Chapter 9: First-year Clash
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The walkway leading to the St. Cecilia Arena was bordered by trees, their leaves dancing in the gentle breeze. The arena, with its unique octagonal design, stood as a symbol of Kings eSports Academy's commitment to excellence in the world of competitive gaming. The murmurs and excited whispers of the students following them created an electric atmosphere, hinting at the spectacle to come.

Josh, feeling overwhelmed, glanced at Cruz, "This is all so sudden. I was just trying to blend in, and now I'm in the spotlight."

Cruz laughed lightly, "That's the nature of this academy. It thrives on competition and unexpected challenges."

Rubbing his temples, Josh admitted, "I should've been more prepared."

Raising an eyebrow, Cruz queried, "Didn't you check out the academy's online resources?"

Josh looked sheepish, "I had no clue there was an online manual."

Leo, attempting to inject some humor, said with a playful smirk, "It's pretty comprehensive. Even has tips on avoiding public showdowns."

Cruz winked, "Well, hindsight's 20/20. But remember, it's not just a 2v2. With the Academy's tech, it'll feel like a full team battle in the summoner's rift. Those AI bots, set at diamond level, are going to be a challenge."

As they neared the entrance of the St. Cecilia Arena, the sheer magnitude of the structure became evident. The octagonal building, evidence of the academy's architectural prowess, stood tall and imposing against the backdrop of the campus. Its glass facade shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the trees and the sky, making it seem as if the building was a part of nature itself.

Upon entering, the first thing that caught Josh's attention was the high ceiling, which stretched all the way to the fifth floor. This design choice was both aesthetic and functional, allowing spectators from every level to have an unobstructed view of the gaming arenas below. The arenas themselves, numbered CA-101 to CA-108, were separated by transparent glass walls. This ensured that while each match remained private, the energy and excitement were shared throughout the building. Currently, most of the arenas were empty, their state-of-the-art gaming stations lying in wait for the next set of competitors.

The central pillar of the building was a marvel in itself. Multi-sided screens decorated its surface, ensuring that no matter where one stood, the ongoing matches could be viewed with crystal clarity. Murmurs from the crowd filled the air as students from every corner of the academy gathered, their conversations a mix of speculation, strategy, and sheer excitement.

The strategy rooms, located on the upper floors, were currently hidden from view, but Josh could imagine teams huddled together, planning their next moves, analyzing their opponents, and dreaming of victory.

The atmosphere in the St. Cecilia Arena was electric. It was clear that this wasn't just a place for gaming; it was a battleground where legends were made, strategies were tested, and dreams were realized.

The crowd of first-year students that had followed them was growing by the minute. Word had spread like wildfire about the impending showdown, and it seemed as though half the freshman class wanted a front-row seat to the spectacle. Their voices melded into a gentle buzz of conversation, filled with anticipation and excitement. Some students were placing friendly wagers, others were discussing strategies, and a few were simply there for the thrill of watching two scholarship students face off.

Josh felt a mixture of anxiety and exhilaration. The weight of the crowd's expectations pressed on him, but he was also eager to prove himself. He glanced at Cruz, trying to gauge his teammate's mood. Cruz, ever the picture of calm, met his gaze and gave a reassuring nod.

As they made their way to one of the vacant gaming arenas, Leo tried to lighten the mood. "You know, I've always wondered why they made this place so grand. It's just for gaming, right?"

Cruz chuckled, "It's not 'just' gaming here, Leo. This is Kings eSports Academy. Every match, every play, every strategy is a demonstration of a player's skill, dedication, and passion. The St. Cecilia Arena is designed to reflect that importance."

Josh added, "It's like a coliseum for modern-day gladiators."

Cruz nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And today, we're the main event."

They approached their designated arena, CA-105. Before entering, Josh caught snippets of conversations from the gathering crowd. "That's Animo," one student whispered, pointing discreetly in his direction. "Heard he's a beast in the jungle." Another chimed in, "With Solstice on his side, this is going to be epic!"

Leo, pausing at the entrance, clapped both Josh and Cruz on the back. "I'll be watching from above," he said, pointing to the balconies that lined the upper floors, offering a bird's-eye view of the gaming arenas below. "Give them hell, guys." With a final nod of encouragement, he made his way to the elevators.

On the third floor, a figure leaned casually against the railing, his long hair cascading just below his shoulders, shimmering slightly under the ambient lighting of the arena. It was Mark, known in the gaming world as 'Resurrex'. His eyes, sharp and analytical, were fixated on the scene unfolding below, particularly on the young jungler, Josh.

A shadow fell over him, and Mark didn't need to look up to know who it was. The air around them seemed to crackle with a different kind of energy. "Resurrex," the newcomer greeted with a tone of mock surprise, his voice smooth yet carrying an edge. "Or should I say, The Laughing Jester? Watching a mere skirmish between first years?"

