Chapter 11
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'What's up with this kid?' Alex thinks to himself before slowly tucking his hands in his pockets. He looked around and saw no one in sight, which was weird considering that the place they were in was usually busy during the day.

Alex examined the random kid before him, trying to see if he had ever appeared in the show. Besides a pale complexion and messy black hair, his appearance didn't stand out to him.

'Shit, was I recognized?' Alex put his guard up after this realization hit him. Sure, he expected some people to have seen his face after running away from that green sludge, but actively confronting him was a different story.

'Dammit, if only I had my quirk.' Alex stretched his hand inside his pocket, slightly hoping it would return. But just like before, he couldn't feel anything. It would be easy enough to scroll through the kid's memories and erase all memories of Alex.

'It looks like I'll have to do this the hard way.' Alex began to approach the kid slowly. If the kid truly recognized him that day, then he was a threat to him. And all threats need to be taken care of.


Yuudai peered into Alex's soul as he started to walk toward him. This was all the proof he needed to confirm that Alex was the one who tried to kill Bakugo. He intentionally spoke in a hostile tone and gave Alex a quick glance at his hands to give him an idea of what he was after. And all this was already enough to provoke him into making a move without giving away his identity.

But now there was another problem in Yuudai's hands. He had no idea what Alex could do.

'He was somehow inside that sludge monster and used it to reach Bakugo.'

Yuudai didn't have to think about it as a fist flew at him. Yuudai moved his head to the side, successfully dodging it. Then Alex threw another punch at Yuudai's stomach. Yuudai was still in an awkward situation after dodging the first punch. Because of this, he wouldn't be able to avoid the second one. Alex's fist landed hard on Yuudai's solar plexus, causing waves of pain throughout his body.

Yuudai couldn't do anything but hunch his back as his body essentially shut down. Alex turned Yuudai's body and proceeded to lock him in a chokehold.

Yuudai gritted his teeth as he tried to pull Alex's hands away from his neck. His vision started to get blurry as his hands and legs began tingling. He was about to pass out any second now.

'Shit, I'll need to use it.'

Then his eyes began to glow as he focused on the presence of the man behind him. Yuudai imagined a pressure building up inside Alex's soul. He continued imagining the pressure building up until he couldn't endure Alex's chokehold anymore. Then he imagined the built-up pressure exploding out of Alex's chest.


Alex shouted as his body was blown 10 meters away from Yuudai. His back landed on the ground, but he immediately took control of his movement and rolled backwards to get into a crouching position.

"Little shit!" Alex couldn't stop himself from making a remark out of anger as his face contorted in rage.

Yuudai took a deep breath and grasped his neck to relieve the pain of the chokehold.

"I don't suggest we continue this. Fellow reincarnators should work together, not against one another."

Alex's mind stopped as soon as he heard Yuudai's words. But he shortly regained his cool as he took a deep breath to calm his mind. He got back up on his two feet and straightened his shirt collar. Other reincarnators weren't a foreign concept to him. To think that he was the only reincarnator would be too vain, even for him.

"Who you are and where you came from doesn't matter to me. What does matter is whether or not you are in my way."

Yuudai raised his eyebrow. What was this man after? He thought those who reincarnated were devoted otakus who dreamed of meeting their favorite anime character, like Kaneko. But Alex was far from that. He sounded like someone who didn't care for this world. What he did to Bakugo was evidence of that.

"And what if I am?" Yuudai's cool-headed demeanor never faded away, even after almost getting killed.

"Then I'll consider you a threat that needs to be taken out." Alex showed no hesitation with his statement. His voice wasn't as indifferent as Yuudai's, but it was certainly cold, almost inhuman.

"Will you be able to handle the consequences?" Yuudai says as he looks up at a light post. Alex turned his head to where Yuudai was looking and saw a security camera directly pointing at them.

Alex clenched his fists in anger. He needed to calm himself before doing something he'd regret.

"Tsk, watch your back," Alex says in a final remark, and walks away. He wanted to deal with Yuudai right then and there, but he had already shown too much to the security camera.

Yuudai's eyes followed Alex's movement as he walked away. When Alex got far enough away that he couldn't see him anymore, he continued walking back home without letting his guard down. His quirk made it so he could detect anyone's presence via their soul, so sneak attacks wouldn't work on him. Still, better safe than sorry.

'A foreigner, who looks to be the same age as me, dresses in extravagant clothes. Chances are he moved to Japan precisely as the main timeline began. Meaning he must have made other changes besides trying to kill Bakugo.'

Yuudai was in deep thought the whole way through his walk back home. Eventually, he arrived at an old motel. He went up the stairs and entered his room in a daze-like state, still immersed in his thoughts.

"Oh, what took you so long? Your sister was getting worried."

That pleasant voice broke Yuudai's daze as his indifferent face turned into a warm smile.

"I studied all day in the library. I had to take a quick stroll." Yuudai replies to his mother happily. His cold demeanor was nowhere to be seen as he comically stretched and put his bag down.

*Ring* *Ring *Ring*

Yuudai's phone rang as he took it out of his pocket to see who it was. It was Kaneko.

"Is that your girlfriend calling you? You should really introduce me to her."

"Oh come on Mom, she's just a friend." Yuudai chuckled as he went to his room.

He closed the door behind him and answered his phone.

"What is it?" Yuudai's joyful voice carried out into the phone as Kaneko from the other side of the call was caught off guard. 

"U-uh. Why do you sound so... Nevermind. Uh, I did some little research about EverCreed when I got back, and I'm starting to think they were never in the anime nor the manga."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because I'm an expert when it comes to My Hero Academia, you know? Plus, they have ties to U.A. and its events. Something big like that should definitely be mentioned in the story."

Yuudai balanced his phone on his shoulder and cheek as he opened his laptop and booted it up.

"What else have you found on them?" Yuudai asks another question to save time from researching things Kaneko already knows.

"Well, it looks like they're sending an international student into hero courses. It's nothing unusual, but this student seems to be in a lot of controversy." On the other side of the phone, Kaneko read an article about this international student. She thought this guy was pretty handsome, so she searched the article for his name.

"His name is apparently... Alexander Tremblay?"

Yuudai opened multiple tabs on EverCreed and a new tab to search for information about who this Alexander Tremblay was. If this guy was an international student in hero courses at U.A., he could only be in classes A or B.

Then, as the tab loaded up, Alexander Tremblay's face popped up all over his laptop. Yuudai's eyes widened, and his joyful face slowly turned back into an indifferent one.

'He's going to study in U.A? This might be bad.' Yuudai thought to himself as he rubbed his chin in thought.