Chapter 5: First Two Fiends!
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 After Charlotte got into a new dress and Rose had cleaned her off, we decided to walk around together since it would deter any pests if I walked by her.

 But there was also another reason for it…

 “L-Lord Leon, u-umm… is there a need to hold my hand…?” Charlotte bashfully asked.

 I glanced at her and said, “You fall a lot. Therefore, I assumed this to be an appropriate gesture. Am I wrong?”  

 “U-Uuh…” Charlotte squirmed in a tiny voice and lowered her head.

 Her hands were warm and gentle, and that’s to be expected as she’s a lady. Then again… I feel like my previous self was a wimp. Being bashful about holding hands with his older sister.

I see no shame in that! Had I had a sibling, I’d be fawning all over them!

 Then again… He was able to describe such intricate emotions. Even if his work was somewhat dark, it was still a story about redemption and empathy.

 But as I was walking in the garden and watching the beautiful flowers with Charlotte. Prince Vincent approached.

 “Hey! Leooon! I finally managed to escape!” he shouted and waved.

—uh… he found me…

 “Prince Vincent, you’ll make Your Highness cry if he heard that,” I replied  

 Charlotte hid behind me as she seemed to be afraid of Vincent. But she greeted him nevertheless. “I-It’s a p-pleasure seeing you, Your Highness.”  

 Prince Vincent also seemed to notice Charlotte as he brightly greeted her with an innocent smile. “Nice to meet you! I’m Vincent Skysword, and you?”  

 Charlotte squeezed my hand more tightly and said, “M-My name is Charlotte Sunshield, Your Highness…” in a low voice.

 Charlotte seemed startled and timid, nevertheless…

how did such a person become so…

 No… Let's forget about it for now.

 “I see! Can I call you Charlotte?” Prince Vincent asked.

 “U-Umm… That…may be a little inappropriate, as we’re not close, Your Highness…” Charlotte replied.

 Prince Vincent pouted as he heard her reply and glanced at me. “Leon, we’re close, right!?” he asked.

 I softly smiled and denied it with a simple, “No, we just met, Prince Vincent.”  

 Vincent grabbed his chest, and with a pained expression, he groaned as if he’d been stabbed by a knife.

 “Th-Then! We’ll become closer once we duel. Please, Leon, spar with me!” he requested.

 When he did, Charlotte became more scared and stuck even closer to me.

she’s not good with loud people.

 Her character in the book is that of a cold-hearted woman. Abusing the authority of her parents since they are quite high up there. Not only that, she was quite loud herself.

well… She was just mirroring those who bullied her.

 “Prince Vincent, Charlotte gets frightened quite easily. I plea you to refrain from making much noise.”

 Though… When I said that, Prince Vincent and Charlotte blankly stared at me.

 Charlotte was blushing, and Prince Vincent had a slightly sour look on his face. He seemed discontent.

why is that?

 It was then I realised that I only used Charlotte’s name. Therefore making Vincent sulk.

but is Charlotte fine with me casually calling her by name? She did reject Prince Vincent, after all.

 At any rate, I should fix this. “My deepest apologies, Lady Charlotte, it was not my intent to—”

 “R-Rather than Charlotte! C-Could you call me Lottie?” Charlotte asked.

 Her face was brimming with anticipation, which made it difficult to turn down. And at this point, Prince Vincent was glaring at me.

honestly, I try not to complicate the matter with the other families, but… I do want a better future for these two.

 “Then, if the three of us first become friends, we can give one another a nickname once we grow closer. How about that?” I asked the two.

 “But you’re close enough to hold her hands, though,” Prince Vincent complained.

because she’s such a clutz.

 As much of an excuse I wanted to make, I didn’t want to shame Charlotte. And so, I decided to just let these two have their way.  

 “In that case, just call me Leon.”

 The two looked pleased. Vincent smiled brightly while Charlotte fidgeted with an awkward smile on her face.

 “…I already call you Leon, though… Then call me Vinz!” Vincent said.

 “M-Me as well. Call me Lottie!” Charlotte exclaimed.

well, it was bound to happen at one point.

 “Then, Vinz, Lottie, today onwards, we’re friends,” I said while softly smiling.

 I’m usually quite expressionless, and that’s probably the reason why both of them stood there speechlessly.

I… can smile, you know? No need to feel that shocked.

 I don’t really understand why the two of them had red faces, but are they perhaps feeling shy because I used their nicknames? They were the ones that requested this…


— :::: —


 A little while later, when the banquet was over, I was called by Father and Mother. They apparently had something to discuss, and I can already guess what it was about.

—I did cause a scene, after all…  

 Well, there’s no need to cry over spilt milk, as I did what I thought was right.

besides… I made my first two friends.

