Chapter 6: Awake
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I answer the knock by opening the door once I am fully clothed again, to see Nova standing there.

“Good Morning Nova, I assume you are to take me somewhere?”

“Yes Sir. I am to take you to breakfast.” She responded promptly.

“Great. So how did you sleep, Miss Nova?” I asked to test the waters.

“I slept well, Sir, thank you for asking.” She said turning to lead the way. She had the smallest blush barely visible on her face.

“Good, sleep is vital to proper health!” I say, to make her blush grow a little. I have to give her credit she is very good at keeping her emotions restrained.

As soon as she turns and can’t see me, the smile drops off my face as I analyze the path. I realized something that I hadn't totally grasped yesterday, the fact that I would never see my loved ones ever again.

I know that there is no chance for me to return. Ever. If I was to return would it be the same place I left? I don't think so… 

As I ponder this we come to a high door, with guards posted on either side. They reminded me of the guards in the throne room by their serious demeanor. 

Seeing Nova they nodded at her as they opened the doors.

Walking through the doors I push my thoughts of home away to deal with them later.

What was behind the doors was what could only be described as a royal dining hall. The room was huge; it looked like it could comfortably fit 50 people and that was on the low end. It had immaculate fixtures decorating the walls and several shining crystal chandeliers that emitted their own light. 

It seems the king wanted to put on a show of majesty for his guest. I thought it a bit excessive, but then I noticed some people gathered around the massive table that was the centerpiece of the room.

The people gathered looked like the nobility of this kingdom, some even had servants following them. 

Nova led me to a tall chair next to the table which I stood by. Now that I looked around, the chair height seemed to be some sort of rank status. With the one at the head being the tallest, while I at the other end of the table had a tall chair that was respectfully shorter. 

I thought, 'The guest of honor' as I saw 3 other chairs next to the head, whose height were only second place to the king's.

I knew of the king, princess, and her mother but the last chair alluded me as to who it belonged.

My thoughts would soon be answered as the king's guard entered and announced the royal family's arrival. 

Walking in order from their station the king walked in front followed by a woman, the princess's mother I assume, a young man who walked like a prince, and finally the princess.

Once they were in front of the table the king said, "Be seated." 

Everyone, including myself, took a seat. Once the food was served I was about to begin eating when I heard a startled gasp followed quickly by a choking sound. The king's food taster had fallen over moments after sampling from the plate. 

This stirred the guards into immediate action as they took up positions around their liege. One checked the tester as he rolled around on the ground and started to convulse.

Watching this lines of text scrolled past my eyes.

[Rapid Heartbeat - Had been identified]

[Respiratory Failure - Had been identified]

[Convulsions - Had been identified]

[Seizer - Had been identified]

These flew by my vision and something in my mind clicked followed by this line of text:

[Diagnosis: Extreme Fast Onset Hemlock Poisoning]

A feeling came over me as I went to the testers side, the guards slowed my approach but at the king's wave they backed away. 

I knelt over the tester and placed my hand over his stomach. A moment later a red glow emerged that slowly turned green. After the glow vanished some life seemed to return to his face. 

Stepping back I saw several shocked faces of the nobility at what had just happened. They seemed more shocked by the fact that the tester lived rather than the food being poisoned. 

I may reconsider the length of my stay in the castle if this is a common occurrence. 

Something bad must have been showing on my face as the nobles who looked at me took a step back. I was a little pissed but something popped into my view that gave me pause.

[Gained Poison Detection]

[Gained Poison Resistance]

I was momentarily distracted by these before resolving to look at the food still on the table. A new feeling washed over me as I went over to the plates of food.

While all of this was happening the king ordered the kitchen be put on lockdown.

When I was looking down on the plates I could almost feel a difference in some of the food placing my hand over each plate I could tell if it was poisoned. 

All of the royal family's plates were poisoned and some of the nobles, I informed Nova of this and she immediately went to tell the king.

I didn't want to announce my findings as I suspected that the culprit was in this room watching me as the hairs on the back of my neck were straight up.

Now standing back over my plate I got the clear indication of poison. I was now well and truly pissed while I could almost understand an assassination attempt on the king. I could not understand why anyone would target me as I have never met any of these people. 

The thought that someone tried to kill me started to fill me with rage. Unbeknownst to me, my eyes started to turn red. I could feel rage start to bubble in me like water going from frozen to boiling instantly. I felt the anger start to affect me as I clenched my fist hard. Rage almost got complete control but a hand on my arm calmed me.

I looked to see the princess with worry and concern in her face with something else I couldn't identify. 

Feeling her concern I let my anger flow out of me and took a deep breath and slowly let it out. 

Nodding to her I whispered so only she could hear, "Thank you Princess… Could you please call Nova over?"

She blushed momentarily, then looked confused for a moment before signaling to Nova. An idea had already started to take root in my clearing mind.

Once she was close enough I whispered to tell her to watch for reactions around the room for what I was about to do. I know it is reckless but so far the strange feeling hadn't led me astray yet and I was still hungry. 

Nova took a position with a view of most people in the room while I made sure everyone had a clear line of sight straight to me. I reached for the fork and took a bite of the now cold breakfast. 

I looked at Nova and she pointed at someone behind me.

Looking I saw one of the noble's servants had slipped a hand into his vest.

I rushed to reach him as did the guards who caught on to what was happening.

By the time I reached him he had pulled a small vial out of pocket and went to drink its contents.

I seized his arm with enough force to knock loose the vial from his hand and it spilled on the floor. I wrenched his arm behind his back and had him on the floor in seconds. He stared uncomprehendingly at the now empty vial.

Letting the guards take care of restraining him I stood up and stepped back.

I watched as they dragged him out of the room, everyone who had been talking or near the noble whose servant was now being taken to the dungeon, were suddenly distant from him.

Even his one remaining servant had a look of fear on his face.

The king gave orders to have the noble and his servant brought back to their room and to be held there. Once they left whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire through the room and many people gave glances at me.

I asked the king to allow us to go to a more private setting as breakfast was more or less ruined.

He nodded and we proceeded to leave along with his wife, son, and daughter. 

End of Chapter 

Chapter 6 rewrite. I am currently reviewing Chapter 7 and will probably rewrite it before posting.
