Chapter 75: Red Eclipse
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“Waning Moon Art: Ninefold Crescent Slash”

Wu Dao roared as he unleashed his technique, his sword glowing with a blinding light as he swung it nine times in rapid succession.

The air was filled with the sound of metal against metal as nine crescent slashes collided with the giant and Ren Luo's blood-red armor.

The ruins shook with each strike, the ground cracking and breaking apart under their feet.

Shang Juan's green inscriptions flickered as he struggled to maintain control over his puppet, his eyes widening in shock as he realized the power of Wu Dao's attack.

Ren Lou was spared from that has his armor only received one attack and he instantly absorbed it with his physique.

However Wu Dao didn’t seem to forget him as he charged towards him right after, his sword glowing with another blinding light.

“Waning Moon Art: Full Slash, Twofold”

His sword released a single slash that shot out in ferocity.

“You think that will work again” Ren Luo arrogantly spoke as he once again didn’t block the attack, allowing it to hit him.


He smiled as the attack stopped but his smile turned to horror as he noticed that this slash was different.

He had absorbed it but there was another layered slash behind it, thus he was hit by the second slash and sent flying.

Wu Dao didn’t have the courtesy of time as a red giant appeared behind him to punch out with frightening might.


Wu Dao quickly turned around and raised his sword, blocking the punch with all his strength but the impact sent him sliding back, his feet digging into the ground as he struggled to keep his balance.

The red giant covered in inscriptions was relentless. It continued to attack, its fists pounding down on Wu Dao with incredible force.

Wu Dao gritted his teeth and focused his energy, channeling it into his sword. With a fierce yell, he swung his sword in a wide arc, unleashing a powerful wave of energy as he called out a technique.

Secret Art: Waning Moon


As Wu Dao released his secret art, a massive explosion shook the ruins, sending debris and dust flying everywhere.

The red giant’s body began cracking and crumbling under the force of the attack, before exploding into a shower of red sparks.

Wu Dao stood amidst the chaos, his hair and clothes billowing in the wind as he caught his breath.

He was about to release his spiritual consciousness when suddenly he felt a shadow covering the sky.


A massive explosion rocked the ruins and caused a massive crater to form underfoot as Wu Dao dodged the attack.

Barely managing to evade it in time, he looked up and saw that it was a massive jade box hurtling towards him.

However just like the red giant, intricate green inscriptions covered the whole box, empowering the Origin Soul Prision.

Shang Juan stood with fury in his eyes as he spoke through his mask.

“How dare you destroy something i spent years creating”

"Ren Luo may have told you his Physique, but even if you know mine, there’s nothing you can do about it," he growled his voice low and menacing as he was truly mad.

Wu Dao gritted his teeth as he faced Shang Juan, knowing that he was facing a formidable opponent. He had to think fast and come up with a plan if he wanted to survive this encounter.

“Don’t forget about me” suddenly he heard from behind him and his face sank, he turned but it was too late.

A blood red fist struck Wu Dao from behind, sending him flying across the ruins.

He groaned in pain as he struggled to get back to his feet, his mind racing as he tried to figure out his next move.

Looking around he found that Ren Luo was nowhere to be seen, confusing him on where the attack had come from.

Steadying himself, he focused his energy and scanned the area, trying to sense any signs of danger.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy coming from a behind him again.

It was Ren Luo with cracks all over his Armor as he sent out another blood red fist.


Debris was raised in the air as Wu Dao quickly dodged the attack, his mind working as he used another powerful technique.

“Waning Moon Art: Full Moon Slash!”

His sword glowed with a bright white light as he swung it towards Ren Luo, who was already damaged with his armor on it’s last legs.


A huge inpact was sent and the force of the impact sent Ren Luo stumbling backwards, his armor cracking under the force of the blow.

Wu Dao seized the opportunity and struck again, this time aiming for a weak spot in Ren Luo's armor.

And with a loud crack, the armor shattered with Ren Luo falling to his knees.

Raising his sword, Wu Dao was about to deliver the final blow when Ren Luo’s body burst into molts of lights.

Disappearing before reappearing in another location with a haggard expression as he passed out soon after.

Shang Juan watched from a distance, his eyes narrowing in anger and frustration as he saw what happened.

“Damn it”

he gritted his teeth and threw all the spiritual energy he has into the inscriptions on the Soul Prision.

Wu Dao's eyes widened and he watched from a distance as a bright light lit the area, the inscriptions on the jade box glowed with an ominous green light.

He knew that he had to end this quickly before he ran out of energy, so he focused his energy, channeling it into his sword as he prepared to unleash his ultimate technique.

He had to save the person imprisoned inside the Soul Prison, but he also knew that he only has one attack remaining.

He could most likely save them if he did this right but he also worried that he wouldn’t be able to work , after all he was dealing with a Top Grade Spiritual Tool.

He gritted his teeth before he looked towards the masked individual in front of him, laughing out loud he said.

“What I think doesn’t matter because all things under my Sword Gaze are strings”

He bellowed out.

“Secret Art: Lunar Eclipse!”


Wu Dao's sword glowed with an intense white light, that turned dark red as he swung his sword in a circle with all his might.


The sky darkened as a massive red moon appeared before them, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield. Shang Juan’s eyes widened in shock as he realized the gravity of the situation.

As the red moon appeared it moved instantly, appearing before the Soul Prision before Shang Juan had time to react.


A colossal rumble filled the air with a staggering force, as the sword struck the Soul Prison.

The green inscriptions on the box flickered for a moment before shattering into pieces, and the Soul Prison itself was slowly torn apart as a single person became revealed inside in the explosion.