 As I felt bubbly and happy about that, I had to stay firm and not get discouraged even if Mother and Father were to scold me.

I can’t say my heart is ready, though. I’ve never been scolded before…

 “Mother, Father, I’ve come,” I said, entering the room.

 We apparently had a manor in the capital as well, and we’re staying here for a few weeks since Father and Mother had some business to attend to.

 When Mother and Father saw me, they had serious looks on their faces. I can tell that I was in it for a scolding.

 “Leon, do you know why we’ve called you here?” Father asked in an intimidating fashion.

 I steeled my heart. “No, Father,” I replied.

 “We’ve heard that you picked on the daughter of the Sunshield family. Is that true?” Mother asked.

 I promptly denied those allegations, “That is incorrect, Mother, Father.”

 As I replied, both of them loosened up and gently smiled. “Geez, Leon, sweety, you’re way too calm,” Mother gently said.

 “Darling, isn’t that a good trait to have?” Father questioned. He then turned to me. “Leon, we already have a gist of what happened—besides, we saw you two holding hands,” Father said with a wide grin.  

 “It was precious, wasn’t it, Dear? It reminded me of you in the past~,” Mother said with a faint blush on her cheeks.  

 Father cleared his throat, “Ahem…” before changing the topic. “I saw you hold hands with Prince Vincent as well… So… Umm… What was the deal with that?”  

 “…Vinz, Lottie and I have become friends, and so—”

 I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as Mother and Father started to cry. “Dear, here, a handkerchief,” Mother said.

 Father also had a handkerchief and wiped away Mother's tears. “Darling, here, you too,” he said. “To think that Leon would one day have friends!” he later exclaimed.  

I’m here… you know?

 But they are right, though. For the past seven years, I’ve been friendless. Even the previous me had plenty of friends. Which was strange, considering he’d been cooped up in his room all day.

then again, I mostly study all day and practise with Mark. Now that I think about it I didn’t have time to make friends, did I? Well… considering my personality, I doubt the few children in the mansion would want to become my friend—let alone those from the town…

 “Mama, Papa, why are you two crying? Should you not be happy regarding me making friends?” I inquired.  

 “Theeese are happy teeeears!” Mother expressed.

I do get the concept, though I fail to comprehend it.

 “I… see?

 “You’ll get it one day, Leon,” Father said as he kept sobbing.

 …back to the subject at hand. Father and Mother asked me about my side of the story, and while I did almost knock one guy out, they didn’t mind, as it toughed them a lesson.

 Though, I was strictly warned about using physical enhancement magic or lightning magic.

I had no need for it in the first place…

 Then, there was another matter regarding Vinz. They said that the king had revealed his son to be sick but was now cured. And that I needn’t worry about not being able to meet him. As they’ve received a formal letter about Vinz staying over for a while when we return…

 And regarding Lottie, they received a letter of appreciation and invited me over to their estate somewhere west. Which isn’t too bad since our estate was in the north, far north, though…

 Apparently, it was going to be her seventh birthday, and her coming-of-age ceremony was going to be held. Usually, only nobles in the region were invited to tend the celebration of a coming-of-age ceremony.

although there are exceptions, such as Vinz’s ceremony.

 “I see. I understand the situation,” I calmly said. I did, in fact, feel extremely happy, though.

 “Leon, a smile crept up on your face,” Mother smirkingly commented.

 “Ahaha, he’s trying to be so mature so soon. Leon, smile and express yourself all you want!” Father exclaimed.  

I was caught! This is so embarrassing!

 I could feel my face heat up. “Look, Dear, Leon’s ears are bright red~,” Mother said.

That’s what you’re fixated on?” Father asked. “His whole face is red!” he then exclaimed.

but… being teased like this. It isn’t so bad, is it?  

 I love Mother and Father. But we don’t often get to spend time like this. That’s why I want to grow up and become independent. That way, I get to help them out with work and spend more time together.

 “By the way, Leon,” Father suddenly said.  

 “Wh-What is it, Father?” I hastily replied.  

 “What kind of girl do you like?”


 “Pardon? But, what do you mean, Papa?” I asked.

 But he wouldn’t tell me and said, “Leon, please give me an honest answer.”

 I glanced at Mother, who happily smiled and waited for me to reply to Father’s question.

 “…if I had to say. Then, someone compassionate and someone willing to work hard for their goals,” I bluntly and honestly replied.  

 At my reply, Father sighed, and my heart dropped.

huh…? Was that the wrong answer? I did answer truthfully as requested, though…

 “Darling, our son really is a strange one,” he finally said and softly smiled.  

Mother nodded in agreement. “Yup, he’s our strange child!” she exclaimed and hugged me.

well…even I am aware that I’m strange.