Post-Divine Game – Welcoming back the Master [Erotic Content]
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“We’re home now.”

“Yes Master,” Miyo answered, a lusty undertone to her cool voice. Already, she brushed off the shoulder straps of her dress. The red cloth fell to the ground, leaving her slender body completely exposed. She had heard the unspoken order and Rykard loved her for it.

Eyes roamed her form, exploring her like she was a piece of meat for his entertainment. He would have a few more weeks where he could treat her roughly, but eventually, the pregnancy would advance to a point where a more delicate touch was appropriate. That went for her and all the others he would plant his seed in.

How many more, Rykard did not know for certain. Ambitions were vast. Desire was even more boundless. Fact was that he had five more sex slaves waiting inside. Five sex slaves that he had left with three very simple and tortuous rules. They had to think of him whenever they felt pleasure. They had to pleasure themselves or each other for at least 30 minutes a day. They could only orgasm once a week.

“Let’s see how much your fellow submissives missed me,” Rykard stated.

Miyo just smiled and followed her owner.

A huge push opened the doors of the estate wide. The moonlight fell into the room behind Rykard, the midnight still as present here as it had been in the arena. Sweet smells of pheromones and sexual desperation filled his nostrils, mixed with the incense that had been burned to keep the fragrance in the estate as rich as the fresco.

In the cone of silver light cast by the light sphere in the empty sky of the new world sat Vylara. The vampire slave was on her knees, on the floor, her black dress orderly folded in front of her. “I heard your return, Master,” she greeted him. First, the delicate tips of her slender fingers, then her head, she rested on the ground before her. Tits, rivalled only by her fellow haremettes in size, squished on the floor as she prostrated herself. Her shapely butt rose high. “This slave is eager to obey your every whim, my one and only Master.”

“No question if I returned triumphant?” Rykard wondered. A gesture of his magic closed the doors behind him as he approached. In the ensuing darkness, Vylara’s red eyes were the only source of half-light.

“To question your victory is redundant, Master, for it was assured the moment you left.”

Rykard smirked and silently ordered the vampire to stand. Her arousal was evident in every shiver and the heat radiating from her. Once on her feet, the mild curve of her own, tiny waist was evident. Vylara had been impregnated mere days after Miyo and so she showed to a similar degree.

“No complications, I hope?” Rykard asked, letting his hand glide over her stomach.

“None of note,” Vylara answered, still aroused but dropping the submissive tone for that moment. “Some morning sickness, but nothing any of us could not deal with between our own abilities and Melana’s magic.” 

Rykard nodded. Of course, the fertility priestess would have means to aid the hardships of pregnancy. “The Hexagon I left you with…?”

“Ready to swear fealty to you, milord. You need only see their leaders. Do you wish to hear the details now?”

Waving off, Rykard made clear he had other priorities. The realm of politics would take his attention fast enough. For now, the first and foremost thing that mattered had to be taken care of. The harem he had been separated from needed a reminder of what they had been missing out on. “Where are the others?”

“Sleeping together in your bed.”

“As they should.” Rykard let the dominance flow back into his voice. It made Vylara’s pupils actively dilate, as if she was a cat exposed to catnip. “And you’re out here, because?”

“This is my time of the daily cycle, Master, and someone should keep watch during the nights.” She leaned slightly forwards, causing her overabundant breasts to sway enticingly. “I hoped to be the one to greet you back home, Master and queen of his harem, and my wish was granted.”

“So it was,” Rykard hummed, feeling his pants strain. “Well then, let’s wake them up, shall we?”

““Whatever you wish, Master,”” Vylara and Miyo cooed in unison.

Rykard did not need to invoke magical light, to pull away their blanket, or to clear his throat. All it took for the Master of the house to stir his haremettes awake was for him to open the bedroom.

Sharing the large bed, Helenn, Heyla, Melana and Telana were entangled in two pairs. Shortstack rested atop succubus, while wood elves slept in each other’s embrace. All of that stirred, starting with Heyla’s nostrils flaring.

The succubus’ eyes flew open. Red at first, they soon tinged orange, infernal magic and hunger swelling within. “Master,” she whispered, the hunger apparent in her voice. All the haremettes were starved, no doubt, but the sex demon must have been truly needful. “Am I hallucinating?”

