Chapter 1 – Astacala [ ᮎ᮪ᮠᮕ᮪ᮒᮦᮛ᮪ |᮱| – ᮃᮞ᮪ᮒᮎᮜ ]
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1533 S, Adiwira was born Again, his Parents is Astacala and Sri Cawistra. he got a good parents but they life isn't good enough, they always suffer for their need.


Adiwira was grow up with love from his Parents, Astacala is a good father for him, and even teach him to be a good man for this world. He's more like Ki Digjaya for Adiwira, but he didn't notice.


Sri Cawistra is a Caring Mother, she's always treat Adiwira like the only one, cause Adiwira is their only one children though. But even with sufficient conditions, they are still be a Happy Family.


One Night 1546 S, 13 years old Adiwira see Astacala was training his Martial Arts, called Silat, and Adiwira see him doing a cool Arts of Fight, and then he ask her father..


"Pa, kumaha éta carana?"

("Pa, how'd you do that?")


"Gampang Adiwira, anjeun kudu tiasa gaduh pikiran nu suci kanggo ngalakukeun ieu, sabab sagala ti Seni ieu teh tentang pintonan anjeun kana kahirupan"

("It's easy Adiwira, you must be have a holy mind to do all of this things, because all of this Arts is about your mindset of your life")


"Kumaha maksudna éta téh Pa?"

("What does that mean Pa?")


"Nya.. anjeun ngora kénéh kanggo gaduh élmu éta, tapi hal nu bapa hoyong anjeun diajar nyéta sabar"

("Well.. you're too young to have a knowledge of that, but the things that i wanna you learn right now is be patients")


"Muhun atuh Pa, tapi kumaha?"

("Well alright Pa, but how?")


"Tinggali wéh bapa, nya?"

("Just look at your Bapa okay?")


"Muhun Muhun"

("Okay Okay")


Astacala was go inside his home and when he walk out, he was bring a Flute. And then he Stay in front of Adiwira and he played his Flute. When Astacala play the flute, the light of the fire around him went out.


Adiwira was shocked & then he remind something like that before, he back his memories but he can't remind more, he just see a altar and a light in front of him, and then he was wake up again.


When he go to the high notes, everything lit up again but more smoldering. Astacala put his flute in front of him and then..



He was showing Adiwira his Arts of Silat, he was fast, he was strong, he was cool, and even there's a Harmony Symbols arround Astacala and suddenly the fire arround them is more smoldering and then Astacala stop his move and the fire is calm again.


And Adiwira was ask to her father

"Pa, naon éta?"

("Dad, what's that?")


"Éta "Harmoni Batari Sri""

("It's was "Harmony of Batari Sri"")


"Batari Sri?, Asa pernah ngadangu"

("Batari Sri?, it's like i've heard that before")


"Muhun kudu, sabab Batari Sri kaasup salah sahiji Déwi"

("Yes you must do, cause Batari Sri is one of our Goddesses")


"Dewi? Naon éta?"

("Goddesses? What's that")


"Éta téh pengatur dunya, seeur Déwa & Déwi teh ngan, Nénék Moyang arurang nyembah ka Batari Sri"

("It's our ruler of the world, there's many of God & Goddesses but, our ancestor was pray to Batari Sri")


"Ahh.. kitu nya, ai Seni tadi kumaha Pa?"

("Ahh.. so that's, what about that Art Pa?")


"Nya éta teh warisan ti leluhur arurang, Aki anjeun ngalatih Bapa, anjeunna teh "Sangaji""

("Well it's our heritage from our ancestor, your Grandpa was trained me, he's "Sangaji"")


"Awis Pa, tapi di mana anjeunna ayeuna?"

("That's cool Dad, but where's he now?")


"Nya bapa bakal nyarita carita anjeunna"

("Well i'll tell a story about him")


--1520 S, when the world begins its destruction. There was a Old Couple named Sangaji and Sri Saraswati, they're a rich family. Sadly, disaster's everywhere there's no one could save their money at this time, except government. But even government have enough resources for life, they was Capitalism, instead help peoples at this country, they colonize their own nation. They're more rich, but their peoples is desperate.


