Chapter 4: The Goblin’s Way of Proselytizing
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“My name is Fukunaga Minori, and I am the Chuuni God’s vessel! I'll let you mortals call me Lord Abyss Priest! Be thankful!” I said while posing with my left hand in a peace sign to the side of my left eye. With a saintly grin, I said, "Be at ease, you'll be home with your families soon." I calmed the old men prostrating on the ground. Using【Abyss】I also projected an air like that of a caring mother.

Sate, sate, sate. Before anyone breaks out of their stupor and does anything else, 『P.A. ready?.』『Yes.』the first phase of the plan shall commence, resurrecting the dead.

"Loyal Knights of Leasaitolia." I then turned to the knights. With a voice full of sorrow, I stated, "I bear witness to your valor. But it pains my heart dearly to see young knights such as your comrades die prematurely. With my authority as a god, I shall give them a new chance to protect their motherland.”

With my eyes closed and bearing crocodile tears, hands clasped in my chest, I speak powerfully. "By the name of Fukunaga Minori, rulers of life and of death, I command you: Obey my words. Return the spirits of the deceased knights to their souls. Resurrection." As the words of power left my lips, a magic circle appeared spanning the whole road, shining in the same holy light that I descended in. The bodies of the knights who died in the attack of the boar and the assassins were surrounded by a divine light and came back to life.

Of course, this isn't a true holy art, or《Divine Art》in this world's terms, but rather an illusion created by《Abyss》. The distinction between black magic and dark magic can occasionally be seen in anime, light novels, and manga. In one such web novel, darkness possesses the power of all elements; In another, darkness is an energy used to materialize matter from thin air; It's used in mainstream anime to summon darkness to attack, defend, and sometimes boost the user's physical abilities. While black magic is associated with necromancy, devils, illusions, and curses. Although, aren't these two kinda similar? According to P.A.,【Abyss】allows me to do anything related to darkness and black magic. Just like I had done, and what I had said earlier.


The surviving knights couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their dead comrades come back to life. Some, initially perplexed, pinched their cheeks, while others stared, as if afraid they would vanish. They believed that the grief and powerlessness they felt as they watched their friends die in front of them made them see things.

Fear ruled their hearts. They reasoned that if they made an effort to verify the information, they might suddenly awaken. They were hesitant at first, but eventually found their courage.

However, not just the survivors were astounded by this turn of events. The knights who had been raised from the dead felt it much more keenly. Stefaro, a commoner who joined the Order after graduating from the national academy like the other knights in this group, was one of these resurrected knights.

Stefaro was aware of how challenging it was to receive《Aether Arts》 healing outside of the Holy Empire of Reinheith. To obtain these services, a person must first be human or an 《Aetherfolk》like an elf, dwarf, etc. Second, to be pure—not necessarily in the sense of having to be a virgin, but rather to not have《Mana》in one's body. Or《Miasma》, the energy that dwells in《Demonfolk》's bodies.

As ironic as it may seem, despite the fact that this is the official requirement, the Church of Purity branch within the United Nations of Rathni's, the biggest religion in the world of Arentha, also "asks" those in need of their services to "donate as dictated by their hearts." If one takes the Church of Purity outside of Reinheith at its word, they may appear kind. However, the amount they would only accept could only be afforded by the wealthiest of commoners and nobles.

Although, there are other churches that offer dedication to the exiled deities and could offer their services. Nevertheless, the Church of Purity "persuades" those thought to have a high aptitude for the 《Aether Arts》 to convert to their religion. They also had a monopoly in the manufacture of《Aether Arts》scrolls and had a firm grasp on the Adventurer’s Guild to ensure that no scroll above Lvl. 3 would go to the other churches.

Additionally, only the battalions and orders in the Knight's Order and Army that have nobles who support the church could obtain《Aether Arts》practitioners. It would be impossible to have an 《Aether Arts》 user among a regiment of commoners tasked with guarding a cruel princess. Imagine Stefaro's surprise at experiencing 《Divine Arts》'【Resurrection】. The last recorded use of 《Divine Arts》 was in the Age of the Gods, even in the Church of Purity and other churches that they permitted to exist.

But, in this unnamed forest, a god had descended and performed【Resurrection】!

