Chapter Two ♦ Pursuing Hjärta
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On the envoy's first meeting with Havi, a treaty had been made, in hopes to lessen the everlasting conflict between Asgard and Atlantis. Tension and rancor remained strong however, with the occasional frays and affronts arising every so often. Yet amidst all of the hostilities, one individual would set his heart on love's conquest.

In all his life, never had he felt this strong a desire; a need that had yet to be quenched, his very existence desperate for this one single thing. He once had experienced what he then believed to be something akin to love; presented with an opportunity, a union between two respectable individuals. He had agreed to marrying this Asgardian, a woman by the name of Sigyn. She was kind, her appearance not so undesirable, but beneath this physical inducement, shared little commonalities with him. Initially betrothed to one another by the All-Father himself, it had led to a binding marriage. Their relationship felt unfulfilled however; their union becoming obliged, a rift began to form between them. Few intervals of intimacy quickly shifted to nights lone and cold; love and affection severely lacking, trust and commitment rather tenuous.

An unforeseen meeting would soon turn the tide however, for his heart and soul would be captured by this beautiful Dikastes. From the moment he had first laid eyes upon her, he knew his desire would be satiated; true love had finally found its way to him.

Assigned to oversee diplomatic relationships, her travels between Atlantis and Asgard were originally more frequent, but with the endless hostility binding the two nations, her presence within the Æsir domain was eventually met with ill-disposed reception. And over time, a ban had been placed; should she or any of her people dare pass through the gate, the consequences would be unforgiving. But he chose to defy the All-Father's order; tempering with fate to pursue a single longing. For her to become his.


"Going against the Mad One may not end well for you." Aletheia welcomed a familiar face.

"A risk am I more than willing to take." Loki murmured, as he ambled to her side. "No matter the consequences, I will not have my actions be bound by his ludicrous ban." He locked eyes with her, his expression visibly wounded. She could only sigh, her mind conflicted for she knew his meeting with her infringed not one, but two oaths.