Chapter 2.5 – The remaining aftermath
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This chapter isn't a main chapter and instead focus on the effect that the main due have had on the world, its not required knowledge for the narrative just background and foreshadowing. This chapter also contains references to slavery and abuses in its second part, through only minorly.

Thank you 

POV – 3rd person               

Seated around an elegant white and gold situated in a white abyss of space where three beings, all three attention was fixed on a scene playing out in the middle of the table. This was seemingly projected by a slowly rotating golden sphere that float above the centre of the circular table.

The two of the being seated around the table were giant snake like creatures, one clearly demonic in nature, the other clearly angelic.

The demonic serpent was formed of fragments of black rock with cracks and fissures between the plates leaking a crimson glow, the same glow that was produced form the creature’s mouth and eyes. Four eyes in total that sat past the two massive ram like horns that stemmed form the back of the creature’s skull, and positioned above the a maw filled with rows of black teeth.

Contrasting this was the angelic serpent, it looked to be carved out of white marble like material but with patterns of gold running throughout its skin. The head of the serpent contrast its counterpart, it was a white human faces with golden lips and eyes, held within the jaws of a deformed serpent.

The final being around the table was the clear outliner in terms of aesthetic, its form was humanoid in natures, and if not for key draconic features would seem completely human. The only visible ones were its purely light blue glowing eyes and the massive crown of silver horns that sat around it head. These horns were intertwined with energy structures, rings that sat around the horns, and spheres of glowing rainbow energy that orbited them. Its final visible inhuman trait was the long tail, covered in sliver plate like structures and scales, while leaking a blue light from bellow their surfaces. The rest of the being’s body was covered in white sheet like material seemingly draped over its form to conceal it from one lookers.

This being was the first to shift it view away for the hologram, its pure blue eyes snapping to the body of the angelic serpent. This was followed by the parting of it silver lips and realising a voice that echoed into the surroundings, drawing the two serpents’ attention for the away for the recording of the war front destruction.

****** “This may be an issue,”

****** “Avena, ensure that plans your side are spend up, and that it enters doesn’t have any reason to rampage against you.”

The angelic serpent nodding its massive, twisted face to the words of its creator, before its body collapsed in on itself teleporting out of the area.

****** “Divena, please do the same for those under you influence.”

The demonic serpent hissed in dissatisfaction at its creator before its harsh cold feminine voice echoed into the mind of its creator.

Divena “Great one, are you sure that Avena and I couldn’t do anything to remove it for the space?”

Divena could only watch it creators’ humanoid faces twist with slight distress, before locking its blue orbs looked with the serpents.

****** “That things is not something you two can deal with,”

Divena “I know, you have spoken of such before, but surely there is something we can do, you can do, even as a last resort?”

****** “While I do have something, at best it would only slow it down, nothing more,”

****** “And let me remind you Divena, that doing so could very well start a war, even if it has saved my kin from extinction before, we cannot rely on its mercy or goodwill again.”

The serpent slowly nodded its massive head, it understand for before the reports it had seen on the creature, and its cations upon arrival that its creator was right.

****** “If the worst cases occurs, I want you and Avena to escape the area, I will attempt to slow it down,”

****** “THIS is a worst case through, prioritises avoiding angering the it, and if possible even coming in contact with it to begin within.”

Divena glancing at the table, and the repeating record upon its surfaces, letting to internalise its creators words.

Divena “Then Great one, I shall fulfil your command, though I cannot promise the same for him.”

The body of the demonic serpent following its counterpart’s example, forced it form to collapse in on itself teleporting itself out of the realm. Leaving it now a silent spaces filled with only the humanoid, table and the hologram, still replaying the events. The humanoids eyes shifting back to the hologram continuing to re-watch the event over and over until its voice finally echoed into the space once again.

****** “This could be dangerous, but fun, empress, I hope your deal with it holds strong.”


POV – Kiament Hail

The abstract structures of fracture space reconnected around him as his teleportation come to an end. The blinding effect for the bright light slowly fading for his vision, replaced with grey stone brick walls, the walls of this ‘Collection’. The man’s eye diffusion the amber glow to pale brown as he deactivated his magic, this face contorting slightly with anger

‘F***, I could have got the last one, If only I had been their early…’

‘At least I know that she’s off the table for possible enemies.’

A sign escaping his limps as he stepped out of the waypoint ring, and glanced around the mostly stone circular room. Their were also four massive cylindrical structures made of glass and held in place by a mixture of metal plates, chains and pipes.

In three of the four were humanoids, suspended in solution and completely asleep, their bodies functions keep active by the magic stones embed into the base of each tank.

Each one of these figures was also clearly a different mixture between humans and another major races. Demonic, angelic and beastly, three of the four major species according to human classification, with the last unsurprisingly being humans themselves.

‘It will take a while to find another woman as capable as her…’

Kiament glancing at the empty cylinder as a scowl formed across his face, knowing he had nearly completed his goal.

‘If only that disgusting thing didn’t get summoned, how could I have know a gods dammed Kyrus would show up this late in the war…’

His hand forming into a tight ball, as he let the rage wash over this mind, before taking in a deep breath and returning this focus to the cylinder.

‘At least when the god of man comes I can remove those stains on the world,’

‘For now, I will wait till reports get in, hopefully they have something on that creature…’

This face twisting in a depraved smile as a realisation come to mind, how he could take advantage of the creatures actions.

‘Now I might have a good opportunity, I might be able to get my hand on Moridian’s archmagi, she’s said to be the draconic hero better….

‘Yeah… I can turn this around...’

The sound of scream entering the room, screams of pain, of fear of suffering, leaking from bellow the wooden door that led to the room. Kiament faces twisting in joy to the ‘music’ of the screams, before this eyes shifted to the doorway.

‘I guess the new products are here for training.’

The man’s eye igniting with the amber glow once more as he walked towards the doorway, chuckling to himself at this apparent genius. Unknowingly have missed the best option for this gaol, a chance that would ever come up again, as the clawed hands of a specific creature would be support the hero.