Chapter 46 – Unified Chessboard of Convenience, lovely…
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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: June 1088

Location: Section 4, High-Class District, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz.

POV: Degenbrecher

Another competition match, another farcical watch. I only drew it out because the sponsors were getting too noisy and meddlesome just because I ended a lot of fights with a single stroke of my blade. My fights grew in terms of redundancy, and if not for an annoying serpent, I would have lost all will to play a jester in this city.

I rarely used my sword breakers nowadays, let alone the great sword ever seen the light of day. I decide to use a normal long sword, easier to replace and a good limiter for myself. It became a sort of fad for the audience, any weapon I wield will see a sharp increase in popularity; and K.G.C.C., despite their mounting disdain for me, will do everything to maximize potential profit.

Making my way outside the stadium, I need to push down my scowl of distaste for the crowd that has been waiting for me. Cheers and praises, jubilation and celebration, and all I feel is emptiness and profound tiredness. My 2nd Major victory was meant to prove myself, how high I could go was my objective, and perhaps show something to certain groups of people.

Mentally preparing myself, I descended the stairwell and immediately got swarmed by overly eager fans or those with motives. Naturally, I have made a deal with a security firm, thus allowing me a breathing room to exit without ever stopping. A slow pace is better than being rooted on the spot. It is not that I hate them per se, I even welcomed them once upon a time... It's just that... Hah...

"Lady Degenbrecher! How can you be so strong!? Do you perhaps have some tips and or pieces of advice on what can be done!?" When was the last time anyone ever asked about something meaningful? These repetitive exchanges had grown way too frequent.

"Degenbrecher! Marry me please!" Another one with projection on what they think I am and why, never what I truly am. I have my fair share of adoration, perhaps only equaled by Nyx's bunch of fanatics, but their desire starts to sicken me. They can covet whatever, doesn't make it any easier for me.

"Black Knight! I'm your biggest fan! You show yourself to be the ultimate warrior!" A string of praises ended up stinging me quite deeply, the second time I won the Major had all but sapped what little ambition I had left. Praises and jubilee end up a stinger filled with venom, my victories are hollow.

"Miss Degenbrecher! Was it true that you have a harem of beautiful men and women at your beck and call?! Please give us an answer! Your fans are dying to join!" Hogwash and gossip abound. One paints me as this blinding and charming Casanova while the other ends as an insatiable and predatory fiend preying for morsel to feast upon just because it can. If I knew that this was what I would garner back then, I would have never set foot in this decadent city.

"Miss Black Knight! We're from Voice of Columbia, what is your impression of Kazimierz's growth as a foreigner?" The opportunist has been nagging me with things outside the arena. Usually, I would deign to spout a response or two, but now? I'm just tired.

"Hey, Black Knight! I'll be the one to defeat you by the next round!" The line between bravery and bravado had long since been lost or perhaps there was never one to begin with. The majority of these Knights are nothing more than clowns, a single battle of real life and death would break them.

"Lady Black Knight! Lady Black Knight! Why don't you join our Knight Club? You will be granted full benefits!" Benefits? I have no desire for something so hollow. Wealth, fame, and even a partner of my choosing are all but assured... but they were never important. For a 'defective' Leithanien, those are barely being considered as a balm.

"Hey fuck you! Degenerate Knight!" Hah... and this type... not even worth wasting my breath any further. I ignore the usual commotion that follows...

After an eternity of weariness, I reached the awaiting limousine, once again provided by my sponsor since I couldn't be bothered to purchase one. Poise and popularity so they say, I know that they use me as a walking advertisement, and there will always be those above these companies. One of my bodyguards, whom I never needed, opened the car's door for me.

Only to be greeted by one of those corporation representatives... I can't help but sigh in annoyance. I thought they would be somewhat offended, but I was only met with amused gazes and perhaps a pitying one too. I sat opposing them, and they started first.

"Good evening, Madam Degenbrecher, we are Cordelia Concord Inc. representatives. I must say that our CEO is spot-on with their impression of you."

"Sure, what do you want? Never thought I would be dealing with Archeology and Exploration Company of all things... which also dabble in automotive and vehicle development."