Mark turned, his gaze meeting that of the newcomer, whose messy jet-black hair and sleek glasses gave him an air of both rebellion and sophistication. "Firepath," Mark acknowledged with a nod, a smirk playing on his lips. "Curiosity brought me here. There's a first year that's caught my interest. After all, I'm his benefactor."

Firepath's eyebrows shot up, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "A benefactor? Now, that's a twist. Investing in fresh talent, are we?"

Mark simply shrugged, his eyes drifting back to the arena. "Every jester needs an audience, and every comet needs a trail to follow."

Firepath chuckled, the sound echoing softly in the vastness of the arena. "Well, this should be a match worth watching then." The two stood side by side, their mere presence adding gravity to the match about to unfold.

The interior of CA-105 was an indication of the academy's commitment to eSports. Ten state-of-the-art gaming stations were neatly arranged, each equipped with ergonomic chairs and high-resolution monitors. The overhead screen, spanning the width of the room, was currently displaying the Kings eSports Academy logo, but would soon showcase their match for all to see.

As Cruz and Josh settled into their stations, the soft hum of chatter from outside the arena was replaced by the clear, enthusiastic voice of the commentator.

"Good afternoon, fellow students! I wasn't expecting to be on duty today, but when there's a match like this on the horizon, how could I resist? For those just tuning in, we have a surprise challenge match featuring two of our scholarship students: Animo and Solstice. And let me tell you, the buzz around this game is electric!"

Cruz leaned over to Josh, his voice low. "Remember, stick to the plan. We've got this."

Josh nodded, taking a deep breath. The weight of the challenge, the crowd, and the expectations pressed on him, but he was ready.

The game lobby was set up, and the draft was about to begin.

The draft screen illuminated their stations, the familiar interface prompting them for their first set of bans. The opposing duo, having done their homework, quickly targeted Cruz's champion pool. They banned Veigar, Syndra, and Orianna, three mage champions known for their burst potential and crowd control. It was a clear strategy to limit Cruz's options in the mid-lane.

"Interesting strategy from our challengers," the commentator observed. "They're targeting Solstice's preferred mages. A bold move, but will it pay off?"

Cruz, unfazed by the bans, whispered to Josh, "They're trying to corner me with these bans. But I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Josh nodded, "I trust you. I'm thinking of picking Xin Zhao for the jungle. What do you think?"

Cruz gave a nod of approval, "Solid choice. Xin Zhao has great early game pressure. We can use that to our advantage."

As the pick phase progressed, Josh locked in Xin Zhao, a champion known for his aggressive early game and dueling capabilities. The crowd murmured in approval, recognizing the potential synergy between the two players.

The opposing duo, seeing the pick, began discussing among themselves, trying to counter the strategy Cruz and Josh were building. The tension in the room was palpable, with every pick and ban being scrutinized by the eager audience.

The commentator chimed in, "Animo locking in Xin Zhao! A champion that can dominate the early game if played right. This is shaping up to be a thrilling match!"

Cruz, after some contemplation, decided on Azir, a mage with great zoning potential and late-game scaling. It was a pick that surprised many, given the bans, but showcased Cruz's versatility as a player.

The rest of the draft went by swiftly, with both teams picking champions that complemented their strategies. The bots were assigned champions based on the roles left, ensuring a balanced team composition.

As the draft concluded, the screen transitioned to the loading screen, showcasing each player's chosen champion and their respective skins. The atmosphere in the arena was electric, with whispers and speculations running rampant among the audience.

Team Animo & Solstice:

  1. Animo (Josh) - Xin Zhao: A fierce warrior wielding a spear, known for his aggressive early game and dueling capabilities.
  2. Solstice (Cruz) - Azir: An emperor of the sands, commanding soldiers to do his bidding, with great zoning potential and late-game scaling.
  3. Bot - Sivir: An agile marksman with a boomerang blade, excelling in wave clear and team utility.
  4. Bot - Leona: A radiant tank support, known for her crowd control and ability to initiate fights.
  5. Bot - Ornn: A blacksmith deity from the mountains, a tanky top laner with the ability to forge items for his team and disrupt enemies with his powerful abilities.

Opposing Team:

  1. ShadowMaster (Challenger 1) - Zed: A master of shadows, an assassin who can quickly eliminate key targets.
  2. MonkSpirit (Challenger 2) - Lee Sin: A blind monk with exceptional mobility and playmaking potential in the jungle.
  3. Bot - Jhin: A meticulous marksman with a love for the number four, known for his precise shots and theatrical flair.
  4. Bot - Thresh: A spectral warden support, adept at controlling the battlefield with hooks and lanterns.
  5. Bot - Garen: A warrior from Demacia, a spinning juggernaut in the top lane, known for his durability and execution ability.

