[E] Chapter 42 – 1086, Reminiscence, Homecoming.
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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: April 1086

Location: Section 3’s High-Class Residential Area, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz

POV: Viviana

Walking through the hallway of this residence, I can see several Campaign Knights and security forces milling about, courtesy of my guardian during my stay in Kazimierz. This place is amongst the finest in terms of security and secrecy, but I still need time to conform and acclimatize with this nation. One such thing is how… liberal this mobile city is as an example. Naturally, it was different from how I used to live back in Leithanien.

The day I arrived at the border of Kazimierz was memorable, to say the least, I met the famed Silverlance Pegasus and they embodied the essence of Knighthood that I had always idealized and dreamt of. They carried themselves like the best of the best while maintaining the grace that is expected and befitting of their station.

What’s more? I met someone who greeted me so graciously, her name was Nelka Ramona and at first, I thought she was a noble from how graceful, confident, and dazzling her bearing suggested. Imagine my shock that she was a commoner who rose the ladder and thrived most excellently, I daresay she trumped over several of our own.

Kola, Brant, and Mr. Conrad then parted ways with me, I’ll admit that I was quite emotional to be separated from people I admire and love as my own Big Brother, Sister, and the newest addition of quirky robotic Uncle. They must return soon else dearest father would be swamped with work and foes who plot ill upon him, while Mr. Conrad is busy with work assigned to him by his lady.

I wish I could help my dearest father but I’m here exactly to ensure that he can do his duty without worrying about my well-being. He was a good man, but if I may be honest; overprotective upon the highest order. He was a real worrywart that I once got angry enough and refused to talk with him due to his nagging just because I fell in the backyard and returned muddy.

He meant well, but I must insist that his nagging was too much!

Anyway, back to Miss Nelka, she once told me that she is a friend of The Grey Serpent, Lady Nyx, who at the moment is predisposed to the situation back home. Miss Nelka's regaled tales of her encounter with her is eerily a 1:1 mirror with one of the books I had read since I came here and yes, Lady Nyx was a writer who hid her identity. There are only a smattering few who know of this fact, and I have no intention to divulge this favorite author of mine who has a special place in my literary corner.

By searching and reading more books, I had managed to pinpoint several of them where the author is her, from her knowledge of bizarre theories and plots, or maybe factual encyclopedia, but the style differed so wildly. No wonder none ever thought it was made by the same person, much less someone of her reputation. It is not unusual for the author to hide their name, most who did are divided between those who seek no fame, plain eccentric… and those who are infected with oripathy.

My heart still aches every time I realize that resplendent and beautiful literary works end up buried due to unjust discrimination. I longed for the day when justice for them, infected and downtrodden in general, would finally rise to illuminate the land. Alas, my dream is juvenile and I have yet to do anything to contribute to it. I did however recall Lady Nyx’s words that everything starts with small steps, paraphrased with my understanding of course.

This is why I’m eternally grateful to my adoptive mother; Grandmaster Ioleta Russell, she is the reason that I had been protected and hidden so meticulously. This mansion is one she had prepared for me and all of my expenses had been accounted for, but I can’t help but feel guilty with this lavish environment while I’m more or less just imposed on her.

It was quite… awkward… to call her stepmother at first, but her graceful and welcoming nature made me feel accepted. She was a Kazimierz Knightess who was amongst the heroes who returned from 1072’s encirclement. The event is now recorded as “Daybreak Over the Golden Prairie”, a miracle of its right where Kiril Nearl, Step-Mother, and dozens of Silverlances fend off insurmountable odds. There were also rumors that Lady Nyx had a hand in it, but no official record was found.

My stepmother was also there to greet me. Her countenance was fair and pleasant, she regaled of tales where she knew my dearest father. Honestly, I can’t be happier with how much he tried to keep me safe from all the nobles who have been moving behind his back. I wonder if my dearest Father is all right…

When I finally became more comfortable with my dear stepmother, I told her that I wanted to be a knight. She was overjoyed but also saddened by my decision. I once had asked her why she sported such a forlorn, if I may disgusted scowl that tarnished her gracious and determined gaze. She once asked me about what I think about the Knighthood in Kazimierz. At first, I thought that stepmother was merely jesting, thus I truthfully told her how I adore The Land of Knights and their determination to uphold chivalry.

