Final Scruffle
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Authors Note:

"" = Speech

<(B)> = Techniques


As I sat still, a surge of newfound energy flowed through my body. Opening my eyes, I focused my internal energy into my hand. The warm sensation shifted and cooled as I slowly punched the tree before me with an energized fist. A small section of the wood splintered upon impact. Satisfied with this achievement, albeit sporting a slightly swollen fist, I made my way back to my abode. It felt like there was much more for me to learn about harnessing this energy within me; perhaps Hikaru would be able to guide me further when he returned... if he returned at all – which he had to do

. . .

"I'm sorry, young one," I replied coughing up blood while dodging his relentless barrage of punches and kicks, "but would you kindly ease up a bit?" I playfully teased.

His face displayed indifference as his squinting, purple eyes showed annoyance. Without warning, he swiftly lunged through the air with a resounding clap and struck my stomach with his palm covered in a violet aura. The force of it sent me tumbling to the ground while cursing under my breath. Desperately attempting to gather whatever energy I had left inside me for one final effort, but before I could make another move to salvage the situation, darkness enveloped my vision and took away my last breaths.

The misty figure murmured, "How irritating! Though his defense was impressive, it soon fell victim to my boundless strength. On that note I must quickly extract the information from this peon without wasting even 5 seconds."

In a raspy tone, the same figure extended their hand covered in a violet aura towards the newly deceased man's face. After a brief pause, an indescribable and peculiar energy escaped from the lifeless body through its face and into the glowing palm of this ethereal being. Suddenly, with frustration evident on their purple colored smoky form, the figure instantly collapsed onto the barren but slighty grassy ground .

. . .

It was already midday and Hikaru hadn't come back ever since nightly morning, unable to wait much longer my worrying had devised me of a plan to get down to the area he was fighting him and hopefully find him... Alive

After ensuring I had packed all necessary resources, I cautiously peered over the cliff's edge to assess any potential dangers along my descent. Utilizing a gliding contraption hastily devised with the aid of my newly honed innate energy and practiced with over small jumps all of the mountain area we were residing in. Getting prepared for a stressful moment I inhaled deeply and bravely leaped towards the awaiting ground below. My heart raced within me as anxiety gripped my being; yet desperate optimism fueled my desire for safe arrival. However, unforeseen turbulence abruptly disrupted this confidence while panic infiltrated every inch of myself. Inadvertently steering off course, apprehension took hold as dense foliage swallowed me whole within its mysterious depths referred to as an unknown forest tinted with shades of deep emerald greenery.

As I sailed through the rapid winds on my glider, my shouts of panic were silenced by the wind currents blocking any sound from reaching the unknown forest. Desperately scanning the treetops, luck was on my side as I spotted a suitable landing spot amidst the canopy. However, executing a successful descent would require precision and caution. Steadily aiming for my chosen location, I adjusted the angle of the glider's tip to increase drag and slow down. Yet despite these efforts, miscalculating my speed caused me to overshoot where I originally intended to land. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over me when I realized what lay ahead in this new trajectory. Stress mounted within me as panic set in; unexpectedly slamming into a thick tree branch with an audible thud only intensified it further—a painful reminder that even our feet can retaliate against us by tingling with soreness and immense pain from such impact.

Filled with pain and annoyance, I forcefully discarded my once handmade glider that had consumed endless hours of labor. With a heavy heart, I proceeded to advance cautiously as my footsteps met the sturdy branches protruding above the lush canopy ahead. These peculiar boughs led me to an area seemingly ravaged by battles, leaving behind mere traces of its fights during the night.

As I observed of what remained of the gruesome battlefield, a wave of nausea surged in my throat. The air was heavy with the putrid stench of decomposing bodies that invaded my nostrils. To shield myself from the sight and smell, I held my breath and shifted my focus away from the rotting corpses swarmed by flies. Navigating across to the opposite side of the battleground, where overturned trees stood amidst destruction, caught my attention next. Approaching these fallen trunks revealed yet another desolate area further into the forest - a small clearing transformed into an almost lunar landscape marked by crater-like indentations on rocky terrain mixed with soil. Even from afar, it appeared as though this once tranquil and untouched spot had been ravaged beyond recognition.

. . .

With caution, I traversed the severely destroyed path leading to a damaged clearing in the distance. There, my senses were flooded with unease as I stumbled upon Hikaru's stolen katana from beneath the surface of the ground. Its appearance had aged beyond its time. Motivated by a glimmer of hope that he might be near, I quickened my pace and neared closer to the clearing

. . .

Blanketed in darkness, I couldn't discern the duration of my entrapment. The recesses of my mind strained to recall any sliver of memory preceding this ordeal – a fierce clash with that commander, who unveiled an astonishing power that caught me off guard; nearly costing me my life. Just as despair threatened to consume me entirely, an unexpected surge coursed through every fiber of my being and abruptly transported me to this enigmatic realm.

I settled myself, searching the depths of my thoughts for any inkling of where I might be. As visions danced through my mind, one memory stood out vividly – the last time I had succumbed to unconsciousness and found myself face-to-face with that sinister demon. The thought alone sent a shiver down my spine. My eyes widened in realization at this unsettling prediction, but I quickly quelled any rising panic. If it truly was the same location as before, then towering mountains would dominate its landscape alongside peculiar purple-hued tree blossoms. Annoyed at myself internally for not considering this before I put my guard up, frustration enveloped me like an unwelcome embrace. Determined to regain control over both my thoughts and surroundings alike, I decided to quieten my restless mind by meditation.

"In that case," responded a mischievous voice that rang out in the darkness, its raspy tone adding an enigmatic touch, "You've been lurking here all along?"

As soon as I recognized the voice, my body jolted upright and I could hear my blood thundering in my ears.

I inquired, "Why are you here? Why am I here?!" I exclaimed louder, questioning my own existence in this location.

The voice, bursted into haunting laughter. "But why should I divulge such information to you?" he queried mischievously as the surroundings illuminated with a snap , unveiling a familiar setting before me as well as a familiar person.

. . .

For the seventh time, my voice came out hoarse as I called out, "Hikaru! Wake up! Please don't die!"

Around four minutes had passed since I discovered his lifeless body, with his heart barely beating a faint rhythm. Gripping my blistered hand, I tapped into the small amount of energy remaining within me in an attempted to save him from death, holding back tears at the thought of losing such a brotherly figure who made me feel like I still had family after my original one was slaughtered.