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“I want to die.” The words involuntarily spilled out of my mouth.

Vividly, I could feel the blood draining from my face. Unable to support the weight of my body,  my knees immediately crumpled to the ground. Looking at nothing particular, it was as though I’d heard the world is nearing its end.

“Ha, haha”

Laughing weakly, I could only lament the fact that the end of the world is much better than that. At least, if the world ends tomorrow I won’t feel the emptiness inside my heart.

It must be a lie.

Trying to escape reality, I could only deny the cold merciless truth.

Yeah, it’s a lie. After a few months of not seeing each other, like the first time we met, we’ll spend each and every passing moment in each other’s arms. I’ll sniff her whole body trying to inhale the sweet, addicting smell unique to her that she exudes. Then without the need for words, only looking at her eyes and her at mine, we’ll convey our every thought and reaffirm the love we share. Finally, at night we'll sleep in the same bed, satisfied after a long night of trying to understand each other.

Emboldened by my escapist thoughts, I gathered my courage and looked at the screen.

“My waifu is waiting for me! I’m sure our love shall create a miracle, defying fate itself!”

And there on my screen, the words “WE’RE BREAKING UP!!” are in bold and capital letters.



Oh, must have been an ad.

Pressing the X button, I closed the hindrance blocking the screen.

Why would someone break up with me?

I don’t even have a girlfriend, much less a woman that has feelings for me.

Wait, some women have feelings for me. Feels disgusted at me, that is, for being such a cultured man. Hehen.

Anyway, after removing that pesky ad, and speed-reading a long string of words that I couldn't care less about, I finally found what I’m looking for: at the bottom of the post the words “on HIATUS” are displayed for all to see.

Slowly, the words “on HIATUS is REAL!!!” repeated themselves in my brain like a broken record.

Rubbing my eyes, still there.

Pinching my cheeks, yet it is still there.

Repeating it again from the top, I finally realized one thing.

Oh, so it is real. Reality sure is cruel, miracles like defying fate because of genuine feelings of love can’t even happen in real life.

Accepting defeat, I reread it all again - slowly this time - wanting to know the reason behind the hiatus.

Well, can’t really be helped if the author got sick or has some other real-life problem.

Then, while reading the post I arrived at some disturbing facts.

Reading it out loud, it says,

“[... Due to the increased demand for my other novel(twitch), I’ll prioritize it(twitch) and put a hold on my other novels…] huh.”

Deep breaths, calm yourself, man. Breathe in, Breathe out. Breathe in -

“Arrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!????? Are you fucking kidding me right now!? Why the hell would you prioritize that freaking novel whose only redeeming feature is those lewd fan services! Grr!”

After a few moments of shouting and ranting for a while, I finally calmed down and started to gather my thoughts.

Okay, as a fan of his works, I could say that the novel he would put his focus on is kinda great. Though, earlier I said that its only redeeming feature is the fan service, the other aspects of the novel such as the story and the others are also good. But, it’s action scenes that are the second best after the fan services in my opinion.

Ruminating on my thoughts, I found it reasonable but still I don’t think I’d be able to accept it.

I mean, come on, can’t we enjoy the wonderful view of a lady’s appearance without needing to see them in a lewd situation or something? Or is it because the waifu’s chest in that novel isn’t that well-endowed? Dude, size doesn’t matter, a waifu is still a waifu even if she's flat as a board.

But don’t get me wrong, I’d still look at one humongous boobs if I saw one. Like “staaaaaaaaaaaaare” at it, trying to imprint it in my brain.

Anyways, since I’d gotten rid of all the frustrations that came with the news of that novel’s hiatus, I might as well search on the net for some new light novel or web novel to read.

While searching for my objectives, some news about how in just one week the missing people all over the world are very close to reaching 8 million and just one more person to go missing and that will exactly be the case, caught my attention.

According to the reporter, almost all of the missing person cases left no evidence as to how the victims had gone missing, as though they just disappeared never to be seen again.

They got isekaied, that’s what happened.

Seriously, I’m envious of them. If I got isekaied there’s only one thing; it doesn't matter if she’s pettanko or a busty babe, “Kanojo dake ga hoooooshiiiiiiiii” I’m that desperate for waifu, honestly.

But, if asked if I really want to be summoned or reincarnated in another world, then the answer is no. Yeah, I’m envious of them, I’ll admit that but I’d rather stay here on Earth and read light novels, web novels, or manga or watch live streams of my favorite Vtuber than be sent to a world without the conveniences of modern civilization.


While deep in thought, I noticed something on the screen saying,

<<Do you want to die?>>


The hell?

Thinking that it must be just on the screen - as I was still in front of my PC while my thoughts travel anywhere - turned away — then I felt shivers travel down my spine as it followed everywhere I turned.

I-i-impossible. There’s no way that a UI like those in VRMMORPG anime can be in front of me and ask if I want to die.

Okay, calm down, stop the escapism, and let’s face it, me. The thing’s in front of me and at least there are two choices but let’s face it - like in those games, to move forward you’ll have to follow the script and be an obedient dog doing what they want.

Wanna see?

I pressed <<No>> and as I thought, it is here again, this time still letting me choose between two choices but as I could see it, I couldn’t really refuse, I mean look,

<<Do you want to die?>>


How the hell could I refuse if they replace <<No>> with <<Yes>>!?


Is this the end of my life here on Earth? I won’t be able to read light novels, web novels, manga, or watch live streams of my favorite Vtuber, can I?

“Heh. Hehehe.”

Hope they are sure of this.

While thinking this, my brain worked on what I would do when I’m in the other world.

“I really can’t call myself a proud weeb if I’d still be hesitating if such a golden opportunity falls on my lap like this.”

Shouganai nye~

“Yosh! Isekai~, ikuzo~!”

After pressing the <<Yes>> button, I realize something as I lose consciousness.

Wait. Would I really be going to another and not die permanently?