Chapter 3 – Catgirl eats dinner
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On the way to the dining room, you wonder…

What do cat girls eat?

Cat food, or girl food?

Cat food doesn't taste very good though. But as a cat, maybe your taste buds have changed?

Your tongue now have spikes. You licky your hands. Oooh, feels brushy, almost like brushing your hand with sandpaper.

And if you accidentally eat chocolate or grapes, will you die of liver failure?

Anyways, you don't really mind either cat food or girl food if it's delicious enough! And speaking of delicious, a really nice smell enters your nostrils.

Beef smell! You notice that instantly.

And potatoes! And butter!

Aha! Even your sense of smell is getting better once you’ve become a catgirl!

So this is… a beef stew maybe?

Your mouth is watering. You like this already! 

And besides…

The other cat girl is leading you by holding your hands! 


This is such a blessing. Lizz’s touch is heavenly! Yes, she also introduced herself earlier. Her name is Lizz. The softness and warmth of her hand cause your heart to flutter. It's a sensation of bliss you've never felt before!

And to think that one day you can have dinner with a cat girl and as a cat girl?

Your mind is dazzled by pure happiness. 

And then, as you come to the dining room, Lizz sits you at her big table before going to the kitchen to get food. While she's gone, you take a moment to survey your surroundings.

"This is a very nice room nya!" you mutter.

The dining room is cozy and inviting with a big wooden table and wooden chair. In the distance, a grand stone fireplace takes up almost an entire wall, showcasing a stunning oil painting of a large vase of red roses above it. 

After a few minutes of waiting, a fragrant aroma wafts over. Lizz's footsteps are getting near. The smell of dinner is getting near. Your belly rumbles more and more, and you take in a few deep breaths.

Aha! You were right! It is braised meat!

Your mouth waters in response! The combined aroma of meat and vegetables is simply irresistible. You take in a deep breath, savoring the fragrant medley of herbs you can't quite identify. Could it be onions? Carrots? Celery? The smell of butter and bread is also discernible. As for the meat, you find yourself wondering what type it is. The scent hints at beef, yet there's a tinge of pork as well!

Oh, so back to the “cat food or girl’s food” question again, it appears that cat girls enjoy human food after all!

A sigh of relief escapes your lips. Just then, the dining room door swings open.

"Ta-da!" Lizz makes her entrance!

Your eyes widen at the sight of the tray she carries, laden with two generous servings of meat and vegetables. She places it on the table and takes a seat across from you. 

"Come on, dig in!" Lizz encourages with a warm smile, handing you your plate of meat. You look at it. Woah! The portion size is massive! 

You both then begin to eat, cutting into the tender, flavorful meat and savoring each bite. Alongside the main dish is a plate of mashed potatoes, or something akin to it, and an assortment of vibrant vegetables and bread to share.

"Hehe," Lizz's cheerful smile lights up the room. "Enjoy the meal!"


That sound is all you manage in response. The food is so delicious! your mouth is too full to articulate a proper reply to anything right now.

Catgirls are 80% carnivores. They have the biggest appetite for meat and potatoes. They eat vegetables too, but only to spice up the dish. 

Also, steaks look weird when drawn by AI, so I will have her enjoy burger instead yum yum