The other three haremettes stirred from their sleep, smelling or sensing him themselves. Rykard calmly stripped, waiting for them to truly rise from the land of dreams. Once all their eyes were fixed on his now naked form, he said a simple phrase. “Who allowed you to lie there?”

Immediately, they all scrambled. Any drowsiness was forgotten, replaced with the hurried need to join up with Miyo and Vylara, already kneeling at the foot of the bed. The control the vampire had portrayed earlier melted away. Lined up, the sex slaves amped each other up, their lust rapidly ramping. It was enough that Rykard stood before them, hard cock dribbling precum, for them to pant and to present the depths of their mouths.

“You two learned proper etiquette while I was away,” Rykard said to the twins, caressing the cheeks of both. Telana leaned into the touch like a well-trained cat, while Melana just kept on panting like a sex doll. Both were right in what they were. “I’m pleased.”

“”Thank you, Master,”” they declared in unison.

Moving up the line, he stopped before Heyla next. The succubus was visibly struggling to remain put. Her whip-like tail kept on curving like an agitated snake, tapping the side of the bed. Mouth agape and tongue extended, a sticky fluid dripped from her chin, flowing from her upper lips just like her lower. “So hungry,” Rykard noted. “Just a little bit longer.”

Heyla nodded repeatedly, too eager for his seed to even pretend that she had any control over the situation.

Kneeling down Rykard was in front of Helenn next. He just inspected her, from the huge tits to the fat thighs, all of her figure was in the shape he had left her in. “A prime example of a shortstack. I’ll use you in a moment.”

The living sex toy only moaned in response.

Rykard got up and walked to Vylara. The vampire slave trembled all over and moaned when he finally touched her. It took her almost as much control as Heyla to remain on her knees. “So eager to serve,” he said in a complimenting tone, simultaneously gesturing for Miyo to get on the bed. “So eager to be used.”

All of the haremettes were every bit as attractive as he had left them. All of them were showing the early signs of pregnancy - Helenn least of all, likely courtesy of her short build, but still all of them.

Rykard left the line where they were and climbed onto the bed after his queen. The redhead was the only one of sound mind, having gotten ploughed on the regular all this time. Now kneeling among the pillows, the thighs of the redhead became the headrest of her Master. “Then serve.”

Two words and the entirety of the kneeling sex slaves swiftly rose. Heyla’s and Vylara’s greed could not be beat, succubus and vampire first to reach his cock. Monstrously long tongues covered the length of his erection in saliva and sex demon juices. Just having a taste of his manhood was making them loudly sigh with delight. Red and black lips pressed against the sides of his shaft. Eyelids fluttered.

The other three cumdumps were quick to start, surrounding Rykard’s manhood on all sides. He could barely see his own cock between the gorgeous faces and lapping tongues vying for a reminder of what they had missed out on. The wet competition was one he very much felt and heard, however. Relieved sounds of private sluts filled the bedroom among the smacking of lips.

The chocolate twin butts of Telana and Melana were within easy reach. Simultaneous smacks and moans filled the room. The fat ass of the priestess kept on jiggling after the toned ass of the druid had already settled. For all the differences in their appearance, the sisters were equally wet and dripping.

A sort of equilibrium set into the blowjob, a silent understanding of who moved where. From that basis, things got more pleasurable for the Master. More than just glide over the surface of the hard shaft, the tongues fulfilled a roll. As Melana and Telana worked the base, as Helenn and Vylara dove to worship his sack, Heyla got what she needed most of all: to suck his cock.

The succubus’ lips wrapped around the head of his dick. Swiftly, she glided a third down his shaft. It was as far as she could go, without interfering with the worship of her fellow slaves, but it was enough. Her tongue worked the sensitive glans. Her cheeks caved in. The smoothness of the flesh pressed vacuum tight against him. Rykard groaned. The sex slaves moaned in response, redoubling their efforts to please.

“Such an honour, to serve among them as your harem,” Miyo swooned, her cold tone entirely replaced by warm affection. “I love being your slave, Master. I love you.”

“I love you!” Helenn was quick to echo.

“I love you,” Vylara gasped.

“I loooohve youuahhh,” Heyla managed to get out before sucking on his cock again.

“”We love you,”” the twins cried in unison.

The storm of affection and service was too much for even a seasoned dom to handle. Pleasure spiking, Rykard knew he would cum within moments. He just let it happen, let the submissives notice on their own what was about to happen and what to do.

