Chapter 73: Sky Dragon Region
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"Master, I have retrieved the Soul Prison", Ren Luo said, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Within his hands was a small jade box which resembled a room, emitting a faint golden light.

Lord Yuan nodded in approval and motioned for Shang Juan to take the Soul Prison seeing the exhausted state of Ren Luo.

Shang Juan bowed and took the Soul Prison, before turning to Lord Yuan and saying, "Master, we will not fail you."

Putting the jade box on his waist next to the small pagoda he turned and walked towards the Grand Formation in the room.

Lord Yuan looked towards Ren Luo before handing over his storage bag.

“Careful not to touch the items that you cannot control”

Ren Luo nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that some items inside the storage bag were dangerous and powerful, and that he needed to exercise caution when handling them.

He walked up to the Grand Formation before stepping through with Shang Juan.

The floor beneath them lit up with a bright blue light before they felt a shift in their awareness, their vision being blurred with light before they were nowhere to be seen.

Lord Yuan’s ruby red eyes returned to their empty emotionless state and he gestured towards the others in the room.

“Dismantle the Grand Formation and destroy this room”.

The formation masters obeyed his orders without speaking a word, and began to dismantle the grand formation, while Lord Yuan turned to leave the underground room, his thoughts a mystery.

**Luan Kingdom**
**Sky Dragon Region**

In the middle of nowhere, an ancient Platform was erect with no signs of deterioration, across the platform was a large number of intricate designs that resemble a formation.

Suddenly the floor shone with splendor and two figures appeared on the platform, it was the diciple duo Shang Juan and Ren Luo.

Ren Luo looked around, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger and Shang Juan checked the Soul Prison making sure nothing had happened.

Bringing his attention back to the surroundings he said “let’s wear the masks”

He quickly took out two masks from his storage bag, handing one to Ren Luo, both of them put them on before Shang Juan spoke once again.

“Let’s go, we need to move quickly before we’re noticed”

He urged Ren Luo to follow him as they released their qi before flying towards a specific direction.

As they flew, they could feel the eyes of countless beast underneath the forest beneath them.

Shang Juan was on high alert as he knew that the Luan Kingdom was completely different from the 4 other kingdoms, he had only come to understand that after he was taken in by his master.

The forest underneath them was termed the Forgotten Forest because of the many dangers it posed to cultivators and It was filled with powerful beasts and hidden traps, making it a dangerous place for anyone to venture into.

And because of all that, no cultivator dares to venture into the forest thus receiving the name Forgotten.

However, Shang Juan and Ren Luo were lucky as they were in the outskirts of the forest which was only filled with rank 2 and rank 3 spirit beast.

So they only had to release their cultivation base of the Late stage of the Soul Wondering Realm to intimidate the spirit beast and make them keep their distance.

They traveled like that for one hour until they left the forest completely, and continued on their way across the plains for another hour before they arrived at their destination.

A cluster of mountains rose in the distance, and in the center of those mountains lay ancient ruins.

Shang Juan and Ren Luo made their way towards the ruins, keeping their masks on and their senses on high alert for any signs of danger.

As they approached the entrance, they could sense a powerful aura emanating from within the ruins, an aura that remained them of the ancient.

The ruins were filled with traps and obstacles, but Shang Juan and Ren Luo were skilled cultivators and they managed to navigate their way through the ruins with ease.

Finally, they arrived at the innermost area of the ruins, where a small formation lay on the floor.

The two immediately recognized the formation as another ancient teleportation formation, which could transport them to any location in the Luan Kingdom.

Through the use of this formation, they would not attract the attention of the Cultivation Alliances towards the Configuration Sect, thus keeping their master’s secrets hidden.

Shang Juan and Ren Luo had already made their preparations and were ready to teleport when suddenly a large slash was released towards them.

Boom ! The slash hit the ground, creating a huge crater and sending dirt and rocks flying everywhere.

“Hand over the captive” , a strong and imposing voice rang out as Shang Juan and Ren Lou looked into the distance.

A young man with a single sword on his back was standing in the middle of the air with a sharp aura around him.

It was him that had just released that sword slash and Shang Juan immediately recognized him as one of the Seven Sword Stars, Wu Dao! Ranked 5th on the Rising Star Ranks.

Shang Juan and Ren Luo quickly took defensive postures, ready to fight if necessary.

"What do you mean captive ," Shang Juan said, his voice calm and measured. "We are just passing through, and we mean no harm to anyone."

Wu Dao sneered, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the two disciples. "You expect me to believe that? You are wearing masks, and you have a Soul Prison, something mainly used on cultivators with Luan’s Soul, That is enough evidence for me."

Shang Juan and Ren Luo remained silent, knowing that any words spoken now would be useless.


They prepared themselves with Shang Juan taking out a giant red puppet while Ren Luo’s body started to be covered in blood colored Armor.

In the air Wu Dao looked at the duo below him before taking out his sword which gleamed in the sunlight. "Very well then”.