One Day, they demonstrated against the government, including Sangaji and Sri Saraswati who were involved in it, and then the president say...

"Pamaréntah badé ngalakukeun nu terbaik kanggo ngaréspon ieu, saréng kanggo bukti tanggung jawab ti pamaréntah, mangga sumping ka balé kota saréng candak kabutuhan anu dibutuhkeun sacukupna"

("The government will try its best to respond, and for proof of our responsibility, go to the city hall and pick up enough of your needs there")


Sangaji, Sri Saraswati and they friend was go there, but then...

"Pa, saur presidén téh palih mana éta teh"

("Sir, where's the place president talk about")


"Oh muhun, asup ka bangunan éta, ngké aya pénjaga nu ngarahkeun"

("Yes, come in to that building, there's Guard will guide you")


They're go in there but..

"Pa, naha teu aya nanaon didieu mah"

("Sir, why there's no anything here?")


"Muhun, kedap kanggo jaga-jaga gérbangna di tutup heula nya"

("Yes, just in case, the gate will be closed first")


The gate was closed and then..


They was screaming,






They was crying,

There's no turning back,



Splash of blood was heard to the outside,




They're doesn't know anything to do,

And Then.. They was silent.


And when the gate was opened again, no one, made it back.

No one knows what happened to them, but.. what everyone know is, they died without a single bullet on their body.


But there's someone see what happened there, but he's keep silent to everyone, he was "Ki Digjaya"--


Astacala ended his stories and Adiwira was crying to him and say..

"Pa, naha pamaréntah téh asa jahat-jahat teuing ka rakyat téh, emang teu cukup kitu ku mawaan waé duit rakyat, naha kudu maéhan rakyat ogé"

("Pa, why the government is really suck to their people, isn't that enough for carry people's money, why they should kill us too")


"Nya kumaha deui Adiwira, Sangu tos jadi Bubur, teu tiasa dikukumaha deui, protés salah, teu protés sengsara. Andai aya Ki Digjaya"

("Well, it's suck Adiwira, but Rice has become Porridge, we can't do anything, we can't demonstrate, but we'll suffer too if not. If there is Ki Digjaya")


"Kunaon kitu pa lamun aya Ki Digjaya?)

("Why if there is?")


"Teu nanaon, ngké gé Adiwira terang nyalira"

("Nothing, you will know")


"Muhun atuh Pa"

("Well, if you say so Pa")


On that dark and sad night they calm each other while gazing at the stars they felt would be the last stars to witnesses their life.

But then, Astacala was have something to say to Adiwira..

"Adiwira, énjing bapa bakal ngarantau kanggo ngahirupan arurang, hampura bapa teu tiasa ngabaturan di dieu tapi bapa kudu, demi arurang."

("Adiwira, tomorrow bapa will go to earn a living, sorry if bapa can't accompany here, but bapa must, for our sakes")


"Pa, tapi bapa henteu kudu jauh atuh pa"

("Pa, but bapa don't have to go far Pa")


"Adiwira, bapa hoyong, ngan didieu teh teu aya padamelan. Hampura, tapi ieu demi kaluarga"

("Adiwira, i want to, but there's no job here. I'm Sorry, but it's for our family")


"Pa.. tapi bapa janji uih kan pa?"

("Pa.. but you promise to comeback pa?")


"Janji Adiwira. Tos, hayu urang bobo"

("I Promise Adiwira. Enough, we must go to sleep")


Adiwira nodded his head but there was something he wanted to say...

"Pa.. wios abdi bobo saréng bapa ayeuna?"

("Pa.. can i sleep with you?")


"Mangga Adiwira"

("If you say so Adiwira")


Adiwira and Astacala was sleep together, because maybe, it's last time they're meet...