Heyla, for all her greed, managed to tilt her head back just as his shaft began to quiver. Seed gushed in ropes from the tip of his cock, showering the faces of the slaves with sticky white. Outstretched tongues caught as much of it as they could.

The size of his load was in keeping with a man that needed to please six women. All of them got a taste, even if none of them got as much as they would have wanted. Similarly, his endurance had grown to keep with the growing harem. His cock, although oversensitive for a few moments, was still rock hard.

“Miyo, how many weeks were we away?” he asked casually.

“Three weeks, Master.”

“Three weeks, one orgasm per week, so that makes three orgasms my sex slaves had in my absence, yes?”

“Provided that they have been obedient.”

Rykard hummed in agreement and looked at the quivering sluts around his cock. “Have you been obedient?”

“Y-yes!” Heyla was swift to assure.

“The most obedient, ever!” Helenn dared to speak, if only because she had been asked to.

“Playing with ourselves without release, all but three days, and only the one release on those days,” Vylara stated.

“It was so bad,” Telana complained.

“It was so hot,” Melana gasped.

“Three… well, I think I can do better then that. Before we go to bed, I’ll have each of you cum five times.”

The announcement brought as much excitement into the room as his return itself. Moving, Rykard started with the most need of the loot. He grabbed Heyla by the horns and pulled her hard down on his cock. The other slaves backed away, to follow the scene wide-eyed and eager for their turn.

Heyla got her first orgasm the instant his dick made her neck bulge. Deep in her throat, his manhood twitched, making her eyelids flutter and lower lips gush. Knowing no mercy when it came to properly ruining the mind of an edged submissive, the Master of the house immediately entered a fast rhythm of thrusting up into her face.

The repeated “GLACK!” sounds grew slower while Rykard repositioned them. As he fucked her face, he pushed himself off Miyo’s thighs. Now sitting he just kept on using Heyla’s face until her first orgasm rolled right over to a second. Renewed spasms were the only tell.

Still using her throat as he pleased, Rykard dragged her by the horns, forcing her on her back. He was straddling her chest at that point, having reversed the positions entirely. The new angle prevented his hard cock from slamming down her throat to the same depth, but he continued to use her anyway. Only after her red-yellow eyes rolled up in her skull and pussy juice squirted over the mattress behind him, did he pull out of her mouth.

Heyla had been fucked ragged, her breathing laboured and interrupted irregularly by high-pitched cries. Getting between her plump thighs, Rykard gave her a new reason to scream when he invaded her tight cunt.

The demonette’s walls gripped him with all of the intent to milk him dry that was inherent to her body. Her insides were infernally hot and inhumanely accurate in their massaging pulses. Taking hold of her wide hips, Rykard immediately entered a rapid pace.

“MASTER! MASHTAHR! YESSSSH! HARDER, USHE ME HAAAAARDER! LET YOURSHEEEEELF GOOOOOOOOOOOO!” she screamed. Clawing at the sheets, she writhed and spasmed. Enormous tits kept on swaying from the clapping impacts of his thrusts and the arcing of her back.

Rykard grit his teeth. The pace he sat and the vice-grip of the semen demon’s insides had him read to give her what she wanted - what she needed - but even he had to measure himself slightly.

Heyla’s fourth orgasm was announced by a howl that came as quickly as Rykard snuffed it out. Entering the final stretch, he put a hand on her throat and squeezed. If her eyes could have rolled up any further, they would have at that moment. All she could do to further express her euphoria was made manifest in the legs that tightly embraced Rykard’s hips.

Unhindered, he kept on pounding the red-skinned demon. The almost too-large tits in front of him were too inviting not to place his hand on them and knead them with all the desire he had. When his orgasm rose, he gave her nipple a nice twist. The slightest of the delights running through the masochistic succubus in the moment that he filled her up.

The re-marking of her insides predictably had the sex slave experience her fifth and final, promised orgasm. It was the most powerful of the lot, making her mark Rykard’s cunt with her squirting pussy juice in turn. Sheets that had been spotless when he entered were turned wet not just with her gushing fluids but also the dripping wetness of the other five watching.

Casually, smoothly, Rykard grabbed Helenn. The sex toy squeaked as she was lifted up. Weightlessly hovering, he moved her to his crotch just as he pulled out of Heyla. His dick was exposed to the air for less than two seconds, before he rammed the entire length of it into the perverted blonde.

