Chapter 44.5 – Victorian Winter Exercise. Nyx as Instructor.
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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: Early November 1087

Location: Royal Guards Academy, Londinium, Victoria.

POV: Narrator

 “Attention!” An instructor’s aide entered with that announcement, prompting cadets all around the mess hall to immediately stand at attention and face each other. An old Feline man walked into the mess hall, the cadets’ eyes were still straight up front. He keeps on walking until he is exactly at the center of the mess hall.

“At ease.” They sat back down and listened intently to his next words. Several ladies can be seen listening with varying degrees of seriousness and attentiveness. These ladies also have varying hair colors such as the orange-haired Vouivre, blonde-haired Lupo, green-haired Feline, and blue-haired Lung. They are at the top of their class and made quite a name for themselves.

The Vouivre looks intrigued with the energetic flail of her tail, and she can’t stop pulling the blue-haired Lung’s arm due to giddiness of which the latter only sighs in exasperation. For the Lupo, she has her eyes focused and ears perked up seriously, even when her green-haired Feline friend keeps on trying to veer and shift her attention away stealthily beneath notice.

“As some of you may have been informed, next week we shall conduct the annual field exercise. Those who are unable to attend due to personal reasons may report directly to my office, otherwise, I expect each one of you to be present at the appointed date. Any question so far?” No one had yet to voice their question.

“Then I will inform you about a Catastrophe Messenger Liaison for the Strategic Planning Section, more commonly referred to as Contingency Contract Liaison, who will be accompanying us and providing lectures regarding catastrophe and Oripathy. There is also the matter of a new Special Instructor that will provide a hands-on approach, advice, and actual practice regarding battlefield situations for our topmost students.” Low murmurs echo within the mess hall, some eager but mostly uncaring since CM will most likely be facilitating their training like usual.

“Regrettably, there seems to be a rather lukewarm reception and I forgot to mention that the Special Instructor and Liaison are the same person.” Cadets who are more privy regarding the world’s state of affairs start to go pale, but those who aren’t don’t feel anything in particular. The Lupo and Lung stop altogether, slight tremble assails their body while their respective friend watches on in confusion and interest.

“That’s all for today, and if there are no questions I bid you all a good rest, you’ll need it.” The Major General left the mess hall and allowed the cadets to return to their meals. Some are having hushed conversations while others are chatting up a storm about next week.

“What’s the deal?”

“Dunno mate, guess old Crocker got something…”

“Did he come in just to announce that? A tad rude in my opinion since what is even that supposed to mean? Isn’t it going to be like the usual winter training?”

“Oh man, field exercise… guess I’ll just brainstorm up an excuse…”

“You need to stop that, Field Exercise accounts for 40% of our grade. If you keep being absent, you’re done for good.”

“Bah, I’m here just because my Father told me to. Like what’s the deal? I’ll just end up governing a fief as the sole heir… I still don’t understand why he enrolled me here, I want to enter a Victorian Academy yes, but not a Military one…”

“It will make you look bad for failing.”

“Nothing money can’t fix, and I have plenty of it already. By the by, are you interested in this little trading company I have made on the side?”

“No on that offer and about that earlier… was it the money or the problems that are abundant?”


“Ey Chenchen! Ye think Major git something interesting? Reckon’ he ain’t daein' it willy-nilly silly fur na reason aye? Och richt! Whit wis that tremble fur anyway? Ye’r juist lik' meself whin me maw see me doin’ something ill. Ye ne'er tell me a thing aboot whit scares ye guid efter a'.”

“Hahhhh… Fiona, can you please wait? I’m doing exactly what you had been nagging me about and you’re imagining things. I do concede that field exercise would be a nice change of pace from theoretical debate on how viable it is to corner your enemy but not force them to fight to the death. It would be easier to leave a gap, then I-”

“Ye'r na fin... 'n' damn that smarty noggin’ o' yours… Na struggle 'n' hustle lik' mah brassic sel… Ah, lassy mah farmlands 'n' maw … Och weel, aye a mighty braw thing tae hae a wee plot fur tatties…”

“Can you stop looking so scary~? Was there anything in particular that upsets you, lady Skamandros?”

