Chapter 6
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Elaina rolled to one side and sat up, looking around the room cast in the dim, warm glow of the lantern lit earlier by Azade. Though she still felt as though she were partly within her fugue state, her thirst was enough to cut through it for the time being. There'd been a water pitcher and cup in her own room, so to her, it stood to reason there would be similar in this room as well. But the room the two women had was a little nicer, it was designed to hold two people rather than one, and it looked like overall there were a few more amenities. There was a vanity, a small wardrobe, and a few more wall decorations than her room had. On the far end of the room, the table held more than a single pitcher and cup. The pitcher was made of what looked like polished silver, as were the four goblets with it. Accompanying them was a platter of fruits and cheeses. It looked like Azade and Anisha had already had some earlier that night.

"Is that water?" Elaina motioned to the pitcher, feeling her mouth going dryer with each passing moment.

"Spring wine." Azade answered dreamily, "Help yourself."

Elaina made a little noise in her throat. She didn't usually drink alcohol but all things considered, spring wine actually wasn't too bad. It was light, not at all overpowering, and sweeter than most wines. One had to drink a considerable amount of spring wine to get genuinely impaired from it. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood slowly, her legs feeling a little less shaky than they had before.

"Do you want any?" she said over her shoulder to the other two lounging together on the bed.

"Please," Anisha said simply, and Azade nodded in agreement.

Elaina poured three goblets of spring wine and brought them over to the bed, the two sat up, and each took one. Azade sipped hers while Anisha took a few large gulps. Elaina sniffed at hers a little bit before deciding to take a long slow drink, deciding once more that she didn't hate it.

"There's plenty of food there." Azade offered, "Are you hungry?"

"No, just worked up a thirst, is all." Elaina suppressed a grin, but both of them could no doubt see it in her eyes still.

"Come sit." Anisha patted the side of the bed next to her, and Elaina sat down beside her. The half-elf slid her arm around Elaina pulling her close for a kiss. Surprised a little by the tenderness, Elaina's eyes half-closed, enjoying the softness of the woman's lips. Azade leaned in beside them so that when Anisha released her lips, Azade took them next as she caressed the side of the redhead's face.

"Best seven silver I've ever spent," Azade whispered playfully.

"I'm no whore!" Elaina laughed, leaning back away from them to take a drink of her spring wine.

"No, but if you hadn't been looking out for us, you wouldn't be in here now, would you?" Azade said with a slightly smug quirk of her brow.

"I suppose not." Elaina set her goblet down on the nightstand and motioned between them, "So how long have you two been together anyway?"

"Together?" Anisha asked over the top of her goblet.

"Yes, you know. *Together."* Elaina was curious how this sort of thing worked here, how women went about their courting, and the like.

"We're not," she replied with a shake of her head.

"You're not." Elaina repeated without question, glancing between them confused, "So this was your first time together then?"

"No." Azade said simply, "We've known each other a little while now. We've had sex before; I'm fond of her versatility."

Elaina's brows scrunched up, "Versatility?"

Azade nodded as she took a short drink of her own before setting her goblet next to Elaina's. "She's skillful with or without the virility charm. If I want her to eat me out, she does it well. If I want cock, she wields it well. She's versatile."

Elaina's head tilted to one side, "You say that like... you own her?"

Anisha gave a brief laugh, waving both her hands, "No, it's not like that. I'm not a slave. But sometimes I want to sort of feel like I'm one." The redhead's brows shot up as Anisha continued, "Sometimes. It's a kink of mine, gets me all worked up."

"Is this pretty typical for Zelmescans?"

"No." Anisha said with a slightly bashful smirk, "No, it's not. This is pretty unusual, actually. But it gets pretty complicated if we try to explain it, so we just keep it simple whenever we can."

"How about you?" Azade asked, her dark red eyes focused now on Elaina as they had been at dinner, "Do you have someone?"

Elaina frowned a little and looked down at her hands. Her sister's face came to mind with the question. But it wasn't her sister, really; it was her sister's double. It was this world's version of Kaethe Woodlock, not the one from her own world that had abused and molested her for all those years. It was a warped and twisted affection she had for the woman, but it was there, and it was part of why she had to leave.

"No." Elaina said simply, "I'm not courting anyone right now."

"That's a shame." Azade said, with a slight gleam of satisfaction in her eyes, "You'd make a fine prize for any man or woman who wanted you."

"I'm curious," Anisha inquired, scooting a little closer, her eyes darting down to Elaina's lap briefly, "Because you've got both naturally, are you attracted to both?"

Elaina's face scrunched up again, "Nah. Men don't do anything for me. I'm not repulsed by them, mind you, I've just always found women much more to my taste. What about you?"

"I have particular leanings, but men aren't out of the question for me," Anisha replied, still looking down at Elaina's lap, biting her lip a little.

"So you don't get your pussy fucked very often then," Azade said, seeming to read Anisha's intentions.

