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Her eyes wandered from side to side, as she read the memo over and over again; her mind trying to make sense of what she had discovered. Each word felt like a blade piercing through her heart, the information listed shortening each of her breath, suffocating and dead cold.

Observation 08 β Hetero Nonserotonin... possible fortification for the ε strain... Test subject Ruben Jens Stage 4 blood mutation condition, stabilizing for full extraction of Norepinephrine... immediate transfer requested, additional medical equipment requisitioned... NEST 2 storage unit access code... Despite her understanding of the document, her mind struggled to acknowledge, to accept any of it. This can't be..!? God, this can't be real...

Her thoughts stormed, her head ached, for one piece of information stood out more than anything else: NEST 2 storage unit. She tried composing herself, but it was no easy task; whatever lead this was, it only increased her worries and suspicions. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

NEST 2... how's that even possible..? What the hell is going on..? Her expression creased, her hands in a fist. Ruben, good God- what are they doing to you? Her mind becoming more strained with each passing day, her focus diminished from both the lack of proper sleep and increased overwork.

"Well, well." A familiar voice snapped her out. "Why am I not surprised to see you snooping around again, although I thought I had made myself very - clear." The man pulled out a gun. She remained still, her eyes locked with his.

"You do know I really don't want to do this- I like you alot, and I mean alot-" He sauntered towards her. "But you've given me little choice- I warned you before, I told you to stop chasing after dirty little secrets..." He sighed. "Of course you didn't listen- you really couldn't control yourself- too fucking stubborn." She remained in complete silence, her stature neither shaken nor panicked; her controlled self and lack of fear seemingly more effective than the threat before her.

"Nothing to say?" His tone shifted from arrogance to frustration; her expression unchanging, her eyes unblinking. "I don't know what game you're playing at, but you won't come out winning-"

A few instants passed, before she took few steps towards him.

"Are you sure?" She hushed, her eyes piercing through his, unmoved by the potential harm, his words far from intimidating. "Because I'll make sure you won't either."

"What's that..? Threats? Blackmail?" He goaded, her eyes scowled. "Cause that could go both ways sweetheart- I'm not the only one with blood on their hands." Their eyes remaining locked with one another; a defiant glare jabbing like a sharp blade.

"I don't give a damn about you, or whatever deal you have with Umbrella." Her words were calculated. "I only need-"

"The truth about Ruben." He cut her off. "You can't have that, sorry. And I can't have you running loose anymore." He placed his index on the trigger. "Time's up sweetheart, you should've listen to me."

"Ex...cu...se-" A voice was heard, each syllable trailing off. "...me.." Sarah stood by the door, her eyes wide, her expression horrified. With but a momentary window, Anaka used the distraction to pull out a gun of her own.

"Get Haeker: left down the hall." She instructed the young nurse, who remained in complete shock. "Sarah!" A long moment past before she finally snapped out. "GO- Now!!" Anaka's focus remained on the man, now both of them held at gunpoint.

"You really think that's gonna help you?" He sneered. "I got this hospital's staff by the balls- that dumbass Haeker won't do jack shit for you." Moments passed.

"Mind repeating that, now that he's standing right behind you?" A smirk flashed on her face.

"!?" He wheeled around, only to realize he had fallen for the cheapest trick in the book. "You-" He turned back in her direction, only to receive a packed blow to the face.

"Shooting's not the only way to use a handgun." She stood her ground. "I did say you wouldn't win either."

"...you bitch..." He wiped the trail of blood off his mouth, as he tried regaining his balance.