Stepmother then showed me all there is to know about knighthood. I noticed the oddity of why there is a Knight Club beneath Knight Order, but I persevered and was trained personally by her. My skill with the sword rose sharply and the rapier had been my choice of weapon, not just because it was elegant looking like a piece of weaponry but also because it fit my style.

My stepmother then taught me the essences and codes of chivalry, which will still be ongoing for 4 years my estimation. I was beyond ecstatic when she hammered into me regarding the basics and goals. Knighthood exists to lead and ensure that the nation will survive. The Knights must be gracious and humble but never timid in the sense of backing down from what is right.

All the words and facets she teaches truly resonated with me. Thus I often begged her to allow me to see how Knighthood functioned in this era. She winced at my question and only gave me an apologetic and ashamed smile; she just gave me some sort of ticket titled Azurblade Tourney.

The tournament also reminds me of the rumored Black Knight. She was a Leithanien but is incapable of using Arts, and despite winning her 2nd Kazimierz Major, of which I had yet to be privy, is more or less shunned in Leithanien. My country has a severe case of distaste for those unable to use any smidgen of Arts, to the point of calling them the derogatory label of ‘defects’, naturally I wish nothing more than to disassociate myself from the likes of them.

Returning to the previous topic, I was beyond thrilled to be given such a chance to see Knights in the tournament. My fantasy was whirling with imagination to understand how modern Knighthood would present itself. Naturally, I did not attend by my lonesome, Miss Nelka as my caretaker and several Adeptus Agents accompanied me. I can still remember how I pretty much skipped with pep and energy toward the stadium, which was also why I failed to see Miss Nelka’s pitying smile…

I used to think that I would enjoy every facet of Knighthood in this era… used to.

My hope and dream were tarnished however; not shattered but I was baffled by how different my idea of Knighthood is compared to… to… whatever this thing was supposed to be.

The tourney that I had watched was… an over-glorified and misleading gladiatorial tournament filled with savagery under the veil of modernity. That time I uttered incredulously “What is this?” I turned towards Miss Nelka but she did not answer and only bowed her head apologetically. I failed to see where the chivalry and honor are in this.

The cheering of the people was unlike what I thought it would be. It was more in line with drunkards and vagabonds betting upon which animals will win, their fascination is only on how badly mangled a ‘knight’ ends up or how much flair their duel shall entertain them. Their cheering was also commercialized, I remembered where names were being thrown and used for advertisement… forget chivalry; even the glory itself was lacking.

I left soon after, unable to stand for even another quarter of an hour…

The Knighthood that I’m trying to conform, nay; tolerate, to is one so alien and befuddling, that it is not an exaggeration to say that it goes against everything I dreamt. I once saw a Knight that was bedecked in the most resplendent coat, yet their personalities are no worse than the nastiest and vilest of what man can become. I wonder… did I perhaps mistakenly see the wrong kind of knighthood?

Once I returned home, I asked my stepmother what I just witnessed and she said that not everyone has the same idea as I do. Thus she asked back on me, will I give in to reality? I was unable to answer, but I for sure will not neglect my education. If I’m the only Traditional and Conventional Knight left; then so be it…

“Hmm? Oh, good afternoon, Lady Viviana.” I turned my head back and saw Miss Nelka carrying a stack of documents in her hands. Despite my protest, she insisted on being my caretaker and guardian since Step-Mother is busy dealing with, and I quote, “Vultures and Imbeciles.” while expressing a part furious and a part tired face.

“Good afternoon to you, Miss Nelka. Are you perchance looking for a dear stepmother?”


“That’s a shame then, Step-Mother already left for work. I had just about finished with History class for today. Sir Edmund was quite a strict tutor, nothing I cannot manage thankfully.”

“She has? Hmm, suppose I need to catch up on her then. By the by, how have you been with this much security around and do you need something else? Just say the word and I’ll do my best to fulfill it.”

“I’m fairly certain you had inquired such merely a few hours ago….”

“Oh goodness me, how can I be so forgetful? I’m sorry for taking your time then, Lady Viviana.”

“Fret not, but I do wish that you stop nagging me too much.”