"Fascinating, you did your homework after all."

"I have to if I want some peace."

"Naturally, thus let's cut to the chase." That's new. I usually need to listen to at least half an hour-long lecture about what their company is, their goal, and even their noble vision or some damn things. I honestly never listened, making this a welcome surprise for a change. The one on the right side of the lady I was conversing with offered me a document to peruse.

The document offers and stipulates conditions for further partnership, namely that I routinely give feedback on the vehicle and if I'm willing to join an excursion. Cordelia Inc. requires promotion material. If that's the case then...

"Why reach out to me? I heard that Grey Serpent woman is easier to use."

"Regrettably, we are unable to secure a deal. We're also looking for a hot topic for promotion, the Grey Serpent is old news compared to you."

Oh, Turns out they already did. I see their logic, Nyx had been operating outside of Kazimierz so many times, and for so long it is just unfeasible. Guess accepting their request can be done without much hassles on my part. The first is easy so I accept and the second will need some tinkering.

They also want to inquire me about information regarding ruins and such. I decided to postpone it, saying something like that might land me in hot water for saying something I shouldn't have. I'm confident of my strength, that much is true, but I would rather not make an enemy of a nation-state all by my lonesome. It would be such a drag...

We parted mid-journey and I'm back in my apartment. Using the biometric scan and other security measures, it doesn't take long for me to get inside and once there, I just let myself collapse on the couch while thinking of what my life had become. The first major is me proving myself, the second is temperance and personal enhancement... but what about the third... Nyx told me that K.G.G.C. has limited fondness for market predictability...

While musing quietly on my predicament, my private terminal lit up with an e-mail notification. Not a whole lot of people know my real e-mail, I do have a business one that is already taken care of by a specialized team, and that's why I only need to peruse the essential amongst the important.

"Oh? ...Let's see ...another offer for me to not fight seriously for my title during the next major. Offering me 100 Million LMD to forfeit, along with an offer for monthly salary if I agree to join them... what an elaborate insult." I honestly just deleted the e-mail. Not even a second later, a transmission connected with mine. This time coming from a familiar face and name.

"How are you Nyx?"

[Cool, just finishing up the Contingency Contract joint operation's preparation near Lungmen. Having a rather swell time with merchants who want a piece of me. Like holy shit, weren't they hardheaded? One piece of shit was even brazen enough to hold my hand, took everything in me to not clock that insolent asshole on the spot.]

"I'm unsure why complaints and general distaste are the things that immediately pop up in your mind, so please, what do you have for me?"

[I got the data you have been asking for, and also about your hometown. Which one do you want to hear first?]

"The latter please."

[Your second Victory doesn't change much and your hometown still hates you. I still don't understand what the hell their problems are, or perhaps they're just a bunch of uncultured bastards... Like come on~ I will gladly do something to have a nice little memory exchange with you~.]

"Hmph, how sweet... Your offer and platitude would have more weight and be much more flattering if you weren't so blatant for putting me as a mere substitute for that disastrous love life of yours..."

[My~ I have no idea what you're insinuating...]

"And for my hometown... that's honestly predictable... yet I'm truly glad that their animosity and mutual distaste stays true."

[I think I know why, but do tell me.]

"It would be pitiful to have them flip a 180 and change their opinion, I can at least respect their hate of what I am if there is consistency. Thanks again, for that minor request of mine I mean."

[Yep, and as for the data... I have compiled the list of companies who want your... fufu~... head. Needless to say, they dislike a predictable gambling board, it would be better if you start thinking of something.]

"Very mature, Nyx, and don't worry, I have more than enough to fend off anyone feeling lucky and particularly brave."

[Mm-hm, that so like you. Which is why, I have so much more than just an important piece of intel with me.]

"Just say when do I need to retrieve it. I can shake off pursuers and eavesdroppers with ease to pick it up."

"No need~." I, with great exasperation, turned my head around and saw her getting inside... through the window. Wait, the window has an alarm installed right? How did she diact- ... never mind.