The orgasmic howl was immediate. Deeply satisfying, the sound rung in his ear. Helenn’s head rested on the giant red tits of her fellow submissive. While Heyla kept on spasming from the aftershocks, the shortstack was getting her tiny cunt stretched on top of her. Folds, created to take big dick, only became more sensitive as they were made to fit his manhood.

Rykard did not need to move to induce the second orgasm. Simply staying inside her was enough to set off the cumdump. Winding on top of the demon, the angel was making her own enormous tits jiggle. Her cunt gushed like a broken faucet.

“Ahhhh, truth be told I missed the variety,” Rykard groaned, basking in the orgasmic clamps and twitches around his manhood. “Now, time to use you properly.”

One hand on her throat, another on her tiny waist, Rykard took hold of the cumdump. Like a fleshlight, he used her, like a true and proper toy made to pleasure a man. Being held up in the air, Helenn had no say in the matter. Not that she would have screamed anything besides praises and pleas for more, had he allowed her to speak.

He was thrusting as much as he was moving her back and forth with his hands. Golden eyes rolled up, her tongue lolled out, and the third orgasm was made evident by the renewed grasp of her insides. Even if her pregnancy had not yet created a bulge, his cock did.

The fourth was swift to follow. All Rykard had to do was keep the steady rhythm in and out of her tight cunt. He accelerated, deliberately, certain that he could afford spilling his seed in every last one of them. Truthfully, he overshot his target with Helenn. Arguably, he undershot it. The pounding just kept going on and on, making one orgasm flow over into the next without pause. Did Helenn’s ecstasy stop at four or went off into the tens?

A distinction that made no difference here. Rykard thrusted until his body seized up. A moment of focus returned to Helenn’s golden eyes, when the same liquid that decorated her face was also spurted into her insides. Releasing her throat let the shortstack scream out in all the delight she was feeling. The sheer ecstasy of the moment made her lapse in the rules he had for one word. “MAAAAAAAASTEEEEEEEEEEEEER!”

Rykard forgave her for that little slip-up. “Such a good toy,” he gasped, while the last of his cum pooled inside her. Like a toy, he discarded her, putting her on top of Heyla.

His eyes fell on Vylara next. The vampire slave was shifting around, trying and succeding at not pleasuring herself while she waited. She did not have to wait any longer. Rykard gave her a shove, making her fall on her back, and straddled her chest. The implication was clear and she squished her enormous tits together. The underside of her breasts formed a tight cleavage, for her Master to use.

Slippery with Helenn’s juices, he easily slipped between the giant mounds of flesh. His cock disappeared between the pliable orbs. “Shoooo hoooooot,” the white-haired woman moaned. Like the others, it only took a touch of his manhood on her sensitive areas for her to have her first release. Rykard sensed the sheets shifting behind him, but concentrated on the pale spheres before him.

Clamping her pale pink nipples with his fingers, Rykard twisted and pulled. The masochistic vampire only shouted louder in response. Twitches and deliberate, if sloppy, movements kept her tits moving around his shaft. A veritable ocean of softness enveloped him, the pressure shifting with the kneading of her hands.

Rykard kept fucking her tits until his vampire slave had her back-arching quivers renewed. Then he swiftly pulled back. He let her gasp and wind in the sheets for long enough to recover. When he moved between her legs, she was back to audible, even panting. Red eyes followed his every move. “Please, Master,” she whispered lovingly, when he lifted one of her legs, putting it against his chest. Her shapely thigh was his handle, fingers pressing depressions into the smooth surface.

A prolonged cry accompanied the slow penetration of her womanhood. After the demonic and shortstack cunts before, entering a regular pussy was equal parts refreshing and the usual delight. There really was no need to deviate from the standard, when the standard was so tight, wet, and delightfully sensitive. Not that Rykard minded deviations, he just did not need them.

“Mhhm, oh yes, Master,” Vylara whispered. Having had her two climaxes and a moment to breathe had given her a sliver of sanity back. A sliver that was put entirely in the service of cooing the most pleasant words. “I’ve known no longer days than those without your cock. I’ve waited so, so long for you, my perfect man, and to be without you w-aaahs-...” Rykard thrusted into her again. “...agonizing… but it’s all worth it… I’d wait for a decade for a night with you, Master. Master… MASTER!”

