Chapter 32- Shots fired
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Chapter 32- Shots fired

Citadel First floor- Entrance Hall, 2008 February 14 (Morning)

Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)-

Erik was looking at his armor. He hadn't had the time to fix the left side, and he had left behind the ball bearings that he had used as decorations on its collar and cauldrons. While his red and purple clothes were damaged a little near the sleeves, it was otherwise intact.

He had looked in on Sam earlier. Nath’aniel was still there and had been removing the metal boxes that he used to store the mixture that he had soaked her injuries in. Once the fluid was removed, he could see that she looked as if she had never been injured. Her swollen and damaged eye was as good as new, as well as her nose. As much as Erik wanted to question the mage on her condition, he also knew that he had preparations to make before the others got up.

So here he was looking over his armor and debating whether he had the time to repair it, or should just take the concealed weapons stored in it and suit up without the metal plating. However, doing that would limit his aerial mobility without it.

A side door opened behind him, and he looked and saw Exodus enter the large hall. "I thought I would be the only awake this early," Erik said before returning to his examination of his armor.

“Knowing a battle is coming made sleep difficult, I am looking forward to smiting these fools though.” Exodus admitted as he approached Erik.

Erik used his powers to pull apart the damaged plates, but it was slow going. The metal had cooled and they were very fused together, that they didn’t want to separate even under his magnetic powers told him that they had melted into a signal piece of metal. Then Erik felt something, something from outside. It was clearly metal and was moving rather fast.

“Warning! Incoming attack.” The ceiling said before the tower shook violently.

“I thought the Citadel was shielded?” Exodus asked once the rumbling was over.

Erik held out his hand towards his helmet, and then the metal helmet flew towards his outstretched hand. He gave up on his armor and began weaving a bubble of magnetic energy around him. "I suspect the shield is focused to fend off ground forces, and not flying foes. But in the end, it doesn't matter. We brought this destruction to his place, and we must deal with it. When the others get here you must rally them against our attackers, I will deal with the air support."

As he spoke he made layer upon layer of magnetic protection around himself, once he felt safe, Erik willed his helmet higher into the air, and he floated towards the doors of the Citadel. Once outside he immediately felt the location of the chopper. It was still outside the reach of the shield. But it wasn’t the only thing he felt. The piles of melted silver outside were shifting and moving.

Half of them were gathering into tall standing things, like that of poorly molded men. While the other half were larger, but were lacking any real shape. As they just seemed to be bubble and swell.

When the next missile entered the clearing Erik was ready for it, he raised his hand and threw one of the layers wrapped around him to snatch up the explosive projectile in his grasp.

"You think I would let you desiccate this sacred place?" Erik asked not expecting an answer.

The multi-barreled gun on the chopper's extensions began to spin, just before another missile came flying out from the belly of the craft. Magneto floated towards this attack before hurling the already-held missile at the second.

However his missile suddenly detonated before hitting the other, and so Erik had to unleash another layer of protection to stop second rocket, but before he could the bullets started to pour forth from the craft’s guns. He then literally slapped the other missile away, as he tried to figure out how his enemy had caused such a simple projectile from doing as he had intended. Then he felt them. A trio of small rapidly moving metal boxes.

“Drones.” He muttered to no one.

Flashes of light drew his vision back to the ground. He half expected to see Exodus cutting someone down. Instead, he saw a pair of men with Stark laser rifles firing at the air in front of them. The Citadel’s shield was visible when the beams heated the air. For a moment Magneto regretted not fitting their costumes with communications equipment like Charles did for his X-men. But then he recalled that he wasn’t even in his. So even if he had it would have been pointless.

Erik waved his hand and the mass of spent bullets flew out like buckshot. The chopper stopped firing and dodged the few that were flying toward them, but they were not his primary targets. A couple hundred bullets collided with the three drones. The little machines didn't stand a chance. With their scapegoats dealt with, Erik threw the spent missile at the men with the laser weapons. Before rewrapping himself in fresh magnetic fields, and then bolting towards the fleeing chopper.


Citadel First floor- Entrance Hall


His lord was not wrong, just after he left Quicksilver joined him. The knight motioned for the younger man to wait and not to head out. The other man did, but it wasn't before too long that his lord's son began to tap his foot. And after a moment or two, the tapping became as rapid as the sound of gunfire bleeding into the room from outside.

Then Nath’aniel emerged from the hallway, which lead to the sick hall.

“I will admit I was not expecting the metal bird to hurl rods that explode on impact.” The mage admitted once he entered the hall.

"How'sBass?" the young mutant asked, although other than an 'sss' Exodus couldn't make out much of what he said.

Nath’aniel took a second to process the question, before saying. ”Hungry, although that is to be expected given how much healing her body went through last night. But there is no risk of further injury, well unless these bandits make it inside.”

Exodus tried to control his face at the good news but did smirk at the mage's observation. Even though he doubted any of the "modern" soldiers of this world would admit to the similar nature of their actions to those of days past.

To cover up his failure, the knight asked. “Then why don’t you have the Citadel send some food down?”

“Because she can’t, I had her drain the Utility Constructs to power the tower’s defenses.” The mage said before pressing on towards the stairs.

Quicksilver moved to block the mage's passage to the stairs before asking. "What! You not going to help us?”

Exodus understood the mage’s words now. They had always thought that the boy was just fast, yet Nath'aniel had claimed that one of them had time powers. Quicksilver isn't just fast; he must stretch time for himself. And the mage knew it. He wondered what else the boy would be able of doing once they really began testing him.

