Chapter 1 – Part 4 – First of Many Trials
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The main hall was truly grand, it matched perfectly with that of an English castles throne room. Thick marble pillars rose a good three stories to the ceiling on either side. Several oil lamps hung from the sides of the pillars and huge stained glass windows lined both sides, depicting all forms of scenery from oceans to mountains. Below the stained glass windows were several tables lined with chairs facing the inner pathway of the main hall and at the end of the hallway sat a long table with thirteen chairs. The centermost one being a meter taller than the others. I swear, the devil must be a part time interior decorator because this is beautiful.

The twelve legionnaires and I walked to the end of the hall and each sat at their seat, leaving the tallest one open for me. I sat in it and it was rather uncomfortable. The Sergeant who came into the war room earlier walked in from the door at the other end of the hallway. I had no idea what was going on but the way Barbatos said “trial” didn’t sound good to me. The Sergeant bowed and the door was opened once again allowing fourteen human men and women in chains and raggedy clothing into the hall. They all stood in line before us so each one could be seen, some were crying and others stood proud but wary. They were followed by seven guards who each stood behind two of the prisoners.

“What is this?” I whispered to Barbatos.

“Your first trial as Lord of all the demons.” he whispered back before announcing in a powerful voice that surprised me a little. “You have all been caught in demonkind lands, stealing from our fields, and destroying the peace we have tried to keep. Under demon law, those who have been caught stealing will be forced to work as a slave to the one they stole from for two years or repay them for the stolen goods. Although, you are foreigners here, so thus, we must condition you to the highest penalty, death.”

“We did not trespass on your land, we were taken from our homes on the border and stuck in your prisons. We-” One of the prisoners claimed before the Sergeant punched him in the gut.

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. It was obviously the truth that the prisoner spoke. Why would the Sergeant silence him otherwise? What was I to do? They needed to be released but doing so would most likely anger the Legionnaires. While I contemplated this Barbatos leaned towards me and whispered. “You know what to do as a Demon Lord. show us that you have what it takes to rule over the demons and wipe out humanity.” with the most shit eating grin.