“I’m afraid that’s out of the question, your dear stepmother would be quite cross with me otherwise. Besides, having to take care of a bright and well-behaved young lady is a great change of pace.” We talked and conversed with mundane topics. It is truly different compared to when I and Dearest Mother were confined inside the tower for our protection… I hope that times like this can last and maybe… just maybe… true knighthood will return…

Date: June 1086

Location: Somewhere in the Badlands.

POV: Narrator

Villages are dotting the badlands, as how life would prosper despite the challenges and dangers that lurked upon this lawless land. Villages fall and rise can be an event as rare as when dew formed at the dawn of the day, and its thriving era can be as common as a meteor strike during a catastrophe.

One such village is unique in the sense that they are all nomadic. Like a group of caravans and never stay in one place for too long, but when they do settle in for the time being; the village can set it up nicely and comfortably with ease of evacuation always on the table. Of course, their existence is even more harrowing because mobile cities and landship seldom in being forgiving of this type of settlement. There are reasons why it is as such, but that’s a story for another time.

The village’s nature also implied that they have more than basic needs in conforming with badlands. They have a workshop; weapons and tools can be crafted with ease. They have screens; vehicles that act akin to moving walls. Those are some of the essentials, the mundane and R&R facilities range from hydroponic farms up to, or perhaps more, a brothel and saloon. Let us take a look at one of these facilities.

A lone ashen-haired Pythian woman can be seen inside a saloon-slash-moving apartment of some kind doing nothing in particular other than smoking since her meal had long since finished. The patrons are all aware of her, being a gorgeous, fairly tall, and lithe, lady has its perks in attracting crowds after all. Her silky smooth skin and desirable visage are a plus for scenery.

None of the patrons even entertained the idea of getting too close to her, however. If nothing else they only observed from afar, trepidation but also thrill is the name of the game around the woman.

For one, she is kitted out like a mercenary and soldier while her attire is merely a touch below Special Forces uniform. Two, a catastrophe messenger, of the contingency contract division, armband can be seen on her arm. Third, a silver snake insignia can also be seen on her Kevlar. Fourth, she is bedecked with swords, guns, and bows for all the world to see.

But all paled in comparison with one singular fact.

“Lady Grey Serpent, do you wish for a refill?” The owner spoke courteously and cautiously, this is the most prominent fact; her fame. Exaggerated or watered down meant little if one could smell blood for the majority of her rumors.

“Sure, bill it as usual.”

“One moment please.” He takes her glass and starts refilling it with a 100% citrusy beverage, fresh from the hydroponics. While waiting for her refill, the Pythian in question gazes at her terminal and starts doing her things as CM; field reports, updates, and boring desk jobs worthy of work.

Nyx the Grey Serpent; Ex-Mercenary, Courier, Sadist, Messenger, Troubleshooter, and overall a person where general citizens wish to not be in her bad grace.

She has been leaning against the table and chewing tobacco in lieu of smoking for some time now. Her eyes and focus darted between what manners of television or radio signal managed to reach this far into the wild.

Despite her presence making several people uncomfortable, it also means that no one wanted to make a scene within her proximity. It brought an interesting mix of boon and misfortune. Brawls and the like should have been the norm, day drinking in a fucked up world is merely a little side entertainment to keep the monotony at bay by mixing in a venue to vent out the stress that’s increasingly common these days… which is ironically monotonous.

“Here you go, my lady.” The man left her refilled drink on the table and returned with his duty.

“Thank you.” She said her thanks and used her terminal to route the payment. For but a moment, her tone indicated a forlorn note but also a sense of morose satisfaction. Her mind was transported back to when she talked with people she could call brother and sister-in-arms.


3 figures sat around the makeshift encampment. They are eating their dinner in silence and the darkness has truly overpowered the moonlight shining down on the earth. No words were exchanged and no personal thoughts were made known. They all know, however, a topic for this upcoming discussion would be important moving on.

Kalinia, the boisterous and cheese addict-slash-lunatic Elafian woman, had been tearing and swallowing her salted and dry meat without her usual cheerfulness. She is known within the group as their jokester and overall fine gall to hang out with, the fact she is as quiet as the grave is a clear indication of her mental and mood.

