Chapter 62 – Catgirl and DeathWhizkersz’s secret
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In this world, catgirls are usually born from catgirl mothers and catman fathers.

However, DeathWhizkersz catgirls are exceptions. They are children of the stars, bearing the power of the divine inside them. They have no father, but two mothers instead. One mother is just a typical catgirl, but the other one is…

A Goddess.

She’s Aquilonyan, the Goddess of catgirls, the ruler of the Northern Lands and the Auraelis Aquilonia constellation. Legends say that Aquilonyan, despite being so kind and loving towards her people, has a very very bad side. She’s extremely horny, and she only likes catgirls! Thus, every five or ten years, she descends to the earthly plane, chooses a few catgirls that catch her fancy, and has an intense lesbian orgy that lasts for days or even weeks.

And the outcome of all that sex? 

Catgirls children, of course.

Aquilonyan’s offsprings are called DeathWhizkersz, demi-goddesses entities born of mortal and divine love. These special children carry Aquilonyan's blessings and can awaken the mighty power of Auraelis Aquilonia fully when they turn sixteen. Thus,  their strength is unrivaled, and their command over ice and space magic mirrors that of Aquilonyan herself. Their beauty is also inherited from Aquilonyan, making them the most charming catgirls ever with their sapphire eyes and white, snow-like hair. And then, following their birth, these extraordinary girls are then sent to an institution specifically designed for their training, where they learn the mystical arts and secrets of the DeathWhizkersz. With their power, they are a great force that stand with humanity to fight off demons.

However, that alone is only the surface of what a DeathWhizkersz really is.

“Nightingale, talk to me. How do you feel?” 

Orion, who at the time was the level seven elven mage and the Captain of a Knight squad at Merton city, looked at the DeathWhizkersz catgirl beside him with worried eyes. He had been working together with Nightingale for a few years, and ever since he learned about the girl’s secret, he had been keeping a close eye on her.

“I’m alright,” Nightingale muttered, “but the drake, it escaped.”

“Haizz,” Orion sighed. “That’s not what I’m worried about. Forget the drake, I’m concerned about you!”

Both of them had been assigned a mission to find materials to craft a legendary weapon called the Herculean Strings, a bow that can shoot arrows that weigh hundreds of tons. Crafting it required a special ingredient, the Heart of a thousand-year-old rock drake. The bow could only withstand the weight of the arrows when it was imbued with the drake's strength. Thus, Nightingale, eager to slay the drake at all costs, used magic beyond her capacity and suffered severe injuries as a consequence. That's why Orion was so anxious.


“Huh?” Nightingale tilted her head. “Why?”

Her response left Orion seething.

“What? Why, you ask? You almost died! How can you be so reckless?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Tsk! Do you really feel sorry though?”

“I… don’t.”

“Haiz, forget it.”

Orion heaved another deep sigh, as he felt helpless towards the girl. The truth was, DeathWhizkersz’s power came with a cost. They seemed to always have their emotions numbed. They were like war-machines. With no pain, fear, or hesitation, they could efficiently hunt demons and were nearly immune to demonic energy that could infiltrate the mind. However, this also meant that they could not feel happiness, nor joy. DeathWhizkersz never cry or smile. This numbness led people to both admire and fear them, and it was why Nightingale always acted as if she didn't care about her own life, even a little bit. After all, her only concern was the mission, securing the Heart of the thousand-year-old rock drake.

But… was that entirely true?

“Orion,” Nightingale said abruptly, “Just then, my heart beat a little faster. Was that…  an emotion?”

“What? Really?” Hearing this, Orion's face brightened. “Can you tell me more?”

“It was when the drake attacked you. My heart beat faster for one second, yet time seemed to slow down.”

“Ha!” Orion burst into laughter. “That’s it, Nightingale! That’s it!”

The truth was, Nightingale had come to Orion and asked him to teach her about emotions. That was because Orion was an elf, and who have better knowledge in this world than an elf?

“But, what was that emotion exactly?" Nightingale asked. “At that moment, I just couldn’t think straight. It was… annoying.” 

“Hmmmm…” Orion rubbed his hand under his chin. “I’m not sure. Perhaps, anxiety? Anger? Fear? Or… worry?”

“None of them sound like good ones.”

