Chapter 75 – Catgirl and the inquisitor’s secret (1)
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Before you arrived at the Church, you inquired about Elemiah's past from Cleo. Through her story, the harrowing tale of him obliterating an entire village to slay just one demon played out vividly.

Everything happened five years ago. At that time, a deadly and highly contagious plague swept across the land. It was unlike anything the world had seen before. Those afflicted would experience intense coughing, followed by high fevers and convulsions. These symptoms would eventually progress into hallucinations, then death. While there was a cure, its essential ingredients were extremely expensive, making it accessible only to the middle class and the wealthy. Hundreds of thousands who could not afford the medicine perished. Every single day, cities and towns worldwide echo with the anguished cries, the voices filled with haunting pain and desperation. 

Myrkwell, a small town located in the mountain range near Merton, also suffered. What was once a bustling town full of life and festivity now lay desolate. Businesses shuttered, festivals ceased. At one point, there wasn’t even any healthy person left.  

But it all changed one day. For some unknown reason, the illness was miraculously cured.

No more death, no more suffering. And then, slowly, everything returned to normal. It was as if the plague wasn’t even there to begin with.

However, this gave rise to a pressing question:


There were rumors, some of which suggested that a saint had come to the village and performed a miracle. Others proposed more sinister theories, whispering that the villagers had traded their souls to demons in exchange for the cure.

Prompted by these rumors, Cleo, already a captain of the Merton Knights at that time, decided to investigate.

On the first day of her visit, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The villagers welcomed her warmly, a huge feast was held, and everyone danced joyfully to the music and enjoyed autumn time.

On the second day, Cleo observed the town in its bustling state with merchants and locals busily going about their work. The streets were crowded and markets thronged with people, a sight exceedingly rare during the pandemic. Yet, despite the buzz, nothing unusual caught her eye.

And the third day came, just another ordinary day. 

Cleo couldn’t find anything that suggested that there was a demon here. But, there was no saint either. So, what cured the villagers of their illness? Even the villagers couldn’t answer that question when asked. They only praised the Goddess of Divine Lights, saying that it was just her ‘miracle’, that’s all.

And with that, despite not getting the answer she was looking for, Cleo enjoyed her long three weeks staying there. It was peaceful, and calm.

Until, suddenly, the Grand Inquisitor came.

Elemiah and his men surrounded the villager. No one could enter or leave. Using the Church’s authority, he commanded Cleo to depart, offering no explanations for his sudden appearance and the ensuing measures.

Cleo had so many questions and objections, yet she couldn’t act. Unlike Merton, this was an area entirely under the jurisdiction of the Church of Divine Lights, so Cleo had to obey Elemiah’s order. Despite having a heavy heart and a mind full of turmoil, she complied immediately.

Yet, as she journeyed home, Cleo's intuition alarmed her, a feeling of dread knotting her stomach.

It was unusual for the Church to do this. To quarantine the whole village? What was going on?

Despite the blatant breach of law and protocol, she felt compelled to return, hurrying back to the village on horseback. As she arrived, a horrifying scene  was unveiled before her…

Fire, blood, piles of villagers' bodies, mercilessly slaughtered.

There was no survivor.

And in the middle of that massacre, Elemiah stood, his light swords pointing at a single demon who barely reached level five.

Now, standing at the front gate of the Church, a flurry of unanswered questions swirl around your mind. Could Elemiah really have committed such a heinous act? Could he truly be so heartless? 

Dolore's memories shed light on his intense loathing for demons, a sentiment that, though understandable, couldn't possibly justify the senseless slaughter of innocent lives. 

But a nagging doubt persists. Was there more to this event than met the eye? Was there an undisclosed truth that Elemiah couldn’t share, an unnoticed detail that escaped even Cleo's observant eyes?

With a heavy sigh, you lift your eyes towards the moon, seeking solace in its luminous presence. It hovers high in the night sky, its silvery radiance casting an ethereal glow upon the world below, making the towering structure of the church appear even more spectral. The gilded gate remains closed, as silent as the secrets it guards. You can't help but wonder if someone inside will come to lead you through those silent, secretive doors.

As the thought crosses your mind, Elemiah's voice pierces the silence, "So you are here. Come in."

The gate swings open at his command.

Frantically, your eyes dart around, searching for that blond figure, but there's no one in sight. Instead, a luminous wisp floats before you.

"Sorry to have startled you," Elemiah's voice continues. "This is my light familiar. Follow it, and it will lead you to me."

The wisp brightens with each word he speaks, dimming in the pauses.

Taking a hesitant step forward, you enter the church, allowing the wisp to guide your way.



Each step you take on the marble floor echoes. The interior of the Church of Divine Light at night is totally contrast to its daytime ambiance. In the daylight, the church is bustling with people and filled with golden lights. But now, in the darkened hours, it's an expanse of shadows and tranquility. The pews lie empty, and the giant angelic statues stand silent. The singular source of illumination is the moon, painting the interior with phantasmal light filtered through the vibrant stained glass windows.

The luminous wisp guides you along the central aisle, beyond the sacred statue of Goddess Aurora, to a seemingly ordinary piece of the marble floor. Suddenly, the marble segment shifts, uncovering a concealed staircase winding its way into the unseen depths below.

As you start your descent, lanterns lining the stairway ignite, one by one. The air grows cooler as you go deeper, the weight of the earth above palpable. And then, you notice some symbols on the stair walls, ancient runes and spells that you’ve never seen before.

“Careful, Felicia,” suddenly, you hear Asteria’s voice again. She has been quiet all day, probably due to resting, but now, it seems like there’s something here that is disturbing her rest. 

"These are potent anti-demonic runes," she warns. "This place holds a dangerous secret."

“What? Are you serious nya?”

Your heart races, questions flood your mind. Why would the Church of Divine Light have such a concealed chamber protected by these powerful wards? What, or who, could they possibly be safeguarding?

It’s like… they are trying to contain some sort of really powerful demon down here…

So, maybe Elemiah just captured a greater demon and needs your help for some random reason? But then, why couldn’t he just get help from other inquisitors, or even from the captains of the Knights instead? 

Your senses are on high alert as you traverse further, aware that each step you take might lead you into unknown danger. It’s always good to have preparations. Therefore, you summon your katana, every fiber of your being ready to spring into combat.

Suddenly, a strong, pungent, nauseous smell penetrates your nostrils.

Demon scent! There’s no doubt about it!

And that unmistakable stench of demonic presence grows more overpowering with each step. The air is getting so heavy that you are having trouble breathing. 

Thus, you are now highly on guard. Your grip tightens around the hilt of your weapon, senses heightened, eyes scanning every shadow, every corner. Tension builds in your muscles, ready to respond to the slightest movement.

And then, eventually, the narrow staircase opens into a spacious dark chamber. 

Immediately, you see him. Elemiah! He’s here, standing in the middle of the room!

However, the things that the Grand Inquisitor possesses shocks you.

Levitating around him, black as mud and rotten with dark energy – no less than twenty gems of madness.