The commentator, feeding off the energy, announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in for a treat! Two scholarship students, Animo and Solstice, are against our daring challengers who’ve managed to pick their main champions. This is a match you won't want to miss!"

Leo, watching from above, whispered a silent prayer, hoping his friends would come out on top. The stage was set, and the battle was about to begin.

The game's ambiance was palpable as the champions spawned. Muted conversations from the audience was replaced by an anticipatory silence.

Josh's Xin Zhao began at his red buff, methodically attacking the creature. But the serenity was short-lived. MonkSpirit's Lee Sin and ShadowMaster's Zed suddenly appeared, catching Josh off guard. A swift combination of Lee Sin's resonating strike and Zed's shurikens took down Josh, securing the first blood.

The commentator's voice boomed, "A daring move from MonkSpirit and ShadowMaster! Animo is caught off-guard, and that's a significant blow to the scholarship duo!"

Respawning, Josh tried to maintain his composure. "It's just one setback. We can bounce back," he said with a hint of optimism.

Cruz, ever the realist, responded, "We need to be careful. They're going to be aggressive. But we've got this. Just keep your head in the game."

As the laning phase progressed, Josh's map awareness came to the fore. He meticulously placed wards, tracking MonkSpirit's every move and relaying it to Cruz. Each call was precise, "Lee's near the raptors," or "Zed's roaming bot."

Cruz, capitalizing on this intel, baited ShadowMaster into a trap, unleashing Azir's soldiers and securing a solo kill. "Nice call, Josh," Cruz praised.

Josh chuckled, "Told you, we got this. Just a minor hiccup at the start."

The crowd's energy surged. "Solstice showing his prowess in the mid-lane! The scholarship duo is back in the game!" the commentator exclaimed.

The game's tempo began to shift. With Cruz's dominance in the mid-lane, the enemy team started to focus their efforts on shutting him down. Josh, however, continued to play the vision game, ensuring that Cruz had ample warning of any impending threats.

While Cruz was pushing his lane, MonkSpirit and ShadowMaster, along with their bot lane duo, converged on him. Cruz, sensing the danger, began to retreat, but it was too late. A full-on assault was launched. Cruz, however, was not one to be easily taken down. With deft movements, he dodged skill shots and managed to take down both the enemy ADC and support before succumbing to the combined might of the remaining three.

The commentator's voice echoed with excitement, "A valiant effort from Solstice! A 1v4, and he still manages to take two down with him!"

Josh, seizing the opportunity, pinged the dragon. "Let's capitalize on this. They used a lot of resources on Cruz. We can secure the dragon."

The team's bots, following Josh's lead, converged on the dragon pit. With precision and coordination, they secured the objective, giving their team a much-needed buff.

Cruz, respawning, said, "Good call, Josh. Let's keep the momentum going."

Josh replied, "Always positive, always forward. We got this."

The crowd was now fully invested, the low whispers of anticipation replaced by cheers and shouts of encouragement. The scholarship duo was proving their worth, and the audience was here for it.

The map was a chessboard, and Cruz, as Solstice on Azir, was making his move. Pushing the side lane, he was a beacon of pressure, drawing the enemy team's attention. But as he approached the enemy turret, a sense of unease settled in. ShadowMaster's Zed appeared from the river, his shadows dancing menacingly. Almost simultaneously, MonkSpirit's Lee Sin emerged from the jungle, aiming his Sonic Wave directly at Cruz.

Before Cruz could react, the bot-controlled Jhin began his ultimate, Curtain Call, each shot meticulously aimed at Cruz. Thresh's bot, with its impeccable AI timing, threw out a Death Sentence, pulling Cruz into a deadly trap. Garen's bot charged in, Judgment spinning, aiming to silence Cruz.

The world seemed to slow as Cruz tried to dodge, sidestep, and counter. He summoned his Azir soldiers, trying to create a barrier between him and the onslaught. But the combined might of the enemy team was too much. Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage sent him flying into the air, and the final shot from Jhin's Curtain Call sealed his fate.

"The entire enemy team collapsing on Solstice! They're throwing everything they've got, but at what cost?"

Cruz's screen grayed out, the words "You have been slain" mocking him. Frustration bubbled up, but he took a deep breath. "They used everything on me," he communicated to Josh. "They're heading to Baron. Play safe."

As the enemy team started the Baron, Cruz's voice came through the comms, tinged with urgency. "Animo, our bots are pushing lanes on the other side of the map. They're too far to contest this. We're gaining resources and pressure elsewhere."

