Chapter 005 – Absorbing Cores
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Adjusting his view to better comprehend where he was his vision began to understand the place with more details. It was a large hall with 2 corridors, one leading to the exit and the other to an unknown place, and somehow, he felt safe where he was. As the middle-aged man had said, he should first absorb the magic core, restore himself to a better state, and then return to the elf boy's village. From some memories and knowledge, he now had in his mind, he understood that he should absorb the energy inside the magic core to strengthen his cultivation.

Once again, he adjusted his state of mind, went into a full immersion state, and sat cross-legged on the ground with the paper in one hand and Thorem’s Magic Core in the other, he began the enchantment, moving his energy with a specific course through his meridians as shown on the scroll with the technique, suddenly a very large bright circle with runes and characters began to appear and run in circles under his body, and his body began to absorb the cores and merge them with his cultivation.

The absorption started slowly but what he did not know was that the elf boy’s father had already implanted a martial core into his belly, and a strange situation occurred when he started the absorption through the spell's enchantment and technique. The powerful high spell assumed that he was absorbing all the resources from all the available cores, bones, essence, and blood around him.

On the floor in the corner of the hall, there were laid 2 long bright white sharp fangs dripping with purple venom, and a long black horn was the core of the Venomous Snake Dragon which was also filled with the blood essence of the venomous snake dragon.

In a hall not 5 meters away from where he was, a giant bright bone skeleton was sitting on a large stone throne with a soul core resting peacefully on his hand. His body began to rumble and tremble, convulsing and reacting to all the different cores, bones, essences, blood, and venom that he was absorbing and fusing. Normally, the absorption was only about the energy, and the situation developed because there was already an ancient and powerful healing spell from his father still in effect, while he still had some minor injuries and venom in his blood.

Both spells conflicted and reacted, creating an unpredictable situation where his body absorbed, merged, and healed continuously. However, the Elf Boy had already begun to cultivate the magic path and had already resumed the consolidation of a magic core in his lower abdomen called “Dantian”, then his father forcefully implanted a martial core into his Dantian, its vitality was full of the brim, and that had brought back to life his body yet was not depleted at all, and his body also received martial cultivation from his previous life through reincarnation, and to force it all in, he absorbed a High Mage Core, and unknowingly a God Soul Core, the bone essence from the giant skeleton.

Because it was a High Spell Casting, driven by the energy of a high mage core, it absorbed all the cultivation and energies into a single frail body, the cycle of fusion and healing began and he fell into a coma state.

Author’s note: “Got it? No…ok…the boy won a fucking awesome overpowered cheat in that reincarnation. Luck. No? ok! I do not know what luck is so fuck it!! Jealousy ripped my core to death. Aham…cof…cof…”

Time passed, and when he opened his eyes again, he felt a strange, painful sensation all over his body, and he tried to move slowly to shake off the feeling. Sat was cross-legged on the floor, he calmed his mind and entered his Dantian, which represented his cultivation, and noticed great changes in it.

Before there was just a molten viscous liquid that looked like a pound, some floating balls, and some bright dust, and those were his last memories from before he absorbed the Core.

Now there was a bright multicolored dusty sphere above the head of a ghostly ethereal body with a gold and purple silhouette while floating over a huge concave viscous white lake, and he began to close his attention on the body, which somehow resembled the appearance of a young elf body.

As he focused on the details, he understood that the bright multicolored dusty sphere would be his magic core, the ghostly ethereal body could be his body or martial arts cultivation, and the white viscous liquid lake was his soul cultivation. Now, his mind worked hard to understand this, and a lot of new knowledge appeared in his brain.

Startled, Bastian tried to use this information to decipher the mystery in front of him while understanding the whole development of this strange situation. It took Bastian some time to process everything and suddenly his eyes started to glow he used all his mental abilities to digest it all laughing loudly he sat down on the floor tired with his back to the stone wall he lost his conscience again.

Time passed and he woke up again, starving and aching all over his body, which was suffering from multiple mutations from all the magic cores, blood and bone essences, and venom from the venomous beast. He noticed that his body was bigger and stronger than before, his clothes were all torn and he had blood all over him, so he reached one of the spatial rings and searched for something to clean his bloody body and some clothes to wear. Bastian found something that fit him and then he took a dry bath and tried on some old clothes.

Now clean and wearing some clothes, he began to look for something to eat and found some fruit and dried meat to satisfy his hunger inside the ring given to him by his predecessor’s father. After eating some vegetables, fruits, and meat he stood up, stretched his body, and alone in the cave he voiced:

- So, I reincarnated! Nice! And this body has good physic and high elven characteristics, not bad, not bad at all!  Continuing with his reasoning he said:

- Well, that God in space had said I would reincarnate and my mission was to develop as further as I could in every aspect, I believe the luck goddess also blessed me with a nice good start. Bastian held both his hands together and made a bow in all four directions in gratitude. When he stood up again, he held his chin with the right hand, hummed, and said:

- That god also said that I should live as I wanted… And a large grin appeared on his face and he made his remarks:

- Ok, then I will do it.

