Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
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For the next few months Song Shai continued to gather more information as Lei Jun diligently stayed by her side, no longer questioning her decisions. However, he was still worried about Song Shai’s safety and although she hadn't mentioned to him why she refused to get more guards, he could only assume she had a just reason, yet that did not stop him from secretly training in the night to get stronger in order to protect Song Shai.


My My, what a diligent boy, he practices every night without fail. It was nice to meet such an interesting character in this world. Too bad I am leaving soon, it’s for the best though, after all I can’t get too attached. Now that I have collected enough information to accuse Ling An, the pieces will all start to fall into place for this world to be destroyed. After all, he is the father of Ling Shun, aka the ML of this world, so bringing down Lei An should also bring down Ling Shun. If I force Ling Shun into the imprisonment route with his father then it’s likely the FL will reject him. This in turn will ruin the world. Hahaha. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time... The villain slowly let out a tired worn out laugh as her eyes started to darken, for the first time in a long time the villain was consciously able to feel the emotion of raw happiness pass over her by being in this world. Instinctively she felt as though ruining the worlds story would in some way hurt the great deity Lord that had imprisoned her in this endless torture. Believing this, her lips slowly became upturned as she let out a frosty smile, if she could hurt the great deity in some way, then she would be able to peacefully destroy her soul with no regrets. 


Finally the time was ripe and all the information was gathered,  Song Shai gave it all to Lei Jun as she prepared him for the upcoming battle. However, even after practicing with the boy he still stumbled and didn’t catch on. Song Shai was confused, she thought the boy would unconsciously learn quickly and be eager to get revenge on the man who had been another stepping stone to ruining Lei Jun's life. Yet, he seemed almost intolerant to Song Shai teaching. 


“Hmm is something wrong, or perhaps I am in the wrong and am unqualified to teach you?” Song Shai seemingly emotionlessly said, while secretly poking at Lei Jun’s weakness.


“N-No, it is not that, I just don’t understand why I must present this information alone, should you not accompany me if anything goes wrong…?” 


“You are no longer a child, I should not have to coddle you.” 




“Well , is there something else bothering you?” Song Shai boldly asked.


“… just please give in to my selfish request and come with me.” 


Song Shai sighed but looking at the boys pitiful expression for some reason the “no” she wanted to say became swallowed in her throat as she unwittingly shook her head in agreement to the boys request. 


Upon doing so the young boy thanked Song Shai before going to make lunch, unfortunately for Song Shai she was unable to notice Lei Jun's eyes slightly darken as he was unable to say what he wanted. In truth, Lei Jun didn’t want to confront Ling An, the man who plotted the murder on his family. Although Lei Jun still experienced great hatred and disgust towards the man, he felt as though going through with the trail would lead to Song Shai disappearance. He knew it was illogical and absurd, but when he looked deep into Song Shai eyes something in his mind registered and his soul snapped. He couldn’t quite figure out what it was but he felt like binding Song Shai to his side, he felt as though doing so would cause Song Shai to stay and not suddenly abandon him.


In the entire world she was the only person who had acknowledged his existence, who never tried to exploit or hurt him, and who had ever smiled at him before with true purity, no one including his family had ever treated him in such a way, therefore, Lei Jun could care less about Ling An if it meant losing Song Shai. Although his feelings towards Song Shai surprised even him, he could not give up, after tasting heaven he was not able to go back to hell, therefore he could only reach out to those deep dark eyes that promised salvation. Everyday with Song Shai was bliss and he felt an indescribable feeling of devotion grow intensely for her every passing day. Yet, due to Song Shai persistence in keeping with the trial against Ling An,  Lei Jun decided to follow his master's orders without question, he only asked that she stay with him the entire time. Unbeknownst to her, this was not because he was incapable, rather he had already memorized the material the first time around. Instead he decided to stay ignorant in order to push Song Shai to go with him, only by having her by his side would his soul at least be a little at ease. After all she could not suddenly disappear if he was always by her side.