“For the love of… hah… Can’t you take his announcement seriously? We are having actual combat exercise… I do wonder why the Gran- ahem, Parliament approved about it now of all times, sound positively suspicious…”

“Eh, who knows… maybe your Papa has a hand in it.”

“Don’t start, or I’ll sock you a new one.”

“Ho-ho, that’s not how a noblewoman is supposed to talk~. That would ruin your image quite, quite, effectively. Sooner or later, the ballrooms would eventually be the battlefield~.”

“That might be so, but compared to your failing to court some bumbling fools last week while both sides committed social faux-pass? My little transgression was a mere footnote, by a very large and visibly noticeable margin.”

“… Rude…” Slowly but surely the mess hall grows empty and they continue for further lessons.




Chen is on her way back to her dormitory, the last tactical assessment lecture was nothing new and frankly boring for her. It is already an established method to not engage a superior force if you can help it, but practicing the basics is a true-and-tested method of learning. She heaves a sigh when arriving at her dormitory with Fiona in tow, the girl is positively beaming and skipping ahead… before stopping dead in her tracks.

The blue-haired Lung is surprised to meet someone she keeps on hearing in between her lectures and times in Lungmen, someone her Uncle cautioned her to tread lightly. The person is none other than the Grey Serpent, Nyx.

“To what do I owe you this pleasure of visit, Lady Nyx?” Her voice is calm but there is an edge bleeding in. Nyx turns her gaze on her and presents her with a rectangular box.

“What’s this?”

“Lord Wei Yenwu’s present. You have one hell of a doting uncle, paying 400,000 LMD for a mere delivery…” She says nothing else before leaving the scene, making the pair confused. Not minding the courier who had left, both of them entered their shared dorm room.

“Wha wis that lassie? yer acquaintance or something?”

“No that’s the Grey Serpent.”

“… who?”

“…Not important, still makes me wonder what is in… side…” Her eyes widened seeing a red blade her Uncle had once used. It is properly and tightly sheathed in its scabbard, along with another black blade that seems to complement her red counterpart. A note has been attached to the case, and she reads it.

‘Remember what I had taught you.’ Hmm. Well… Chi Xiao can only be drawn when it meets a worthy opponent or they’re vile enough to be vanquished.” There is a scant and feeble amount of anger within her tone. Fiona notices it but decides that might not be a good idea, thus she does what she does best; be herself.

“That is yin sweet blade, ye think ah kin haud it?”

“No, you cannot…” Chen answered with a slight mirth in her voice, she realized Fiona’s attempt, the girl might be a country bumpkin but she can be perceptive when it counts. Said country bumpkin pouted, before moving her eyes on the other one within the case.

“Ye'r na fin, whit's sae ill anyway? meh, kin ah haud th' black yin at least?"

“… Very well.” She unsheathes the black blade, it has a robust but deceptively light build. The blade is fashioned like a single-edge straight sword, light but with a correct center point to maximize its weight. She admires it briefly before handing it over to her friend, Fiona giddily receives it, distances herself, and performs some mock swings. Chen can only scoff at her amateurish attempts but lets the Voiuvre have her fun.

She honestly feels nostalgic, to have someone who can act like a normal person… if only her half-sister is here too. Then pangs of guilt and shame filled her heart, she had left 2 of her best friends behind. One is an insufferable conglomerate princess who does what she likes but honestly is a good person, the other is a daughter of the slum mafia who has a heart of gold… and she left them.

She turns her gaze outside, watching as the sun sets for the day.

The next week.

Hundreds of Cadets are trudging through the muddy ground of Victorian lowland. The land is soggy from, allegedly, the last rain on this not-so-fine autumn picnic, and winter is creeping in steadily to sweep the land with either a gentle blanket or frosty death. One might wonder why the Royal Guards Academy sent forth cadets in this sort of season, but it is necessary to temper them with less-than-pleasant situations.

For those wishing or gunning to join the Army, this sort of weather will be their norm. Posting as Victorian soldiers means that they are ready to be sent everywhere within the Empire’s land, methods exist but that could only save them so far. Field exercise is also a good way to teach cadets how to command… with varying results, but at a bare minimum, a steady pace can be maintained.