He had not heard of any god or banished god with the name ‘Minori Fukunaga’ or ‘God of Chuunibyou’. This androgynous god doesn’t seem to be an Evil God either. They don't exude《Miasma》or《Malevolence》 that makes an ordinary mortal insane. Even though Stefaro was filled with doubts, he knew what needed to be done.


Stefaro was a valiant knight who sacrificed his life to save one of his comrades. He was one of the first to die in the assassin’s assault, though, shielding a fellow knight when arrows rained on them. His actions might be stupid since he is the leader of this group of fledgling knights, but I approve of them.

I’ve been using《Script》to read the minds of the knights to be able to convince them that I am a god at a moment’s notice. Though it looks like my cautiousness has been unnecessary. I watched them celebrate their survival and resurrection; their minds were filled only with gratitude towards me.

Since that's done, let's move on to the second phase.

“Okay!” I shouted cheerfully. The knights turned their heads in a fluster as they felt it on their skin—my vibrant cheer was in contrast to the furious air surrounding me. “I have given you all a second chance, and now is the time to prove yourself worthy of it.”

I summoned the【Cursed Staff of the Sly Fox】, with its cursed nature concealed and in the form of a bokken, a Japanese wooden training sword. While I stabbed it on the ground, I rested my hands on its wooden pommel. “Surely you haven’t forgotten why I have come here, haven’t you?” I asked, tilting my head cutely. “Your princess had ordered you to ‘make them sing’, if I recall.” I directed a harsh glare at the princess while pointing with my thumb at the captives at my back, which caused her to jump in fright. “And instead of stopping your liege, Mara Freyr, you encouraged her vile acts.”

Seeing as no one mustered the courage to speak, I continued, “If you cannot save these men in your hand’s reach... How would you protect the people of Leasaitolia!?” I shouted in righteous fury. Lifting my bokken - its tip pointing downwards - while【Dominate】was toggled on with【Abyss】fueling my body, I hit the earth with enough force to create a loud sound and a shockwave. The ground trembled beneath the force of my strike, causing cracks to spiderweb outward. The shockwave rippled through the air, carrying an aura of power that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Taking advantage of their fear, I used【Hold Back】to close in on Mara in the blink of an eye. My body was already being empowered by【Abyss】and《The Protagonist》, but I also used【Dominate】to increase the strike’s force before the moment of impact. As my attack landed, the tall woman clad in heavy armor was sent flying towards a nearby tree. While her armor was dented, her body was unharmed since she was unconsciously using《Ki》to protect herself. Although, she got knocked out.

Pointing my bokken at the terrified knights, I barked at them. “Took up your arms, knights!” As they exchanged uneasy glances, I stated to them with a ferocious smile on my lips: “I’m going to teach you what it means to protect someone while protecting yourself. Don’t worry, you won’t die.” I also eased their worries at the end. It's been a while since I had a ‘playmate. I can’t have them running away.

Left with no choice, the knights gripped their weapons and took their stances. It’s good; their forms showed their diligence in training, but their eyes conveyed reluctance. Might as well raise their spirits. Wait, why am I raising the morale of my opponents? Oh, well~

“Remember who you are fighting for! It’s your friends, family, and loved ones!” With《Script》I could see they saw their family in their minds.《Script》is kind of convenient since it shows the morale gauge of the knights. But why the hell doesn't it tell me what to say!? It’s《Script》for heaven’s sake!

Let’s also dangle a carrot for them, ‘coz might as well. “I’m thinking of starting a new religion in this world” - I’ll go with this backstory, I suppose - “and those who perform well, could expect the honor of being named ‘Holy Knight’ in the future.” Oho~ Looks like I got them hook, line, and sinker with that. I could see their eyes sparkling at the thought of being a ‘Holy Knight’. I think Holy Knights and Dark Knights are part of a man’s romance even in another world.

With a battle cry to raise their morale, everyone charged at me. Stefaro, the one who reached me first, unleashed an overhead slash. I just sidestepped the attack and answered with a kick to his side. The impact sent Stefaro sprawling to the ground, but he quickly rolled back onto his feet, refusing to let the pain deter him. The others followed suit and also attacked me. I just avoided their rush with plenty of leeway.

