Chapter 70 – Catgirl goes back home
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Slowly, you wake up, feeling utterly shit. Your body aches, the pain is seeping deep into your bones. Dull throb pulses behind your temples and your mana has only recovered a tiny bit. It’s like the worst hangover possible.

You look around, light is shining warmth into your crooked bed. Birds are chirping from outside. The air is so healing, and peaceful. And most importantly…

The kiss!

What was that!?

Your hand floats up to your lips, as if drawn by a magnet, recalling the intoxicating kiss from last night. A sweet ache resonates in your chest, filling you with a mixture of longing and contentment. You try to call Asteria, but for some reason, she doesn’t reply.

Maybe that girl is still resting?

Thinking that, you decide to not bother her anymore. Taking a deep breath, you summon the willpower to swing your legs over the side of the bed. The moment your feet sink into the plush lining of your armored boots, a fantastic smell wafts through the air.

It’s grilled fish!

It’s Nightingale! She’s cooking again!

You are as hungry as a bear, so you rush out immediately.

"Good morning!" Nightingale exclaims, her face beaming with the kind of radiant smile that could outshine the sun. She's just taken two perfectly grilled fish off the heat, filling the air with an aroma that makes your stomach issue a plaintive growl. 

Glancing at her, you notice she's faring better—her wounds have healed, and there's a renewed vitality to her, a subtle glow suffusing her skin. Her eyes, though still red, appear much clearer now as well.

A warm feeling floods your chest, a blend of relief and joy, knowing you've finally saved her.

You return her greet, then take a seat next to her, your stomach's rumbling is now impossible to ignore. 

"So... one for you and one for me, nya?" You reach for one of the grilled fish, eyes alight with anticipation. 

"No, both are for you." 

"Huuuh? Why aren't you eating, nya?" Your eyes narrow with concern. 

Although remnants of demonic energy still cling to Nightingale, she's essentially safe now. She's free to eat meat again, free to reclaim the life she had put on pause. There should be no immediate risk of any demonic influence taking hold of her.

However, "I don't know, Felicia.” Nightingale hesitates. “It still feels so... unreal. I'm just not ready yet. Right now, my mind keeps telling me...'what if...'"

Ah, yes. You realize the error in your expectation. She has just emerged from one of the darkest chapters of her life, and banishing her demon was merely the opening act of a much longer healing process. Reacclimating to her former lifestyle will take time, and that gradual journey might well be the wisest course of action.

As you think this, you suddenly find her hesitancy perfectly understandable. A battle may be won, but the war—that of reclaiming one's self, of really living again—has only just begun.

So you gladly accept both of the fish, while Nightingale munches on berries again.

“So, what are you planning to do now? Do you want to come back to Merton with me nya?”

“Actually, I want to stay here for a little longer, Felicia.” Nightingale replies. "I need some time to gather my thoughts and sort through my feelings."

“Then… do you want me to stay with you nya?”

“No, you go ahead. You have people waiting for you at home, right?”


A sudden realization draws on you.

Oh no, this is bad, this is really really bad!

And you? You are really a bad, bad catgirl!

How could you forget about that!? 

You've been gone a whole week, haven't you? Can you even imagine how worried Cleo and Lizz must be by now? Lizz is probably in tears, and Cleo, well, she might just be razing the entire forest in her search for you at any moment!

So you immediately get up, then rush to pack your stuff.

You say goodbye to Nightingale, and head back to Merton right away.

An hour later, you arrive at the city gate, your silver knight plate gleaming in the sunlight. The guards immediately bow in respect as you pass. 

You're panting heavily, having run non-stop to get here. Now comes the dilemma: what's the plan? The thought of facing Cleo's wrath makes you anxious. Knowing Cleo, she could be absolutely terrifying when angry. Therefore, should you go home and find Lizz first? That way, the two of you can face Cleo together, and perhaps Lizz can mitigate her mother's anger. 

Yes, that seems like a good plan.

Thus, changing course, you steer yourself toward your home instead of the knight headquarters. But just as you step into the heart of the city, the last person you want to encounter right now appears before you: 


There he is, blond hair, golden earrings glinting in the sunlight, dressed in holy inquisitor robe, and standing directly in the middle of the road. It's evident that he has been waiting for you. 

Oh shit… he must have noticed that you used Eosphoros. Actually, how could he not? The light emitted from the sword was so bright that now you think about it, it was enough to likely be visible all the way from Merton.

Although you knew you couldn't evade him forever, you didn't expect him to confront you so soon. 

"E–Elemiah! H-hehe... What... are you doing here, nya?" you stutter, avoiding his piercing gaze.

Elemiah, ever enigmatic, simply says, "Come meet me at the Church midnight tonight," and then vanishes as suddenly as he appeared. 

Meanwhile, you are extremely confused, not knowing what the heck is going on.