They finally arrived upon a clearing that was also muddy, soggy, and positively awful… with a certain person already waiting for them. To say her presence shocks them would be a real understatement, even for those who had conjectured such… An ashen-haired Pythia can be seen staring into nothing but an occasional swish of her tail is a good enough indicator of how displeased she is. They can also see Major General Robert Crocker and the Instructors are just standing on a platform impassively, but perceptive cadets can sense the Major General’s bemusement.

With the cadets neatly lined up, he goes on his usual speech and sets protocols. While they are listening, the blue-haired Lung can’t help but keep watching the Pythia from her position on the right while her redhead colleague seems giddy for being on top of soggy ground. The speech didn’t take long, much to the cadets' muted relief. He then motions the Pythia to step forward on the platform.

“Good Afternoon, I’m Nyx, and as you might have guessed I shall be the one responsible as Contingency Contract Liaison. My position would be that of facilitator and general advisor during the duration of this field exercise. I will also be your Special Instructor for the so-called prospective cadets from the topmost rank. That’s all and see you when the artillery starts to rain.” Needless to say that one was a joke, but her flat tone and dead serious expression just made them think that an actual artillery barrage would be included in their training dossier.

With that, the cadets are being told to start preparing their encampment… except for the accomplished and prospective cadets who are told to follow Nyx. 10 cadets from the first year, 10 from the second year, and 10 from the third year. After lining up, she starts by simply calling their names.

“First Year, Harold Lexington?”

“First Year, Harold Lexington is present, Ma’am!”

“Address me as Instructor, understood?”

“Yes, Instructor!”

“First-Year, Rina?”

“First-Year, Rina is present, Instructor!”

“First-Year…” She made her rounds quickly in the first year. They looked somewhat giddy on this field exercise, brimming with confidence and positivity. The second year round’s then starts, unlike the first year the second year’s eyes are a mixture of terseness and fatigue. Surely they sport the perfect image of youthful energy.

“Second-Year, Chen Hui-Chieh?”

“Second-Year, Cadet Chen Hui-Chieh is present for The Year 1087’s Winter Field Excercise, Instructor!”

“Your enthusiasm is appreciated, but keep it brief.”

“Yes Instructor!”

“Second-Year, Fiona Young?”

“Richt ovah ‘ere- Ahem, Second Year, Fiona Young is present Instructor!”

“Formal function, adopt the correct tone. Five laps.”



“Yes, Ma’am!”


“Yes, Instructor!”


A few cadets snickered on her blunder, it is always entertaining watching the country bumpkin keeps on blundering. Unfortunately, their instructor caught them in their act.

“You three, follow her.”

“““Y-Yes Instructor!”””

“Second-Year, John Goodman?”

“Second-Year, John Goodman is present, Ma’a- I mean Instructor!”

“You follow them too, twenty."

"Yes Instructor!"

The second year’s round is finished, and now she move on to the third who will also graduate next summer. Unlike their underclassmen, Third Year Cadets have eyes that seem to grow a spine and are ready to argue. Nyx smirk, that’s a good thing to have but utilization matters. Her eyes briefly linger on a certain Lupo, said Lupo can feel her eyes stabbing her but says nothing and resolutely holds her gaze forward.

“Third-Year, Maurice Hilvitten?”

“Third-Year Maurice Hilvitten reporting for Field Exercise, Instructor!”

“Third-Year, Rita Skamandros?”

“Third-Year Rita Skamandros reporting for Field Exercise, Instructor!”

“Third-Year, Rosalie?”

“Third-Year Rosalie reporting for Field Exercise, Instructor!”

The third year’s round ends. The Cadets are still rooted in their place, waiting for the other 4 to finish their punishment. When they finish, Nyx immediately shows her combat stance, with a sheathed dagger and sword in her hands. Her intention is all too clear for them, surprisingly Rita and Chen step forward without being prompted to, the former drawing her highlander claymore and shield while the latter her with dual blades of which one is sheathed.

Fiona immediately circles the flank with her gunlance, while Rosalie has her arts wand pointed at their instructor. The Cadets immediately take their stances and draw their respective weapons, the others who are busy pitching in tents are interested but get immediately reprimanded by their respective instructor to not slack off.