I cannot for the life of me understand what is wrong with this woman. She is the only one capable of sneaking past every single installed security measure and scaling the outer wall in the dead of the night like going on a Saturday night walk.

'If she was spotted things would get ugly rapidly, yet she never did.'

"Can't you act like a normal person?"

"Oh? Potentially letting anyone who sees me enter your apartment in the dead of night unharmed? I mean, if you like raunchy gossip, we might as well screw each other's light out. Actually, why don't we? I'll give you a freebie, you can have me however you want~. Dear gorgeous Black Knight~."

She, without a hint of shame, latched herself on my body. While I find her features to be pleasing to feast upon, I have no interest with the fairer sex. Neither do I have any intention to seek momentary pleasure with either sex. I gently peel myself off from her, her mock disappointment was equally adorable and made me want to gurgle out my nonexistent dinner...

"And risking myself getting paralyzed?"

"Hey now, you are resistant to venom and who knows you might like stimulation with a bit more oomph added into the mix."

"Resistance does not equal immunity."

"You're no fun, well here is the data." She handed me the data through digital storage. It can only be shared within less than 10 meters (30 feet), I get the data and she immediately departs.

"Not going to annoy me any longer?"

"Maybe~, but since you declined to have a good time and I got another job in and stuff, I'll take an early exit off the stage." It is not my problem, but it might not be too much for me to ask her about it.

"Aside from us smashing our heads on the ground periodically, you're awfully workaholic for such a disastrous sloth."

"Oh come on, I'm doing nothing much. Just got a contract to meet up with a Nouveau Riche Brat and maybe some more. Catastrophe Messengers are probably the most overworked people in Terra, woe to me~." Before she leaps outside, she turns her head and I can clearly see her mocking grin taunting me.

"Oh~! Almost forgot! Congratulations on the photo shoot... Miss Black Knight, Golden Rose of Midnight Sky. I must say you look like an expensive wh- excuse me, an astutely glamorous Queen of the Night in such a tasteful dress."

"It would do you so much good to mind your own business, keep your mouth shut, not revel in gossip, and it wasn't as embarrassing as yours, Silver Siren of Bloody Iron. Seems like your shame had left the scene ages ago by now."

"No it is still there, but I am hot. They know it, I know it, you know it... correct?" This woman...

"What happened to 'not going to annoy me' any further? You're insufferable..."

"That might be true, but that's not important because... Who's between us that did blush, even a little?"

"... I did not..."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that Deby-chan." I was about to give her more than just a piece of my mind for that nickname before she wipes her grin and looks me in the eyes seriously.

"Watch your back, the K.G.C.C. is not happy with your attitude. You might want to consider planning ahead in advance..."

"...cut the specifics, so can you prepare it for me?"

"Sure thing, just wait up a little while more."

"How much are you asking?"

"Consider it a bonus and an apology for accidentally taking a 'bite' out of you." My hand throws a hidden dagger on reflex, which she catches mid-air, and flung back into the carpet in front of me without even breaking eye contact. She smirks and flips her middle finger at me.

I swear I will be less gentle than usual when smashing her face on the ground. Specifically, the next time our spar is coming around, someone ought to teach her a lesson...

"Good night, gorgeous." She launches herself outside the window, blending into the night flawlessly. I must admit, she is the most annoying but also reliable person I have in this city. Gazing outside, I can sense my time in this forsaken mobile city rapidly dwindling.

One thing has been nagging me...

"How puzzling... Despite being in the middle of a potential maelstrom, or more like multiple of them in fact, Nyx is seemingly able to maintain her bare-minimum neutral position scot-free... What's the game you're playing, Grey Serpent?" A shame that she is not here to answer but I'm certain that she will not come clean regardless.

Location: Section 58-59 connecting plates, Underground District, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz.

POV: Narrator

Nyx is weaving her way through the maze of this cluster of underground hallways. This cave-like location is none other than Kawalerielki's underground complex, a sort of an open secret for those who have a hand in under-the-table dealings.