After checking his surroundings, he cleaned the dust from his clothes and started to look around, he found a small pound in one of the corners and then through the reflex in the water he saw the graceful body features that made up his race: Slim silky skin, long face, handsome features, pointed thin long ears, long black hair with purple tips, shiny golden eyes surrounded by thin purple lines, tall and stocky, muscular of symmetrical shapes, which he confirmed by bobbing his head up and down and when he checked his “weapon” he showed a big grin, because his penis was huge, and between giggles, he said:

- Hi! Hi! Hi! Wait for me elf ladies…daddy is coming! Ha! Ha! Ha! Little Bastian did not know that he had gotten an oversized dick, even for adults.

Some memories started to pop up in his mind and Bastian remembered that he was in a cave and curiosity made him wonder where he was, then he started to wander around and then he found something amazing. The sounds of swallowing could be heard far away from him, and the look of wonder and excitement was on his face as he realized he had found something truly special. The joy of discovery filled him, and this discovery made him feel alive and full of possibilities. This discovery made sense in his mind and changed everything he thought he understood! Bastian took a moment to truly appreciate and celebrate his discovery, even as he talked to himself:

- Yeap, you nailed it this time! You deserved it. Now this is a unique chance to make it nice and I really can enjoy this life. Maybe you can make a difference this time. You have been given a gift.

Before him, in the depths of a forgotten cave, hidden from the eyes of mortals, was a colossal hall of monumental proportions. Its towering walls, adorned with intricate carvings of ancient tales, seemed to stretch endlessly toward the heavens.

The air inside was heavy with the weight of time, and a palpable sense of awe and reverence filled the room. At the center of this great hall, a sight both magnificent and terrifying caught his attention: The giant skeleton of a long-lost creature, seated on a massive stone throne. With a simple sound, everything he felt could be explained:

- Uau! Holly Shit!

The creature’s immense form, a testament to divine power, dwarfed all else in the hall. The bones, bleached white even with time, were arranged in a regal posture and exuded an air of eternal authority.

The throne itself was a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship, carved from a single block of obsidian. Its surface was etched with intricate patterns and symbols, chronicling the god's divine deeds and the reverence of his followers. Bastian took his time and made an effort to read the pictographs and runes, somehow, he could understand what this being was and what it represented, leaving a comment in awe, stuttering and questioning:

- He-He was a God??

The imposing presence of the throne served as a constant reminder of the god's dominion over the worlds, while the hall was illuminated by ghostly and ethereal light that cast eerie shadows on the god's skeletal visage. The empty eye sockets seemed to gaze into the very souls of those who dared to enter as if the god's spirit still lingered within the hollow bones.

In this sacred space, the remains of this divine being stood as a testament to the power and majesty of the gods, his legacy etched in stone and bone for all eternity. The giant skeleton, forever seated on its throne, served as a haunting reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the enduring presence of the divine. When he looked at the giant skeleton, he made a deep bow to the throne and got as near as possible.

Curious he scrutinized the bones to understand more about it, until while looking at that empty eye sockets, some memories started to appear on his mind. Looking back at the walls at the history panels Bastian realized that god’s journey and end.

Bastian did not understand how nor when, but he had received that “God’s inheritance”, God’s Core now was a part of him, and achieving memories that popped up through his mind Bastian got aware of some other features, skills, and powers too, also where he was standing and what was it. He was in God’s Abode, a magical godly artifact that could be used for several utilities.

Walking back to the throne, Bastian took a shiny black stone from the Giant skeleton’s arm and noticed some carvings on it, and as he looked at it, he noticed a feeling as a distant voice compelling him to place a drop of blood on it. After placing a drop of blood on it, a bright shine started and a humanoid shade started to form from smoke beside a flabbergasted Bastian, and no long after, that appearance stroke one knee on the floor displaying reverence.

- Master I am the humble vessel spirit of this abode artifact and I am here to serve you. What is your command? Inside Bastian’s mind, a voice echoed.

Amazed by all that was happening Bastian could not hold on to his happiness and screamed out loud:

- That is it… this is really happening…ha! Ha! Ha! I cannot believe it was not a dream.

- Sir?? Not aware of Bastian’s thoughts the vessel spirit questioned and not long after Bastian bombarded him with questions about the abode and its functions. The spirit placed a hand on the Bastian shoulder and his conscience was transported to his mind where beside him the vessel spirit stood and said:

- Please master! The view we are looking at is master cultivation representation forms and stages. As the Master probably knows, that bright multicolor dusty sphere floating is your magic core or “mana” core now in Grand Master level, the cross-legged ghostly ethereal body with gold and purple silhouette represents your body or martial core. As the Master can see by its ghostly and ethereal appearance is in the Master Level, and the concave viscous white lake is the Master’s memories and knowledge, call it as Master’s soul cultivation. After some time while Bastian knocked his head, the Vessel Spirit continued:

- Master, as you can see, it is not completely formed, for now, Master’s “Soul Sea” is actually at Sage level.