“It is a combat assessment and remember that when you have advantages, use them. Clear?”

““““Yes, Instructor!””””

In a secluded point, not far from them.

The mock combat has gone rather badly. They have yet to form any cohesive fighting formation, due to conflicting agendas and some who think too highly of themselves. Thus their current predicament of being dead-locked into a stalemate… is a generous assessment, when taking into account the fact that Nyx is not taking it seriously.

“What a primitive method of assessment…” An ostentatiously dressed person said to their counterpart who is none other than Major General Robert Crocker, the Headmaster of Royal Guards Academy.

“That might be so, but she always produced results with her method.” The Headmaster answers their question with surety. They watch as she dodges every single strike coming her way without much fuss. Her body language has been preaching about how boring the whole thing has gone so far, this struck a nerve for a much more high-strung cadets, prompting them to start committing mistakes.

“The nobles and parliament have expectations for these top cadets…”

“Fret not my good Liaison, The Royal Academy always adopted a passive stance on their charge. Victoria already has enough problems, no reason to add another.”

“No wonder you’re without a backer, Headmaster. That bravado of yours would cost you.”

“I’m well aware, but Victoria is all I have, and always will be so.”

“… Suffice to say, you’re an admirable man.”

“Admiration won’t save this nation, but I do appreciate your honest assessment… and warning.” Nothing else is being exchanged between them, their attention is back on the field where a mock combat situation is unfolding.

Nyx dodged a barrage of slashes from Chen and a well-timed pincer strike from her rear by Fiona, sadly she is not a veteran of combat for nothing. She just side-stepped, and caused the both of them to crash on one another, a cadet used that opportunity to unleash an arrow straight on her head. Said arrow only gets snapped mid-air like a twig, and 4 cadets with spears decide to box her.

They keep her in check while the ranged cadets are peppering her with projectiles, yet the Grey Serpent isn’t even remotely impressed. With a sharp control of her posture and flexibility, Nyx knocked the 4 spearmen back with a simple roundhouse kick that pivoted left and right without breaking her stance.

With her being freed from her cage, Nyx throws her blunted dagger towards a cadet, causing her to yelp in pain before being knocked unconscious. The mock combat had only lasted for 10 minutes, and 1/3 of their numbers were out, mostly First-Year cadets who still needed polish on teamwork. Chen and Fiona are still in the game and they’re bashing their head to make better coordination.

“This is bad…”

“Oh wow? What makes you think of that Rita?”

“I’m serious, those 2nd years are good, but their utilization was very isolated. First-Year lost 6 out of 10, Second-Year 3, and our batch’s primary caster was out. To top it off, our instructor had yet to become serious.”

“Take command then.”

“Impromptu command structure would be a challenging work.”

“If that Pythia even being remotely serious, we would all be heaving on the ground in 30 seconds.”

“Fine… 3rd Year focus on keeping her at bay! 2nd Year get yourself rotated periodically and 1st Year with me!” Rita took command of the situation, and while there are some lingering hesitances, having her as CO has made things more organized. No longer does an overlap happen or when one group ends up contradicting each other’s pattern.

The mock combat has turned for the better on the cadets’ side. Nyx has finally looked at them in the eyes, but nothing else. She still has yet to take them seriously, despite seemingly being on the back foot. Rita assumes the commanding role and provides directives and movements for the 2nd Years who becomes the primary offensive force. Remnants of 1st Year cadets are lagging behind her, but they keep up the best they can.

Chen had also stepped up mid-way as 2IC of this impromptu command chain. Her preliminary training back home as heir of her household and law enforcement shows its merits with how she directs the formation without conflicting with de facto CO’s command. She rotates squad after squad efficiently while Fiona, with her monstrous stamina, can hold Nyx back from pursuing them too viciously… is what they force their mind to believe, all in a bid to not be discouraged.

Rosalie had cobbled up her squad of casters and marksmen to provide support. She has even personally stepped inside a melee combat zone to almost blast Nyx off her feet. The Grey Serpent while still sporting a blank expression, is very much pleased at how quickly they transform from isolated groups into a well-oiled fighting force.