Toland, the self-proclaimed most handsome Sarkaz on Terra, while also the de-facto Vice-Leader, had already finished his meal. He is staring upward, towards the inconsistent stars that can sometimes be seen above the sky. His self-assured confidence is nowhere to be found, he is now only a dispirited and tired man leaning against a dead tree,

Then we have Nyx, the moonlighting member who is probably the youngest in terms of membership among them. She was always considered as the pickaxe of the group when scissors and rock are not viable methods. She is also the one who is always more than glad to teach others with what she knows; provided they don’t disturb her rest time too often. She hasn’t been touching her meal.

“So… how have you been Nyx? Thought for sure you kicked the bucket a virgin…” Toland tried to muster some sort of carefree energy back into his voice. Only for it to come out awkward and unnatural, which elicited bitter chuckles from the other two in this impromptu camping.

“If I got screwed over, doubt I’ll still have that before kicking the bucket… and… you know… the usual messengers shit and whatnot, felt like I’m truly being everyone, merry little courier.” The Pythian herself tried to not trip with her words, but the mood was just not exactly what she had in mind for small talk.

That’s that, they are all confused about how to proceed. The Grey Serpent's mind is doing its best to formulate something, anything, to potentially soften the blow. Toland meanwhile is just tired, it has been a long week for him in assessing the fallout. Kalinia is the only one yet to chime in with her 2 cents on this barely functioning small talk.

Unable to take this awkward, and failed in serving its purpose, tip-toeing any longer, Kalinia inhaled deep and stared straight into Nyx. The Grey Serpent saw tears of frustration and betrayal within her eyes pooling clearly despite the dimming light of flame that serves as their sole source of illumination.

“… He is a coward.”

“…” Nyx eyes lit up an ember of rage, but she held it back on the account that Kalinia is her sister-in-arms. They had fought together, so there was nothing wrong with giving her the benefit of the doubt and a chance to elaborate.

“Your Młynar is a fucking coward Nyx!” She stood up and started walking back and forth with a hand of her has been gripping the sword sheathed on her hips. Her other hand was on her hair, tousling it with clear irritation and anger. She sighed before continuing with her words.

“… We’re doing good Nyx… We saved villages… we protected travelers… and we even brought down some idiots. Then he just gave up… like that. Czcibor was furious as all hell… Toland wasn’t even smiling…”

“Get to the point already…”

“He has lost his way, and ends up as nothing but nobody for what? It is not just what we did that he had forgotten. It’s also what we all had gone through; we were family you know? He discarding us like that hurts a lot of people.”


“What? Are you not going to defend your prince charming? I thought for sure you got hooked up with his dick or something while worshipping every step he took…”

“…So even he breaks huh…? Ha…” Despite her words, Nyx smiled. Kalinia took it the wrong way.

“Why the fuck are you smiling? Is this funny to you?”

“Not really, no. It is just… you know… I thought I was the only one with an unhealthy obsession with him… turns out you guys are the same.” She let out a chuckle, before training her gaze on the Elafian.

“You guys had been propping him up like this infallible messiah, it is not that he can’t withstand the pressure; more like his nucleic family is just so precious to him. I’m not saying you guys deserve none of it, hell I’m probably the one that deserved him less…”

“Continue…” Toland finally spoke up and made his way to the fire, there was a glint of interest glimmered in his eyes. Kalinia was staring at the Pythian with incredulity but decided to keep mum.

“I mean… you guys had forgotten what made our little gathering for fools work… He wasn’t the only one, all of us pulled our weight, but because you propped him up alone as this… Savior of Kazimierz… He has no one to confide in and share the burden.” She turned her eyes to Kalinia.

“More damningly? It was you guys who worshipped every step he took, not me.”

“We’re not…”

“Are you? Then tell me, why did you always put his words first and foremost like some sort of gospel? Why do you guys always attribute our achievement as a group solely to him? These are all fine and dandy if we have one or two ideas in mind. Propping someone becoming a Hero meant a hell of a lot of animosity.” Standing up on her feet, Nyx stretched her body while gazing at the sky.

“What was the idea or ideal of propping him up? Are we going to trigger a civil war or some shit? His influence that he never wanted to grow without him because of this ambiguous goal of ours.”