“None of them are good indeed, but for you especially, that’s a positive development, right? You finally felt something!”

“I guess so.”

Nightingale said and closed her eyes, her mind tracing back to the recent event, hoping to recreate what she just felt again.

Meanwhile, Orion simply smiled brightly. Despite letting the drake escape, he didn't feel bad at all. He was quite happy, in fact. After all, Nightingale, the DeathWhizkersz catgirl who he thought couldn't have any emotion, was now finally able to feel something.

But why? Why did Nightingale want to learn about emotions in the first place?

It was due to an ancient text that mentioned Aquilonyan’s word about DeathWhizkersz magic.

“The very essence of Auraelis Aquilonia is love. Only when you understand true love can you fully wield the constellation.”

So… what is love?

What does it mean to love someone?

And what does it feel like to be loved by someone?

Even you don’t know the answer to that.

Or perhaps, it is an answer you've already forgotten.

Here, submerged in the deepest recesses of Nightingale's consciousness, you're unable to feel anything anymore. No flickers of happiness, no fragments of joy, no embers of love. But then, there's also an absence of pain, anger, and fear. No more worries to grapple with.

There's a certain peace in that, isn't there?

Embracing the darkness doesn't seem too terrible after all. Gradually, you close your eyes, preparing to sink into an eternal slumber.



In the middle of this endless abyss, someone is… calling your name? The voice belongs to a girl. It rings a bell, but you can't quite place whose voice it is. Should you respond?

The mere thought of speaking exhausts you, let alone opening your mouth to form words. Despite your reluctance, the voice continues to resonate through the void.

“Felicia! Take my hand!”

It’s still that voice, now closer than before.

“Felicia! Please!”

The voice just won’t stop, so you open your eyes for once.

And as you open your eyes, you see her.

“What… are you doing here nya?”

The sight takes your breath away. A beautiful catgirl, her short, curly, white hair glowing like a halo in the ominous darkness. She's courageously diving into the sinister sea of dark energy, her hand outstretched towards you. You are captivated by her mesmerizing blue eyes, and in them, you catch a startling reflection of your own figure. You, too, are a stunning catgirl!

This brings forth a flood of memories. Nightingale, the menacing dark energy, the insidious soul-devouring demon…

Suddenly, it dawns upon you - this is not where you belong! You need to escape, immediately!

So, you reach out, your hand straining towards Nightingale's.

Yet, just as you try to reach out, the abyss yanks you further down, its pull becoming menacingly stronger! You're being dragged away from Nightingale faster than she can approach you. It seems an impossible feat to make it to her now.


“Please… make it!!!”

Nightingale's eyes shine with a fierce light, the seven stars of Auraelis Aquilonia burning vividly in her pupils. She pushes through the darkness, her pace quickening, her determination unwavering.

“Almost… there! Please, don't take her away!”

Her voice rings out, filled with desperation, fear, and a raw edge of pain. Despite the odds stacked against her, she reaches out to you. She refuses to yield to despair!

She's fighting for you!

So, Felicia, will you fight for her too? After all, love isn't a one-way street, is it? 

You have to work for it!


And who’s the biggest catgirl lover of all time?


So, gathering every ounce of your remaining strength, you push against the force dragging you under.


“Got you!”

Nightingale latches onto you, pulling you upward.

In an instant, the surroundings shift. The sea of dark energy dissipates, and you find yourself lying on a grassy field, with Nightingale right on top of you, her face so close you can feel her gentle breath.

“You made it…” Nightingale murmurs. For some reason, her body doesn’t feel cold anymore. She’s so warm, and so comforting.

“Y–yeah… we made it, nya…” you reply.

For a moment, you stay frozen, lost in Nightingale's gaze, before sitting up and surveying the surroundings.

“Nightingale, is this… the Great Merton lake, nya?”

“Yes,” Nightingale answers, “My internal world. How do you like it?”

“Ah… it's breathtaking, nya!”

You gasp. You are now seeing the Great Merton lake at its peak beauty, with millions and millions of glowing Nightingale’s waltz flowers surrounding you, blooming majestically. However, all of that doesn’t even come close to the catgirl in front of you. 

Nightingale, to your eyes at this moment, embodies all that is beautiful and pure.