Their performance astonishes the instructors who are watching from the corner of their eyes, and the rest of the cadets who are still pitching up their encampment. This mock combat lasted another couple of hours before most of the cadets finally collapsed. Their muscles are screaming and beads of sweat are turned into actual showers by comparison… then rain finally falls just to make the day all the better.

The tortur- instructor herself is still standing on her feet mildly disappointed at how quickly her cadets are being knocked out of combat. Regardless it is time…

“… Almost adequate, but nothing can’t be fixed by New Year’s Eve.”


“Alright, let’s start with our first lesson. A good officer must make the best decision despite their circumstances… such as you guys being half-dead is a perfect example for practical training on theoretical application.”

Weeks later.

 “It is imperative to always try to isolate your foes, remember that an officer is first and foremost in charge of everyone’s life. War will take casualties, your position is to ensure that it was worth the cost and effort.”

“Instructor, what is the best possible method to elect an acted upon against partisans and unconventional forces?”

“Frankly speaking, the best method doesn’t exist, however…”


“If it were me before being with CM, I would say kill them all. Now, as I’m being morally obligated to, it is better to let them sort themselves out. Unless expressly ordered, it would be better to sit back and watch first, no army can win forever by going in blind.”

“Pardon me, you weren’t implying that…”

“Exactly what I implied, if you have a problem with a group, then study them and get to know about their strengths and weaknesses… then start making friends.”

“… Making friends…”

“You seem awfully dissatisfied, pray tell me why?”

“I-It’s nothing, merely a personal conundrum of mine.”

“… Remember that you cannot do everything on your own, I daresay that even the so-called ‘gods’ themselves had struggled to do so.  It is an undoubtedly admirable trait to have, but there are times when calling it quits and letting the more capable take the reins is the best move. If you truly wish to make a change, you need someone willing to listen first.”





“B-but instructor, the law dictates that to be illegal.”

“You’re not going to get far following rules against outlaws. We are talking about a group of scum and lunatics, or the desperate and broken. You cannot judge things as black-and-white, add hate and bias into the mix and you have one nasty pot of sludge.”

“I do agree that there are reasons why people committed unlawful acts, but it still doesn’t excuse them for it.”

“Then an appropriate amount of punishment must be enforced… which would be riddled with… ahem… obstacle… unless you’re untouchable.”

“… Quite a sharp tongue you have there and I’m not going to stoop to their level. Not to mention that it would encourage further deviation from law and order. What would be the meaning of their creation if we can’t uphold them ourselves?”

“Then you better be ready to write a whole lot of letters of condolences. Dogs eat dogs, and the maggots will feast on what’s left from it.”

“… That still doesn’t make it right, to solicit help like that.”

“It doesn’t, but compared to what those under you will suffer, which holds more weight? I’m acting as an instructor for a military academy, I’m here to do exactly that. If you’re still dissatisfied then come and meet me during the evening when there is no exercise being held, we can talk in an unofficial capacity, understood?”

“… Understood, Instructor.”




“How are you going to solve this problem?”

“First I would conduct reconnaissance, it would be foolish to try and force my way without a piece of clear information on what’s happening. I also believe that having a squad or a mobile team can be beneficial in the long run, in case we need to re-assess the situation.”

“Then I’ll add a time constraint on your situation. Let’s say that the army cannot delay their move for more than a day.”

“That case recon-in-force can be a viable one, yet I will comply in my way.”

“You’re directly violating military order.”

“It might be so, but as long as can keep an eye on the timetable, and assign necessary manpower on adequate taskings. I can make do.”

“You’re quite brazen to talk to me like that, I’m still an instructor and your conduct can be considered a miss.”

“Perhaps~, but you’re not like them and it is important to look into both sides to create an appropriate response.”

“You make a terrible soldier… Hmph, I like you.”




“Do remember to keep training your non-dominant, or recessive, hand. Not only it will help you during times of need, but it will also train your muscles.”

“R-Richt… Huft… huft… ye reckon I- Ahem!”