“Don’t just attack mindlessly! Use your brains!” I pointed out as I evaded. “Attack in groups of four!” Teaching them to fight in groups as we danced with blades, the smile in my lips deepened as I felt excited in the battle. Uh-oh, Sensei always told me to rein in my combat junkie, but ah~ Sword fights really send my heart racing~

After a few minutes, they now almost dictate the flow of the battle. During the earlier part of the battle, I could dodge their strikes by relying on【Hold Back】and strengthening myself with【Abyss】, now I had to use【Abyss】to shift my body slightly.

This application of【Abyss】was somewhat similar to “swap” in space-time magic in fantasy isekai. By producing countless shadow clones as the frames in a motion picture, I use them to move myself out of harm’s way, clone by clone. I have to do this because if they find out that I’m using【Abyss】they might think I’m an Evil God.

Once my battle lust reached its peak, I decided to indulge my desires. I could see their passion to protect those they cherish. Mhm~ Would they be able to satiate me, I wonder? Would their eyes burn with the will to survive if I put them in a life-or-death situation, like the heroes in anime? Would they acquire strength in the middle of adversity? I wanna see. I wanna see. Show me. Show me!

Using【Abyss】discreetly, I sent a concealed shadow clone outside of their encirclement. Instantaneously, I vanished from their sight. They didn’t have to search long, as the raging battle lust emanating from me told them where I was.

Not taking any stance whatsoever, with the bokken loosely hanging from my hands, I nonetheless look intimidating to them. The aura that they could almost see with their naked eye prevented them from taking a step toward me. There was anticipation evident in their eyes as they watched closely to catch even the tiniest of my movements.

As someone gulped, using it as the trigger, I unleashed a lousy sideways sweep with the wooden sword in my hands. Immediately afterwards, though, goosebumps broke out in the knights. The lackadaisical attack was accompanied by a massive tidal wave of holy energy that could end their flimsy lives.

‘I might die’ was the thought of the knights while they watched Death’s scythe come bearing upon them.

Then, in his thoughts, Stefaro saw the images of his cherished family. Early in the morning, his parents tend to the fields, and his older sister looks after the younger children. In the yard, his siblings were having fun and laughing. He was deeply terrified at the prospect of dying before them and resolved to do whatever it took to keep himself safe without running away.

I could see with《Script》that this happened to the other knights as well. As they pictured their loved ones, their bodies moved to protect themselves. They didn’t run. They faced despair with determination. And they passed, because of that. These guys have guts, and I could say that these knights would stand their ground if push came to shove.

Some might be asking why I chose this roundabout way of doing things. It's stupid to assume that, like in novels and manga, strong allies would just appear conveniently before a big fight. I’d rather raise these weaklings I’ve met since I could be sure their loyalty towards me would be quite high.

Before the wave of fake《Divinity》- the higher form of Aether and used to invoke《Divine Arts》- hit them, I willed it to vanish.

I then chanted a fake【Heal】with【Abyss】to cure the injuries I’d dole out on the knights. “Well done, knights.” I smiled at them. They still looked a bit shaken as they almost met their makers. At last they realized their safety. The young men sighed in relief as one and slumped on the ground.

Spying the lady knight - would she cry out “Kuh, kill me!”, I wonder? - had regained consciousness, I headed her way to ‘guide’ this lost lamb to the right path. Looking at the guys on the ground with a look that asks, “You won’t interfere, right?”. Oh, I forgot the old men I came to rescue. “Could you release the men?” I asked one of the knights. Watching him go after answering, “Yes, my Lord," I continued.

When I reached Mara, I crouched down, looking her straight in the eye. As she hasn't fully regained consciousness, she didn’t realize who I really am right away. But once she did, the blood drained from her face immediately.

“Don’t worry I’m not that mad.” I told her. Then grabbing the back of her armor, I began dragging her towards the princess.  As we approached the princess, Mara's fear was palpable. I could see the desperation in her eyes as she pleaded for mercy. Despite her actions in the past, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. Just joking.

At last, the time has come to judge these two sinners. The tyrannical princess and her perverted female knight. Both had a past which changed the two of them. Couldn’t care less, though.

“I’m a merciful god, you know? I’ll let you live as long as you survive, that is.”

Still feeling high from battle mania, I suggested to the two of them. Perhaps seeing a way to escape divine punishment, they got ready to face me. It is not though.

