Chapter 7: Interesting Observation
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“What’s wrong with her?”


“We don’t know…. She wasn’t injured.”


“She’s burning up. Can’t you do something?”




The brother of the twins put his hand on his sister's shoulder, doing his best to calm her down.


“They are doing everything they can to save her. She has just gotten feverish like the rest,” he explained.


“I know brother, but we are dwindling as it is… maybe we should do as the voice says and go to the north west!”


An older Fallen stood up.


“No! That voice is only trying to get us to come out of the jungle! It is evil! The only thing that awaits us are beasts lying in wait to hunt us down one by one!”


“Like they are doing within the jungle already…?” her brother sneered.


“What did you say child?”


The boy stood up, looking back at the man.


“I said what we are all thinking and know to be true! We are hanging on by a thread just as my sister has said! We are ill equipped to deal with the beasts in this area and are being picked off one by one! Why not take the chance and do as the voice says? We have nothing to lose but a slower death if we remain here!”


“Then leave your goddamn selves! You haven’t contributed at all to the defense or hunting!”


The boy scoffed, “You are telling children to do the job you should be doing? What a joke. If you want to act like you are in charge at least back it up! You haven’t gone out to fight either! You stay here and cower with the women and children as others go on and defend us!”


“Then what would you have me do? Order the group to go in search of something that might not even be there?! Would you like to lead then boy!?”




The older man was taken aback by the declaration.


“W-well you can’t! You’re just a child!”


The boy glared at the man only to be pulled back down to the ground by his sister.


“It’s alright… I have a plan,” she whispered in his ear.




“What are you doing?” Medusa asked.


I snapped back to my body, looking over at her on the steps next to me.


“Oh. I was using a skill I have to look at the people in the area.”


She looked slightly startled and wrapped her arms around herself with a forlorn expression.


“The others..? Like me…? Are they alright?”


“No not them. Though I should check on them now that you mention it. No, there is another group in the jungle. They aren’t faring well because of some circumstances and I was hoping to help them.”


I wasn’t entirely telling the truth to Medusa, but not exactly lying either. I did want to help them but not exactly for altruistic reasons. But it did seem that after what I had just witnessed they are reaching a breaking point. Even with the knowledge I gained from talking to Medusa about her growth as she came here, it was surprising how things were turning out.


Medusa on the way here, I had routinely checked up on. But she had fought with several monsters along the way when I couldn’t observe her. Thanks to her Stone Gaze skill thought she had handedly dispatched the beasts.


From what she explained she gained experience each time, but it wasn’t enough to gain a level like she had when completing my prophecy.


Observing the Fallen since they arrived, I knew that they had beaten several beasts but somehow they were still underperforming. None of the Fallen looked to have a special skill like Medusa had. Or at least none that were combat oriented at the moment. I needed to experiment and ask further.


“Other people? What are they like?”


Medusa asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.


“Oh, um. They’re called Fallen Avangelines. They have fair skin, piercing blue eyes and bleach blond hair. They also have wings on their backs. I’m very concerned with a pair of twins in the group right now. I want to send them seedlings for food, but it would be ideal if they could make it here. I would be able to help them much more,” I sighed, “Sadly as expected a voice inside your head is hard to trust.”


Medusa looked slightly embarrassed when she answered.


“Y-yes. I did not trust the voice at first either. I admit. But I am glad I did. I found you after all…”


I smiled.


“Thank you. How are you feeling now by the way?”


She shifted slightly rubbing her hands together between her knees.


“Much less tired, though I am still a bit hungry…”


I chuckled. At least she was being honest with me and I truly appreciated the company after being alone for nearly a week.


“Let’s see…. I should be able to get a few things with this next payout that should help. But it will take several days to get the skills I want.”




“Think of it like the Gods above me, give me things each day to give to you.”


Medusa tilted her head.


“There are more Gods?”


“Hmmm that’s hard to answer. There are other Deities on other planets. And above me I believe there is a system or power in place that gives me the ability to do things. But is it a God itself? I have no idea. I don’t worship it regardless.”


“Should I worship you..?”


I shook my head.


“I don’t know, to tell you the truth. I don’t feel all powerful. I’m simply here to do what I’m told for now and help you how I can,” I smiled leaning back on my hands.


“Then… I will trust you! Y-you are the first person here who has not turned to stone, and you helped me when no one else would. I want to be helpful as well.”


I grinned and sat back up.


“Thank you,” I said, patting her on her head, “I fear what I might ask of you to be too much. Are you still sure you want to?”




“Sure enough to be with me for all eternity?” I asked seriously this time.




“Yes. Becoming a contracted Hero means being connected to me for as long as I live. You will be tasked with doing what is necessary. It will be hard, and there will be fights. Whether you or I like it or not.”


“What do you mean? Are we fighting someone? I-is there a war going on..?”