“With fame came people who despise you. I can manage to somewhat hide myself because I play all sides without getting too deep in touch with them. Even my membership is the most unstable right?”


“What does he get for all this trouble? People gunned down on his ass while you guys are seen as mere accessories and are pretty much exempted. The reason why people rarely mess with me is also how I will always retaliate to those who slight me and those dear to me. Młynar is the complete opposite of what I am, despite what his countenance suggests.”

“You created this idea of Młynar Nearl as the Tenebrous Hero who will bring deliverance, but have you ever tried to cover him for this unwanted fame…?” She turned her eyes to the Sarkaz man who smirked seeing the question she was about to ask him.

“You told me the day you guys met him, what was he again?”

“Heh… A man sitting under a tree, while also denying who he supposedly be, what he did, and what his actions meant to be… just a foolish young man that tried his best to help people.”

“Now that exact man made too many enemies. There is a limit on how much soft power we both can wield, me from blackm- um… favors, and him from personal prowess. Then despite me protecting them too, Młynar’s niece and cousin are on their way to glory and fame, that’s why…”

“… Time is running out…?” Kalinia added without being prompted to.


“So what now then? Disband ourselves?”

“Why? You guys have been doing great, so keep on doing what you guys are doing. Like I said, it was never about him… it was about all of you, or us if you truly considered me as one of you…”

“Bahahahaha! Fuckin’ hell, imagine getting lectured by Nyx…”

“What’s that supposed to mean, you hornless bastard!?”

“Yeah thanks for the knock on my noggin’, metaphorically speaking, what a goddamn snake you’re…” Toland dusts himself off from the dirt and starts moving away.

“The hell are you going at?”

“Calling everyone back, or what’s left anyway. You coming or nah?” he flicked his eyes toward Kalinia, the girl sighed before responding to that invitation.

“… Well, guess I have no choice huh…” Kalinia just shook her head and stood up too, and before she left, she spoke her parting words and apology.

“… Sorry there Nyx.”

“Nah I don’t mind, I need to be more accommodating with a shitty girl like you after all.”

“Heh, tell me when you can finally reign in that bastard Pegasus… Actually no, he will be the one doing that to you.” Kalinia said without looking back anymore and walked away towards the Sarkaz in the distance.

“Yeah, yeah, go fuck yourself tramp.”

End of Flashback

Done with her reminiscing, she does nothing else for a good hour before deciding it’s time to leave and be on her way again. She has someone she needs to talk to after all. Her organizational commissions had already been done and dealt with, so it was a good time to skedaddle.

The Pythian made her way out of this cluttered but organized mess of a makeshift plaza and straight towards her ride. Tapping on her earpiece, Nyx spoke just loud enough for it to transmit her words.

“How are things on your end, Conrad?” Her eyes and mental synapses are watching and grasping her surroundings carefully. So far nothing is out of the ordinary other than being seen like a wolf walking willy-nilly downtown.

[It is going as you had predicted my lady, these miners are truly stubborn. One wondered why they kept blaming Catastrophe Messengers who were only doing their assigned duty. My programming is incapable of computing this illogical situation.] Conrad informed her and its voice has a much better tone and expression, entirely flat no more.

“Stop trying to understand humans too hard, I already tried it myself and end up exasperated more often than not. I mean, it was funny the first time it happened…” Nyx is looking ahead towards what can be surmised as the nomadic village’s town hall. It is a large vehicle akin to deep mining trucks back in her previous lives.

She retracts her gaze and makes her way to the outskirts.

Once there she can see the van, whom Conrad is inside, already waiting for her. Her bike is strapped on the side like usual and she takes one last look before entering the vehicle.

[Where to?] Conrad’s voice is now more expressive with clear intonation and tone. What’s more, the interface can finally move all around the vehicle much easier with a detachable screen attached to a drone; courtesy of a certain someone.

“Home of course… need to get there in time since Margaret will be joining the Army this winter from what I know…”


Author’s Note:

Yo there, this is me, myself, and I, the author who has returned from vacation.

My mental state is still ??? at the moment. Just know that if I don’t update by the next week, that means I’m most likely suffering from severe depression, and its fun complementary.

That’s all an update? I don’t know…