“I feel bad now so just talk like you used to, others ain’t really paying much attention. Especially Kendrick who is fighting for his life after I gave him artillery calibration training and some other miscellaneous tasks. Otherwise, start speaking with your accent being controlled, military can be quite demanding when they want to.”

“Ye juist admitted oan abusing power... Bit muckle obliged! Ye ken... Dae ye ken that tis pure weird tae bulldoze mah wey thro'? back at hame it wirks weel...”

“It’s not, but you must remember that working in the military meant moving, acting, organizing, and deciding as one unified force. It won’t do for you to act arbitrarily and compromise the whole team. Bulldozing your way through is viable, but you require approval from your CO, got it?”

“Aye, soonds mighty easy!”

“Good, now get up. 10 rounds in and you have yet to touch me.”

“Bah! ah will chap ye doon at th' hundredth round!”

“Was that a challenge?”

“N-no! ah wis juist kidding, ah ken! pumping masell tae be fired up 'n' a', ah swear ah dinnae maen it as ae challenge ma'am!”

“Uh-huh, we’ll stop at 10… P.M.

“Weel, weel, well… a'm sae damn fucked, richt? welp, jalouse i’ll hae anither bonnie nicht wi' stars…”

A month later

In a short span of 2 weeks, Nyx had earned the moniker of being a devilish instructor. Her draconian style of teaching was seen to be extremely inappropriate, but the woman fired back by challenging the board of Instructors about her borderline sadistic treatment of the cadets.

“Aren’t they the best of their classes? Shouldn’t you be happy I draw out their full potential? I was requisitioned by the Parliament, not you. Complaint to them, and not to me.” That shuts up a whole lot of them while Major General Crocker can be seen grinning periodically. He is greatly amused with how the Grey Serpent does things her way but is still technically well within her rights and capacity as an Instructor.

Her reception by the cadets is peering on the negatives, but not because of what you might expect which will be elaborated upon later down the line.

Her reception by those directly under her training… is 100% positive within the scope of a love-hate relationship. They genuinely believe that their Instructor is an actual psychopathic sadist with standards so high she might as well start training spec-ops instead. Simultaneously, with begrudging respect, they know that she is a really good teacher who doesn’t hold back on education.

Nyx even has the time to tailor each of the 30 cadets with their training regimen without fail. She customized each of their curricula to maximize their potential, changing their outlook from just being soldier candidates into highly specialized officers. She expressly debates those who take issue with her training with the idea that she won’t teach a fish how to climb a tree. Not only is it wasteful, but it also reflects badly on the Royal Guards Academy. The last remark almost caused her to get dismissed on the spot, but the military overseers like her too much for it to not be possible.

When a cadet shows aptitude for commanding, she will reduce their combat portion and instead force them to command different groups to finish different tasks. Some suffer symptoms of lack of confidence, but she encourages them in her way… mixing in some threats as well. Those who excel in physical combat can look forward to evening beat-down and stamina training. These are but some examples.

Rita has grown from being a capable leader into a pragmatic but deeply attuned with her colleague’s emotion type of leader. She had times and times again rallied her comrades to stand back up from being trounced into oblivion by this merciless instructor of theirs. Rita Skamandros has most or less secured her place as 1087’s Valedictorian, her ability has risen dramatically. Things that happened in the background will not be elaborated.

Fiona has achieved a notoriety of her own, namely for being the only one capable of fighting the Instructor in a single combat, despite numerous injuries she sustained. The country bumpkin earned herself the respect of everyone for being so positive and generally uncaring of how badly bruised her body came to be.

Chen is probably the most controversial of them all, her white-and-black outlook on combat and operation garnered her equal admiration and exasperation. She is hell-bent on that rules must be followed and carried out to the letter. Her strict and taciturn conduct was a point of contention for a lot of her colleagues, but none can deny that her skills are the most balanced of them all while being a formidable sword master to boot. Nyx is trying to fix it, but so far there is not much to show.

Rosalie has a rather odd skill set, the girl is mischievous in the sense that she will always look for opportunities to provide support and whatnot, be it in combat or not. She then showcased an aptitude for being extremely competent in organizing logistics and personnel reorganization. Rosalie can smooth out potential conflict, or inflame it to be even worse much to everyone’s chagrin.