The Grey Serpent is moving quietly, moving like a haze beneath the dimly lit world. Her steps are quiet, practiced, and rapid. Even more damningly, this part is not Kawalerielki's original plates. The Major is upon them, thus the usual docking of mobile cities deemed most prosperous causes her to navigate through a familiar scenery but alien to the memory.

Fortunately, she got the memo for it. Sensing a presence that is waiting for her, Nyx slows down and just walks calmly. She takes notes of her surroundings, devoid of any of its usual denizens.

There were marks left by them sure, but she surmised that it had been hours since then and decided not to mind them too much than necessary. Nyx abruptly stopped and rapped her hand on the wall 4 times with a distinct pattern. She waited until a voice replied back.

“You’re late.” A tall Liberi man can be seen opening the hidden doorway. She just shrugged with her trademark blank face and strolled inside. The Liberi man didn’t seem to mind her brusque manner and just followed her quietly. Nyx takes notice of him from the corner of her eye, he is dressed in a mix of white jacket and black clothing. He looks like an aristocrat but more of the brainy type. He walks with a cane-slash-pickaxe in hand, despite clearly not needing to. To top it off, the man is wearing sporty glasses.


(He is yet to wear the Karlan Trade Company armband here.)

'If only Mwi would wear his glasses more often...' A silly thought slipped past her...

They eventually arrived in a simple room, there was a table with a map already laid out on top of it. The man approached the table and motioned her closer. He starts with an introduction and an apology for his colleague's absence.

"Regardless of your punctuality, my name is Gnosis Edelweiss and unfortunately Lord Silverash is currently preoccupied with a matter that requires his utmost attention."

"Fine by me and honestly? It was a surprise knowing that the rumored, and the newly anointed at that, Silverash's Patriarch was the requester. I thought that Kjerag has little interest in the outside world, barring rumors of their dealings with Victoria."

"A fair assessment and you're mostly correct. However, you're not here to regale and tell me about rumors, so let's start with your task." Nyx just nods, she has no problem with a contact who goes straight to the point.

"First would be resource prospecting along the western ridgeline. This place is outside the customary, religious, and judiciary reach of all the ruling families, what's more, no countries had laid claim on it."

"What are you expecting me to find?" She is puzzled, why are they hiring her for prospecting unearthed resources? Shouldn't they be hiring a company with that expertise instead? Or is it just Kjerag's peculiarity? Her mind is whirring to find a reason.

"Resources are a matter of fact, but Lord Silverash wishes that you note the overall terrain and local beasts' ecosystem. Then if possible, create a detailed map with personal notes and commentaries separated inside a journal. Another thing to consider is the possibility of Catastrophe, are you following me so far?"

"Sounds easy enough, and regarding that prediction would require me to dig deeper into the earth. Other than that, it is a fairly standard proposal."

"I would have cautioned you to not underestimate Kjerag's climate and uniqueness. I refrained since that's as good as a scientist lecturing, not advising, how a seasoned mountaineer should climb, possible but not exactly suitable."


"The crux is that Lord Silverash wants you to be thorough, and follow this exact path during the duration of your employment, of course, I'll accompany you onsite to provide guidance and information that you might require."

"You're following me? Sure thing, I just hope that you won't distract me too much." Gnosis doesn't respond to her snark and instead moves the conversation along.

"His interest lays upon what you can report and your opinion as an expert. It is no secret that Kjerag's isolated nature hampered our ability to solicit a capable and trustworthy outsider's service."

"... Thanks for the compliment?"

"In what capacity?" Nyx stared hard at her contact, it was not as what she had expected. She thought that they were interested in resource prospection or perhaps general security, but it sounds like there is a hidden goal in it. She activates her mental synapse and is unable to discern anything other than a feeling that the man is speaking matter-of-factly, there is nary personal desire in him.

"A catastrophe messenger and capable Contingency Contract Liaison."

"... Sure. What about the 'locals'?" The Grey Serpent decided to rest her suspicion for the time being and listen further. She is not at all worried about herself, more like what kind of chessboard is she currently dancing on.

"I would highly recommend you to show restraint, it wouldn't do for you to commit needless atrocities. Lord Silverash notes that even the dregs of the world have more use than being dead, and he would be most pleased if you can accommodate his directive to the best of your ability."

