Chapter 4: Level up!
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He stood his ground, checked his bullets, and made sure his weapons were easily accessible as he waited in through the door that gets to the rooftop.

He waited with calm breathing, more focused than ever in his life.

But minutes passed, and Dean noticed no noise or sound of footstep whatsoever.

‘Did it die along the way? ’

Just as he thought of that, from the corner of his eye to the right, a brown hand with sharp claws grabbed the edge of the roof.


Dean noticed this as a surprised flash across his face as he hurriedly turned his rifle towards the monster. The monster was faster as it propped itself up to the roof and jumped towards Dean immediately.

The distance between them was only a bit over two meters, but the monster covered it in an instant. Dean knew he wouldn't get the chance to fire at it, so he simply used all his strength and, using the rifle, he bashed it toward the giant head of the monster.

Doing so made him stumble to the side, and he fell on his buttocks. Still, he managed to push the monster away.

Looking at it closely now, the size of its head was really unproportional to its body; its body can be considered the size of a large dog, but its head was bigger than a cow.

Moreover, instead of paws, its front legs were a bit like human hands.

It was bleeding all over, but it still stood its ground.

Dean didn’t have time to wallow in its hideous figure as it pounced on him again.

Dean pointed his rifle at him and didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger, but the monster simply swatted away his rifle with his hands-like paws.

Just as the monster was about to open its wide mouth at him, Dean grabbed something from his back and swung it towards the gaping mouth of the monster.

It was his machete!

The machete dug itself into the side of the monster's face as Dean saw its flesh wriggled, and the monster’s eyes turned red in anger and in pain.


 It shook off its wide head as it tried to get rid of the machete stuck to his face. Dean took advantage of this, as with his free hand, he grabbed the pistol, pointed it point-blank at the monster, and pulled the trigger!






Dean wanted to use all the bullets in the chamber on the monster when he noticed something, and he stopped.

The monster has gone quiet, but it stood still, frozen. His attention wasn’t on the monster however, but on the notification that appeared in front of him.

[Gained 4 exp]

[Congratulations! You’ve leveled up! ]

[Level 1–Level 2]

[Gain 6 allocatable points]

The moment he finished reading the notification, the monster slumped down to the side and fell with a thud.

Hearing the sound, he snapped out of his reverie and immediately stood up.
Seeing the dead monster, he couldn't help but curse, "Shit. The anime sure forgot to say how dreadful even the weakest monsters were."
He muttered.

The anime One Punch Man can be considered a comedy, so all the dark sides of the anime are not shown.
It's primarily because of the unbeatable protagonist. Knowing that there is such an existence on the side of good, assure the audience that things won't get that bad.

However, living in this world and not having Saitama's strength made him truly realize how horrific the world is.

Knowing this, he longed for the day when he could treat the world as if he were living in a comedy show. To have such strength that it can make him think so and not worry about being suddenly killed.

His resolve turned even firmer. But the time for pondering wasn't now.
He grabbed his staff, strapped the guitar bag to his bag, and left the rooftop through the fire exit stairs.

Who knows if the gunshots attracted more monsters?

He bolted at the building as he looked for a new hiding spot.
Soon, he came to a two-story residential house. He climbed over the fence and propped himself inside.

The place was deserted, and like every building, it was worn out.

Dean pressed his back against the cold cement and slumped down.

He opened his system.

Dean Reiji

Level 2:


Dex: 0.89

Cons: 1.01


Exp: 0/20

He had managed to level up, however, despite the monster's small stature and his struggle to kill it. It seems he only gained 4 exp.

The theory that as long as he kills a monster, he'll get part of the exp seems more likely now. Because clearly, the monster from yesterday was stronger than that dog-like monster.

His needed exp to level up has multiplied by two. It wasn't that huge yet, and with his free points, it should be easier to hunt monsters, especially weaker monsters like the one he just killed.

Seeing his allocatable points, he vehemently decided to add some to his constitution.

If there was one thing OPM characters are good at, it's taking a beating no ordinary human could have survived.

Naturally, he didn't believe he could survive a monster's beating, so, with great curiosity and excitement, he added a point to his constitution.
Immediately, as his constitution increased by 1, he felt a warm flow of energy washing his body before it turned cold, cooling his sweating body.

Cons: 1.01 = 2.01

He immediately felt relaxed and felt as if the hot sun wasn't that bad.

The uncomfortable feeling and ache on his body seemed to have weakened, almost disappeared, and he seems to be able breathe easily.

It was a short, but amazing feeling. Soon, he set his eyes on the remaining points. He wondered if he should even his stats or choose a stat to pour his points into.

Dean Reiji

Level 2:


Dex: 0.89

Cons: 2.01


Exp: 0/20

Comments for any mistakes in grammar and misspelling of the chapter, Thank you!