I pursed my lips trying to think of a way to break the impending news to her.


“Not for a long time I hope. Once you are ready to give me an answer, I’ll tell you the whole story. If you wish to be connected with me for all of my life. I won’t hold any secrets from you. Fair?”


Medusa looked out into the plains, the sun reflecting off her white hair shimmering in the light breeze for a moment before answering.


“Yes, that sounds fair…”


“Good. We will have to wait a few days anyway before figuring it out. I need to get the appropriate skills read and it will take a while. Not to mention there is a dire need for food right now and we need to figure that out as well as the water situation.”


“Water? Do you not have enough from the pools?”


I shook my head.


“I don’t think it's a long term fix. You don’t seem to be having any side effects from it for now, but it may take several days for the bacteria to do anything. I have a vague memory that mead was appropriate when there were no water filtration systems but I don’t think I had an informative enough background to say for sure. This is bringing on a whole slew of problems to my doorstep. It's good that we won’t have any visitors for a 100 years..”


Medusa looked at me confused, her head tilting again back and forth. But I was busy going over many of the problems I would need to face now that I realized my Units were actual people and not mechanical pieces to be used like I thought previously.


I will need to have proper schooling, sewage, town architects… the list is becoming longer and longer. And the need for Tokens is becoming more desperate. I don’t want to force the twins to become Hero’s early or Medusa but at this point I do need to figure out this system and how leveling will affect my status going forward. There’s too many unknowns still to be sure but I’ll have to work through it regardless. My current knowledge from whatever my past was is limited, but I think it may be focused on these types of situations somehow which is good.


I took a moment to browse the Deity Shop. finding a skill that I was hoping to get relatively soon.


[Status Identification] [F-Rank] 10 Tokens


  • Allows the user to check and identify objects and beings of the same Rank or Lower.
  • When used on Units you are affiliated with may reveal more information.
  • Can be bestowed.



There is this skill, the bestow skills, and a few nicknacks I’d like… All in all it’s going to take a good few days to save up for at this rate. But I don’t know how long the Fallen will last.


I gave a sigh as I thought of how nearly half of my forces were already dying with nothing to be done, cursing my lack of foresight.


I should have tried to ask the other Deities. P8 in particular seemed like they would easily give me information if I acted clueless… Well, I guess I am clueless so it wouldn’t be hard.


Turning back to Medusa I closed the shop.


“Do you think you can hold out until around noon? I’d like to do some things.”


She nodded, but pulled at my robes.


“Is it alright i-if I tag along? I won’t be a bother I promise…”


I was surprised that she had become so attached already, but I suppose it’s understandable given her trauma.


“Sure. I’m going to be talking to some people for a while but we can stay here in the sun if you’d like.


Medusa turned her head looking around, her face showing her confusion.


“But there is no one else around? Are they inside?”


“No, no,” I chuckled, “I’m going to talk with the other Deities for a bit. I use a special method.”


I laughed a bit at her tilting her head again. It seemed to be something she did unconsciously.


“Just relax and rest up. You have a lot to think about yourself, Medusa.”


Giving her a smile, I faced outwards, and opened the ever talkative chatroom.




>>P9: I am only trying to form a positive relationship with everyone.


>>P4: Are you insulting my intelligence?! I know you are but a snake! Trying to worm your way into my divine realm! 


>>P9: You are wrong. I am here to make sure everyone wins. You are blinded by the small battles. We must come together to win the war which shall come years later with other systems!


>>P4: You merely deflect! Trying to win out through attempting to be harmless!



Oh maybe this isn’t the best time to interrupt them… but I have to get some answers.




>>P7: Hey, is anyone having trouble with leveling up their Units? I seem to have hit a roadblock.


>>P4: What? Can’t you see we are having a battle here?!


>>P7: Right, sure. Sorry to interrupt but I was hoping to get some advice on it. I was thinking of just winging it for now maybe have my Hero’s just kill animals.


>>P9: ?!?!????????




“Got him,” I smiled, suddenly feeling something touch my shoulder.


I looked over seeing Medusa leaning on my side, her eyes closed as she breathed softly.


“Huh. Guess she’s more tired than she let on. It’s been a whole day but then again she didn’t sleep much during the night if I remember. I’ll let her sleep…”


I moved slightly so that her head wasn’t on my shoulder anymore and instead comfortably on my lap so she could sleep, then went back to the chatroom ringing in my ears.




[You have been sent a private message by Planet Deity 9]


[Do you accept?]


[You have been sent a private message by Planet Deity 9]


[Do you accept?]


[You have been sent a private message by Planet Deity 9]


[Do you accept?]




>>P9: Why the fuck are you ignoring my messages after saying such an inefficient method of leveling units?!


>>P7: Sorry, I had to take care of something. Do you have a better method of leveling units?


>>P9: Yes! Literally anything is better than just using standard animals! Do you know nothing?!