Elaina felt a slight flutter in her stomach as she began to realize what they were saying, "No, I don't."

Anisha set her drink aside, a devious gleam flashed through her eyes as she looked at Elaina expectantly, "Would you like me to?"

Elaina didn't answer immediately; all eyes were on her once again in the midst of an erotically surreal moment as they had been when she first entered. She reached over to her goblet and finished the rest of her drink quickly before scooting back onto the bed, a playful smirk on her face.

Azade reached over to Anisha, placing two fingers on her lower abdomen and speaking a brief word in a language Elaina didn't recognize as she slowly brought them up. The markings began to gradually spread across Anisha once more. The flesh distorted began protruding outward at the central point, eventually taking the vague form of a phallus before sculpting itself into a proper cock as it grew, standing at attention.

"Yeah, Azade says you're versatile." Elaina teased a little, opening her legs for the two to see. Her cock stood at attention once more, and at the base of it formed the soft pink slit of her pussy where it began to glisten with the same arousal, "Let's see it."

When Elaina opened her eyes early the next morning, daylight had only just begun to dimly light the room. At first, she didn't quite remember where she was or what she had been doing, but as she took note of the warm naked women to either side of her under the blankets, it began to come back to her. She relaxed there in bed for several minutes, letting the fresh memories of the rest of last night wash over her.

Anisha had made fair use of her pussy when she'd taken her, whispering and muttering lewd things to her as she plundered her depths. When Elaina had begun to fall into her sex-drunk state again, Anisha had taken hold of her cock and jerked it furiously while furiously ramming her with her own. The resulting orgasm had been intense and incredibly messy, covering her own chest with thick sticky ropes of semen, after which Azade surprisingly licked from her tits. The night continued into debauchery from there, with Azade mounting Anisha's cock as she had been when Elaina had first interrupted them and beckoning Elaina to put hers in her ass.

Elaina would have been stunned by the request, but the way that Azade had looked at her over her shoulder, one hand holding one supple mound of her ass to one side to expose the waiting pucker of her hole, quelled any moment of hesitation. Elaina had pushed deep into her, experiencing the vast warmth of the new entry point down to her hilt and feeling the pressure of Anisha's movements through the fleshy wall of Azade's insides. The two women with cocks ravaged the one between them, rutting into her like animals while moaning whorishly in unison. Azade had cum multiple times from the punishment, clenching and milking the semen from both of the cocks with an expertise that only now could Elaina genuinely appreciate.

They'd had more to drink, pairing off with one another a few more times as they talked and laughed together. By the time they were done, they had collapsed into a pile of flesh in the bed. Elaina only had enough energy to muster pulling a single blanket up over them. The warmth of the three bodies together prevented the chill of the early morning from reaching them. Even now, as Elaina laid awake, she didn't want to leave it. However, the hunger gnawing at her belly was tempting her out of bed. She could faintly detect the scent of sausages being cooked in the kitchen somewhere on the ground floor. Eventually, hunger won out, the redhead picked her way carefully out from the middle of the pile and slid over Azade to lay her feet on the floor and begin the search for her clothes.

She found them kicked partly under the nightstand and pulled them on quickly before stepping out of the room quietly to return to her own. She stripped down, wiped herself down with a cloth from the basin, brushed out her sex-tossed mess of a hair, and then dressed again. After rechecking herself briefly in the mirror to be sure she was presentable, Elaina made her way back to Azade and Anisha's room.

Anisha was up and cleaning herself when Elaina came through the door.

"Morning," she said, glancing at Elaina in the mirror as she ran the damp cloth over her chest, "Sleep alright."

"Like a rock," Elaina answered, stepping up behind Anisha and placing a hand gently on her shoulder. Anisha reached up to take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze, "I was going to go down and order us some food to be brought up. Are you hungry?"

"Starving, actually." Anisha admitted, glancing over at Azade, who was curled up in the blanket on the bed with her back to them, "Azade, do you want something to eat?"

Azade grunted, but to Elaina's ears, it didn't sound positive or negative. She glanced down at Anisha in the mirror for the translation, and the half-elf gave a simple nod. Elaina grabbed her sword, placed it in the scabbard before one of the smoked glasses caught her eye. She took that as well and left the room to head downstairs where the man she had paid for the room the previous day was wiping down some tables. The hearth already had a roaring fire in it, making the room comfortably warm.

"Is breakfast ready yet?" she asked, sitting down at one of the stools at the bar.

"Mostly," The older man said without stopping his work, moving to the next table to wipe down. "We do a few of the things to order though, like the eggs, seeing as they don't keep."

Elaina nodded, glancing back behind the bar at the half-open door that went back to the kitchen. "Is it the head chef that makes the breakfast?"

The man at the table paused to look back over at her, "Yes, why?"

"I was very impressed with the roast beef last night, and I just wanted to pay him my compliments," Elaina lied. At least partly.

