Chapter 5: The Goblin becomes a Mommy Goblin
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“I’ll become the Crime Queen and obtain the Two-piece!”


::Are you perhaps referencing to that Pirate King, Actor Goburu?::


“Mm!” I nodded to her question. Currently, the three of us were traversing the opposite direction of the Princess with her retinue and the Uncles’ village. After I “ascended to heaven” - quite literally, in fact - once I’m done converting them to my religion, P.A teleported me with Abyss to the other side of the forest. In case anyone’s confused, those guys’re exiting where I came from. The princess was on her way to Leasaitolia’s southern border while I was going north.


::And is this “Queen of Mafias” the reason behind your change in gender?::




If I hadn’t heard the commotion in the forest, by now I should have  “enjoyed” myself quite a lot. And I mean a lot, ‘coz it’s been a week since then and I haven't seen the sun for days. As soon as P.A confirmed the absence of people in the vicinity, I asked Abyss - and what a cutie pie~ - it created a wonderful house enchanted with soundproofing, concealment, and presence detection, like it read my mind. Of course it came with all the furnishing and what-not that it usually would have. 


For the hard working Abyss’ reward, I changed into a sexy, beautiful, tall - oh, did I forgot to say SEXY and BEAUTIFUL? - and dark-purple haired mommy. When I called Abyss and told it to morph into a human form, it appeared as an androgynous, bob-cut, and black-haired highschool girl? Whatevs~ The only important thing is Abyss is so kawaii~ And oh my gosh~! Kyaaa~! Abyss-chan hugged and called me “Mommy” while buried deep in my chest~ Mommy’s heart melted when she heard that~


And because Mommy is such a capable, perfect - and I want to remind you, SEXY and BEAUTIFUL - woman, I cooked such a lavish and delicious feast for the two of us(Abyss-chan has too eat lots so she could last more, fufufu). I bought it of course with Script. And hear this, besties, while we’re eating dinner and I’m feeding Abyss-chan, she said “aaah~” and fed me~! Mommy’s totes got so excited to devour this darling that night. 


In my excitement, we started having fun a little earlier than planned at the bath after the meal. Let’s just say we had “milk”. Although, Abyss-chan got to drink “two types of milk” while Mommy only got one, boohoo~ 


This ravenous lady just had to make do and “milk” tons of “milk” with my “three mouths” and whole body. 


Ara ma, ara ma~ Mommy is such a dummy~ You dearies are prolly confused about Abyss-chan, aren’t you? You see, ever since I noticed how OP Abyss-chan is, I theorized this darling must be a you-know-what, and ta-da~ And I present you a such a cutie pie! But Mommy’s kinda sad ‘coz my little baby doesn’t remember much ‘bout itself. It’s mm-kay though, what’s important is that we’re together.


“Isn’t that right, Abyss-chan?”


“Hm? Mm!”


Even though she doesn't know what I’m talking about, she knows that ladies are always right. By the way, I said “the three of us” right? Because Abyss-chan is such a gentle baby, it created quite a luxurious but not gaudy japanese-themed carriage guarded by a snow-white wolf it summoned that I christened “Yuki”. As soon as it’s done, Abyss-chan looked like she wanted to get praised. Of course Mommy obliged, and it’s not just praise I gave, but so much more~ 


It was at this moment that P.A asked something… 


::It’s been bugging me Actor Goburu, but why—::


::P.A. darling::


It shouldn’t have.


::My apologies, Actor Goburu.::


::As long as you understand. There are things you can’t say to me as well, aren’t you?::




::Yes… You’re right…::


Under this tense atmosphere the two of us were under, I decided to finally address a problem I had ever since.


::I can’t always call you “P.A.” Now can I? Tell me your name::


Honestly, even though I’m such a perfect Mommy, I still found myself troubled calling my bestie, “P.A.”. Gosh, it’s benn helping me ever since day one. Mommy’s worried if she could survive without her bestie. And I don’t want my baby thinking that her mom’s such an ungrateful lady who treats her sissy like a servant. No no, over my gorgeous hourglass body, no way.


::I have none::


::Oh my gosh, why didn’t they gave you a name!?::


::Uh, please don’t be mad Actor Goburu, My Master—::


::And didn’t I tell you to call me “Reiko”!? How rude.::


::... Yes, Actress Reiko. My Master had told me to ask you for a name when the time came.::


Hmph. My womanly instincts tells me they’re thinking something rude ‘bout me. I’ll let it slide for now.


But what an irresponsible Master this girl(?) has. Anyway.


