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Hello readers! Author-kun here, just wanted to say hi and welcome to my soon to be Pokémon Fanfiction series. Firstly, I’d like to acknowledge that this series in its entirety is somewhat self-serving. As a longtime fan of Pokémon, I occasionally find myself wondering what the Pokémon universe could have been like if the whole genre hadn’t revolved around catering to preteen children. This series is my answer to that question.

                In the chapters that will come to follow this disclaimer notice, I will be conceptually exploring the world of Pokémon. This experience will be primarily based on the video games with a possibility of some cameos appearing from within the anime. Pokémon iterations and interpretations will be one part my assumptions on how I think the critters would theoretically fit into the world, and one part based on their various Pokédex entries in the video games. This will by no means be an easy or pleasant stroll in the park for our MC. I’m sure more than a few of you are already aware of just how dark the Pokémon world can technically be if fully realized.


And now, the real disclaimer:


The canonical characters from the Pokémon games, anime, and books/comics belong to The Pokémon Company, as does the Pokémon world and all associated concepts. As far as I’m aware The Pokémon Company is fully unaware that I or my story exists. This story is written to serve as nothing more than an outlet for my own interests and creativity. I’m writing it because I feel like it and I do not plan to realize any sort of monetary award for it. The plot for “So I Started My Pokémon Journey... But...” is mine. That is all.