Chapter 9: Decision
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I walked down from the throne, Medusa still sleeping on it. It should have still been just before dawn here, if using my status was any indication of time.



[Level 1]

Race: Divine Being [F-Rank]

Age: 6 Days, 19 Hours, 37 Minutes


Divinity 10

Faith 6

Influence 5

Charisma 10


Free Points: 0


Current World Tokens: 1


Current Contracted Heroes: None


Skills: Immortalize Level 1 [F], Prophesize Level 1 [F], Universal Language [S], Domain Omicience [F], Basic Abnormal Status Immunity [F]


World Traits: Magic System


Titles: None


 Throughout the night I had been bouncing between the Deity Shop, checking up on the remaining Renmai, Fallen Avangeline, and the twins.


Trying to formulate a plan that would be helpful for not only the three Heroes I planned to contract with, but for the remaining citizens.


Unfortunately I had no real way to house them all. And P9 had only recommended installing a monster spawner or dungeon. And I couldn’t fathom doing so at the moment, when my units were practically holding on by a thread.


At least that was until I saw exactly what P9 was talking about when I looked up the monster spawner in the Shop.


[Monster Spawner Weak] [F-Grade] 20 Tokens 1/1


  • A ritual circle that allows monsters to spawn for the duration of 1 week.
  • The spawner will create monsters that fit the environment around the ritual circle. Once the monsters have been manifested into existence, their ability to multiply will be increased based on the Planet System.
  • Requires 100 Divinity
  • Warning: It is possible to have monster species that will grow beyond the Planet’s current capabilities.
  • Monsters made through the Spawning system are still physical manifestations and can be used for material the same as naturally occurring monsters.



After seeing the small description at the bottom of the spawner, I was convinced that P9 was correct in aiming for the monster spawner first.


If what I was considering was correct. Monsters were going to be a vital part of not only increasing my fighting force, but also the quality of life for the citizens of my realm.


Moving down the hall I spotted the siblings curled up around the fire. Finally getting a good look at them it was surprising how otherworldly they looked in the light of the sanctum pyre’s blue hue.


Both siblings had bleach blond hair that reflected the light of the pyre, even at their young age, the wings on their backs poked out past their shoulders.


Dawn’s long waist long hair draped over his shoulders covering most of her wings but the longest feathers pushed out through her blond hair. The girl was still speckled with blood from her fight, her brother Dusk covered in splotches here and there as well.


“They’re going to need weapons, but I won't be able to afford anything substantial for a while. There’s so much to buy and I simply don’t have enough currency to purchase it. Maybe I will pester P9 some more, see if they won’t give me some more tips…”


Thinking aloud, I walked past the twins to the steps of the sanctum, the night waning slowly as the sun peeked over the horizon.


“Let’s see how the remaining Fallen and Renmai are doing.”


Sitting down I began using my skill, my vision spreading out passing over the plains that I was growing more and more familiar with. First I would check on the Renmai. Last I remember they were still surviving in the open plains somehow. They were tenacious to say the least. So much so animals wouldn’t even approach them unless they heavily outnumbered the group.


I found them quickly. It seemed like they hadn't moved which was understandable given the injuries Medusa had inflicted on most of the group.


Many of the adult men had been injured in trying to capture her, but it looks like they were surprisingly recovering slowly. 


Did her Stone Gaze’s effects fall off after time?


I snapped back to my body, and looked down at my own feet.


“Doesn’t look like it's receding for me. Perhaps they have a skill I don’t possess that is innate to their race? Or is it because I’m a Deity and my regeneration is different? I’ll have to experiment with it later.”


I turned around checking to see if anyone had woken up yet. Seeing none of the three, I went back to checking up on the Fallen.


My vision again spread outward and moved toward the jungle, finding the river where I had last seen the Fallen.


I searched for them for a time but found them up river. There were several fires that burned, the remaining Fallen circling around them. Going around each fire and counting, it looked like they had dropped further. I counted 73 in the immediate area of the fires hubbled next to each other.


It looks like they are faring better than the first few days, but I should send some things with the twins to help them…


Looking around more I saw some of the Fallen still sick, and more injured here and there, which would lead to infection if not treated. Unfortunately I didn’t have anything on hand to help them with the injuries. It wasn’t as if I could just hand out Apples of Life.


The items within the story were surprisingly unhelpful for the most part. The active items that were for sale, like potions, foods, clothes, and weapons that could help immediately were limited and relatively expensive the more useful they were.


For example, a stone spear, ax, or knife were all cheap, but extremely limited.


[Stone Tipped Spear] [F-Grade] 1 Token 10/10


[Stone Head Ax] [F-Grade] 1 Token 10/10


[Stone Knife] [F-Grade] 5/5


The weapons themselves wouldn’t even cover half of my units. This gave me the idea that P9 was even more correct and helpful by reprimanding me for not purchasing a Monster Spawner.