"Fancy principle, what else?"

"The next objective would be..." The discussion continues on beneath the forgotten corner of Terra's flourishing trading and entertainment hub.

Date: July 1088

Location: Kath Ridgeline, West of Kjerag.

POV: Nyx

'This place got covered in snow during summer?!' I can only stare in amazement seeing this much snow during summer, like what the hell? Working here for a while might not be so bad. Thank goodness I have trained my racial weakness against cold gradually during the last decade or so, I would have been shivering right now.

"Something the matter?" Gnosis asked me, but his tone was even more disinterested than mine.

"Nope, just the first time I get this close to Kjerag, isolationism and all..."

"Understandable, but best we do not prolong around dawdling here, our destination is close and please wear your hood."

"Sure thing, boss." Thus we start our small resource prospecting journey. Along the way, I noted that the trees, primarily pines, are larger compared to what I had seen during my time in this world.

'Is this what the local vegetation would look like without catastrophe around? Making it weirder why no nations dared to stake their claim here. I mean, even if this place is actually sparse with natural resources, the land is stable for industry.' My mind automatically tries to unravel the mystery of why Kjerag can still maintain independence.

Sure catastrophes and inconsistent borders made imperialism a challenge to conduct, but compared to the clusterfuck that was Bolivarian Civil War, suppressing Kjerag would be so much easier. Even Minos almost got wiped out by Sargon, from what my library visit had told me. Ugh, must have been realpolitik isn't it?

"You had been spacing out quite frequently, are you unwell?"

"Nah, I'm fine and can't you see that I had noted down everything I had seen so far?"

"Well, I'm not too different then, but please what have you found so far?"

"Let's see... the local ecosystem in this region is still intact. I spotted several Tuskbeasts tracks and judging from the pattern, they just recently passed by. We had also noted a cave beforehand, no?"

"Indeed, I had placed a device to keep an eye on it. We found potential originium veins, something that fetches a stable sum due to demands, marking a promising note in this venture." I don't need my mental synapse to understand how uninterested this guy is. Eh, he's technically my employer at the moment so I'll just nod.

15 Days later.

We diligently did our preliminary surveys and the results were not as bad, but definitely looked grim from the standpoint of resource prospecting. These last few days we only found another 3 potential orignium veins, but I decided to inspect one of them and found it empty. Damn, this place is almost deserted, no wonder no one wants it, there are no incentives to do so.

The local ecosystem is quiet, I noted down less than 7 species of fowlbeasts here, so damn sparse. The fangbeasts, burdenbeasts, and the rest of them are relatively homogenous too. Tracks and remnants of territorial conflict between beasts are there, but compared to Kazimierz or Victoria, the region is a veritable haven. There is an interesting find though, namely that each beast's territories seemingly operated based on mutual symbiosis.

Almost like a completely functional society...

Packs of fangbeasts end up protecting burdenbeasts, probably from their territory but I have no time to verify, from a raiding pack of another. The battle was less fierce than I thought it would be. The reinforcing fangbeasts even acted like rearguards while their raiders watched carefully for opportunity before ultimately retreating. Fowlbeasts in the sky provide watch, a sort of primitive application of sentry duty. I was also fascinated seeing that the largest beast doesn't necessarily mean they are the leader of this territory. There is so much more but one thing stood out...

Despite being called ridgeline, at least 60% of the land I had noted, analyzed, and reported was all flatland... why? I thought we were here to examine a mountain and while we did, only a few of them got labeled by Gnosis. I'm not an expert in geography and stuff, but singling out only certain points sounds mighty suspicious.

Speaking about Gnosis, I thought he was not the type to find climbing pleasant. Which he is, but more like being annoyed than complete aversion. There is also a difference in what we noted. While I noted down the terrain and what I have to say about the region, Gnosis seems to be sizing up the land, almost like trying to build something on it. I mean that makes sense, we are here to prospect for resources... but the results are not great so far... just what the hell is Silverash thinking?

Date: August 1088.

Location: Nearl's Mansion, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz.

