Chapter 2 – Aftermath
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POV – Alania

The blinding light that cover her vision slowly faded away, only to be replaced with a equally as bad one, a sea of molten rock and blacken stone fragment stretch out in every direction and past were she could see.

Glancing at her armour she saw it was completely erased, she accepted this easily as even through it was enchanted metal, she doubted anything, but a dragon or God could have survived that blast. The human parts of her skin should it, even with her extremely high physical resistance they were still cover with shallow cuts, ash streaks and burn marks, while the draconic scales on her forearms and legs were undamaged, only getting the ash streaks.

Shifting her focus away from her bodies state, tuning to where the sources of the light, the dragon like creature had been. Instead of its monstrous  mass she found a woman floating some 3 metres off the ground. 

‘She, I think it’s a she, well it’s definitely not human’

Alania mentally run through every species of humanoid she knew of, but none of them fit with the women floating in the air some 50 meters from her position.

The women was far to tall to be pure human, as it looked like it even toward over Alania’s own height, and she hand ever seen a record of a human even close to her own height.

Instead of human, the figure looked closer to demonic or draconic in nature, as from it head several mirrored horn structures sat, still without them the figure would top off at around 2.3 meters. The horns were position similar to Alania’s own horns, but weren’t made in the same way, they were a weird mixture of organic and manufacture black material that seemed purely alien in nature. The figure even had two larger horns which were further out of her understanding, as they contained a pattern of weird swirling purple markings.

Alania eyes travelled down the creatures form, it faces was beyond beautiful also two beautiful to seem possible. The women faces also marked with further purple structures, trailing from each its closed eyes were star like marks, almost like an organic eye liner.

The rest of it body followed a similar structure to Alania’s own, with fore arms and fore legs formed from a non-human material. However the pale white skin of the figures body was not unmarked, as odd tattoo like formations of black run on parts of its sky. The centred mainly around the upper back, chest, and lower stomach areas of the women’s white body.

Alania also noted the structures on its form limbs, instead of the scales like her own body, the figure had its structured similar to it horns, completely alien to her.

Alania eye continued to wonder the body of the figure before she noticed something about its chest.

‘That’s… that even larger the mine’

Alania glancing down at her own bare chest with a grimaced as even compared to her large set, the figure, assumable the creature for early had larger by a decent level.

‘Wait, why am I thinking about her chest…’

Directing her gaze back to the creature she now found its eyes locked on her form, they were pitch black voids lit by a single star of white light each.

‘Beautiful… wait, its, she’s noticed me…’

In the split second it took for the realisation to hit Alania the creature’s body had exploded into a swarm of black flames charging towards her. Smashing into the ground before her with a light shockwave before rapidly reforming to its human like form a single meter from Alania.

Now closer Alania could behold more the creatures perfect form, as now the layers of muscles built upon every part of the creature’s body were clear. Not to an obscene amount making it muscle clearly define and likely impassable at achieve. Alania could feel a slight bundle of jealousy at the creature, as this was the very muscle structure she aimed to acquire, a more defined and clean version of her own, one that didn’t overwhelm the eyes, and only magnified her form.

This was also a factor as to why she often wore fully body armour, to hide her slightly disappointing muscle structure for her status, and the draconic features.

‘Bu really, why does a giant monster with ridicules magic EVEN have better muscle then me’

The being before her shifting it shoulders slightly it black eyes studying her faces from different angles. After several second of study, the being the being opening it mouth filled with human like teeth that seem just slightly to sharp, and realise a sound.

Alania couldn’t hear the sound it produced but instead could feel it, a deep rumbling waving that echoed out form the creature, both its jaw snapped closed face marked with slight annoyance.

‘What is it trying to do now?’

The women face light up with a hit of joy as it gestured to Alania in a wave like motion, both tapping it throat with a black talon, which it finally placed on its own lips.

Alania “What?”

The creature smiled to this nodding it head to Alania’s words, followed by her quickly realising it wanted her to speak.

Alania “Humm, well, h-hello miss creature…”

The women’s hand raising before Alania could continue as it closer it void like eyes for a second, seemingly processing what it had just heard. It’s eye snapping back open and locking with Alania’s own, as its black lips parted, and a melody of a voice spilled out from them.

**** “I think/believe/inference this works/functions/occurs.”

Both Alania and the creature reeled at its words, she could definitely hear words within its speech but the other sounded more like concepts. The creature after a few seconds of silence attempt to speak again, lips parting again realising a melody of a voice into Alania ears.

**** “This should work now.”

While the creature shook its left fist in joy, Alania was preoccupied as her mind was recovering for the creature’s voice. To her it sounded like and odd mixture between mature and teen, while being both warm, calming, and subtlety suggestive.

‘F*** that sounds nice.’

**** “Mortal, you can understand me, right?”

Alania brain now short circuiting as another wave of the breath-taking (literally) voice hit her, only just managing to register the question posed.

Alania “Y-y-yes, miss”

A warm sigh realised from between the women’s black lips as its posture ever so slightly relaxed to Alania words.

**** “Is that an issue/problem/concern?”

The creature started gesturing to the surroundings before its face contorted with annoyance again noticing its mess up. A silence settling in between the two, as the being seemingly working through the issue, leaving Alania to follow her vision to where it had gestured.

‘What is gong on…’

Before Alania eyes the blackened rock was melting into the bubbling growing pools of lava that doted the landscape around them.

**** “Melting…”

Alania “I know that, BUT why, rocks don’t usually melt!”

**** “Ruminate energy.”

Alania turned to stair once again to the creatures, it only shrugging in response to her confused expression.

‘How powerful was that attack…’

Alania “Can you like get us out of here?”

The creatures head nodding before its clawed talon grabbed onto her arm pulling it into its body. Alania faces turning pure crimson as the pale white sphere of the being chest warped around her face, feeling and odd warmth emanating from below its skin.

A moment later, the world them was lit up with something that Alania could barely understand, as complex interlocking rings structures formed around them, and the space seemed to collapse in on itself. Turning their surroundings into a split moment of pure darkness before it unravelled out of the rings like structures of purple energy filling in her vision with complete new environment.

From what Alania’s blushing faces could see, they were not longer within the massive crater as she could spot lush green forest close by, and a wall of snow tipped mountains far off near the horizon.

The being realised Alania from its grasp let the girl stubble away for its form, still with a bright crimson flush to her faces. The being turning away for her to survey the surroundings, letting her calm down the chaos within her mind, followed by also study where the pair now were.

They were situated atop a large green hall covered in lush grass, one of many such hills that comprised their closest surroundings. A thin river pass nearby joining together the two massive forest that flanked the strip of grass land, one of the forest reaching off to the mountain range Alania had seen early, while the those seemingly continued forever. The other two direction weren’t much better, as one led towards a visible massive clear blue lake shinning under the two suns light, the other towards more dense forest.

The melody that was the creatures voice snapped Alania out of her enjoyment of the areas beauty.

**** “Now, would you mind giving me your name, seeing as I neither any idea where I am or what’s going on, especially with that summon gate.”

The silence that followed final marked the point where Alania fully comprehended what just happen, the obliteration of two armies by this summoned, said summoned transforming into a hot woman, what was going to happen now, why was the creature so hot now, would her family be fine, would her homeland be fine.