Chapter 6 – Catgirl gets a confession (sort of)
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In the painting, an extremely beautiful catgirl is depicted standing amidst the clouds of heaven and radiant light. She wore a long and white armor dress with glowing embroidery, her beauty and grace illuminating, as though she embodied a divine presence. Yet, her gaze is cold, full of confidence and authority.

“Nah! That’s not you, don’t be silly!”

Lizz makes a big laugh after you insist that it is you who is inside the painting.

But no matter how you look at it, the one in the painting is you!

“No, it’s me nya!” you insist.

“Huh?” Lizz tilts her head. “I mean… Same hair color and eye color and even the same height too. But… there’s quite some differences you know?”

“What do you mean by differences nya?”

“Oh, it’s mainly the vibes.”


You don’t really get this concept.

“Don’t you think so?”

Ehhhhh… Scratching your chin, you are now trying to understand what she means by vibing. 

But, after a while, you just sigh.

“Nyaaaa… I can’t process this. Can you tell me more nya?”

Lizz then looks up at the painting, eyes somehow full of emotions. "You see, the one in this painting seems very distant, and very cold. She is beautiful, stunning, majestic even. Yes, every girl wants to be as gorgeous as her. But this painting shows nothing more than that. I don’t know whether she is kind or cruel. And for so many nights, I also wondered how different she would look when she smiled or cried. You know, another name for ‘DeathWhizkersz’ is the ‘White Demons of Destruction', and that’s for a reason. People say that they can be as ruthless as the blades of ice, that they will show no emotion at all, no matter what situation they are in. But you… you on the other hand…”

Lizz then holds your hand. Oh? What's this? You can somehow feel your heart being squished a little for some reason.

“You are fun, and kind, and… the way you complimented me earlier tonight, the way you enjoyed our food, the way you spoke weirdly and the weird noises you made when you were laughing out loud…”

“Heyy! What weird noises do I make nyaa!?”

You pout and protest. 

Lizz chuckles. “Then, who said ‘Nyakakakaka look at this silly painting nya’?”

Oh, that was on the way here, when you saw the painting of Lizz’s pet dog wearing a weird pumpkin costume! 

Darn it!

You suddenly realize.

Most girls don’t laugh like that! It’s not elegant at all!

Your habits from your previous life, as a man, are preventing you from being a refined catgirl!

Oh no!

You feel like you're in trouble! Big trouble!

“But… I… I don’t dislike that, you know?” Lizz continues, her hands squeezing your hand a bit tighter. ”In fact, I’m so glad…” 

Suddenly, you notice that Lizz’s face just becomes somewhat red, and even more red as she speaks these words…

“I… I want to know more about you, Felicia… So, can you be my… my…”

My... what???

Your heart begins to race, and your head feels like it's burning!

‘I want to get to know you better’, ‘can you be my…’ What's happening! Is this supposed to be a... a confession!?

No way!

This can't be happening! Right?

You've only just met Lizz, this is too sudden, right?

But when you think about it, she invited you into her room, shared her secrets with you, and now she's speaking to you with such raw emotion. So…



You accept the confession!


Hmmm, you thought you've won, but...

Something just… doesn’t feel right.


Did she say "friend!?"


Your heart screams, as your dreams crumble to dust! You have been friendzoned! 


Damn it! You are such an idiot! How can’t you see this coming? You are now a girl, and you think other girls will be that interested in someone of the same sex? 

Oh no. You hug your small but silly head, as your calculations were flawed from the start!

You should have become a catboy instead! But guess, it’s too late now… 

“Felica? Oh no, did I say something wrong?” 

Lizz panics as she sees your eyes dwelling up the tears.

“Nu…” you just shake your head, then make up a simple excuse. “I’m… just feeling too happy nya!”

Ah… happy… 

Happy means defeated.

“Yes!” Lizz suddenly jumps at you and hugs you really tight!

“Then… do you want to sleep together tonight?” She whispers into your ears, softly. “This way, I… I can tell you more about DeathWhizkersz…”

You are a little bit surprised by the offer.

Well, as you think about it, girls often sleep together and tell each other stories, right? 

So, as you are now friends with Lizz, of course she wants you to come sleep over! After all, to be able to share the same bed with a pretty catgirl… that’s still a win, right?

So “nya!” you nod and hug back, letting Lizz know that you will be sleeping with her tonight. 

But… can your heart stay strong knowing that you will be very, very close to her yet won't be able to do anything?

You don’t know. You are unsure. You are now full of insecurities.

And this makes you somewhat afraid, somewhat nervous, but still, eagerly wanting to know what will happen next.

Catgirls love sleeping together