And numerous others grow in their respective fields. A cadet Liberi has matured into a competent communication officer, she shows signs of redirecting traffic during combat to not overlap. Another shows a veritable growth regarding creativity, making several types of mines and the like.

Thus we came to the point of why she has a negative reception; the Cadets are envious of the top ranking’s explosive growth. Thus they complained so much that Nyx started going around everywhere, training as many people as possible. The Instructors laugh at her predicament, citing that she is too good and that her reward is more work… and that’s within her duty as an instructor while they have a lighter workload. They are happy because, like for once, they don’t have to deal with overly entitled brats that start crying out their parent’s name despite clearly being in the military’s academy…

Nyx is now dealing with those. Boy, isn’t she mad? She doesn’t show it but she knows how to make a point for that discontent… doesn’t change the fact that she still does her best in providing an effective exercise. A small clique of instructors are left disgruntled, because there would always be such people, claiming that she has too much autonomy for being a temporary Instructor. That is true… while they also being a part of the Instructor’s clique who start copying her method of training…

Fast-forward to 31st December, cadets, instructors, and even several nobles who heard of her training’s efficacy came around for New Year’s revelry. It was quite unusual since there was never something like this happening in the past, but there is always a first time for everything.

While that’s happening, a certain overworked CM instructor is being swamped with paperwork inside a wooden cabin she made herself. It is on the smaller side, but the fact still stood that she had made one.

“You suck at stealth Aino.” Nyx said with an exasperated tone, completely at odds with her blank face.

“… Using yourself as the baseline for assessment was not an admirable trait.” An Elafia steps out from the corner of the room. She is none other than one of Count Skamandros’ top operatives if not a bit unconventional.

“It works.”

“I’m unsure how your model of training can be considered to be as appropriate. More astonishingly, you seem to have the knack on when to push and when to pull on the pressure.”

“Excluding the Lungmen’s de facto Heiress, your Lady, and that 3rd son of Cavendish who is surprisingly decent, the top ranks are made up of 4th, at best, sons and daughters or even ordinary commoners and country bumpkins. They have little to lose, and being trained this hard increased their odds of succeeding.” Nyx stopped scribbling at her paperwork to look up at the less than impressed, but still understanding, Elafian lady.

“Of course my employer has their motive, I have an inkling but am uninterested anyway.”

“Weren’t you mandated to ensure as many lives as possible can be saved?”

“True, but CM was never meant as a peacekeeping organization. We exist as the best possible stop-gap measure in this fucked-up world. It is not all altruistic of course, but we certainly easier to use… and discard.” She hand Aino a sheet of paper.

“… straight to the point.”

“Yeah, now piss off. Caster’s men had been eyeing me since I came here, not to mention the Duchess of Windermere herself had visited me.”

“Right… I’ll get out of your hair.”


Author’s Note:

Yo there, this is me, myself, and I, the author who is exhausted but also fulfilled. Sorry there are no images of them when they’re young… oh well…

These were what Fiona (Bagpipe) said without her Scottish accent and slang:

“Ey Chenchen! You think Major got something interesting? I think he is not doing it willy-nilly silly for no reason right? Oh yeah, what was that tremble for anyway? You’re just like myself when my mum see me doin’ something bad. You never tell me a thing about what scares you good after all.”

“You’re no fun… and damn that smart brain of yours… no struggle and hustle like my poor self… I miss my farmland and mum… oh well, still a mighty fine thing to have a small plot for potatoes…”

“Who was that lassie? Your acquaintance or something?”

“That is one sweet blade, you think I can hold it?”

“You're no fun, what's so bad anyway? Meh, can I hold the black one at least?”

“You just admitted on abusing power... but much obliged! You think... do you think that it's weird to bulldoze my way through? Back at home it works well...”

“Aye, sounds mighty easy!”

“Bah! I’ll knock you down by the hundredth round!”

“N-no! I was just kidding, I thinkl! Pumping myself to be fired up and all, I swear I don't mean it as a challenge Ma'am!”

“Well, well, well… I am so damn screwed, right? Welp, guess I’ll have another lovely night with stars…”

Update as usual