Once they are done, “Would you show me the power of Leasaitolia’s Strongest?” I asked Mara sarcastically. 

“You fucking brat!”

This epithet of hers was not  acknowledged by the system as her 《Title》, which is a sore point for her.


Losing her composure at the start of the battle, the lady knight made her way towards me in a mad rush, leaving behind the princess. Which I exploited.

Appearing silently behind the princess, I cut off her legs with fake《Divinity》clad bokken. The princess let out a piercing scream as she collapsed to the ground, clutching what’s left of her lower extremities. The lady knight, now realizing her mistake, turned around in horror, only to find herself with my triumphant grin.

“Tsk, tsk.” Wagging my finger at her, I reveled at seeing her face. Her eyes widened with a mix of fear and anger, realizing that she had fallen right into my trap. With a wicked smile, I taunted her, "What happened to Leasaitolia’s Strongest, hm?." 

As she roared in her fury and charged at me with her sword, I remained as cool as a cucumber. "Where's your beautiful swordsmanship, bitch?" I mocked, effortlessly dodging her attacks. Although mine appeared to be made of wood, the air resounded with the sound of metal clashing as I deftly parried each blow, taking pride in my prowess in battle.

If I remember right, I told you guys that I would lose 100% if I fought the knights and now here we are. You know, I was devastated when I was lower leveled than newbie knights since I trained like a madman in different martial arts. You’d never imagine my relief when P.A told me that the system includes the mastery of 《Ki》and the other energies in evaluating martial arts proficiency. With【Abyss】powering me up, I could defeat these guys with my eyes closed.

Oh sorry, my thoughts drifted again. Can’t help it though. This bitch only relies only on brute force, unlike in her younger days. It’s like watching a sword priestess offering a dance to the Sword God. That’s how beautiful it is. But that’s only in the past.

Losing her balance after I parried her attack, I sent her to kiss the ground. With a swift kick to her chest, she landed flat on her back, gasping for air. As she struggled to regain her composure, I stood over her, ready to deliver the final blow.

“You would have a chance if you never let their words affect you.” I said in pity.

“What do you know? Did you ever feel ostracized, God?”

『She probably refers to her time in the academy...』

I thought for a second and decided to humor her about myself, “I’ve always been the odd one out, now” I started.

“Everyone thought of me as weird, deeply enamored as I was to people with certain hobbies. They couldn’t understand why. And I don’t care about what the rabble says. By the way, the two of you should be under my wings since one was a sword freak while the other has a bibliomania.”

“Then why didn’t you save us?” She asked with a groan, her tone accusing.

“I am not a god of this world. I just came here, you know. Furthermore, both of you left those things in the past. The two of you are nothing more than savages who enjoy the pain of others” I answered plainly and parted her head to the rest of her body with a single swipe.

Blood still dripping from my bokken, I caught up to the crawling princess. She left a trail of crimson as she desperately tried to escape.

“Do you now understand the pain you inflicted upon others?” Not listening to her plead for mercy, I did the same to her as I did the lady knight.

『P.A. Do it.』I said, and she(?) got to work installing new personalities to the princess and the knight. 

In consideration of the knights, instead of killing these two and being done with it, I decided to not burden them with their deaths. And when we were planning, P.A. suggested to use【Abyss】- so convenient - and create a puppet in the royalty. She(?) told me, “We could use them to gather believers for your sect.”. 

『It is done, Actor Goburu.』

After chanting 【Resurrection】, the “reborn” princess and knight slowly opened their eyes. They thanked me profusely for giving them a second chance. Forgetting about the cruel punishment I handed out, the knights revered me as a merciful god as they saw the two who looked as though evil spirits had been banished to their bodies.

『You successfully made them your believers, Actor Goburu.』P.A. informed me.

I took that as cue to hand out figurines and necklaces as proof of their devotion to everyone.

“I would be using these figurines in my likeness to send ‘oracles’ at night. Make sure to keep it safe. Farewell.”

Leaving the scene with the same holy light, I watched my new believers as they offered words of goodbye and gratitude. I also didn’t forget to collect the bodies of the assassins. They would be useful in the near future, I think. Once I reached the treetops, a bright light engulfed me.