waking up pt.1
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Once i wake up i reach to hit my alarm clock to find it not sitting there anymore. Instead, i seem to be in  a old medieval style library.  The upstairs balcony surrounding the downstairs floor. Looking down I was still the same me in my same escimo pajamas, but was neither hot nor cold now, weird.

(???)"Hello are you even listening to me."


I soon look to who is trying to talk to me only to see a grey blurry silloute of someone. They don't seem super tall maybe around 5'4, their voice also seems like the real voice is being hidden in this darker voice, like every criminal in a action movie. She soon begins to walk to a nearby table i had overlooked while looking around. Gesturing for me to begin to sit down, she takes her own seat and begins to start surveying the books around her. I slowly make my way over to the table curious on who this person, thing, i don't know the silloute moves in weird ways

(Brylee)" Where am I??"

(???)" Your dead, and I'm here to offer a contract"

(Brylee)"So I actually died huh?"

(???)"Yes, now stop lingering on that"

(Brylee)"Thats a little harder than you think"

(???)"We dont have much time, so stop dilly dallying, do you want to live or not if so take a seat and listen to what I'm proposing."

(Brylee)"Ok, who exactly are you?"

i finally seat down on the opposite side of the table from her.

(???)"Let's get to that later, right know im going to offer you a contract so, Shut up"


(???)"In return for not letting your soul be annihilated, will you do everything that i tell you to do"

(Brylee)" Wait annihilated?! I dont want that but, you could also have me do terrible things, like kill someone!?"

(???)"Do you want to be erased from all reality, i suggest you take my offer"

(Brylee)" I guess Ill take it for now?"

(???)"YES OR NO?!!!, (*=whisper)* shit we have barely any time left"

(Brylee)"Yes, ill trust you for now in your offer"

I really did not want to die but i did not want to kill others, but i had to trust her to survive even another day. My life went from crap, to shit, to now almost not even existing I was on the end of my line here with no where else to go.

(???)" Sign here and put a drop of blood here"

following her instructions i sign my name down and look for something to prick my hand. Without noticing the girl quickly grabbed my hand a cut a line on my hand which when i was about to yell out in pain, i realized there was none. So stared awkwardly as she poured my blood onto the scroll. Once she was finished, she took it did the same thing herself. But this time once she was done I began to fill a blazing heat start on the back of my neck and somewhere deep inside myself. The torturing heat continued to rise, and at some point I begin to scream and cry, while the girl just turned around and begin to leave while saying.

(???)" Ill have your new body constructed before you wake up, you will have a lot to learn."

I of course did not hear any of that because of the excruciating pain i was in at the moment. Once it seemed to reach a peak I began to go back to how this started being uncounciousnes.