If what they had said was anything I could believe, I assume that the Monster Materials would far outstrip these weapons quickly as replacements.


As far as medical supplies, it was even more limited, it seemed to be an all or nothing spectrum.


[Low Quality Salve] [F-Grade] 1 Tokens 10/10


[High Quality Salve] [F-Grade] 10 Tokens 5/5


But there was an alternative, although it wasn’t an immediate help.


[Basic First Aid Manual] [F-Grade] 10 Tokens 1/1


There happened to be manuals for specific jobs or professions. Anywhere from plumbing to Microchip Neuro Implants. The latter being extremely expensive, but still an option which gave me hope for the future.


I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I quickly snapped back to my body. Turning around I saw a blonde haired girl with a slightly embarrassed expression.


“Oh. Good morning. Did I wake you Dawn?” I asked, standing up.


Dawn was slightly taller than her brother, coming up to my chest. She would be very tall when she was fully grown.


“A-Dawn…? O-oh right, that is the name you gave me… I remember brother telling me.”


“Yes, Dusk. How are you feeling?”


She shifted a bit on her feet, but eventually answered.


“I’m… I’m better. I wanted to thank you, great one for saving me. I knew the voice couldn’t have been evil or a trap like the adults said.”


“Don’t judge me just yet. I have a lot of work for you and your brother to come. You may even hate me by the end.”


“How could I hate my savior?! I thank you again for saving my life. I will willingly do what I can to help.”


That’s curious… Is this part of the charisma stat? She isn’t as suspicious as her brother was, so it’s possible it’s just her personality.


“Good,” I smiled, patting her head, “Then now that the sun is out we can discuss what you and your brother are going to do going forward.”


Dawn nodded, and turned to go wake her brother. I walked behind her at a more languid pace.


Hopefully Medusa is still sleeping, it would be bad if she were to suddenly panic and find Dusk in the pyre room. I don’t want anyone turning to stone and costing me more Tokens right now.


Thankfully when we arrived Dusk was still fast asleep, a line of drool beginning to pool a stain on his shoulder.


I scoffed, and waved Dawn on, passing her.


“Where are you going..?”


“To the inner sanctum, I have to wake Medusa as well. She has a powerful skill that won’t allow her to look at anyone. Until she has it under control you will not be able to meet with her. But I hope in time you will, and you will treat her as family as she is very important to me, just like you both are. I’ll be back momentarily.”


“A girl…”


I only heard the mumbles from Dawn before I walked further inside down the hall. After a few moments I reached the inner sanctum where a very annoying Medusa looked at me with her cheeks puffed out and arms crossed.


“Why didn’t you wake me…” she asked.


“You were resting and needed sleep.”


“But I’m supposed to be with you at all times, am I not?”


“Oh? So you decided to take the contract?”


“I am leaning heavily in taking it… But I still do not know how I would be of much help with my skill not under control.”


“We can just cover up your eyes until you have enough time and practice to control the skill. It is a shame though with how lovely the golden color is.”


I truly didn’t want to cover up her eyes but there was no way around it if she wanted to interact with other people in the meantime.


She seemed to take the words at more than face value as she shimmied slightly from side to side.


I have to make sure she understands this since she is going to become a contracted Hero…


“Medusa. I need you to understand something.”


“Y-yes?” she asked, standing at attention.


“I know I have helped you. And because of that you may have feelings for me. But you must understand that I can’t have that sort of relationship with you. It isn’t physically possible. And as it stands, I can notice the changes happening to me rapidly.”


She looked surprised, then almost heartbroken but nodded, coming to some sort of understanding.


“That…I understand. You are a greater being than I. And it would not be proper?”


I shook my head, “Not exactly. I don’t have the means to have a physical relationship with someone. And you are first and foremost going to be my contracted Hero. If you wish to love me, I won’t stop you. But I can not give back your feelings.”


It wasn’t only physical, but I had noticed it quickly as well. My manner of speech. How crass I was quickly becoming. How emotionless and more calculating I am. It was obvious to me once I saw some of the Renmai turn to partial stone because of Medusa as well. I feel almost nothing now thinking about the casualties my mistakes have made…


I could understand that it was wrong, I still had my moral compass, I was sure. But the emotion behind why was very much so gone. If it was permanent or would it change as my form did with the perception of my followers. I didn’t have a clue.


“I may not look it, but I am cold. I will use you as a tool, the same way I will use the twins for the progress of the planet and myself. But I will also make sure you are taken care of to the best of my ability. Do you still wish to become a contracted Hero and spend all of eternity with me knowing such things?”


Looking back at me, Medusa kept a firm gaze.


“The only thing that matters to me is that when I was in need, you reached out your hand. This new world I was thrown into, I was made to be alone from the moment I could remember… You may say you are heartless. But to me. You are kind. You are loving. You are everything I need,” her eyes told me she was serious, even knowing I couldn’t reciprocate, “Now and forever. I will serve you.”


“I see. It will be an interesting eternity it seems.”