POV: Zofia

"Where is my sword...? Aha! There it is." Currently, I'm rummaging around to get ready for my first-ever knockout phase. I managed to pass the qualifier round and honestly? It wasn't all that hard. Big Sis' training was miles torturous compared to whatever that one was. Like, these competition knights are just so slow, their hits weren't all that hard either.

The next match would be a duel with Ivyblade KC's knight, I forgot who but whatever. I'm technically under Nearl's family sponsorship. Knight Family such as the Nearl can participate as a family team; they can include multiple participants and donate their points to their finest. It might sound scummy, but a lot of Campaign Knights have turned into Competition Knights and mop the floor with their ability, One such method is to skip needless preliminaries by just combining points for their best contender.

Naturally, I'm a lone contender this time around, which is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I will not have a hard time picking sponsorships. The bad news is that I'm now being chased around by fanatical fans, paparazzi, meddlesome KC agency, and even K.G.C.C.! I admit that I sometimes laughed off Big Sis for being so listless after dealing with them; and now I know, it was that bad.

"Auntie!" Ughrrk! I... hah... can't Maria stop calling me that? She is barely 10, so I can let it slide but... ugh... are you kidding me?! I'm only 3 years older than Margaret for goodness sake! It made me sound older than I actually am...

"Auntie?" She looks up at me with those bright golden eyes of hers, a part of me envies the main family for their distinct golden... almost everything really! Hair? Golden blond. Eyes? Pure Gold. Principle? Shining like the finest light of dawn i.e. GOLDEN sunrise! Their motive and motto as a knight family? Why of course it was based on being a Heart of GOLD! Then their charismatic charm? A GOLDEN standard of knightly virtue!

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Look! Look!" She brought... an engineering magazine?! Huh?! While I was being flabbergasted by something that shouldn't usually fascinate children, Maria couldn't stop gushing about how much she wanted a drone. Apparently, she had asked that blockhead for one, but he only gave her a non-committal hum from what I can understand.

While Uncle Kiril's health keeps on worsening, the family is not having a hard time thankfully. Młynar was hired by Cordelia Concord Inc., he rose quickly but is now stuck in middle management... being a civilian worker sounds annoying. I also got an offer of sponsorship from them but I declined because they sounded suspicious. They are a company that dabbles in archeology, field equipment development, and automotive... Right? I kind of forgot.

"I want a drone... wanna see and fly." My mental deliberation was halted when Maria's sad voice wrenched my attention back on her. The girl's ears had flopped down, she rarely showed any wants on an object, so this was the first time she wanted anything... Aha! I know how to turn it into a beneficial situation.

"Hmm... how about this, if I reach the quarterfinals, and you do your study diligently, I'll buy one for you. The best and the biggest one I can purchase! Even if I failed to reach the quarterfinals; I'll still give you a drone but smaller, what do you think?"

"Really?! Yay!" Goodness, this bundle of cuteness is too much for me, why does it feel like I'm getting lightheaded all of a sudden...? Huh, it might be worth being called Auntie if she keeps being this adorable... curses... Big sis mannerism is bleeding into me.

"Good girl, so keep studying diligently, and don't forget to support your big sister alright!"

"Eh? Big sister? Margaret is home?! Yay! Big sister is home!" Wait no! ... And there she goes... she will start turning the mansion upside down looking for Margaret. Well, whatever, our resident blockhead will pacify his niece somehow.

Yep, not my problem at all!


Author's Note:

Yo there, this is me, myself, and I, the author who finally finished his thesis.

What Nyx meant as taking a 'bite' was clocking Degenbrecher, disorienting her for 15 whole seconds, once during a secret sparring session of theirs. The Grey Serpent cheated using Terran equivalent of tear gas and The Black Knight was notably miffed for that blunder on her part. She definitely didn't grin when Nyx, technically still, got her good; nah nope nada nay no nein.

While Nyx is being busied on piecing together why Enciodes asked for her, admittedly expensive, service on a seemingly mundane job, we will also see Zofia carving her path in the Kazimierz 21st Major. Will she meet Degenbrecher? We'll see...

Update as usual