::So, boy or girl? What are you? Or what do you want?::


::That is… I don’t… know…::


::Oh. My. Gosh. Fine, I’ll do it my way.:: Annoyed at this fruitless exchange which wouldn’t have any progress at all, I decided to name him/her when I have a more solid image of himself/herself.






Aww~ Abyss-chan looks so cute looking up at me from my lap~ Silly mommy, this gurl have something important to do. Can’t let my pretty self be mesmerized by this little one.


“Could you make Mommy’s bestie a body? You know the one who’s inside me?”


“Mm? Big Sis?”


“Uh-huh, yeah your Big Sis. Make sure to let her be able to decide how she looks, mm-kay sweetie?”




With a cute grunt of effort, Abyss-chan made a featureless doll-like human body without any of the parts to determine whether it’s a male or female. A beat later it glowed too brightly for the eyes as soon as Abyss-chan gestured to P.A. to dwell inside. Once the light died down, I’m granted the honor to gaze upon a platinum blonde-haired lady whose looks were second only to mine.


When she opened her eyes, the woman immediately granted me with a sharp glare from her deep blue eyes. 


“Aren’t you staring a little too much on my body, Actress Reiko?”


“Pish posh, Sis. Just feel proud that someone as pretty as me looks at you.”


“...”‎‎‎(* ̄m ̄)


“Big Sis!”


“Um… Could you create clothes for me, Abyss?” Which sounded the gong for a fashion show within the carriage to begin. From casual clothes, sports wear, formal attire to kimonos, bikinis and cosplay the three of us had such a great time dressing up.


Based on a unanimous decision, “Henrietta” transformed into a secretary. Coupled with her ever-present cold look and rectangular glasses, and oh my, the outfit fit her to a tee. And dear, because our Personal Assistant got a promotion to a Secretary, as well as her serious personality, I named her thus.


Of course not just Rie-chan got a make-over, nuh-uh. Abyss-chan - who doesn’t like any other name, btw - became a maid. Mommy liked it when ma baby girl had cosplayed as a maid(in bed). But cross my fair maiden’s heart, I’m not an evil step-mommy. Death to those who’d harm even a hair of my daughter. However, this woman had to concede when Abyss-chan looked at her with puppy-eyes.


Meanwhile when this is happening, on the sidelines there’s a secretary looking at me with disgust. Don’t mind her. Barbarians don't understand cultured minds.


Finally, we introduce to you, the winner of this pageant. The busty top mommy with an mouth-watering hourglass figure. A beauty mark under her right eye. Clothed in a dazzling violet kimono complementing her purple hair. Yes it is I, Reiko♥ Muah♥


“Yaay~! Mommy!”








Amidst the clapping - Oi! Do it properly, Rie-chan! - I heard that there was another set of passionately clapping hands. Turning my eyes at the source, I found a ninja. Although the only thing I could see were her eyes, based on the vague contours of the body through the clothes, I daresay that she’s a female.


Jokes aside, I assure you I didn’t kidnap the bodies of those assassins to create an army of undead female ninjas, this lady ain’t fond of necrophilia, darling. They were formerly males that I, in my never ending generosity, let those stinky old assassins have a new life as luscious ninjas. I bet a loner in another world would blow his top and accuse me of stealing his sexy assassins.


They are partly to blame for why we didn’t journey for a whole week. This mother and daughter pair have to train these reincarnated ninjas for them to be able to do their job; which I’m sure is the reason why this gurl is here. We also “trained” them, in another sense of the word.


“Your report.”


“Hah. We found the bandit hideout in the abandoned fort you told us about, my lady.”


“Abyss-chan, we’ll be riding Yuki as the old path there has been overgrown with foliage.”


“Okay, Mommy~”


We proceeded in the abandoned fort’s direction with the two of us on Yuki, while Rie-chan and the ninja each rode a horse who had been pulling the carriage. Listening to the continuation of her report, I found out that after they subdued the bandits they discovered tons of loot there. As well as women, likely to be sold as slaves, who have visible signs of abuse on their body.






“Mommy? What’s wrong?”


“It's nothing, darling. Don’t worry your pretty li’l head over it.”


Oh my, it seems I frightened our ninja companion while Rie-chan looked at me with one of her eyebrows raised. Looks like I have to exercise self-control. I can’t be an elegant mommy if I release bloodlust in a drop of a hat.


“It’s just… Mommy found employees in her soon-to-open business, fufufu.”



