Volume 4. Chapter 20: Better Place. (Chapter 321.)
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Chapter 20: Better Place.

(Celia’s POV)

When I woke up, I was still being carried by Raila. I don’t quite know how long that I was asleep for, but I sure was well rested when I finally did wake up. As such, I asked her to put me down.

Celia: “Once again, thanks for carrying me.” I say with a smile.

Raila: “Don’t mention it. You barely weigh anything at all. It is honestly a shock that you managed to kill that Rot Wyvern.” She said with a laugh.

Celia: “Hey, lightweight girls can kill things just as well as anyone else can.” I say with a pout.

Raila: “I know, I know. Just stating the facts. You know, most girls would like to be called lightweight.” She replied in defense.

Celia: “I do like compliments, but I mostly favor those given to me by my wives.” I reply.

Raila: “You’re married? That’s a shame… Any chance that I could steal you from them?” She asked with a serious tone.

Celia: “One is a Death Goddess, two are Supreme Goddesses, though one is an immortal human.” I answer.

Raila: “Oh, so I have no chance then, huh? Again, what a shame.” She said with a sad tone.

I mean, yeah. My wives are very hard to beat in a fight, and in our relationship. Trying to take their positions in my heart would be a steep and absolute uphill battle that no one will ever win. But wait… why does she believe me?

Celia: “Why do you just believe my words outright?” I ask with a curious tone.

Raila: “Lying to my kind is pointless, Celia. We can easily detect lies.” She replied with a shrug.

Celia: “Oh, right… I forgot about that. I am actually in a game right now, and my real body is that of a Supreme Goddess. Usually, most beings powers have no effect on me.” I say with a sigh.

Raila: “Speaking of your wives, why haven’t any of them come to save you?” She asked.

Celia: “Right now, only one of them is free. Which is Ria, a Supreme Goddess.” I reply.

Raila: “And? Why hasn’t she come to find you yet?” She asked once more.

Celia: “You do realize that there is practically an infinite amount of dimensions, right?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

Raila: “…”

Celia: “Not to mention, but she was also busy before I ended up here. When she does find out that I was sent to a different mention, only then will she come to save me. But it will take a while for her to find me.” I explain.

Raila: “I see… At least you’re calm about this.” She said with a sigh.

Calm? I guess that I am. When you’re a being like me, death isn’t really something that you fear. Although, I struggle to recall a time where I did fear death. Maybe I am just that type of person who doesn’t? Who knows…

Celia: “Where are we?” I ask.

Raila: “Right now? Just outside the capital city of our kingdom. Unfortunately, that Rot Dragon attacked an area very close to home.” She answered with a sad tone.

Celia: “Oh. Will I be let in?” I reply.

Raila: “Why wouldn’t you be?” She replied.

Celia: “Because I am a human at the moment.” I answer.

Raila: “Ah!… I somehow get forgetting this, sorry… You’re right about that. My people struggle greatly with accepting the human race. And to be fair, we have always been at war with them in some capacity.” She replied with a thinking pose.

Celia: “I figured. Keep in mind, I am not racist at all. Though I am guessing that even as a princess, you can’t get me inside the capital, right?” I assume.

Raila: “Unless I am fine with my siblings accusing me of getting in bed with the humans… no. As a fellow warrior, I am greatly upset with myself that I cannot help you with this.” She replied with a remorseful tone.

Celia: “It’s fine, I understand your position. Back in my original dimension, I am actually a princess as well. Succession games aren’t foreign to me at all.” I say with a smile.

Raila: “Regardless, our kind owes you a debt. I fully expected to lose around 90% of my troops fighting that Rot Wyvern. You prevented their deaths.” She said with a respectful tone.

Celia: “Again, it was just on a whim. Don’t worry about it.” I say, waving my hands.

Raila: “…”

When did I become a humble person like this? It’s not really me being humble, though. I just don’t want to be praised for accidentally killing that monster, just because it pissed me off. I did originally run from it…

Celia: “What’s this?” I ask with a confused tone.

Raila had just handed me a crystal. Unlike that one in Hell that the little girl tricked me with, I was sure that this crystal wasn’t anything you’d want to eat. Which is a shame. I kinda miss that rock candy…

Raila: “It is a teleportation crystal. Specifically, it will teleport you to a random place within the human land.” She answered.

Celia: “So specific…” I reply.

Raila: “I looted it off a human knight in the last war. It happened only a few weeks ago, and I still hadn’t found a use for the crystal. Keep in mind, the man refused to tell me where the crystal will take you.” She explained.

Celia: “Do you have any ideas besides it being somewhere in the human land?” I ask.

Raila: “I thought that he was just lying, but I had someone look into it. From their understanding, which, is mostly a guess, it will be a random place within their land. I am sorry, but this is the best that I can do for you…” She replied.

Celia: “Eh, I can work with that.” I reply with a shrug.

Raila: “…”

I have already been teleported not that long ago. What’s one more to add to the list of absurd situations? Yes. I am just going to assume that I will end up in some stupid situation like with that Rot Wyvern.

Celia: “Thanks for helping me with this.” I say with a smile.

Raila: “I thank you as well. Now, farewell. I do hope that you won’t end up in a dangerous situation like before.” She replied.

Celia: “Aw… now you’ve cursed it to happen to me. If you die, it is even more your fault. Bye!” I jokingly reply.

Raila: “…”

Before she could reply to my cheeky words, I crushed the teleportation crystal in my hands. The world flashed a blue light, which slowly faded away, revealing my new situation. Oh, what fun! It wasn’t anything safe…