>>P7: I am pretty clueless, thank you for giving me advice.


>>P9: O-oh… well, at least you admit it unlike those morons in chat. Make this quick though I have more grinding to do.


>>P7: Grinding?


>>P9: …. Yes, experience grinding. Killing monsters? Leveling up? Basic stuff!?


>>P7: Sorry I don’t know what those are.


>>P9: Come on…. Haven’t you looked at anything for your units?!


>>P7: No I haven’t. I’ve been preoccupied with getting my units here.


>>P9: … What?


>>P7: My units. I only have 1 of my entire units here with me.


>>P9: What? What skills have you gotten?! Have you really contracted with a Hero yet?


>>P7 Right now I only have Basic Abnormal Status Immunity.


>>P9: Why….?


>>P7: I needed it. I was turning to stone.


>>P9: What about all of your other Tokens?


>>P7: I used them for clothing, food stuffs, and I also purchased more units.


>>P9: Are you an idiot?! Why would you get more units before strengthening your original free units?! Please tell me you at least got a monster spawner! Or at least a dungeon entrance?!


>>P7: Sorry, no. I haven’t checked that part of the Shop yet. Would you be nice enough to tell me what I should be getting? Oh and how exactly are you leveling up? Oh! And how do I get more World Tokens if I can’t level up right away? Oh! And what stat is best to increase right away? Oh! And what are you doing about building facilities for your units? Education? Sewage? Did you set up around the teleportation crystal or by your sanctum? If you’re leveling up does that mean you can leave your sanctum?


>>P9: Whoa whoa! Stop asking so many questions! I wanted to set you straight! Not give you a whole run down on every basic thing in the world!


>>P7: Oh! Also what do you do about clean water and bacteria?


>>P9: …. Are you even listening?


>>P7: Yes of course. I await your answer.


>>P9: ….. Get a monster spawner or a dungeon core to place somewhere. Animals eventually turn into monsters given enough time and absorption of magic but it takes a while. As for the other stuff. You only get Tokens from quests and the daily payout as far as I know. Just get the monster spawner ASAP. The rest I aint saying shit, you’re lucky you got this much out of me.


>>P7: I see. Thank you very much for your help. I look forward to your advice in the future.


>>P9: What?! I ain’t hel-




I closed the chat before reading the rest of P9’s reply. He or she had been a great help. I hadn’t gotten all of the things I wanted out of them, but it was a start. It seemed I had prioritized the wrong thing first based on what they had said.


A monster spawner huh. Wait, animals can turn into monsters…?


Realizing something, my vision quickly expanded and I found myself traveling over the plains quickly. Halfway to the jungle I stumbled upon what I had hoped I would not.


There in the open, surrounded by a pack of wolves who looked as if they had begun to darken in color, small horns protruding from their heads, were the twins.


Damn it. There’s no way they will survive that…


I sighed assuming they would no longer be an option for Heroes. But I was quickly surprised.


The twins both held makeshift spears in their hands. But the brother had taken a bite to the arm it seemed and was now being covered by his sister.


Her face was fierce and I could feel her determination from here.


The wolves began to charge the girl. Her brother shouting out in defiance. But she roared and struck first.


What? How is she able to move like that?


The sister somehow lunged forward outpacing the first wolf that charged her. She deftly handled the wooden spear, side stepping the wolf as she thrusted and struck it in the side of the head, spearing it to the ground.


She quickly removed the spear handling it like someone who had trained with it for years. Even to my untrained eyes I could tell she was no amateur. But what surprised me seemed to surprise the girl as well, as she gasped her face twisted in confusion as she looked down at her hands, her eyes widening.


The next moment her face hardened as she leapt forward before the next wolf could charge, her spear at the ready.


She thrusted forward nailing the wolf between the eyes, but her spear shattering in the process.


The last two wolves took the opportunity with glee as they both charged forward at once.


One lunged for the girl the other circled around behind her. Her brother screamed out again, throwing his spear to her.


The first wolf reached her as she reached out for the wooden spear, her arm taking the brunt of the monstrous wolf's maw. Her face contorted in pain but she gripped the spear nonetheless as the second wolf lunged to trap her from behind.


She quickly tumbled to the ground, sticking the spear upwards, the wolf unable to maneuver away from the pointed tip it landed on in time. The last wolf released her arm as it clawed at her exposed body.


I looked on as I saw her exclaim in pain, her body being torn to rags before her brother ran forward tackling the wolf, picking up the spear in the same motion from the fallen wolf. And in one swift motion he threw the spear down with one hand into its jugular, blood spraying all over.


Wow, that was something. She must have a skill like Medusa that applies to the spear….


[Daily Payout of World Tokens]


[6 World Tokens have been deposited into your Deity Spirit Vault]


“Looks like there’s going to be a change of plans.”