(On the bandit hideout, few minutes later)


I sat on a throne with my legs crossed and puffing a smoke from my pipe, as I gazed at the bandits situated on the ground. This seat where I rested my shapely bottoms was courtesy of my darling Abyss-chan who occupied the armrest of this throne. To my left, looking every bit like a secretary, stands Rie-chan. While my loyal ninjas were divided into those who patrol the surroundings of the fort, encircling the scoundrels, accompanying the women still inside, and those lucky enough to be assigned as my guards.


A queen had graced these ruffians with her majestic presence. It's quite apt don’t you think, besties? They could only stare at me mesmerized by my alluring visage and stunning body.


Although one man with the largest frame and vilest mug - their leader, I presume? - was uncouth enough to disturb my gaggle of admirers. Of course, he’s the only one whom I told the ladies to not gag as I thought it interesting.


“'ey, woman! 'ave your bi'ches 'o un'ie me!”


Amused by the dog’s barking, I let him for a bit longer. 


“Nah 'ha' i see i', you 'ave a smok’n bod, woman. 'ah abou' i hump ya in 'he bed, 'uh? tha' bi'ch on your righ', she looks 'o' as well. An' 'he—*snap!*”


Without anyone taking notice, I already have the Sly Fox on my hands in the shape of a whip which caused the loud snap to resound. I got up from the throne and stowed my pipe in the kimono’s sleeves. The geta’s clacking could be heard reverberating in the fort’s court yard as I made my way to the bleeding leader of the bandits.


“You know, I allow everyone to gaze at me and Rie-chan with lust in their eyes. Since it is only natural, wouldn’t you agree?”


However, none shall do it to my daughter.


Once I reached the ill-mannered brute who dared to look at my daughter with lust in his eyes, I noticed the swelling of his crotch. I smirked, realizing that my whip had left a lasting impression on him. As I approached, his expression shifted from pain to twisted pleasure, confirming the effectiveness of the pain-conversion enchantment placed on the whip.

Ara~ it looks like we have a new masochist here~ 

I whipped the masochist mercilessly as soon as this thought entered my head. Every time the whip was cracked, he begged for more, as if the pain fed his appetite. His twisted pleasure increased with each blow, and I couldn't help but take pleasure in my control over him. The bandits were in a state of shock as they watched their bleeding leader voluntarily submit to my sadistic whims.

At last, the masochist was reduced to a bloody mess of a silhouette capable only of convulsing and moaning. His body was covered in welts and bruises, evidence of the intense punishment he had endured. Despite his battered state, a satisfied smile lingered on his face, a testament to the satisfaction he derived from the pain inflicted upon him.

“Abyss honey, could you reward this man with a new life?”

“Got it~”

After hearing our conversation, the bound bandits could only stare in confusion because it appeared that their leader was still alive.  They exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what awaited them next.

And I’m sure they will receive a shocking surprise.

Suddenly, a black viscous liquid oozed out of the ground. It formed into puddles at first but eventually gathered to create a chill-inducing pool surrounding the ruffian. Tendrils of the dark ooze then rose, weaving to form a cocoon enveloping him entirely. 

The other bandits blanched in horror as they heard the sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking. Even if they wanted to scream, the gags in their mouths prevented them from doing so. The only sounds they could create were muffled through the cloth.

At last, the sounds originating from the sinister cocoon died down. And like a caterpillar that finished its transformation, the former bandit leader made its entrance. 

The first to appear were delicate hands unlike those he had earlier. After tearing it wide open, long and slender legs were the next things to see. Finally, the world has been granted the sight of a newborn lascivious lady in her birthday suit.

Similar to an infant, “she” was unstable on her feet. Two ninjas appeared on her side to support their new sister. They wiped her with cloth and covered her in a large towel.

“Congratulations and welcome, our new sister.”


Cheers and applause then resounded in the fort’s courtyard from the ninjas in the surroundings, celebrating the newest addition to our family.

Amidst the celebrations, I turned to the pale men who, in their misfortune, have to catch the eye of the one who doles out the worst judgment to enemies of women. I shall make sure they will enjoy their new life as women.

“Goodbye for now, my future sisters. I shall wait with excitement for your transformation. Fufufu~.”


Hi guys, many thanks and sorry to those still have the patience to read my novel. I'm well aware I have been changing my writing style a bit too much but please understand that I am an inexperienced writer. I think I'm settling on the style I used in this chapter.

Anyways, I want to ask: Did I nail it on making our protagonist feminine? She will be female for quite a long time, I think. And I'm not too familiar with ladies who are "feminine" here in the Philippines.

And, lastly, we're finally on the beginning of the first arc of the novel; I still can't decide on its name, sorry. So, if anyone had things you want our goblin to do, just post in the comments or you could message me. 

Thanks guys!