The man, who could've been the owner for all she knew, folded the rag over and placed it in a bucket. He just watched her for a long moment as if trying to decide what to say to this. The front door opened, and two men in work clothes came in, breaking his concentration. "He's back there if you want to talk to him." he spared the pair a wave, "Make it quick."

"Thank you," Elaina said, making her way around the bar to push back into the kitchen. It was much larger than she had imagined it would be, but considering the amount of business they had done the previous night, she supposed she should have envisioned something more this size. The heat was much more stifling in here. If Elaina spent much more than a few minutes back here, she knew she'd break out into a full sweat just standing around.

A young blonde woman pulled some bread out of a wood oven who paid her no mind. On the other side of the kitchen was a small man at a large flat grill pulling sausages off it in rapid succession. He noticed her immediately and turned to look at her, irritated, "You can't be back here."

He was perhaps four feet tall or so with a mop of curly brown hair on his head. Large bushy eyebrows sat above his glassy gray eyes, which were currently narrowed slightly with his frustration toward the interloper. He had an enormous, round ruddy nose and large pointed ears. Despite his initial hostility, Elaina smiled warmly at him, which seemed to catch the Boggan off guard. Boggans were one of the innumerable races of the fae, one of the few that had long ago chosen to make their home more in the physical world rather than in their own world of the Faen. Even when they were grumpy, it was usually easy to win them over with good manners and kindness.

"My apologies, sir," she began, "The man out front said it would be alright if I came back and paid my compliments to you for last night's meal."

"Oh?" the chef said, his hostility melting away with the show of flattery.

"I was quite impressed, the meat itself was very tender, but it's scarce to find humans that treat the vegetables with the same respect and bring out the flavor like that."

The chef's eyes grew more alert with these words as he set the full platter of sausages aside, taking a step closer to her. He examined her closely in a way that some might have regarded as rude, but she said nothing to rebuff him, "You're one of the people?"

Elaina shrugged, "I suppose that depends on how you see it. The blood is in my veins, but it's not particularly strong."

The chef closed the remaining distance, reaching out and taking one of her hands in one of his large gnarled ones. He turned it over a few times before gently patting the back of it and returning it to her, "No. Strength of the blood is not always tied to the concentration of it that you possess."

This earned a large smile from Elaina yet made her regret the real reason she had come back here to speak with him. "There is another matter, though."

The chef stepped back and raised his chin a bit, bracing himself on hearing the note of concern in her voice, "Yes?"

Elaina produced the smoked shot glass in one hand, which he stared at with clear recognition in his eyes, "Where did you get that?" he asked.

"It seems a few of your late-night workers have been using these to spy on female patrons of the establishment. I couldn't imagine a man who takes such care in his work as I tasted last night would allow the sort of perverse behavior of those who work under him. After meeting you, I am certain that I was right."

The chef reached out and took the glass with a shake of his head, "No. These are supposed to be used around the kitchen. We use them to examine goods, see into containers, check the icebox, see who's delivering..." he motioned to the back door vaguely, "I'm too short for using the slat built into the door and stools end up being a hazard."

His expression darkened as he closed his hand down around the glass, "You saw who it was then?"

"One of them. There were two, but the other got away." Elaina admitted before describing the man she had met the previous night. The chef seemed to know who she was talking about, and judging by his reaction, this wasn't the only thing the man had done to put him in the hot seat with the chef.

"Have you told anyone else?" the chef asked.

"No, sir, I thought this might be something you would want to handle on your own. As it's essentially your reputation that gets directly affected by this, being one of your workers."

The chef stared at her long and hard before placing the glass on a small shelf, near a prep station with two others, "Have you eaten yet?" He inquired, turning back to the flat grill and putting some bacon on it now instead of sausage. It began to sizzle up deliciously as soon as it made contact with the heated surface.

"Not yet," she admitted, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

"What room?" He didn't take his eyes off his work, spreading the strips out evenly and poking them a little with a set of tongs.

"Twelve, sir."

"Uldon." he corrected, "You can call me Uldon."

"My name is Elaina." Elaina beamed.

"Do you have any other guests with you in twelve?" Uldon asked as he continued to work.

"Two others besides myself, yes."

Uldon nodded as he turned from the flat grill and retrieved three large plates from a shelf nearby, spreading them out on the center counter before turning to face her, "I'll have your breakfast up to you in a few moments. Would you like some eggs?"

Elaina nodded, feeling her mouth water at the prospect of the imminent breakfast, "Please, scrambled if it's alright. I'm not sure how the others want their eggs, but that usually seems like a safe bet."

Uldon nodded in agreement, then turned back to the flat grill to turn some of the bacon over, "It's on me this morning with my apologies. You have my gratitude for bringing this to my attention. I'll be handling it once I'm done with breakfast."

"Thank you, that's very kind," Elaina said, bowing her head in respect to the chef before taking her leave. When she exited the kitchen, there were three more people who had come into the dining room for breakfast, and the man working there was taking a few orders, paying her no attention.