s chest, a wind-like wave appeared out of his back, causing a massive shockwave in the process. Just then, Beiste suddenly reverted back to his normal form and stood there for a moment.

But, a few seconds later, he collapsed on the floor, making a loud thud as he did. Meanwhile, Luke breathed heavily after using that move, placing the butt of the spear on the ground to act as support.

That attack he used on Beiste…was one of his signature moves. A move he learned from his master.

That move was called The Blinding Thrust. It was a powerful move that I didn’t expect Luke to use so early in the story.

Then again…the damage from that Blinding Thrust was really weak. Although he was able to defeat Beiste, I could tell how Mr. Protagonist was holding back with that technique.

If Luke went all out, as in going for the kill, that move would’ve put a hole in Beiste’s chest. Just like he does later on in the story against an enemy of his. Instead, it just knocked him out.

I guess that’s the protagonist for you…

Suddenly, while exhausted from his match, Mr. Protagonist turned to me and smiled while giving a thumbs up. A chill ran down my spine, considering that this wasn’t something that he would normally do.

Especially with me…

Regardless, to avoid suspicion, I smiled and returned the thumbs up, all the while feeling somewhat disturbed by Mr. Protagonist’s abnormal behavior.

And then...

Conditions have been met: Unique Talent [Absolute Misfortune] has been activated.
Conditions have been met: Unique Talent [Absolute Misfortune] is interfering with the Wheels of Fate!
Conditions have been met: The Future has now been altered.

Oh...this can't be good.

Although I was keeping a heart and soul just hit rock bottom now.