“Stand down Quicksilver, your father has already decided that the Brotherhood will deal with the mercenaries." Exodus ordered. He then began forming light constructs, starting with a shield and then remaking it again and again till he found a model he liked.

"No. He thinks he is the shit. I say it's time he shows what he can do." The boy barked as he leaned into the mage's face.

Exodus wondered how many times the speedster would walk into something once the mage took all the light away from him. But the knight didn't have time to wonder long as six men made of tarnished silver metal stumbled into the Citadel from outside. They were all armed with a long blade pole axe, one that the Knight hadn't encountered before in his life, but was impressed by their design all the same.

“I am helping. By reinforcing your numbers.” The mage muttered as he walked around the teenager, and then ascended the stairs.

The six axe men flanked the Citadel's entrance. And while the Knight thought to scold Quicksilver, not even a moment passed and the rest of the Brotherhood arrived. Gypsy flew down the stairs first and only a few steps behind her were Pyro and Psylocke. All of them were dressed and ready for battle.

‘They all came, my lord was worried about Pyro and Psylocke, but they all came.’ He thought as he materialized a sword of light.

"Good, we're all here. Magneto has gone to do battle with the enemy's gunship so it will be up to the five of us to deal with the rest. And he will join us once it's been dealt with." Exodus said to those gathered here. "Quicksilver I need you to scout, we need to locate…"

The voice from the ceiling interrupted the Knights orders. “There are three groups of hostiles. One group is actively attacking the Perception Filter’s northern edge. The flying attacker has fled and is being perused by [Subject: Magneto]. And the third group is readying a second metal bird.”

Psylocke was the first to react to the interruption, asking. “Your sensors can scan outside of the tower? Why didn’t you warn us of the threats outside, Sam could have…”

"My external sensors, until this morning, were tasked with scanning the star's positions. Given conflicts between ours and your calendars, the Young Master desired an accurate date, so I was tasked to determine it."

"Yeah, we could have…" Quicksilver began to add on.

“Enough!” Exodus yelled. “Our leader has stated that the soldiers' presence was brought on because of our own. So it is our reasonability to drive them away. If you are unwilling to aid me, say so. Otherwise, be ready for my orders."

Psylocke seemed cowed by his reaction. While the teen seemed only brothered he was cut off again. However, no one complained. They all waited a moment and then Exodus gave them their orders. "We can't allow the Citadel to fall, so Wanda can you shield yourself while you fly?"

Gypsy nodded before saying. "I think so, the barrier and the fight use the same mental techniques, so they are basically the same. Although I would be slower while shielding myself.”

"Alright, we can work with that. Gypsy and I will intercept their other airship." Exodus ordered. Then he pointed at the others before saying. "You three will stall the group already attacking the Citadel's defenses in the north. While I understand our leader's intentions, I also understand all of your desires that we survive this, but do what you can. Do not risk your lives in this endeavor."

Everyone nodded in understanding at his commands.

“You know, if the Citadel’s shield is still up we might be able to get an ambush ready for those blokes.” Pyro observed as Wanda moved to the doors, that Exodus was already near having seen his Lord off.

Quicksilver snapped before adding. “Hey, that’s pretty smart. And with Psylocke here she can tell me when to distract them, just before you launch it.”

With the others having something of a battle plan ready. The Knight looked towards his partner for this battle and when she nodded at him, Exodus walked out into the clearing. There were more metal machines outside, that the Knight assumed used to be the melted piles of silver. Most of them appeared to be horses grazing in the clearing, but there was one humanoid that seemed to be petting and grooming one of the horses.

The sight made Exodus’ own fingers itch to do the same. He missed his steed, which of course was long since dead. But that was something he could address later.

He floated off of the ground and then waited for Gypsy to do the same. Her body gave off this reddish aura, that seemed to become thicker and thicker as she poured more of the chaotic energy out and around her.

“Fly high, and as fast as you can. I am going to launch a few blasts at them as we pass by them.” Exodus said before taking off. He flew with his shield out in front of him, as he flew he reshaped his sword into a simple javelin.

At the edge of the clearing, there were scorch marks and fires here and there. The signs told the knight that a modern missile had struck where their enemies were reported to have been at. 'Thank you, my lord.'

They flew through the barrier that was keeping their enemies out. He slowed, while Gypsy flew passed him. There were brush fires here and there, and the mercs were tossing egg-like balls into them, and seconds later chemical foam would smother the flames.

There were also some men down. Two were clearly not going to trouble them again, as large shards of metal had impaled them to nearby trees, but others were only moderately cut from his lord's retaliation. Spotting one gripping an odd brass rifle and was being seen by a medic. Exodus had his target. He lined up his shot.

The downed man aimed his odd rifle, but whatever it was built to do it clearly didn’t as it only sparked when he pulled the trigger.

Exodus willed the light spear toward his target. And the javelin pierced the chest of the medic. The egg throwers raised their weapons, and Exodus willed some light around his legs as he raised his shield to protect the rest of him. Bullets still did some damage to his harness, as the hard plastic protecting the lamps could only stop so much.

But Exodus blasted off another pair of shots, these were not as fruitful as his first attack, as the men he shot used their weapons as a shield against the light shards sent their way.

What surprised the knight was when a shaft of light and heat was sent his way. He smirked as he reached out his will towards the beam. Stalling and then stopping the blast. He reshaped the beam into a lance of light.

Exodus laughed as he mocked. "Really? Light-based weapons against a light manipulator?"

"Your right, but that was just a distraction." The soldier with a twin-barreled brass rifle replied.

Then a thumping noise was heard by the knight, as large eggs flew at him, and when the first detonated and knocked him back. Exodus lost his concentration and he began to fall.