Chapter 4: The Tragic Villainess
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 The night sky was clear, and the lively banquet ambience would make one believe I was having a great time.

—I’m not…

 Sure, the food was great and all, and the people? Well… my parents just sort of introduced me as their genius kid, bragging about me to the others while saying I’m shy around new people. Which I am thankful for. That way, I won’t have to speak to people.

 But… The thing that was causing me a headache was this prince. Was it because he was obnoxious? No. It was because my info didn't align with what’s currently going on, and I’m unsure how to proceed.

 While I did find out that I was in the book series my previous self wrote, I wasn’t a character mentioned, nor was my family mentioned. After all, the story was at a smaller scale revolving around the magic academy.  

 And since I’m the firstborn child of the Shellheart family. I was going to study abroad in the neighbouring country, as our estate was near the border.

 So… I wasn’t going to have anything to do with the main story, which would take place in the capital. But… Knowing what would happen, can I just ignore it?

 As I parted ways with Prince Vincent and took a stroll in the garden, I came across a deplorable sight. 

 “Hey fatty, get up and grunt like a pig, oink oink,” a boy said while looking down at a girl.

 The other boys and girls around were lively as well, joining in, picking on her. “Ugly, go back from where you came!

there were always bullies. Wherever you go…

 In this world called Yerela, the beauty standard is mostly the same as back on Earth, from where my knowledge originates. Of course, as on Earth, it differs from culture to culture.

 And this is what happens when one doesn’t live up to those standards. They get ostracised and shunned by their peers. One could call me a hypocrite since I, too, have the same beauty standards as these bullies.  

 But, unlike them, I’m not going to drag people through the mud because of my opinions or views.

 I couldn’t stand watching, so I called out to them. “Hey, trash, get lost.”  

 As the other kids turned their attention to me, the sobbing girl looked down, even more ashamed than she already was. The other kids started laughing at her.

 “You heard that!? He called you trash! Ahaha, just get out, trash!” they yelled.

 The girl covered her ears, shivering and crying.

they’d drenched her with their drinks.

 I walked closer and asked, “What are you talking about?” while tilting my head. “You’re the trash I speak of.”

  I pushed them to the side, and they stood there flabbergasted, not comprehending my words, or perhaps they did but were too shocked to respond.

 “What did you say!?” one of the kids cried. “My daddy is a governor, you know!? Are you sure you want to call me trash?!” he lashed out.

 “And? He probably neglects you, doesn’t he?” I replied, not looking at him.

 His face boiled as he turned bright red. And in an uncontrollable outburst, he yelled, “Aaah!” and charged at me.

—how childish…

 I grabbed his arm and kneeled him in the abdomen. As he fell on his knees, I said, “My my.” And with an evil grin, I asked, “Do you know what happens when you attack a member of the Shellheart family?”

 He groaned, asking, “What are you talking about!?” as the others watched. They didn’t want to get involved and froze up on the spot.  

 I softly smiled. “Hmm, just ask your daddy when you get back. I’m sure you’ll get a more rough beating from him when you do.”

 I said no more as he blankly stared at me. And the girl who’d been shivering and covering her ears finally opened her eyes.

 Taking a closer look, she had blond hair, and her eyes were sparkly like sapphire.

isn’t she incredibly cute…?

 Our eyes were locked. I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t help but stare at her cute face.

—the stuff they’d thrown on her…defiled her hair…

 I bent down on my knees, started removing pieces of fruit they’d thrown at her, and wiped her with my handkerchief.

 ‘Just because she has a cute face, they’d bully her?’ I muttered in a low tone. Of course, I intended for them to hear, as their chins dropped to the floor when I said it.

 The girl in question also turned red and averted her gaze. But at the same time, her expression darkened.

did…I do anything wrong?

 I turned to the others. “What? you’re all still here?” I remarked. “Get out of my sight.”

 They snapped out of it, and they began to walk away.

 In silence, the girl looked at me with a shocked expression. ‘…huh?’ she murmured.

 “I apologise for the harsh language. Otherwise, those fools wouldn’t understand,” I gently said.

 She then shook her head, saying, “I-I don’t mind…a-and th-thank you,” with a shy look.

 I removed the rest of the trash they’d thrown on her and asked, “Can you stand up?”

 But she shook her head and shivered. “I-I am s-sorry…” she apologetically said.

 “No need to apologise…” I said before taking off my jacket to cover her and then lifting her up in my arms.

 “K-Kyaa!” the girl suddenly cried. 

 “I apologise… But please bear with it,” I said.  

 “N-No… That’s not it, I-I… I just feel embarrassed!” she flusteredly replied while covering her face. “B-But! I-I’m heavy, am I not…?” she asked with a darkened expression.

even if you were, I wouldn’t call you heavy. Besides… Mark has been rough on me ever since my attribute appraisal…

 “You’re not heavy. Sure, you’re a little chubby—”


crap, I messed up!

 “I-If I wasn’t chubby… Would you like me!?” she abruptly exclaimed. Her face was already red, but it was at the point of boiling now…

 “…like and dislike, I think you’re nevertheless a lovely girl—”

 She pouted and shook her head. “No! Please, tell me honestly! Yes or no!?” she insisted.

she’s a little pushy… I had no idea…

 “Well… I wou—”

 She kept glaring at me in anticipation. Waiting for that, yes or no.

—so she won’t take any other answers…


 I had no choice but to say yes. But…she seemed fine with it—even happy with the answer as she adorably smiled.

I don’t get it… Girls are so complicated…

 After that, I had Rose change her into a new dress and clean her up from all the junk. She was furious at the other noble kids but was not in a position to do anything about it.

 And when Rose came out with the girl, she asked. “By the way, Master. What is the Young Lady's name?”

oh… I never asked, did I?


 Rose blankly stared at me—so did Mark. With a small teardrop in her eyes, Rose said, “Master Leon sure takes after Madam and Master…” while Mark joined in, giving her a handkerchief.

 “Hey…” I retorted.

 I then turned to the girl. She had a cute smile and was giggling at our banter before covering her mouth. “A-Apologies… That was rude of me,” she said, turning red again.

 I shook my head. “…I should be the one to apologise. For a gentleman such as myself to shame a lady by not introducing himself... My name is Leon Shellheart. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” I replied.

 She seemed panicky, and her hands were moving back and forth defensively. “M-Me as well! M-My name is Charlotte Sunshield.”


 “A-And thank you for h-helping me!” 

 I…intended to attend The Advance Magical Academy to stop the tragedies since long ago. And…expected to meet the characters, or rather… People.

—but isn’t it too soon to meet Charlotte!?


Did you know? There's an easter egg opening up the image in a tab(Chapter 1.) You'll see Charlotte's name displayed as the file name :3