"With Solstice down, the challengers are starting the Baron. It's a bold move, but with Animo's bots pushing the other lanes, they might be biting off more than they can chew."

Josh, as Animo on Xin Zhao, crouched in the shadows of a nearby bush, watching the Baron's monstrous form being assaulted by the enemy team. The numbers on its health bar ticked down rapidly: 10,000... 8,000... 6,000...

Cruz continued, "We have strong wave clear. Even if they secure Baron, we can defend. We can't afford to lose you now."

But something in Josh stirred. A mix of determination and the desire to prove himself. "I think I can steal it," he whispered, more to himself than to Cruz.

Cruz sighed audibly, "Josh, it's a huge risk. But if you believe you can..."

Josh's fingers twitched over his keyboard, eyes darting between the Baron's health and his Smite's damage: 1200. He mentally added the damage from his Wind Becomes Lightning ability, another 300. The math was clear, but the timing had to be perfect.

He heard the distant sounds of the crowd, the gentle ripples of talk, reflecting the tension in the arena. He imagined the faces of the first years, eyes wide, waiting for the next big play.

The Baron's health continued to drop: 5,000... 4,000... 3,500... Taking a deep breath, Josh readied himself for the play that could change the course of the game.

The Baron's health was now at 2,500 and dropping fast. The enemy team, confident in their numbers and position, didn't even seem to consider the possibility of a steal. But Josh, with every ounce of focus he possessed, was ready to prove them wrong.

"Get ready," Cruz's voice was tense but supportive.

Josh nodded, even though Cruz couldn't see him. He waited, timing his Wind Becomes Lightning to coincide with his Smite. The Baron's health was now at 1,500. This was it.

With a sudden burst of speed, Animo's Xin Zhao dashed into the pit, his spear thrusting forward. The enemy Lee Sin, MonkSpirit, tried to counter-smite, but Josh's timing was impeccable. With a combination of his abilities and Smite, the Baron's health hit zero under Animo's name. Cruz had also just respawned and started teleporting in.

"Animo's going for the steal... AND HE GETS IT! An absolutely legendary play! The crowd is going wild!"

The arena erupted in cheers and gasps. The overhead screens replayed the moment, highlighting Animo's daring steal. The background babble grew louder, a testament to the shock and excitement of the spectators.

Cruz, as Solstice, quickly summoned a sand soldier, pushing it forward into the enemy team, catching the enemy Zed off guard. "Now's our chance! Push mid!" he shouted.

"Here they come, barreling down the mid lane. With the Baron buff and the momentum on their side, this could be the final push!"

The two of them, buffed by the Baron's power, led their team's charge down the mid lane. The enemy, disoriented by the sudden turn of events, scrambled to defend.

"Great job, Animo," Cruz praised, his earlier skepticism replaced by admiration. "That was a game-changer."

Josh grinned, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "Thanks, Solstice. Let's finish this."

As they approached the enemy's base, their bots, empowered by the Baron buff, pushed the other lanes, creating pressure from all sides. The enemy team, despite their earlier confidence, was now on the back foot.

The final push was intense. Skill shots flew, abilities were cast, and champions fell. But with Animo and Solstice leading the charge, the momentum was clearly in their favor.

"It's an all-out brawl at the enemy base! Both teams giving it their all. Who will come out on top?"

Finally, after a climactic team fight that saw both teams giving their all, it was Team Animo & Solstice that emerged victorious, their champions standing tall as the enemy Nexus exploded in a brilliant display of lights and colors.

The commentator's voice boomed throughout the arena, "And there you have it, folks! An unexpected match, an unexpected steal, but perhaps an expected victory! A showcase of skill and determination from our scholarship students, Animo and Solstice!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, the subdued voices now a deafening roar of applause and admiration. The scholarship students had triumphed, and many of the first-years at St. Cecilia Arena had witnessed their first-ever competitive match within the academy.

As the roar of the crowd echoed through the arena, Mark leaned in closer to Firepath, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips. "Quite the spectacle, wasn't it? Seems like my investment in young talent is already paying off."

Firepath, ever the picture of composure, simply adjusted his glasses, his gaze unwavering. "They did well. But it's just the beginning. There's a long journey ahead."

Mark chuckled, the sound light and almost musical. "Ah, but sometimes, the most unexpected stars shine the brightest. And speaking of stars," he continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "even the mighty Endgame Strikers had their humble beginnings. Perhaps you should keep an eye out, Scorching Comet. The sky is vast, and there's room for more than one star."

Firepath's lips curled into a confident smile. "We've always welcomed competition. But remember, while many aim for the stars, only a few truly reach them. And the Strikers? We're among those few."

The two shared a moment of silent understanding, their competitive spirits evident. The future of Kings eSports Academy was looking brighter than the night sky.