- Master, in the world we are located your Triple Cultivation is unknown. Common sense is that High Mage or Grand Master in Magic Cultivation Path is something already unparallel. Bastian could see through his answers and understood them and the vessel spirit made a gesture with his hands and the view now had a zoomed aspect of view, and pointing at the ghostly body arm he continued saying:

- Master, that black stone inside Master Ghostly Body Arm is the “Black Hole stone” and it was crafted by a godly craftsman designed as an abode for basic function, with different skills and functionalities. After a second, he complimented:

- Master, that is a powerful godly artifact and in fact, I am its operator, as a Vessel Spirit.

Again, the vessel spirit made a hand movement and the view changed to an outer view where he could notice that all the representations stood inside something that had an appearance of a large gemstone and the vessel stated:

- Master, as you can see, we are inside the abode. Do not worry! I am here to listen to all your orders and I will explain everything about this artifact and as a vessel spirit, my main function is to operate it for you. After a second, he knelt on the floor again and said:

- Master, I am at your orders, and will do as you command. Bastian knocked his head up and down in acknowledgment and questioned:

- How do I call you? What is your name? And to his surprise, the Vessel Spirit simply stated:

- Master, I have no name! Master can call me as he pleases! Bastian, held his chin as he thought and said:

- I will call you “Operator”! The Vessel Spirit made a deep bow on the floor and said:

- Thank you, Master! After that, both left his mind space.

A long time passed while the Vessel Spirit explained all the functions in detail to Bastian, who kept his eyes wide open and banged his head in approval, a broad smile on his face showing his happiness. Unknown to Bastian, his body was still absorbing and evolving even further. 

After walking around for some time to better understand the Abode's installations and capabilities, he found several books and took some time to read them. These books contained knowledge about various martial arts techniques, alchemy, arrays, blacksmithing, craftsmanship, magic, and various other things he found interesting, including information about various races throughout the realms, including high elves and their physiology, costumes, traditions, and values.

What he observed, in particular, was the value of love, lovers, sexual orientation, and education, where the "Moral concepts and orientations were completely different from Earth", for example, the concept of taboo for incestuous relations was not inserted there were traditions on this world that believed in love union between lovers regardless of age or parenthood, and Bastian felt the happiness levels reach its brim because he was a lustful man with different preferences. 

Bastian realized that he had hit the jackpot again and again, and usually held both hands together and made bows in all four directions. Bastian went for a walk through the abode under the guidance of the Vessel Spirit, he also found several rooms and special spaces from simple bedrooms to a library full of books and scrolls boiling over a lot of knowledge, from a farm to a blacksmith's shop, as well as some other functions like spatial movement, teleportation, concealment, illusion, attack, and defense arrays as well as "Time Accelerated Array" that could be used inside prepared rooms or outside in the real world.

Since he was curious about magic, he started reading about "Magic", because, in this world, magic was abundant, using a form of energy called "Mana", with the correct manipulation of Mana, he could cast "Spells", and immediately he remembered the Elf's boy father "Spell Tome". With a big grimace on his face, he went to the office and under the "Time Accelerated Array" inside the dwelling and began to practice magic, as he already had a magic or mana core, he could practice without any fear, immersing himself in his mind space, he achieved all the memories available about magic, and began to practice the manipulation, control over the quantity, form, and nature of mana, as well as some techniques, also known as "spells", and as he trained, he was able to fully comprehend the deep principles of magic.

Not only could he cast spells with enchantments, but as he gained expertise in controlling mana, he could cast these spells without enchantments, showing the full capabilities of a magician, and with an open hand in front of him, he cast a spell that would be impossible in this world without his previous knowledge of chemistry, and his very first spell, which he named: "- Black Flames"; several flames the size of a thumbnail, but as he demonstrated, capable of melting a rock the size of a man in seconds.  

But a strange feeling made him uncomfortable, and he realized that he was not well, and Bastian decided to go back home to fulfill his promise to his predecessor’s father, and he asked the vessel spirit to drive the abode not too far from the Family Clan Village because he understood he was not able to travel or walk even for a few minutes until he appeared behind a tree, meters from the village’s gate and under the army men's gaze, he felt unconscious on the ground, but he did not know that his body had been in a coma for a whole year and that he had been missing from his family for a long time.

Everyone recognized the boy as the son of Thorem, the Family's Clan Chief, who had been missing for a year, and under a big mobilization and the eyes of curious villagers, the army men carried him home to his mother, who immediately recognized him. In panic, Julya with the help of her daughters, took her son to bed, undressed him, and examined his body trying to understand what had happened or what had hurt him. They cleaned his body and called several healers to try to cure him, and 2 days passed without any improvement in his feverish, time-conscious, other, unconscious state, his mother and sisters did not leave him alone at his bedside even for a moment.