As his pace accelerated, her words’ complexity grew shorter, until only the consecutive cries of a woman at the height of pleasure remained. Her third orgasm was a standard affair, a release acquired after his cock had moved in and out of her at a reliable pace for long enough time.

Rykard turned Vylara on all fours. On elbows and knees, she knelt underneath him. His larger form was bowed over her like a hungry wolf over his bitch in heat. A man got to have more fun than a canine, much more fun. He listened to the clapping of her tits while he rutted into her, before grabbing the massive mammaries. The softness of her thighs was nothing compared to the sheer abundance of her pliable tits. He kneaded and squeezed and she screamed in her fourth orgasm.

Rykard kept on fucking her with reckless abandon. His stamina was only prolonged by the previous releases and that meant he could go all out without any worries. Vylara became the benefactor of this, just like Helenn before she was getting fucked well past the stated goal. Rykard did not even bother to count the fifth climax or when it happened, knowing with utter confidence that it did.

Letting go of her tits, Rykard straightened up again. He bundled up her straight, white hair and rolled it around his hand like a leash. When he pulled her hair, the vampire slave’s cunt gripped him hard. “Masochistic slave, where do you want your Master to fill you?”

“Where it pleases you!” Vylara shouted without hesitation. “Fill me where it pleases youuuuuuuuu!”

Rykard grinned and, as her reward, pulled out of her cunt to give the cum addict what she wanted. Remaining on all fours, Vylara kept her mouth agape and ready for his twitching cock. He thrust into the depths of her throat once, watched her eyes roll up, then pulled back and came in her mouth. At the back, pussy juice squirted while his delicious seed drowned her tongue.

Closing his eyes, Rykard basked in the moment. One slave on the road, three sex slaves fucked once again, the latest working his cock with deep fervour even as she came her brains out. What a splendid life to continue, what a great vision for the entire nation.

Rykard pulled out carefully, to not let any of his cum spill from her black lips. Eagerly, she presented his load to him, stirring it with her tongue. “Swallow, slave,” he allowed her and she did so with eyelid-trembling glee. Heavy, she gulped it all down, then presented her clean mouth to him. “Good girl.”

“I love you, Master,” Vylara swooned.

“I love you too,” Rykard said, letting a moment of softness interrupt the roughness of the play. He was right back in the role though, turning his hard, green eyes to the last duo.

Melana and Telana were embracing each other, clearly waiting for a turn that was closely shared in some form or another. Much as Rykard appreciated the closeness of the twins, he wanted to use them as individual slaves just as much as a set. With that in mind, he grabbed Telana by the hair and dragged her out of bed.

The druid's objections to the treatment were non-existent. “You’ve taken really well to the naughty life,” Rykard growled as he shoved her against the wall. “You were always meant for this.” he lifted her up so that the short elf’s cunt was aligned with his manhood. “Always meant to be my personal sex pet!”

“YESH!” Telana screamed while he pushed into her.

“Animals like you don’t speak;” Rykard growled and gave her a warning smack across the face. Telana put a hand on the place he had hit and stared at him with more delight in her eyes than ever before. “Better put you in your place.”

A waving gesture caused spare sheets to launch from a nearby closet. As tightly twisted ropes, they wrapped around Telana’s wrists, binding them together above her head. It was not as good as proper bondage gear, but it was enough for the situation. A similarly dense cord wrapped around the druid’s head, forming an impromptu gag. Sharp teeth bit down uselessly on the cloth.

Rykard gave her another smack and felt the second orgasm clench around his cock. He squeezed and twisted her nipples, bit her pointy ears, and pounded her all the while. When he had enough of that angle he spun her around and took her from behind, showering her toned ass with smacks.

Rykard had noted that the two were notable masochists, but only now did he realize just how rough Telana liked it. The harsher he was with her body, the more her throaty noises of delight grew in frequency and volume. She was dripping on the marble floors, then she was outright gushing, the third orgasm coming so swiftly.

“You’re just a beast that loves to get abused,” Rykard growled into her ear, hearing agreeing moans past the gag. “A fertile fucking animal, that I’ll keep pumping full of children whenever I feel like it. You’re barely even a person, are you? In this bedroom, you really are just the instinct to be bred and please your Master.”

Telana nodded over and over again. Her reward for her compliance was a smack to the rear.

