Chapter 71 – Catgirl meets a nice catman
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Come meet me at the Church midnight tonight

“What in heck was that nya?”

Right now, there are so many questions. 

First off, how did he know where to find you? Had he been waiting at the city gate the whole time just to intercept you?

Secondly, why midnight? If he has something urgent to discuss, why didn't he just say it when he had the chance?

And finally, the most pressing question of all: What does Elemiah know? Does he know about your whole thing with Nightingale? Because if he does, you could be in deep trouble.

As you already know, Elemiah harbors a deep-rooted animosity towards demons. If he's aware of your involvement with Nightingale, or worse, what transpired last night, he'd have grounds to apprehend both of you and haul you back to the church, or even execute you on the spot! At your current level, you still don’t stand a chance against him, yet.

However, if that were the case—if he truly knew everything—there would be no reason for him to delay, to ask you to meet him like this.

You are confused. Your thoughts whirl in circles, none of it making any sense

Well, it's no use pondering that any longer, so you brush those thoughts aside and focus on the day ahead. After resting a bit to catch your breath, you rush toward home, eager to see Lizz.

However as you open the door…

"Nya? Lizz? Cleo? Anyone here, nya?"

Today is a scheduled training day, so Cleo is likely with her knight squad at Headquarters. And Lizz, the sleepyhead she is, should be up by now, having breakfast before her training.

However, you don’t see Lizz anywhere.

Could she have gone to the market? Sometimes she's too lazy to cook and opts for some chulpa ramen there instead.

Yeah, that must be it! 

You turn around and prepare to sprint to the market. But then – Thud! You crash into something solid and tumble to the ground.

"Nyaaa! What was that, nya?" you hug your head and cry.

Or more exactly, something just appeared right in the middle of the door and blocked your way!

And the thing is, you know that your head is so hard that you can easily headbutt bricks and break them apart like clay. But whatever you just ran into is even harder than your skull! 

So you look up to identify the obstacle in your path.

And it turns out...

Those aren't just any things. They're abs!

Abs belonging to a tall, imposing cat-man who's now blocking your way!

“Ack! Who are you nya?” you ask.

The man is incredibly tall, perhaps even taller than Arlen. His black hair flows gracefully in the wind, and his eyes are a cool, calm shade of emerald. And yes, he has chiseled abs, which actually make him rather attractive. You know that you are only into catgirls, but for some reason, you feel stunned for a second right there! His muscles are really, really impressive!

So, in summary, he's a tall, muscular, and, yes, undeniably hot guy. And for some reason, you feel like you’ve seen him somewhere… 

Ah! You then notice a golden badge on the man’s clothes.

He’s with the Knights of Merton! And he’s the same rank as Cleo!

Shoot! You need to show your respect, and quickly!

So you hastily stand up and bow, offering him a proper greeting.

The man graces you with a smile, and when he speaks, his voice is a pleasant surprise. You expected a rasp and manly voice, but instead, what you hear is just so warm and kind.

“Hmm, I see. You’re a knight and a DeathWhizkersz… are you perhaps… Felicia?” he asks.

“Ohhh!” you exclaim. “Yes! But how do you know me nya?”

“Haha!” The man laughs. “I’ve heard things about you! Many things!”


Hearing that, a surge of pride and happiness floods over you. To think that you've garnered enough attention to catch the eye of a higher-ranked knight! You feel extremely proud.

"Hehe, did you hear about me from Cleo, nya?" you ask, your tail flicking excitedly.

"Yes, and from Lilia as well," he responds.


Your eyes widen. It makes sense that he'd know Cleo, but Lizz too?

He must be one of Cleo’s closest friends!

“Are you looking for Cleo nya? She should be at the training ground today nya.”

“Ah, really?” his eyes brighten. "Then I should make my way there. And by the way, do you know where Lilia might be? Is she at home?"

“No,” you shake your head. “But I think she’s at the market right now, nya.”

“Got it, thank you very much.” 

With a final smile and a courteous nod, the man then bids you farewell and heads toward the training grounds. Meanwhile, you set your sights on the market, where you hope to find Lizz.

And on the way there, you start to think.

What a nice cat man! If he's not busy, maybe you should ask Cleo to invite him over for a steak dinner? That sounds like a splendid idea!

And as you make your way through the streets, you pause for a moment. What did he say his name was again?


What a fitting name, you think. It suits him perfectly.

However, a nagging sensation tugs at the back of your mind. Why the hell do you keep having a feeling that you just forgot something really important? 

Well, if you forgot, then it’s probably not that important after all!

You then search the markets, all the breakfast stalls, but still cannot find your lovely girlfriend.

So, with no other leads, you decide to head to the training grounds.