Chapter 12.5 – A Knight’s Thoughts
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It is late by the time Princess Lyra appears at the mess hall. Only a few of the knights are here, and if you count those who are happy about the outcome of today’s tournament, that number is even smaller. I never doubted my own skills. Despite the promises and actions of Duke Virfain, Crown Prince Hayden, Forbes, and even Princess Lyra, I did doubt what the result of today would be. Soldiers and knights have been promised many things by their lords and have received nothing. Perhaps I may still be one of those people, but she has already given me something she didn’t have to. She has given me respect. And in a very public manner. She allowed me to demonstrate my skills in a fair battle in front of every knight and soldier, watched over by two royals. No one may look down on me now.

When the princess finally appears, she doesn’t announce her presence. I watch her linger around the outside of the mess hall, trying not to stand out, purposefully dressed down. She is with her handmaiden Lizzie, no Forbes hovering at her shoulder the way he usually is. Something is wrong.

I meet her halfway around the room, and I see immediately that something is indeed very wrong.

‘It’s not as bad as it looks.’ Her hand unconsciously moves towards her face, her fingers drifting over her cheek. ‘I had planned a more public celebration of your achievement, but I don’t believe it is wise for me to do so in my current state.’ I do not ask her if she is okay. It is clear from the look on her face that she is tired and worried and anxious. Her highness’ face is less like a book and more like a signpost, too easy to read by everyone. I do not ask after Forbes. If he is not here, he must also be unwell. To ask would likely trouble her highness. Instead, I shall seek him and check myself. I also do not ask her to see a physician. The swelling is significantly less than I would expect for a bruise so large and dark, suggesting treatment was received very shortly after the wound. The princess has already seen a doctor, and there is nothing else to be done.

I do, however, feel ashamed. There are very few people within the palace her highness can trust. Both her brothers have a full party of knights and retainers, whereas the princess has only myself and Forbes, and perhaps Lizzie who seems less apprehensive about the rumours than other palace maids. There are few people who care for her safety. If Forbes is not here, it is likely he was hurt trying to keep her highness safe. Perhaps if I was there, neither of them would’ve gotten hurt.

‘I should escort you to your room, your highness.’ She smiles at this, a small, tired smile.

‘I did not come here to drag you away. It is unlikely I will meet any more harm this evening. I came here to congratulate you... and apologise.’ I do not expect the last word and I am confused, but I don’t say anything. ‘I forced you into a position that put your status as a palace guard on the line. You once told me you had no dreams of becoming a knight, and perhaps you are equally as nonchalant about your position within the palace, but I like to think that over the past few months, we have come to an understanding of one another. You are incredibly talented with the sword, and what I did today was force you to fight for that talent without your permission.’ I want to stop her, to explain how wrong she is, but I don’t dare. Instead, she pauses and lets out a deep sigh, before turning to survey the room.

‘I never doubted your skill, and I do not doubt it now by saying these things. I simply want you to know that should you swear your oath to me, I will never make such a decision on your behalf again.’ With this, she holds out her hand to me. I do not quite know how to react. Shaking the hand of another person is a sign of equal respect. For her to shake a duke’s hand is very different when compared to her shaking the hand of a guard, not even a knight. But rather than refuse, I grip her forearm as she did to me this morning.

‘I would ask that your highness not apologise for giving me something I never allowed myself to wish for.’

‘I gave you nothing. You fought for something you had already earned, Lady Amelinne.’ Princess Lyra lets go of my arm. ‘I shall call for you tomorrow. I may not have left you with many comrades to celebrate with, but I hope you enjoy your victory.’ I bow.

‘Yes, your highness.’ She laughs quietly.

‘That was not an order.’ She looks at me for a moment, not saying anything. ‘Thank you, Lady Amelinne.’ There are many unsaid things hidden behind those words.

‘Thank you, your highness.’ I return all those unspoken words. With a smile, Princess Lyra leaves the mess hall.