“Don’t pretend you can even use sapient gestures, sex pet,” he chastized her. She came in the same moment and something broke. Telana truly became animalistic, thrusting back at him with reckless instinct, swinging her wide hips in a manner meant to entice a mate. Like a well-behaved broodmare she let him do with him as he pleased, screaming in purely savage ways and struggling against the bindings all the while. She couldn’t help it, spasming beast that she was.

Fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth, tenth, it really didn’t make a difference how often she had orgasmed. Fact was that she kept on squirting. Every minute with him contained more pleasure than all the masturbation sessions and the orgasms she had in the time he was away combined. By the time he released in her, her face was a sweaty masked of utter relaxation and bliss. All of her was tense, but her mind was relaxed to the point of non-existence.

Telana could only acknowledge the fact that he was painting her insides white with hoarse moans. Her athletic curves were at the border of collapse. When he spent the last of the load inside her, he gently lowered her on the ground. Throwing a woman around in a soft bed was all fun and games, a stone floor was a different matter.

Once he had her situated on the floor, forming a dogbed out of the very sheets he had used to entangle her, he turned to Melana. The priestess had not a sparkle of jealousy in her eyes. Any territorial feelings the twins had for each other had been thoroughly rationalized away in the time he was away. It seemed they had fully taken to the path they had taken in a moment of passion.

“You’re my property, aren’t you?” Rykard asked.

“Every fibre of my being, from my hair to the depths of my womb,” she answered eagerly. “Master, this priestess of Teyla offers her fertility to you in perpetuity. May none but your blessed cock ever claim me! May no other man even dream of contesting your position as my sacred mate!”

Rykard waited for a moment, then his lust defeated his playful streak. Descending on her with the same bestial need, he pinned the white-haired priestess under him. Legs sticking out to the side from under him, she found herself on her back, ass curving off the sheets. If he hadn’t bred her already, this would have been the position to try again.

Even without the benefit of attempted impregnation, Rykard loved the mating press. “The sacred position,” Melana swooned, before screaming out in the penetrative orgasm that now all of the cock-starved cumdumps had experienced. Arms and legs wrapped around her Master, pushing huge tits against his chest. He could feel her pounding heartbeat.

“Fuck, Teyla must have chosen you because you’re that much of a fuckable doll that you’ll give her whole generations worth of new priestesses,” Rykard growled.

“THANK YOUUUUUUUU!” Melana answered in climactic howl, as if he had given her the greatest of compliments.

Further words were wasted on a cocksleeve like her, so Rykard focused fully on pounding away at her. The motions were monotone, constant and loud. Every impact on her fat ass reverberated as much as the soft flesh jiggled. Every fibre of hers was his and every fibre of her was nubile, exotic flesh.

The smaller woman showered his neck and collarbone with kisses from her golden lips. That was, when her lungs weren’t emptied by the depth of her cries. Hot, the air caressed his chest. Soft, her tits pressed against his muscles. Hard, he kept on rutting into her. He was using her with the same intent as with Helenn, although not quite as intense in dehumanizing her.

Second, third, fourth, fifth, Rykard had fulfilled his goal of getting her over the promised number of orgasms long before he even started to feel his orgasm approach. Sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, until the voice of the priestess turned raspy from all the screams. Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, until she was so cock drunk  that she could only giggle, her eyes rolled up, her pussy gushing constantly.

That was when he finally came inside her. The creampie was the final nail in the coffin that her sanity had for the night. She, like all the others, was utterly ruined by the return of their Master, reminded absolutely that he had the virility to keep up or even outpace his harem’s sexual needs.

Over and over again, his cock twitched inside her. His cum pooled inside her. Her limbs were a constricting hug around, not letting him pull a milimetre out of her. She wanted it all inside and he was all too eager to oblige.

When it was over, her hug relaxed slowly, until he was able to pull out and look at his kingdom. Heyla and Helenn were licking the cum off each other, Vylara was still twitching, Telana groomed herself by licking cum of her fingers that she had scooped from her filled cunt, and Melana was just a sticky mess of sweat and euphoria. All of them were broken by his cock.

“A worthy return, Master,” Miyo said, kneeling exactly where he had left her. Her skin was flushed, her nipples hard, and a wet spot between her slightly parted leg indicated just how wet she was after watching all of this unfold. “Would you like to take your rest now?”

Rykard just shot her a satisfied grin. “I’ve only just gotten started, slave. On your back. You’re next.”

Miyo was swift to obey.

And the night carried on.